blob: f90a8f826f09fd5821229216d73ad7f2d4b796da [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include "executor_pool.h"
#include "flowctrl_def.h"
#include "meta_info.h"
#include "tubemq/tubemq_atomic.h"
#include "tubemq/tubemq_errcode.h"
namespace tubemq {
using std::condition_variable;
using std::map;
using std::set;
using std::list;
using std::mutex;
using std::string;
using std::tuple;
// consumer remote data cache
class RmtDataCacheCsm {
void SetConsumerInfo(const string& client_id, const string& group_name);
void UpdateDefFlowCtrlInfo(int64_t flowctrl_id,
const string& flowctrl_info);
void UpdateGroupFlowCtrlInfo(int32_t qyrpriority_id,
int64_t flowctrl_id, const string& flowctrl_info);
const int64_t GetGroupQryPriorityId() const;
const int64_t GetDefFlowCtrlId() const { return def_flowctrl_handler_.GetFlowCtrlId(); }
const int64_t GetGroupFlowCtrlId() const { return group_flowctrl_handler_.GetFlowCtrlId(); }
bool IsUnderGroupCtrl();
int32_t GetCurConsumeStatus();
void handleExpiredPartitions(int64_t max_wait_period_ms);
int32_t GetCurPartCount() const { return cur_part_cnt_.Get(); }
bool IsPartitionInUse(string partition_key, int64_t used_time);
void AddNewPartition(const PartitionExt& partition_ext);
bool SelectPartition(int32_t& error_code, string &err_info,
PartitionExt& partition_ext, string& confirm_context);
void BookedPartionInfo(const string& partition_key, int64_t curr_offset);
void BookedPartionInfo(const string& partition_key, int64_t curr_offset,
int32_t error_code, bool esc_limit, int32_t msg_size,
int64_t limit_dlt, int64_t cur_data_dlt, bool require_slow);
bool RelPartition(string &err_info, bool filter_consume,
const string& confirm_context, bool is_consumed);
bool RelPartition(string &err_info, const string& confirm_context, bool is_consumed);
bool RelPartition(string &err_info, bool filter_consume,
const string& confirm_context, bool is_consumed,
int64_t curr_offset, int32_t error_code, bool esc_limit,
int32_t msg_size, int64_t limit_dlt, int64_t cur_data_dlt);
void FilterPartitions(const list<SubscribeInfo>& subscribe_info_lst,
list<PartitionExt>& subscribed_partitions, list<PartitionExt>& unsub_partitions);
void GetSubscribedInfo(list<SubscribeInfo>& subscribe_info_lst);
bool GetPartitionExt(const string& part_key, PartitionExt& partition_ext);
void GetRegBrokers(list<NodeInfo>& brokers);
void GetPartitionByBroker(const NodeInfo& broker_info,
list<PartitionExt>& partition_list);
void GetCurPartitionOffsets(map<string, int64_t>& part_offset_map);
void GetAllClosedBrokerParts(map<NodeInfo, list<PartitionExt> >& broker_parts);
void RemovePartition(const list<PartitionExt>& partition_list);
void RemovePartition(const set<string>& partition_keys);
bool RemovePartition(string &err_info, const string& confirm_context);
void RemoveAndGetPartition(const list<SubscribeInfo>& subscribe_infos,
bool is_processing_rollback, map<NodeInfo, list<PartitionExt> >& broker_parts);
bool IsPartitionFirstReg(const string& partition_key);
void OfferEvent(const ConsumerEvent& event);
void TakeEvent(ConsumerEvent& event);
void ClearEvent();
void OfferEventResult(const ConsumerEvent& event);
bool PollEventResult(ConsumerEvent& event);
void HandleTimeout(const string partition_key, const asio::error_code& error);
int IncrAndGetHBError(NodeInfo broker);
void ResetHBError(NodeInfo broker);
void addDelayTimer(const string& part_key, int64_t delay_time);
void resetIdlePartition(const string& partition_key, bool need_reuse);
void rmvMetaInfo(const string& partition_key);
void buildConfirmContext(const string& partition_key,
int64_t booked_time, string& confirm_context);
bool parseConfirmContext(string &err_info,
const string& confirm_context, string& partition_key, int64_t& booked_time);
bool inRelPartition(string &err_info, bool need_delay_check,
bool filter_consume, const string& confirm_context, bool is_consumed);
string consumer_id_;
string group_name_;
// flow ctrl
AtomicInteger cur_part_cnt_;
FlowCtrlRuleHandler group_flowctrl_handler_;
FlowCtrlRuleHandler def_flowctrl_handler_;
AtomicBoolean under_groupctrl_;
AtomicLong last_checktime_;
// meta info
mutable mutex meta_lock_;
// partiton allocated map
map<string, PartitionExt> partitions_;
// topic partiton map
map<string, set<string> > topic_partition_;
// broker parition map
map<NodeInfo, set<string> > broker_partition_;
map<string, SubscribeInfo> part_subinfo_;
// for idle partitions occupy
list<string> index_partitions_;
// for partition used map
map<string, int64_t> partition_useds_;
// for partiton timer map
map<string, tuple<int64_t, SteadyTimerPtr> > partition_timeouts_;
// data book
mutable mutex data_book_mutex_;
// for partition offset cache
map<string, int64_t> partition_offset_;
// for partiton register booked
map<string, bool> part_reg_booked_;
// event
mutable mutex event_read_mutex_;
condition_variable event_read_cond_;
list<ConsumerEvent> rebalance_events_;
mutable mutex event_write_mutex_;
list<ConsumerEvent> rebalance_results_;
// status check
mutable mutex status_mutex_;
map<NodeInfo, int> broker_status_;
} // namespace tubemq