| import os
| import requests
| import time
| from utils import fetch_labels_mapping, fetch_allowed_labels, convert_label
| class Importer:
| def __init__(self, options, project):
| self.options = options
| self.project = project
| self.github_url = 'https://api.github.com/repos/%s/%s' % (
| self.options.account, self.options.repo)
| self.jira_issue_replace_patterns = {
| 'https://issues.jenkins.io/browse/%s%s' % (self.project.name, r'-(\d+)'): r'\1',
| self.project.name + r'-(\d+)': Importer._GITHUB_ISSUE_PREFIX + r'\1',
| r'Issue (\d+)': Importer._GITHUB_ISSUE_PREFIX + r'\1'}
| self.headers = {
| 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.golden-comet-preview+json',
| 'Authorization': f'token {options.accesstoken}'
| }
| self.labels_mapping = fetch_labels_mapping()
| self.approved_labels = fetch_allowed_labels()
| def import_milestones(self):
| """
| Imports the gathered project milestones into GitHub and remembers the created milestone ids
| """
| milestone_url = self.github_url + '/milestones'
| print('Importing milestones...', milestone_url)
| print
| # Check existing first
| existing = list()
| def get_milestone_list(url):
| return requests.get(url, headers=self.headers,
| timeout=Importer._DEFAULT_TIME_OUT)
| def get_next_page_url(url):
| return url.replace('<', '').replace('>', '').replace('; rel="next"', '')
| milestone_pages = list()
| ms = get_milestone_list(milestone_url + '?state=all')
| milestone_pages.append(ms.json())
| if 'Link' in ms.headers:
| links = ms.headers['Link'].split(',')
| nextPageUrl = get_next_page_url(links[0])
| while nextPageUrl is not None:
| time.sleep(1)
| nextPageUrl = None
| for l in links:
| if 'rel="next"' in l:
| nextPageUrl = get_next_page_url(l)
| if nextPageUrl is not None:
| ms = get_milestone_list(nextPageUrl)
| links = ms.headers['Link'].split(',')
| milestone_pages.append(ms.json())
| for ms_json in milestone_pages:
| for m in ms_json:
| print(self.project.get_milestones().keys())
| try:
| if m['title'] in self.project.get_milestones().keys():
| self.project.get_milestones()[m['title']] = m['number']
| print(m['title'], 'found')
| existing.append(m['title'])
| except TypeError:
| pass
| # Export new ones
| for mkey in self.project.get_milestones().keys():
| if mkey in existing:
| continue
| data = {'title': mkey}
| r = requests.post(milestone_url, json=data, headers=self.headers,
| timeout=Importer._DEFAULT_TIME_OUT)
| # overwrite histogram data with the actual milestone id now
| if r.status_code == 201:
| content = r.json()
| self.project.get_milestones()[mkey] = content['number']
| print(mkey)
| def import_labels(self, colour_selector):
| """
| Imports the gathered project components and labels as labels into GitHub
| """
| label_url = self.github_url + '/labels'
| print('Importing labels...', label_url)
| print()
| for lkey in self.project.get_all_labels().keys():
| prefixed_lkey = lkey.lower()
| # prefix component
| if os.getenv('JIRA_MIGRATION_INCLUDE_COMPONENT_IN_LABELS', 'true') == 'true':
| if lkey in self.project.get_components().keys():
| prefixed_lkey = 'jira-component:' + prefixed_lkey
| prefixed_lkey = convert_label(prefixed_lkey, self.labels_mapping, self.approved_labels)
| if prefixed_lkey is None:
| continue
| data = {'name': prefixed_lkey,
| 'color': colour_selector.get_colour(lkey)}
| r = requests.post(label_url, json=data, headers=self.headers, timeout=Importer._DEFAULT_TIME_OUT)
| if r.status_code == 201:
| print(lkey + '->' + prefixed_lkey)
| else:
| print('Failure importing label ' + prefixed_lkey,
| r.status_code, r.content, r.headers)
| def import_issues(self, start_from_count):
| """
| Starts the issue import into GitHub:
| First the milestone id is captured for the issue.
| Then JIRA issue relationships are converted into comments.
| After that, the comments are taken out of the issue and
| references to JIRA issues in comments are replaced with a placeholder
| """
| print('Importing issues...')
