KIF - Kill It (with) Fire. Janitorial service for ASF Infra

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  1. 3ba0af7 Merge pull request #6 from sebbASF/patch-2 by Greg Stein · 3 months ago master
  2. 46a8525 %u alias for %d since PEP 237 (2001) by Sebb · 3 months ago
  3. e84f04a Merge pull request #3 from apache/humbedooh/gitbox-kill-lingering-git-core by fluxo · 1 year, 3 months ago
  4. fbac3ad Add git-core 12h rule for gitbox by Daniel Gruno · 1 year, 3 months ago humbedooh/gitbox-kill-lingering-git-core
  5. 419f3ce add rule for frozen git checkouts by Daniel Gruno · 1 year, 10 months ago

KIF - Kill It (with) Fire

A simple find-and-fix program with a yaml configuration

Kif is a simple monitoring program that detects programs running amok and tries to correct them. It can currently scan for:

  • Memory usage (MB, GB or % of total mem available)
  • No. of open file descriptors
  • No. of TCP connections open
  • No. of LAN TCP connections open
  • Age of process
  • State of process (running, waiting, zombie etc)

and act accordingly, either running a custom command (such as restarting a service) or killing it with any preferred signal. It can also notify you of issues found and actions taken, either via email or hipchat.

See kif.yaml for example configuration and features.


  • python 3.6 or higher
  • python-yaml
  • python-psutil
  • asfpy

Installation and use

  • Download Kif
  • Make a kif.yaml configuration (see the example)
  • Install the dependencies with: pip3 install -r requirements.txt (or use pipenv)
  • Run as root (required to both read usage and restart services).
  • Enjoy!

Installing via pipservice

To install on an infra node, add the following yaml snippet to it:

    tag: master

Rule syntax:

        description:     'sample apache process rule'
        # We can specify the exact cmdline and args to scan for:
            - '/usr/sbin/apache2'
            - '-k'
            - 'start'
        # We'll use combine: true to combine the resource of multiple processes into one check.
        combine:            true
            # Demand no more than 500 LAN connections
            maxlocalconns:  500
            # No more than 25,000 open connections in total
            maxconns:       25000
            # Require < 1GB memory used (could also be 10%, 512mb etc)
            maxmemory:      1gb
            # And finally, no more than 65,000 open file descriptors
            maxfds:         65000
        # If triggered, run this:
            - 'service apache2 restart'
        description:    'Any process caught in zombie mode'
        # use empty procid to catch all
        procid:         ''
            # This can be any process state (zombie, sleeping, running, etc)
            state:      'zombie'
        # No runlist here, just kill it with signal 9
        kill:           true
        killwith:       9
        description:    'kill -9 puppet agents that are hanging'
        procid: 'puppet agent'
        # Find all processes created more than 1 day ago.
            maxage: 1d
        # Ignore main process
        ignorepidfile:  '/var/run/puppet/'
        # Kill it with signal 9
        kill:           true
        killwith:       9

Restricting rules to certain machines

To have a specific rule run on certain nodes, please add the rule to kif.yaml, and make use of host_must_match or host_must_not_match definitions to narrow down where to run the rule-set, like so:

    description:    'Any gitweb process caught in zombie mode'
    procid:         '/usr/bin/git'
        # This can be any process state (zombie, sleeping, running, etc)
        # Or a git process > 30 minutes old.
        state:      'zombie'
        maxage:      30m
    kill:           true
    killwith: 9
    description:         'httpd too many backend connections (pool filling up?)'
    host_must_not_match: 'tlp-.+'
    procid:              '/usr/sbin/apache2'
    # Use combine: true to combine the resource of multiple processes into one check.
    combine:             true
        maxlocalconns:   1000
        - 'service apache2 restart'

Both host_must_match and host_must_not_match are regular expressions and must match the full hostname. Be sure to use double escaping for keywords, for instance \\d instead of \d, or the yaml will break. The must/must-not can also be used in combination to include some nodes and rule out others.

Command line arguments

  • --debug: Run in debug mode - detect but don't try to fix issues.
  • --config $filename: path to config file.