blob: 8b4015ffa5a6cc5573f4443094bd612ee5b02093 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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#include "tubemq/tubemq_message.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <sstream>
#include "const_config.h"
#include "utils.h"
namespace tubemq {
using std::stringstream;
Message::Message() {
flag_ = 0;
message_id_ = tb_config::kInvalidValue;
data_ = NULL;
datalen_ = 0;
Message::Message(const Message& target) {
topic_ = target.topic_;
message_id_ = target.message_id_;
copyData(target.data_, target.datalen_);
flag_ = target.flag_;
Message::Message(const string& topic, const char* data, uint32_t datalen) {
topic_ = topic;
flag_ = 0;
message_id_ = tb_config::kInvalidValue;
copyData(data, datalen);
Message::Message(const string& topic, int32_t flag,
int64_t message_id, const char* data, uint32_t datalen,
const map<string, string>& properties) {
topic_ = topic;
flag_ = flag;
message_id_ = message_id;
copyData(data, datalen);
Message::~Message() { clearData(); }
Message& Message::operator=(const Message& target) {
if (this == &target) return *this;
topic_ = target.topic_;
message_id_ = target.message_id_;
copyData(target.data_, target.datalen_);
flag_ = target.flag_;
return *this;
const int64_t Message::GetMessageId() const { return message_id_; }
void Message::SetMessageId(int64_t message_id) { message_id_ = message_id; }
const string& Message::GetTopic() const { return topic_; }
void Message::SetTopic(const string& topic) { topic_ = topic; }
const char* Message::GetData() const { return data_; }
vector<char> Message::GetVectorData() const {
vector<char> vector_data(data_, data_ + datalen_);
return vector_data;
uint32_t Message::GetDataLength() const { return datalen_; }
void Message::setData(const char* data, uint32_t datalen) {
copyData(data, datalen);
const int32_t Message::GetFlag() const { return flag_; }
void Message::SetFlag(int32_t flag) { flag_ = flag; }
const map<string, string>& Message::GetProperties() const { return properties_; }
int32_t Message::GetPropertie(string& attribute) {
map<string, string>::iterator it_map;
for (it_map = properties_.begin(); it_map != properties_.end(); ++it_map) {
if (!attribute.empty()) {
attribute += delimiter::kDelimiterComma;
attribute += it_map->first;
attribute += delimiter::kDelimiterEqual;
attribute += it_map->second;
return attribute.length();
bool Message::HasProperty(const string& key) {
map<string, string>::iterator it_map;
string trimed_key = Utils::Trim(key);
if (!trimed_key.empty()) {
it_map = properties_.find(trimed_key);
if (it_map != properties_.end()) {
return true;
return false;
bool Message::GetProperty(const string& key, string& value) {
map<string, string>::iterator it_map;
string trimed_key = Utils::Trim(key);
if (!trimed_key.empty()) {
it_map = properties_.find(trimed_key);
if (it_map != properties_.end()) {
value = it_map->second;
return true;
return false;
bool Message::GetFilterItem(string& value) {
return GetProperty(tb_config::kRsvPropKeyFilterItem, value);
bool Message::AddProperty(string& err_info, const string& key, const string& value) {
string trimed_key = Utils::Trim(key);
string trimed_value = Utils::Trim(value);
if (trimed_key.empty() || trimed_value.empty()) {
err_info = "Not allowed null value of parmeter key or value";
return false;
if ((string::npos != trimed_key.find(delimiter::kDelimiterComma)) ||
(string::npos != trimed_key.find(delimiter::kDelimiterEqual))) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Reserved token '";
ss << delimiter::kDelimiterComma;
ss << "' or '";
ss << delimiter::kDelimiterEqual;
ss << "' in parmeter key!";
err_info = ss.str();
return false;
if ((string::npos != trimed_value.find(delimiter::kDelimiterComma)) ||
(string::npos != trimed_value.find(delimiter::kDelimiterEqual))) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Reserved token '";
ss << delimiter::kDelimiterComma;
ss << "' or '";
ss << delimiter::kDelimiterEqual;
ss << "' in parmeter value!";
err_info = ss.str();
return false;
if (trimed_key == tb_config::kRsvPropKeyFilterItem
|| trimed_key == tb_config::kRsvPropKeyMsgTime) {
stringstream ss;
ss << "Reserved token '";
ss << tb_config::kRsvPropKeyFilterItem;
ss << "' or '";
ss << tb_config::kRsvPropKeyMsgTime;
ss << "' must not be used in parmeter key!";
err_info = ss.str();
return false;
// add key and value
properties_[trimed_key] = trimed_value;
if (!properties_.empty()) {
flag_ |= tb_config::kMsgFlagIncProperties;
err_info = "Ok";
return true;
void Message::clearData() {
if (data_ != NULL) {
delete[] data_;
data_ = NULL;
datalen_ = 0;
void Message::copyData(const char* data, uint32_t datalen) {
if (data == NULL) {
data_ = NULL;
datalen_ = 0;
} else {
datalen_ = datalen;
data_ = new char[datalen + 1];
memset(data_, 0, datalen + 1);
memcpy(data_, data, datalen);
void Message::copyProperties(const map<string, string>& properties) {
map<string, string>::const_iterator it_map;
for (it_map = properties.begin(); it_map != properties.end(); ++it_map) {
properties_[it_map->first] = it_map->second;
if (!properties_.empty()) {
flag_ |= tb_config::kMsgFlagIncProperties;
} // namespace tubemq