Add refactored jtp script with additional events added

Now tracks changes to summary (title) and description as well.
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7baea3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""JIRA to PyPubSub bridge - polls JIRA for updates and pushes them to pypubsub."""
+import requests
+import time
+import pytz
+import datetime
+import yaml
+import sys
+DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL = 5  # Default is poll once every five seconds.
+DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE = "config.yaml"
+# Launch time is recorded, so that we never fetch JIRA changes that are older than this.
+LAUNCH_TIME = time.time()
+# Global to keep track of the last time we saw an update for a specific ticket.
+# This is far cheaper than keeping all the JiraTicket objects in memory.
+class Config:
+    def __init__(self, config_filepath = DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE):
+        self.yaml = yaml.safe_load(open(config_filepath).read())
+        self.jira_url = self.yaml["jira_url"]
+        self.jira_user = self.yaml["jira_user"]
+        self.jira_pass = self.yaml["jira_pass"]
+        self.jira_base = self.yaml["jira_base"]
+        self.pubsub_url = self.yaml["pubsub_url"]
+        self.debug = self.yaml.get("debug", False)
+        self.poll_interval = int(self.yaml.get("polling_internal", DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL))
+class JiraTicket:
+    """Jira Ticket parser class"""
+    def __init__(self, config: Config, json_data: dict):
+        """Init a Jira ticket with the base data."""
+        self.key = json_data["key"]
+ = f"{config.jira_base}{self.key}"
+        self.summary = json_data["fields"].get("summary", "(No summary available)")
+        self.created = self.jira_to_datetime(json_data["fields"]["created"])
+        self.last_update = UPDATES.get(self.key, LAUNCH_TIME)
+ = []
+        self.json_data = json_data
+        self.config = config
+    @staticmethod
+    def jira_to_datetime(t: str):
+        """Parses Jira timestamps into datetime objects"""
+        return datetime.datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z")
+    def make_event_dict(self, entry: dict) -> [dict | None]:
+        """Constructs a basic change event from a Jira change-set entry of any type"""
+        if "created" not in entry:  # All entries must have this field, or we'll break...
+            return
+        change_epoch = self.jira_to_datetime(entry.get("updated", entry["created"])).timestamp()
+        # If this change is older than our last seen update, ignore and return None
+        if change_epoch <= self.last_update:
+            return
+        # Fetch author name and user ID if present
+        if "author" not in entry and "creator" in entry:  # Rewrite author->creator if no author of this entry.
+            entry["author"] = entry["creator"]
+        if "author" in entry:
+            author_name = entry["author"].get("displayName", "??")
+            author_uid = entry["author"].get("name", "??")
+        else:
+            author_name = "??"
+            author_uid = "??"
+        # Make the basic event dict
+        base_event = {
+            "key": self.key,
+            "link":,
+            "summary": self.summary,
+            "project": self.key.split("-", 1)[0],
+            "action": "unknown",
+            "author": author_name,
+            "author_uid": author_uid,
+            "timestamp": change_epoch,
+            "base_entry_created": self.jira_to_datetime(entry["created"]).timestamp()
+        }
+        return base_event
+    def parse_changelog(self):
+        """Parses a changelog and formats it for humans"""
+        elements = self.json_data.get("changelog", {}).get("histories", [])
+        for change in elements:
+            base_event = self.make_event_dict(change)
+            if not base_event:
+                continue
+            # Check all ticket status changes/edits
+            for item in change["items"]:
+                new_event = base_event.copy()  # Make a copy of the base event dict for each item
+                # Changing resolution
+                if item.get("field") == "resolution":
+                    if not item.get("fromString"):  # If changing from no res to a res, assume closing as $X
+                        res = item.get("toString", "Unresolved")
+                        if self.last_update > 0:
+                            new_event["action"] = "close"
+                            new_event["resolution"] = res
+                            new_event["action_human_text"] = f"closed <{}|{self.key}> as _{res}_."
+                    elif self.last_update > 0:
+                        old_resolution = item.get("fromString")
+                        new_resolution = item.get("toString", "Unresolved")
+                        new_event["action"] = "resolution"
+                        new_event["from"] = old_resolution
+                        new_event["to"] = new_resolution
+                        new_event["action_human_text"] = f"changed the resolution of <{}|{self.key}> from "
+                        f"_{old_resolution}_ to _{new_resolution}_."
+                # Status change (like WFU/WFI)
+                elif item.get("field") == "status":
+                    old_status = item.get("fromString", "")
+                    new_status = item.get("toString")
+                    if self.last_update > 0:
+                        new_event["action"] = "status"
+                        new_event["from"] = old_status
+                        new_event["to"] = new_status
+                        new_event["action_human_text"] = f"changed the status of <{}|{self.key}> to *{new_status}*."
