blob: 0c55b5a52077055a9843aef8738191d5d16f1b3e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""ASF Infrastructure Download Integrity Checker"""
import os
import gnupg
import yaml
import asfpy.messaging
import hashlib
import requests
import time
import sys
import string
import typing
# gnpug version 0.4.9 overwrites the key_id for two message types when it should not
# fix up the code to reset the value
if gnupg.__version__ == '0.4.9':
handle = gnupg.Verify.handle_status # original method
def override_handle_status(self, key ,value):
save = self.key_id # in case we need to restore it
handle(self, key, value) # call original code
if key in ('UNEXPECTED', 'FAILURE'):
self.key_id = save # restore the overwritten value
# add our override method
gnupg.Verify.handle_status = override_handle_status
CFG = yaml.safe_load(open("./checker.yaml"))
assert CFG.get("gpg_homedir"), "Please specify a homedir for the GPG keychain!"
MAIL_MAP = requests.get(WHIMSY_MAIL_MAP).json()["committees"]
PROJECTS_LIST = requests.get(WHIMSY_PROJECTS_LIST).json()["projects"]
EMAIL_TEMPLATE = open("email-template.txt", "r").read()
INTERVAL = 1800 # Sleep for 30 min if --forever is set, then repeat
"md5": 128,
"sha1": 160,
"sha256": 256,
"sha512": 512,
def alert_project(project: str, errors: dict):
"""Sends a notification to the project and infra aboot errors that were found"""
if errors:
if project not in PROJECTS_LIST: # Only notify for actual, existing projects
project_list = f"private@{project}" # Standard naming
if project in MAIL_MAP:
project_list = f"private@{MAIL_MAP[project]['mail_list']}" # Special case for certain committees
recipients = [project_list]
extra_recips = CFG.get("extra_recipients")
if isinstance(extra_recips, list):
errormsg = ""
for filepath, errorlines in errors.items():
errormsg += f" - Errors were found while verifying {filepath}:\n"
for errorline in errorlines:
errormsg += f" - {errorline}\n"
errormsg += "\n"
if "--debug" not in sys.argv: # Don't send emails if --debug is specified
print(f"Dispatching email to: {recipients}")
sender="ASF Infrastructure <>",
subject=f"Verification of download artifacts on FAILED for {project}!",
def load_keys(project: str, is_podling: bool) -> gnupg.GPG:
"""Loads all keys found in KEYS files for a project and returns the GPG toolchain object holding said keys"""
project_dir = os.path.join(CFG["dist_dir"], project) if not is_podling else os.path.join(CFG["dist_dir"], "incubator", project)
project_gpg_dir = os.path.join(CFG["gpg_homedir"], project) if not is_podling else os.path.join(CFG["gpg_homedir"], "incubator", project)
assert project and os.path.isdir(project_dir), f"Project not specified or no project dist directory found for {project}!"
if not os.path.isdir(project_gpg_dir):
os.makedirs(project_gpg_dir, exist_ok=True)
keychain = gnupg.GPG(gnupghome=project_gpg_dir, use_agent=True)
for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(project_dir):
for filename in files:
filepath = os.path.join(root, filename)
if filename in ["KEYS", "KEYS.txt"]:
if "--quiet" not in sys.argv:
print(f"Loading {filepath} into toolchain")
keychain.import_keys(open(filepath, "rb").read())
return keychain
def digest(filepath: str, method: str) -> str:
"""Calculates and returns the checksum of a file given a file path and a digest method (sha256, sha512 etc)"""
digester =
with open(filepath, "rb") as file:
for chunk in iter(lambda:, b''):
return digester.hexdigest()
def verify_checksum(filepath: str, method: str) -> list:
"""Verifies a filepath against its checksum file, given a checksum method. Returns a list of errors if any found"""
filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
checksum_filepath = filepath + "." + method # foo.sha256
if not os.path.exists(checksum_filepath):
checksum_filepath = filepath + "." + method.upper() # foo.SHA256 fallback
checksum_filename = os.path.basename(checksum_filepath)
errors = []
checksum_value = open(checksum_filepath, "r", encoding="utf-8").read()
except UnicodeDecodeError: # UTF-16??
