blob: 4823aa85842c48ec2d70018fe200345f6b2c1409 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#define private public
#include "../common.h"
using namespace testing;
// #if 0
TEST(packqueue, basetest)
g_config.msg_type_ = 3;
g_config.retry_num_ = 100;
g_config.enable_pack_ = false;
ExecutorThreadPtr th1 = make_shared<ExecutorThread>(1);
ProxyInfoPtr proxy = make_shared<ProxyInfo>(1, "", 4000);
ConnectionPtr conn1 = make_shared<Connection>(th1, proxy);
string inlong_group_id = "inlong_groupid_1";
string inlong_stream_id = "inlong_streamid_1";
PackQueuePtr q = make_shared<PackQueue>(inlong_group_id, inlong_stream_id);
string msg = "test testwoehgorirehjtirjhhgklwpgJpwjgehreahethtn aethrtshtrs";
cout << msg.size() << endl;
string attr = "inlong_group_id=inlong_groupid_1&inlong_stream_id=inlong_streamid_1&dt=1637484644807&mid=1&cnt=1&sid=0x098714192b3bed27144b48f621800000";
cout << "attrlen:" << attr.size() << endl;
EXPECT_EQ(q->appendMsg(msg, "", 0, NULL), 0);
EXPECT_NE(q->dataTime(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(q->curLen(), msg.size() + 1);
cout << q->data() << endl;
EXPECT_EQ(q->inlong_group_id(), inlong_group_id);
string topic = "inlong_group_id=" + inlong_group_id + "&inlong_stream_id=" + inlong_stream_id;
EXPECT_EQ(q->topicDesc(), topic);
// EXPECT_EQ(q->isTriggerPack(0, msg.size()), false);
TotalPoolsMock* gMock = new TotalPoolsMock();
BufferPoolMockPtr poolMock = make_shared<BufferPoolMock>(0, 10, 1000);
EXPECT_CALL(*gMock, getPool).WillRepeatedly(Return(poolMock));
g_pools = gMock;
// EXPECT_EQ(g_pools->getPool(0), poolMock);
GlobalClusterMock* clusterMock = new GlobalClusterMock();
EXPECT_CALL(*clusterMock, getSendConn).WillRepeatedly(Return(conn1));
g_clusters = clusterMock;
// EXPECT_EQ(g_clusters->getSendConn("bidd"), conn1);
// EXPECT_EQ(q->writeToBuf(), 0);
delete gMock;
delete clusterMock;
// #endif
TEST(packzip, test)
g_config.msg_type_ = 3;
g_config.enable_pack_ = false;
g_config.enable_zip_ = false;
string msg2(1024, 'a');
msg2 += "end";
cout << "msg2 len" << msg2.size() << endl;
string inlong_group_id = "inlong_groupid_1";
string inlong_stream_id = "inlong_streamid_1";
PackQueuePtr q = make_shared<PackQueue>(inlong_group_id, inlong_stream_id);
q->appendMsg(msg2, "", 0, NULL);
SendBuffer* buf = new SendBuffer(40000000);
uint32_t outlen = 0;
q->packOperate(buf->content(), outlen, 10);
TEST(packqueue, packtest)
g_config.msg_type_ = 5;
g_config.retry_num_ = 100;
g_config.enable_pack_ = false;
g_config.enable_zip_ = false;
string inlong_group_id = "inlong_groupid_1";
string inlong_stream_id = "inlong_streamid_1";
PackQueuePtr q = make_shared<PackQueue>(inlong_group_id, inlong_stream_id);
string msg(1024, 'a');
cout << msg.size() << endl;
string attr = "inlong_group_id=inlong_groupid_1&inlong_stream_id=inlong_streamid_1&dt=1637484644807&mid=1&cnt=1&sid=0x098714192b3bed27144b48f621800000";
cout << "attrlen:" << attr.size() << endl;
q->appendMsg(msg, "", 0, NULL);
string topic = "inlong_group_id=" + inlong_group_id + "&inlong_stream_id=" + inlong_stream_id;
SendBuffer* buf = new SendBuffer(20000);
if (!buf) return;
uint32_t out_len = 0;
LOG_DEBUG("buf content is%d", buf->content());
q->packOperate(buf->content(), out_len, 1);
LOG_DEBUG("buf content is%d", buf->content());
delete buf;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();