blob: b3f9b2f1fac655187addf43d7aed4f9c5522fc31 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import flask
import asfpy.messaging
import netaddr
import requests
import logging
import yaml
import yaml.parser
import os
import uuid
"""GitHub Discussions Notifier"""
REPO_ROOT = ""#"/x1/repos/asf" TODO: Comment back in
GHSETTINGS_ROOT = ""#"/x1/asfyaml" TODO: Comment back in
VALID_THREAD_ACTIONS = ["created", "edited", "closed", "reopened"]
VALID_COMMENT_ACTIONS = ["created", "edited", "deleted"]
THREAD_ACTION = open("templates/thread-action.txt").read()
COMMENT_ACTION = open("templates/comment-action.txt").read()
def get_custom_subject(repository, action="catchall"):
"""Gets a subject template for a specific action, if specified via .asf.yaml"""
gh_settings_path = os.path.join(GHSETTINGS_ROOT, f"ghsettings.{repository}.yml") # Path to github settings yaml file
if os.path.isfile(gh_settings_path):
yml = yaml.safe_load(open(gh_settings_path))
except yaml.parser.ParserError: # Invalid YAML?!
custom_subjects = yml.get("custom_subjects")
if custom_subjects and isinstance(custom_subjects, dict):
if action in custom_subjects:
return custom_subjects[action]
elif "catchall" in custom_subjects: # If no custom subject exists for this action, but catchall does...
return custom_subjects["catchall"]
def get_recipient(repo):
yaml_path = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, f"{repo}.git", "notifications.yaml")
if os.path.exists(yaml_path):
yml = yaml.safe_load(open(yaml_path, "r").read())
if "discussions" in yml:
return yml["discussions"]
return None
def parse_thread_action(blob):
"""Parses a thread action (thread created/edited/deleted)"""
action = blob.get("action")
discussion = blob.get("discussion")
user = discussion.get("user").get("login")
title = discussion.get("title")
category = discussion.get("category").get("slug")
url = discussion.get("html_url")
body = discussion.get("body")
repository = blob.get("repository").get("name")
node_id = discussion.get("node_id")
recipient = get_recipient(repository)
if recipient:
# The templates contain templates for the subject (first part)
# and the content of the email (second part) ... split the template
# up.
subject, text = THREAD_ACTION.split("--", 1)
# Define the name of the template for this action.
action_name = "new_discussion"
if action == "created":
action_name = "new_discussion"
elif action == "edited":
action_name = "edit_discussion"
elif action == "closed":
action_name = "close_discussion"
elif action == "reopened":
action_name = "reopen_discussion"
# Note: the subjects are checked for validity in
# See VALID_GITHUB_SUBJECT_VARIABLES and validate_github_subject()
# The variable names listed in VALID_GITHUB_SUBJECT_VARIABLES must be defined
# here as local variables
custom_subject_line = get_custom_subject(repository, action_name) # Custom subject line?
# If a custom subject line was defined, use that ...
if custom_subject_line:
subject = custom_subject_line.format(**locals())
# Otherwise use the default one, which is located in the title of the template.
subject = subject.format(**locals()).strip()
except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: # Template breakage can happen, ignore
unsub = recipient.replace("@", "-unsubscribe@")
text = text.format(**locals()).strip()
msg_headers = {}
msgid = "<>" % (node_id, str(uuid.uuid4()))
msgid_OP = "<>" % node_id
if action == "created":
msgid = (
msgid_OP # This is the first email, make a deterministic message id
msg_headers = {
"In-Reply-To": msgid_OP
} # Thread from the actual discussion parent
sender=f"\"{user} (via GitHub)\" <>", recipient=recipient, subject=subject, message=text, messageid=msgid, headers=msg_headers
return f"[send] {user} {action} {url}: {title}"
return f"[skip] {user} {action} {url}: {title}"
# The general difference between this and the general parse_thread_action
# is that in this case we're getting the content in the email as well as the
# user information from the "comment" element instead of the "discussion"
# element.
def parse_comment_action(blob):
"""Parses a comment action (comment created/edited/deleted)"""
action = blob.get("action")
discussion = blob.get("discussion")
discussion_state = discussion.get("state")
comment = blob.get("comment")
user = comment.get("user").get("login")
title = discussion.get("title")
category = discussion.get("category").get("slug")
url = comment.get("html_url")
body = comment.get("body")
repository = blob.get("repository").get("name")
action_human = "???"