| count = 0
| for issue in self.project.get_issues():
| if start_from_count > count:
| count += 1
| continue
| print("Index = ", count)
| if 'milestone_name' in issue:
| issue['milestone'] = self.project.get_milestones()[
| issue['milestone_name']]
| del issue['milestone_name']
| self.convert_relationships_to_comments(issue)
| issue_comments = issue['comments']
| del issue['comments']
| comments = []
| for comment in issue_comments:
| comments.append(
| dict((k, self._replace_jira_with_github_id(v)) for k, v in comment.items()))
| self.import_issue_with_comments(issue, comments)
| count += 1
| def import_issue_with_comments(self, issue, comments):
| """
| Imports a single issue with its comments into GitHub.
| Importing via GitHub's normal Issue API quickly triggers anti-abuse rate limits.
| So their unofficial Issue Import API is used instead:
| https://gist.github.com/jonmagic/5282384165e0f86ef105
| This is a two-step process:
| First the issue with the comments is pushed to GitHub asynchronously.
| Then GitHub is pulled in a loop until the issue import is completed.
| Finally the issue github is noted.
| """
| print('Issue ', issue['key'])
| print('Labels', issue['labels'])
| jira_key = issue['key']
| del issue['key']
| response = self.upload_github_issue(issue, comments)
| status_url = response.json()['url']
| gh_issue_url = self.wait_for_issue_creation(status_url).json()['issue_url']
| gh_issue_id = int(gh_issue_url.split('/')[-1])
| issue['githubid'] = gh_issue_id
| issue['key'] = jira_key
| jira_gh = f"{jira_key}:{gh_issue_id}\n"
| with open('jira-keys-to-github-id.txt', 'a') as f:
| f.write(jira_gh)
| def upload_github_issue(self, issue, comments):
| """
| Uploads a single issue to GitHub asynchronously with the Issue Import API.
| """
| issue_url = self.github_url + '/import/issues'
| issue_data = {'issue': issue, 'comments': comments}
| response = requests.post(issue_url, json=issue_data, headers=self.headers,
| timeout=Importer._DEFAULT_TIME_OUT)
| if response.status_code == 202:
| return response
| elif response.status_code == 422:
| raise RuntimeError(
| "Initial import validation failed for issue '{}' due to the "
| "following errors:\n{}".format(issue['title'], response.json())
| )
| else:
| raise RuntimeError(
| "Failed to POST issue: '{}' due to unexpected HTTP status code: {}\nerrors:\n{}"
| .format(issue['title'], response.status_code, response.json())
| )
| def wait_for_issue_creation(self, status_url):
| """
| Check the status of a GitHub issue import.
| If the status is 'pending', it sleeps, then rechecks until the status is
| either 'imported' or 'failed'.
| """
| while True: # keep checking until status is something other than 'pending'
| time.sleep(3)
| response = requests.get(status_url, headers=self.headers,
| timeout=Importer._DEFAULT_TIME_OUT)
| if response.status_code == 404:
| continue
| elif response.status_code != 200:
| raise RuntimeError(
| "Failed to check GitHub issue import status url: {} due to unexpected HTTP status code: {}"
| .format(status_url, response.status_code)
| )
| status = response.json()['status']
| if status != 'pending':
| break
| if status == 'imported':
| print("Imported Issue:", response.json()['issue_url'].replace('api.github.com/repos/', 'github.com/'))
| elif status == 'failed':
| raise RuntimeError(
| "Failed to import GitHub issue due to the following errors:\n{}"
| .format(response.json())
| )
| else:
| raise RuntimeError(
| "Status check for GitHub issue import returned unexpected status: '{}'"
| .format(status)
| )
| return response
| def convert_relationships_to_comments(self, issue):
| duplicates = issue['duplicates']
| is_duplicated_by = issue['is-duplicated-by']
| relates_to = issue['is-related-to']
| depends_on = issue['depends-on']
| blocks = issue['blocks']
| try:
| epic_link = issue['epic-link']
| except (AttributeError, KeyError):
| epic_link = None
| for duplicate_item in duplicates:
| issue['comments'].append(
| {"body": f'<i>[Duplicates: <a href="https://github.com/{self.options.account}/{self.options.repo}/issues?q=in%3Atitle%20' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(duplicate_item) + '">' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(duplicate_item) + '</a>]</i>'})
| for is_duplicated_by_item in is_duplicated_by:
| issue['comments'].append(
