blob: 81458227bb9118e5e19668ddb21bbf6dad135415 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace dataproxy_sdk
class ClientConfig
std::string config_path_;
int32_t buf_num_; //sendbuf num of each bufpool, max_buf_pool_/(ext_pack_size_+400)
//new parameters
int32_t thread_nums_; //network thread nums
int32_t shared_buf_nums_; //bufpool nums in shared method // TODO: cancel this, using buffer_num_per_groupId
std::vector<std::string> inlong_group_ids_; // groupId set //TODO: using set instead of vector?
bool enable_groupId_isolation_; // different groupId data are dispatched to different bufpool
int32_t buffer_num_per_groupId_; // bufpool num of each groupId
std::string net_tag_;
//pack parameters
bool enable_pack_;
uint32_t pack_size_; //byte
uint32_t pack_timeout_; //ms
uint32_t ext_pack_size_; //byte, max length of msg
//zip parameters
bool enable_zip_;
uint32_t min_zip_len_; //ms
//resend parameters
bool enable_retry_;
uint32_t retry_interval_; //ms, resend interval if not receiving ack
uint32_t retry_num_; //resend times
//log parameters
uint32_t log_num_;
uint32_t log_size_; // M
uint8_t log_level_; // trace(4)>debug(3)>info(2)>warn(1)>error(0)
uint8_t log_file_type_; // output type:2->file, 1->console
std::string log_path_;
bool log_enable_limit_;
// proxy parameters
std::string proxy_URL_;
bool enable_proxy_URL_from_cluster_;
std::string proxy_cluster_URL_;
uint32_t proxy_update_interval_; // minute
uint32_t proxy_URL_timeout_; // second, request proxyList timeout
uint32_t max_active_proxy_num_;
//other parameters
std::string ser_ip_; //local ip
uint32_t max_buf_pool_; //byte, size of single bufpool
uint32_t msg_type_;
bool enable_TCP_nagle_;
bool enable_heart_beat_;
uint32_t heart_beat_interval_; //second
bool enable_setaffinity_; // cpu setaffinity
uint32_t mask_cpu_affinity_; // cpu setaffinity mask
bool is_from_DC_; // sng_dc data
uint16_t extend_field_;
uint32_t buf_size_; // ext_pack_size+400;
// auth settings
bool need_auth_;
std::string auth_id_;
std::string auth_key_;
void defaultInit();
ClientConfig() { defaultInit(); }
bool parseConfig(const std::string& config_path); // return false if parse failed
void showClientConfig();
void updateBufSize();
inline bool enableCharGroupid() const { return (((extend_field_)&0x4) >> 2); } // use char type groupId、streadmId
inline bool enableTraceIP() const { return (((extend_field_)&0x2) >> 1); }
// datat type msg: datlen|data
inline bool isNormalDataPackFormat() const { return ((5 == msg_type_) || ((msg_type_ >= 7) && (!(extend_field_ & 0x1)))); }
// data&attr type msg: datlen|data|attr_len|attr
inline bool isAttrDataPackFormat() const { return ((6 == msg_type_) || ((msg_type_ >= 7) && (extend_field_ & 0x1))); }
inline int32_t bufNum() const { return buf_num_; }
} // namespace dataproxy_sdk