blob: 0131c6ffd8139e5a1fa09899e2d0ed78c4368194 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "tubemq/tubemq_atomic.h"
namespace tubemq {
using std::map;
using std::mutex;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
class FlowCtrlResult {
FlowCtrlResult(int64_t datasize_limit, int32_t freqms_limit);
FlowCtrlResult& operator=(const FlowCtrlResult& target);
void SetDataDltAndFreqLimit(int64_t datasize_limit, int32_t freqms_limit);
void SetDataSizeLimit(int64_t datasize_limit);
void SetFreqMsLimit(int32_t freqms_limit);
int64_t GetDataSizeLimit();
int32_t GetFreqMsLimit();
int64_t datasize_limit_;
int32_t freqms_limit_;
class FlowCtrlItem {
FlowCtrlItem(int32_t type, int32_t zero_cnt, int32_t freqms_limit);
FlowCtrlItem(int32_t type, int32_t datasize_limit, int32_t freqms_limit,
int32_t min_data_filter_freqms);
FlowCtrlItem(int32_t type, int32_t start_time, int32_t end_time, int64_t datadlt_m,
int64_t datasize_limit, int32_t freqms_limit);
FlowCtrlItem& operator=(const FlowCtrlItem& target);
void Clear();
void ResetFlowCtrlValue(int32_t type, int32_t datasize_limit, int32_t freqms_limit,
int32_t min_data_filter_freqms);
int32_t GetFreLimit(int32_t msg_zero_cnt) const;
bool GetDataLimit(int64_t datadlt_m,
int32_t curr_time, FlowCtrlResult& flowctrl_result) const;
const int32_t GetType() const { return type_; }
const int32_t GetZeroCnt() const { return zero_cnt_; }
const int32_t GetStartTime() const { return start_time_; }
const int32_t GetEndTime() const { return end_time_; }
const int64_t GetDataSizeLimit() const { return datasize_limit_; }
const int32_t GetFreqMsLimit() const { return freqms_limit_; }
const int64_t GetDltInM() const { return datadlt_m_; }
int32_t type_;
int32_t start_time_;
int32_t end_time_;
int64_t datadlt_m_;
int64_t datasize_limit_;
int32_t freqms_limit_;
int32_t zero_cnt_;
class FlowCtrlRuleHandler {
void UpdateDefFlowCtrlInfo(bool is_default, int32_t qrypriority_id, int64_t flowctrl_id,
const string& flowctrl_info);
bool GetCurDataLimit(int64_t last_datadlt, FlowCtrlResult& flowctrl_result) const;
int32_t GetCurFreqLimitTime(int32_t msg_zero_cnt, int32_t received_limit) const;
void GetFilterCtrlItem(FlowCtrlItem& result) const;
void GetFlowCtrlInfo(string& flowctrl_info) const;
int32_t GetMinZeroCnt() const { return this->min_zero_cnt_.Get(); }
int32_t GetQryPriorityId() const { return this->qrypriority_id_.Get(); }
void SetQryPriorityId(int32_t qrypriority_id) { this->qrypriority_id_.Set(qrypriority_id); }
const int64_t GetFlowCtrlId() const { return this->flowctrl_id_.Get(); }
void initialStatisData();
void clearStatisData();
static bool compareFeqQueue(const FlowCtrlItem& queue1, const FlowCtrlItem& queue2);
static bool compareDataLimitQueue(const FlowCtrlItem& o1, const FlowCtrlItem& o2);
bool parseStringMember(string& err_info, const rapidjson::Value& root, const char* key,
string& value, bool compare_value, string required_val);
bool parseLongMember(string& err_info, const rapidjson::Value& root, const char* key,
int64_t& value, bool compare_value, int64_t required_val);
bool parseIntMember(string& err_info, const rapidjson::Value& root, const char* key,
int32_t& value, bool compare_value, int32_t required_val);
bool parseFlowCtrlInfo(const string& flowctrl_info,
map<int32_t, vector<FlowCtrlItem> >& flowctrl_info_map);
bool parseDataLimit(string& err_info, const rapidjson::Value& root,
vector<FlowCtrlItem>& flowCtrlItems);
bool parseFreqLimit(string& err_info, const rapidjson::Value& root,
vector<FlowCtrlItem>& flowctrl_items);
bool parseLowFetchLimit(string& err_info, const rapidjson::Value& root,
vector<FlowCtrlItem>& flowctrl_items);
bool parseTimeMember(string& err_info, const rapidjson::Value& root, const char* key,
int32_t& value);
mutable mutex config_lock_;
string flowctrl_info_;
FlowCtrlItem filter_ctrl_item_;
map<int32_t, vector<FlowCtrlItem> > flowctrl_rules_;
int64_t last_update_time_;
AtomicLong flowctrl_id_;
AtomicInteger qrypriority_id_;
AtomicInteger min_zero_cnt_;
AtomicLong min_datadlt_limt_;
AtomicInteger datalimit_start_time_;
AtomicInteger datalimit_end_time_;
} // namespace tubemq