| {"body": f'<i>[Originally duplicated by: <a href="https://github.com/{self.options.account}/{self.options.repo}/issues?q=in%3Atitle%20' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(is_duplicated_by_item) + '">' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(is_duplicated_by_item) + '</a>]</i>'})
| for relates_to_item in relates_to:
| issue['comments'].append(
| {"body": f'<i>[Originally related to: <a href="https://github.com/{self.options.account}/{self.options.repo}/issues?q=in%3Atitle%20' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(relates_to_item) + '">' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(relates_to_item) + '</a>]</i>'})
| for depends_on_item in depends_on:
| issue['comments'].append(
| {"body": f'<i>[Originally depends on: <a href="https://github.com/{self.options.account}/{self.options.repo}/issues?q=in%3Atitle%20' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(depends_on_item) + '">' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(depends_on_item) + '</a>]</i>'})
| for blocks_item in blocks:
| issue['comments'].append(
| {"body": f'<i>[Originally blocks: <a href="https://github.com/{self.options.account}/{self.options.repo}/issues?q=in%3Atitle%20' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(blocks_item) + '">' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(blocks_item) + '</a>]</i>'})
| if epic_link:
| issue['comments'].append(
| {"body": f'<i>[Epic: <a href="https://github.com/{self.options.account}/{self.options.repo}/issues?q=in%3Atitle%20' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(epic_link) + '%20label%3Aepic">' + self._replace_jira_with_github_id(epic_link) + '</a>]</i>'})
| del issue['duplicates']
| del issue['is-duplicated-by']
| del issue['is-related-to']
| del issue['depends-on']
| del issue['blocks']
| try:
| del issue['epic-link']
| except KeyError:
| pass
| def _replace_jira_with_github_id(self, text):
| result = text
| # for pattern, replacement in self.jira_issue_replace_patterns.items():
| # result = re.sub(pattern, Importer._PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX +
| # replacement + Importer._PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX, result)
| return result
| # def post_process_comments(self):
| # """
| # Starts post-processing all issue comments.
| # """
| # comment_url = self.github_url + '/issues/comments'
| # self._post_process_comments(comment_url)
| # def _post_process_comments(self, url):
| # """
| # Paginates through all issue comments and replaces the issue id placeholders with the correct issue ids.
| # """
| # print("listing comments using " + url)
| # response = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers,
| # timeout=Importer._DEFAULT_TIME_OUT)
| # if response.status_code != 200:
| # raise RuntimeError(
| # "Failed to list all comments due to unexpected HTTP status code: {}".format(
| # response.status_code)
| # )
| # comments = response.json()
| # for comment in comments:
| # print("handling comment " + comment['url'])
| # body = comment['body']
| # if Importer._PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX in body:
| # newbody = self._replace_github_id_placeholder(body)
| # self._patch_comment(comment['url'], newbody)
| # try:
| # next_comments = response.links["next"]
| # if next_comments:
| # next_url = next_comments['url']
| # self._post_process_comments(next_url)
| # except KeyError:
| # print('no more pages for comments: ')
| # for key, value in response.links.items():
| # print(key)
| # print(value)
| def _replace_github_id_placeholder(self, text):
| result = text
| # pattern = Importer._PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + Importer._GITHUB_ISSUE_PREFIX + \
| # r'(\d+)' + Importer._PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX
| # result = re.sub(pattern, Importer._GITHUB_ISSUE_PREFIX + r'\1', result)
| # pattern = Importer._PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX + \
| # r'(\d+)' + Importer._PLACEHOLDER_SUFFIX
| # result = re.sub(pattern, r'\1', result)
| return result
| # def _patch_comment(self, url, body):
| # """
| # Patches a single comment body of a Github issue.
| # """
| # print("patching comment " + url)
| # # print("new body:" + body)
| # patch_data = {'body': body}
| # # print(patch_data)
| # response = requests.patch(url, json=patch_data, headers=self.headers,
| # timeout=Importer._DEFAULT_TIME_OUT)
| # if response.status_code != 200:
| # raise RuntimeError(
| # "Failed to patch comment {} due to unexpected HTTP status code: {} ; text: {}".format(
| # url, response.status_code, response.text)
| # )