Update README.md
1 file changed
tree: 06d9b46bce44739b116fcad7f61ef531c71e2d96
  1. email_template.txt
  2. kif.py
  3. kif.service
  4. kif.yaml
  6. README.md
  7. requirements.txt


KIF - Kill It (with) Fire. Janitorial service for ASF Infra. See https://github.com/humbedooh/kif for some more details. This is a modified version that differs from upstream for now.

To install on an infra node, add the following yaml snippet to it:

    tag: master

To have a specific rule run on certain nodes, please add the rule to kif.yaml, and make use of host_must_match or host_must_not_match definitions to narrow down where to run the rule-set, like so:

    description:    'Any gitweb process caught in zombie mode'
    host_must_match: gitbox.apache.org
    procid:         '/usr/bin/git'
        # This can be any process state (zombie, sleeping, running, etc)
        # Or a git process > 30 minutes old.
        state:      'zombie'
        maxage:      30m
    kill:           true
    killwith: 9

Both host_must_match and host_must_not_match are regular expressions and must match the full hostname. Be sure to use double escaping for keywords, for instance \\d instead of \d, or the yaml will break.