Update README.md

Write an initial README
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 724f59f..7a966f5 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,2 +1,48 @@
-# infrastructure-otp
+# otp.py
 Command-line OTP calculator, with automatic password creation/storage.
+# Apache Specific
+The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) uses the
+PAM module on its machines/VMs. Orthrus implements RFC 2289 to offer One Time
+Password (OTP) challenges, in order to `sudo`. This package emits MD5-based
+challenges (`otp-md5`), so this script only constructs MD5-based responses.
+# Usage
+[remote]$ sudo bash
+otp-md5 440 someseed ext
+[local]$ ./otp.py
+Challenge? otp-md5 440 someseed ext
+NOTE: copied to clipboard
+Note that you must copy/paste the challenge string from the remote host to the
+prompt on the local host. The response can then be pasted into the remote host's
+`Password:` prompt.
+If the local host has the `xclip` program, then the reponse will be automatically
+copied to the clipboard. If that is not present, or does not exit with success,
+then the response string can be manually copied, then pasted to the remote.
+## Testing
+$ ./otp.py --test
+This will run a few internal tests. Any problems will raise an `AssertionError`
+# Seeds and Passwords
+If new seed is seen (ie. by running `ortpasswd`), then `otp.py` will construct
+a new password and store the seed and password into `$HOME/.otp`. The password
+will be used the next time the seed is seen.
+# Possible TODO Items
+* If `xclip` fails, try using `pbcopy` to support macOS
+* Use the `keyring` python package to support keyrings instead of a plaintext file
+* Handle MD4 and SHA1 challenges
+* Track RFC 2289 more closely in "acceptable" inputs
+# License
+Licensed under the [Apache License, v2.0](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)