blob: e293544a0afc8c8c9d7170e36f518e8aa4ea1fda [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package org.apache.iotdb.db.utils.datastructure;
import org.apache.iotdb.db.rescon.PrimitiveArrayManager;
import org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.file.metadata.enums.TSDataType;
import org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.file.metadata.enums.TSEncoding;
import org.apache.iotdb.tsfile.utils.TsPrimitiveType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static org.apache.iotdb.db.rescon.PrimitiveArrayManager.ARRAY_SIZE;
public class BooleanTVList extends TVList {
private List<boolean[]> values;
private boolean[][] sortedValues;
private boolean pivotValue;
BooleanTVList() {
values = new ArrayList<>();
public void putBoolean(long timestamp, boolean value) {
int arrayIndex = size / ARRAY_SIZE;
int elementIndex = size % ARRAY_SIZE;
minTime = Math.min(minTime, timestamp);
timestamps.get(arrayIndex)[elementIndex] = timestamp;
values.get(arrayIndex)[elementIndex] = value;
if (sorted && size > 1 && timestamp < getTime(size - 2)) {
sorted = false;
public boolean getBoolean(int index) {
if (index >= size) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
int arrayIndex = index / ARRAY_SIZE;
int elementIndex = index % ARRAY_SIZE;
return values.get(arrayIndex)[elementIndex];
protected void set(int index, long timestamp, boolean value) {
if (index >= size) {
throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(index);
int arrayIndex = index / ARRAY_SIZE;
int elementIndex = index % ARRAY_SIZE;
timestamps.get(arrayIndex)[elementIndex] = timestamp;
values.get(arrayIndex)[elementIndex] = value;
public BooleanTVList clone() {
BooleanTVList cloneList = new BooleanTVList();
for (boolean[] valueArray : values) {
return cloneList;
private boolean[] cloneValue(boolean[] array) {
boolean[] cloneArray = new boolean[array.length];
System.arraycopy(array, 0, cloneArray, 0, array.length);
return cloneArray;
public void sort() {
if (sortedTimestamps == null || sortedTimestamps.length < size) {
sortedTimestamps =
(long[][]) PrimitiveArrayManager.createDataListsByType(TSDataType.INT64, size);
if (sortedValues == null || sortedValues.length < size) {
sortedValues =
(boolean[][]) PrimitiveArrayManager.createDataListsByType(TSDataType.BOOLEAN, size);
sort(0, size);
sorted = true;
void clearValue() {
if (values != null) {
for (boolean[] dataArray : values) {
void clearSortedValue() {
if (sortedValues != null) {
sortedValues = null;
protected void setFromSorted(int src, int dest) {
sortedTimestamps[src / ARRAY_SIZE][src % ARRAY_SIZE],
sortedValues[src / ARRAY_SIZE][src % ARRAY_SIZE]);
protected void set(int src, int dest) {
long srcT = getTime(src);
boolean srcV = getBoolean(src);
set(dest, srcT, srcV);
protected void setToSorted(int src, int dest) {
sortedTimestamps[dest / ARRAY_SIZE][dest % ARRAY_SIZE] = getTime(src);
sortedValues[dest / ARRAY_SIZE][dest % ARRAY_SIZE] = getBoolean(src);
protected void reverseRange(int lo, int hi) {
while (lo < hi) {
long loT = getTime(lo);
boolean loV = getBoolean(lo);
long hiT = getTime(hi);
boolean hiV = getBoolean(hi);
set(lo++, hiT, hiV);
set(hi--, loT, loV);
protected void expandValues() {
values.add((boolean[]) getPrimitiveArraysByType(TSDataType.BOOLEAN));
protected void saveAsPivot(int pos) {
pivotTime = getTime(pos);
pivotValue = getBoolean(pos);
protected void setPivotTo(int pos) {
set(pos, pivotTime, pivotValue);
public TimeValuePair getTimeValuePair(int index) {
return new TimeValuePair(
getTime(index), TsPrimitiveType.getByType(TSDataType.BOOLEAN, getBoolean(index)));
protected TimeValuePair getTimeValuePair(
int index, long time, Integer floatPrecision, TSEncoding encoding) {
return new TimeValuePair(
time, TsPrimitiveType.getByType(TSDataType.BOOLEAN, getBoolean(index)));
protected void releaseLastValueArray() {
PrimitiveArrayManager.release(values.remove(values.size() - 1));
public void putBooleans(long[] time, boolean[] value, int start, int end) {
int idx = start;
updateMinTimeAndSorted(time, start, end);
while (idx < end) {
int inputRemaining = end - idx;
int arrayIdx = size / ARRAY_SIZE;
int elementIdx = size % ARRAY_SIZE;
int internalRemaining = ARRAY_SIZE - elementIdx;
if (internalRemaining >= inputRemaining) {
// the remaining inputs can fit the last array, copy all remaining inputs into last array
System.arraycopy(time, idx, timestamps.get(arrayIdx), elementIdx, inputRemaining);
System.arraycopy(value, idx, values.get(arrayIdx), elementIdx, inputRemaining);
size += inputRemaining;
} else {
// the remaining inputs cannot fit the last array, fill the last array and create a new
// one and enter the next loop
System.arraycopy(time, idx, timestamps.get(arrayIdx), elementIdx, internalRemaining);
System.arraycopy(value, idx, values.get(arrayIdx), elementIdx, internalRemaining);
idx += internalRemaining;
size += internalRemaining;
public TSDataType getDataType() {
return TSDataType.BOOLEAN;