blob: b304096200ea45c9923b7e0d29a89010efe6f782 [file] [log] [blame]
Github OAuth plugin.
This follows the workflow described at:
To make this work, please set up an application at
copy the client ID and secret to your boxer.yaml's oauth configuration, as such:
github_client_id: abcdef123456
github_client_secret: bcfdgefa572564576
import re
import requests
import plugins.basetypes
import typing
import aiohttp
async def process(
formdata, session, server: plugins.basetypes.Server
) -> typing.Optional[dict]:
formdata["client_id"] = server.config.oauth.github_client_id
formdata["client_secret"] = server.config.oauth.github_client_secret
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
headers = {'Accept': 'application/json', "Authorization": f"token {server.config.github.token}"}
async with"", headers=headers, data=formdata) as rv:
response = await rv.json()
if 'access_token' in response:
async with session.get("", headers={'Authorization': "token %s" % response['access_token']}) as rv:
js = await rv.json()
# Check for API rate limit exceeded, this is VERY RARE and a per-login issue. We cannot fix
if 'message' in js and 'API rate limit exceeded' in js['message']:
raise AssertionError("API rate limit reached for your personal account. Please try again later.")
js["oauth_domain"] = ""
# Full name and email address might not always be available to us. Fake it till you make it.
js["name"] = js.get("name", js["login"])
js["email"] = js["email"] or "" % js["login"]
return js
return None