checksum_value = open(checksum_filepath, "r", encoding="utf-16").read()
except UnicodeError as e:
errors.append(f"[CHK06] Checksum file {checksum_filename} contains garbage characters: {e}")
return errors
checksum_value_trimmed = ""
# Strip away comment lines first
for line in checksum_value.split("\n"):
if not line.startswith("//") and not line.startswith("#"):
checksum_value_trimmed += line.strip() + " "
checksum_options = checksum_value_trimmed.split(" ")
checksum_on_disk = "".join(x.strip() for x in checksum_options if all(c in string.hexdigits for c in x.strip())).lower()
checksum_calculated = digest(filepath, method)
if checksum_on_disk != checksum_calculated:
errors.append(f"[CHK06] Checksum does not match checksum file {checksum_filename}!")
errors.append(f"[CHK06] Calculated {method} checksum of {filename} was: {checksum_calculated}")
errors.append(f"[CHK06] Checksum file {checksum_filename} said it should have been: {checksum_on_disk}")
# Simple check for whether this file is just typoed.
if len(checksum_on_disk) != CHECKSUM_LENGTHS[method]/4: # Wrong filetype??
for m, l in CHECKSUM_LENGTHS.items():
if len(checksum_on_disk) == l/4:
errors.append(f"[CHK06] {checksum_filename} looks like it could be a {m} checksum, but has a {method} extension!")
return errors
def push_error(edict: dict, filepath: str, errmsg: typing.Union[str, list]):
"""Push an error message to the error dict, creating an entry if none exists, otherwise appending to it"""
if filepath not in edict:
edict[filepath] = list()
if isinstance(errmsg, list):
def verify_files(project: str, keychain: gnupg.GPG, is_podling: bool) -> dict:
"""Verifies all download artifacts in a directory using the supplied keychain. Returns a dict of filenames and
their corresponding error messages if checksum or signature errors were found."""
errors: typing.Dict[str, str] = dict()
path = os.path.join(CFG["dist_dir"], project) if not is_podling else os.path.join(CFG["dist_dir"], "incubator", project)
known_exts = CFG.get("known_extensions")
strong_checksum_deadline = CFG.get("strong_checksum_deadline", 0) # If applicable, only require sha1/md5 for older files
# Check that we HAVE keys in the key chain
if not keychain.list_keys():
dl_files = os.listdir(path)
if not dl_files or (len(dl_files) == 1 and dl_files[0] == ".htaccess"): # Attic'ed project, skip it!
return errors
push_error(errors, "KEYS", "[CHK03] KEYS file could not be read or did not contain any valid signing keys!")
# Now check all files...
for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for filename in sorted(files):
extension = filename.split(".")[-1] if "." in filename else ""
if extension in known_exts:
filepath = os.path.join(root, filename)
if os.path.islink(filepath): # Skip symlinks
if "--quiet" not in sys.argv:
print(f"Verifying {filepath}")
valid_checksums_found = 0
valid_weak_checksums_found = 0
# Verify strong checksums
for method in CFG.get("strong_checksums"):
chkfile = filepath + "." + method
chkfile_uc = filepath + "." + method.upper() # Uppercase extension? :(
if os.path.exists(chkfile) or os.path.exists(chkfile_uc):
file_errors = verify_checksum(filepath, method)
if file_errors:
push_error(errors, filepath, file_errors)
valid_checksums_found += 1
# Check older algos, but only count if release is old enough
for method in CFG.get("weak_checksums"):
chkfile = filepath + "." + method
chkfile_uc = filepath + "." + method.upper() # Uppercase extension? :(
if os.path.exists(chkfile) or os.path.exists(chkfile_uc):
file_errors = verify_checksum(filepath, method)
if file_errors:
push_error(errors, filepath, file_errors)
valid_weak_checksums_found += 1
if valid_checksums_found == 0 and os.stat(filepath).st_mtime <= strong_checksum_deadline:
valid_checksums_found += 1
# Ensure we had at least one valid checksum file of any kind (for old files).
if valid_checksums_found == 0 and os.stat(filepath).st_mtime <= strong_checksum_deadline:
push_error(errors, filepath, f"[CHK02] No valid checksum files (.md5, .sha1, .sha256, .sha512) found for {filename}")
# Ensure we had at least one (valid) sha256 or sha512 file if strong checksums are enforced.
elif valid_checksums_found == 0:
push_error(errors, filepath, f"[CHK02] No valid checksum files (.sha256, .sha512) found for {filename}")
if valid_weak_checksums_found:
push_error(errors, filepath, f"[CHK02] Only weak checksum files (.md5, .sha1) found for {filename}. Project MUST use sha256/sha512!")