+                # Summary change (editing the title of the ticket)
+                elif item.get("field") == "summary":
+                    old_summary = item.get("fromString", "")
+                    new_summary = item.get("toString")
+                    if self.last_update > 0:
+                        new_event["action"] = "summary"
+                        new_event["from"] = old_summary
+                        new_event["to"] = new_summary
+                        new_event["action_human_text"] = f"changed the summary of <{}|{self.key}>"
+                # Description change (editing the main text body of the ticket)
+                elif item.get("field") == "description":
+                    old_description = item.get("fromString", "")
+                    new_description = item.get("toString")
+                    if self.last_update > 0:
+                        new_event["action"] = "description"
+                        new_event["from"] = old_description
+                        new_event["to"] = new_description
+                        new_event["action_human_text"] = f"changed the description of <{}|{self.key}>"
+                # Assignee change
+                elif item.get("field") == "assignee":
+                    old_assignee = item.get("fromString", "")
+                    new_assignee = item.get("toString", "")
+                    if self.last_update > 0:
+                        new_event["action"] = "assign"
+                        new_event["from"] = old_assignee
+                        new_event["to"] = new_assignee
+                        if new_assignee:
+                            new_event["action_human_text"] = f"assigned *{new_assignee}* to <{}|{self.key}>."
+                        else:
+                            new_event["action_human_text"] = f"unassigned *{old_assignee}* from <{}|{self.key}>."
+    def parse_comments(self):
+        """Parse comment changes and format them for humans"""
+        elements = self.json_data["fields"].get("comment", {}).get("comments", [])
+        for comment in elements:
+            base_event = self.make_event_dict(comment)
+            if not base_event:
+                continue
+            # Comment altered?
+            if base_event["base_entry_created"] != base_event["timestamp"]:
+                if self.last_update > 0:
+                    base_event["action"] = "comment_edit"
+                    base_event["body"] = comment["body"]
+                    base_event["action_human_text"] = "edited a comment"
+            # Or comment created?
+            elif self.last_update > 0:
+                base_event["action"] = "comment"
+                base_event["body"] = comment["body"]
+                base_event["action_human_text"] = "added a comment"
+    def parse_worklog(self):
+        """Parses worklog changes and formats it for humans"""
+        elements = self.json_data["fields"].get("worklog", {}).get("worklogs", [])
+        for worklog in elements:
+            base_event = self.make_event_dict(worklog)
+            if not base_event:
+                continue
+            # Comment altered?
+            if base_event["base_entry_created"] != base_event["timestamp"]:
+                if self.last_update > 0:
+                    base_event["action"] = "comment_edit"
+                    base_event["body"] = worklog["comment"]
+                    base_event["timespent"] = worklog["timeSpentSeconds"]
+                    base_event["action_human_text"] = "edited a worklog entry"
+            # Or comment created?
+            elif self.last_update > 0:
+                base_event["action"] = "comment"
+                base_event["body"] = worklog["comment"]
+                base_event["timespent"] = worklog["timeSpentSeconds"]
+                base_event["action_human_text"] = "added a worklog entry"
+def fetch_changes(config: Config):
+    """Fetch the latest changes from JIRA and process them"""
+    try:
+        js = requests.get(config.jira_url, auth=(config.jira_user, config.jira_pass), timeout=15).json()
+        assert isinstance(js, dict), "Jira search did not return a dictionary response"
+        return js.get("issues", [])
+    except requests.RequestException as e:  # This should work - if for whatever reason it doesn't, try again later.
+        print(f"Could not contact Jira, waiting for next try: {e}")
+        return []
+    except AssertionError as e:
+        print(f"General assertion error with Jira response: {e}")
+def process_changes(config: Config, changes: list):
+    now =
+    for issue in changes:
+        ticket = JiraTicket(config, issue)
+        # Is this a brand-new issue?
+        if ticket.last_update == 0 and (now - ticket.created).seconds <= 30:
+            UPDATES[ticket.key] = ticket.created.timestamp()
+            base_event = ticket.make_event_dict(issue["fields"])
+            base_event["action"] = "create"
+            base_event["action_human_text"] = f"created {ticket.key}: {ticket.summary}"
+            base_event["description"] = issue["fields"].get("description", "(No description available)")
+        # Parse changelog, comments, worklog
+        ticket.parse_changelog()
+        ticket.parse_comments()
+        ticket.parse_worklog()
+        if  # If any changes were found, update our "last updated" marker for this ticket.
+            UPDATES[ticket.key] = max([event["timestamp"] for event in])
+        # Post all new events found to pubsub
+        for event in
+            # Set some basic things for each change-set that we only get from the base ticket entry
+            target_url = config.pubsub_url.format(**event)
+            if config.debug:
+                print(event["timestamp"], event["key"], event["author"], event["action_human_text"])
+                print(event)
+                print("---------------")
+            else:
+                try:
+          , json=event, timeout=5)
+                except requests.RequestException as e:
+                    print(f"Could not post update for {ticket.key}: {e}")
+def main():
+    config = Config(sys.argv[1] if (len(sys.argv) > 1) else DEFAULT_SETTINGS_FILE)
+    while True:  # Loop the Loop, forever and ever.
+        process_start = time.time()  # Log when we started processing this batch
+        change_set = fetch_changes(config)  # Fetch latest change-set
+        process_changes(config, change_set)  # Process change-set (if any)
+        process_duration = time.time() - process_start  # Figure out how long that process took
+        if process_duration < config.poll_interval:  # If we need to sleep, sleep, otherwise poll again.
+            time.sleep(config.poll_interval - process_duration)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()