node_id = discussion.get("node_id")
# If the user closes a discussion with a comment, there is
# currently no way to distinguish this from a user commenting
# on a closed issue (if this is even possible). We're assuming
# that this doesn't happen and if the discussion state is
# "closed" that the user closed with a comment.
if action == "created" and discussion_state == "closed":
action_human = "closed the discussion with a comment:"
action_name = "close_discussion_with_comment"
elif action == "created":
action_human = "added a comment to the discussion:"
action_name = "new_comment_discussion"
elif action == "edited":
action_human = "edited a comment on the discussion:"
action_name = "edit_comment_discussion"
elif action == "deleted":
action_human = "deleted a comment on the discussion:"
action_name = "delete_comment_discussion"
recipient = get_recipient(repository)
if recipient:
# The templates contain templates for the subject (first part)
# and the content of the email (second part) ... split the template
# up.
subject, text = COMMENT_ACTION.split("--", 1)
# Note: the subjects are checked for validity in
# See VALID_GITHUB_SUBJECT_VARIABLES and validate_github_subject()
# The variable names listed in VALID_GITHUB_SUBJECT_VARIABLES must be defined
# here as local variables
custom_subject_line = get_custom_subject(repository, action_name) # Custom subject line?
# If a custom subject line was defined, use that ...
if custom_subject_line:
subject = custom_subject_line.format(**locals())
# Otherwise use the default one, which is located in the title of the template.
subject = subject.format(**locals()).strip()
except (KeyError, ValueError) as e: # Template breakage can happen, ignore
msgid = "<>" % (node_id, str(uuid.uuid4()))
msgid_OP = "<>" % node_id
unsub = recipient.replace("@", "-unsubscribe@")
text = text.format(**locals()).strip()
msg_headers = {
"In-Reply-To": msgid_OP
} # Thread from the actual discussion parent
sender=f"\"{user} (via GitHub)\" <>", recipient=recipient, subject=subject, message=text, messageid=msgid, headers=msg_headers
return f"[send] [comment] {user} {action} {url}: {title}"
return f"[skip] [comment] {user} {action} {url}: {title}"
def main():
# Grab all GitHub WebHook IP ranges and save them, so we can check if an
# incoming request is originating from one of these IP addresses.
webhook_ips = requests.get("").json()["hooks"]
allowed_ips = [netaddr.IPNetwork(ip) for ip in webhook_ips]
# Init Flask...
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
# This will make Flask react to requests aimed at /hook, which the GitHub
# webhook service will be calling.
@app.route("/hook", methods=["POST", "PUT"])
def parse_request():
# Get the IP address, the request is originating from.
# (I assume the "X-Forwarded-For" is used when using tools like ngrok
# to forward requests to protected locations, "flask.request.remote_addr"
# contains the ip in the direct access case)
this_ip = netaddr.IPAddress(flask.request.headers.get("X-Forwarded-For") or flask.request.remote_addr)
# Check if this incoming request is originating from one of the
# GitHub webhook IP addresses. Deny the request, if it's not.
allowed = any(this_ip in ip for ip in allowed_ips)
if not allowed:
return "No content\n"
# Process the incoming message.
content = flask.request.json
# GitHub Discussion notifications are all expected to have a "discussion" element.
if "discussion" in content:
# If this is a comment action, it will also contain a "comment" element
if "comment" in content:
logmsg = parse_comment_action(content)
# Otherwise it's a basic "create", "edit", "close" operation.
logmsg = parse_thread_action(content)
log.log(level=logging.WARNING, msg=logmsg)
return "Delivered\n"
# Disable werkzeug request logging to stdout
log = logging.getLogger("werkzeug")
# Start up the app (Starts the Flask webserver)"", port=8084, debug=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":