blob: 41b61f4b7f6dcb6742a714c7598ec71eca53a01d [file] [log] [blame]
# ./ petri ~/src/asf/petri-site master
# ./ gora ~/src/asf/gora-site main
set -x
invoked="`dirname $0`"
absdir="`realpath $invoked`"
bindir="`dirname $absdir`/bin"
#echo "$bindir"
source="$2" # URL or pathname to a local clone
### maybe skip if already defined in ENV?
export LIBCMARKDIR=/tmp/cm/cmark-gfm-0.28.3.gfm.12/lib
cd "$source"
# Get the branch where pelicanconf.* lives
git checkout "$branch"
# Now build the site into /tmp/$project/
"$bindir/" git --project "$project" --source "$source" --sourcebranch "$branch" --plugins "$absdir"/plugins || exit 1
# Switch to what the current/prior website looks like
git checkout asf-site
# Give a quick summary of old/new site
diff -rq "$source/output" "/tmp/$project/source/output"