# Verify detached signatures
asc_filepath = filepath + ".asc"
if os.path.exists(asc_filepath):
verified = keychain.verify_file(open(asc_filepath, "rb"), data_filename=filepath)
if not verified.valid:
# Possible status values:
# - 'no public key' - no further checks possible
# - 'signature bad' - found the key, but the sig does not match
# - 'signature valid' - implies key problem such as expired
# - None - e.g. for non-empty but invalid signature (at present; this may be fixed)
if verified.status is None or verified.status.startswith('error '):
push_error(errors, filepath, f"[CHK05] The signature file {filename}.asc could not be used to verify the release artifact (corrupt sig?)")
elif verified.status == 'no public key':
push_error(errors, filepath, f"[CHK01] The signature file {filename}.asc was signed with a key not found in the project's KEYS file: {verified.key_id}")
elif verified.status == 'signature bad':
# unfortunately the current version of gnupg corrupts the key_id in this case
push_error(errors, filepath, f"[CHK05] The signature file {filename}.asc could not be used to verify the release artifact (corrupt sig?)")
elif verified.status == 'signature valid':
# Assume we can get the key here, else how was the signature verified?
key = keychain.list_keys(False, [verified.key_id])[0]
fp_owner = key['uids'][0] # this is always in the main key
if verified.key_status == 'signing key has expired':
if verified.key_id == key['keyid']:
expires = key['expires']
else: # must be a subkey
expires = key['subkey_info'][verified.key_id]['expires']
if int(expires) < int(verified.sig_timestamp):
push_error(errors, filepath, f"[CHK04] Detached signature file {filename}.asc was signed by {fp_owner} ({verified.key_id}) but the key expired before the file was signed!")
push_error(errors, filepath, f"[CHK04] Detached signature file {filename}.asc was signed by {fp_owner} ({verified.key_id}) but the key has status {verified.key_status}!")
push_error(errors, filepath, f"[CHK05] Detached signature file {filename}.asc could not be used to verify {filename}: {verified.status}")
push_error(errors, filepath, f"[CHK05] No detached signature file could be found for {filename} - all artifact bundles MUST have an accompanying .asc signature file!")
return errors
def main():
if "--debug" in sys.argv:
print("DEBUG MODE ENABLED. No emails will be sent.")
if "--debug_plugin" in sys.argv:
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('gnupg')
logger.debug("Plugin debug enabled.")
start_time = time.time()
gpg_home = CFG["gpg_homedir"]
if not os.path.isdir(gpg_home):
print(f"Setting up GPG homedir in {gpg_home}")
projects = [x for x in os.listdir(CFG["dist_dir"]) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(CFG["dist_dir"], x))]
# Weave in incubator podlings
inc_dir = os.path.join(CFG["dist_dir"], "incubator")
podlings = [x for x in os.listdir(inc_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(inc_dir, x))]
# Quick hack for only scanning certain dirs by adding the project name(s) to the command line
x_projects = []
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg in projects:
if x_projects:
projects = x_projects
projects = [p for p in projects if f"-{p}" not in sys.argv] # to exclude POI: -poi
while True:
for project in sorted(projects):
sys.stdout.write(f"- Scanning {project}...")
start_time_project = time.time()
keychain = load_keys(project, project in podlings)
errors = verify_files(project, keychain, project in podlings)
time_taken = int(time.time() - start_time_project)
if errors:
sys.stdout.write(f"BAD! (scan time: {time_taken} seconds)\n")
alert_project(project, errors)
sys.stdout.write(f"ALL GOOD! (scan time: {time_taken} seconds)\n")
total_time_taken = int(time.time() - start_time)
print(f"Done scanning {len(projects)} projects in {total_time_taken} seconds.")
if "--forever" in sys.argv:
print(f"Sleeping for {INTERVAL} seconds.")
if __name__ == "__main__":