Add session plugin

This is copied from Foal, and does not work yet. It is there so the
program will run.
diff --git a/server/plugins/ b/server/plugins/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fbfd44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/plugins/
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""This is the user session handler for Boxer"""
+import http.cookies
+import time
+import typing
+import uuid
+import aiohttp.web
+import plugins.database
+import plugins.basetypes
+import copy
+import typing
+MAX_SESSION_AGE = 86400 * 7  # Max 1 week between visits before voiding a session
+SAVE_SESSION_INTERVAL = 3600  # Update sessions on disk max once per hour
+class SessionCredentials:
+    uid: str
+    name: str
+    email: str
+    provider: str
+    authoritative: bool
+    admin: bool
+    oauth_data: dict
+    def __init__(self, doc):
+        if doc:
+            self.uid = doc.get("uid", "")
+   = doc.get("name", "")
+   = doc.get("email", "")
+            self.oauth_provider = doc.get("oauth_provider", "generic")
+            self.authoritative = doc.get("authoritative", False)
+            self.admin = doc.get("admin", False)
+            self.oauth_data = doc.get("oauth_data", {})
+        else:
+            self.uid = ""
+   = ""
+   = ""
+            self.oauth_provider = "generic"
+            self.authoritative = False
+            self.admin = False
+            self.oauth_data = {}
+class SessionObject:
+    cid: typing.Optional[str]
+    cookie: str
+    created: int
+    last_accessed: int
+    credentials: typing.Optional[SessionCredentials]
+    database: typing.Optional[plugins.database.Database]
+    server: plugins.basetypes.Server
+    def __init__(self, server: plugins.basetypes.Server, **kwargs):
+        self.database = None
+        self.server = server
+        if not kwargs:
+            now = int(time.time())
+            self.created = now
+            self.last_accessed = now
+            self.credentials = None
+            self.cookie = str(uuid.uuid4())
+            self.cid = None
+        else:
+            self.last_accessed = kwargs.get("last_accessed", 0)
+            self.credentials = SessionCredentials(kwargs.get("credentials"))
+            self.cookie = kwargs.get("cookie", "___")
+            self.cid = kwargs.get("cid")
+async def get_session(
+    server: plugins.basetypes.Server, request: aiohttp.web.BaseRequest
+) -> SessionObject:
+    session_id = None
+    session = None
+    now = int(time.time())
+    if request.headers.get("cookie"):
+        for cookie_header in request.headers.getall("cookie"):
+            cookies: http.cookies.SimpleCookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie(
+                cookie_header
+            )
+            if "boxer" in cookies:
+                session_id = cookies["boxer"].value
+                if not all(c in "abcdefg1234567890-" for c in session_id):
+                    session_id = None
+                break
+    # Do we have the session in local memory?
+    if session_id and session_id in
+        x_session =[session_id]
+        if (now - x_session.last_accessed) > MAX_SESSION_AGE:
+            del[session_id]
+        else:
+            # Make a copy so we don't have a race condition with the database pool object
+            # In case the session is used twice within the same loop
+            session = copy.copy(x_session)
+            session.database = await server.dbpool.get()
+            # Do we need to update the timestamp in ES?
+            if (now - session.last_accessed) > SAVE_SESSION_INTERVAL:
+                session.last_accessed = now
+                await save_session(session)
+            return session
+    # If not in local memory, start a new session object
+    session = SessionObject(server)
+    session.database = await server.dbpool.get()
+    # If a cookie was supplied, look for a session object in ES
+    if session_id and session.database:
+        try:
+            session_doc = await session.database.get(
+                session.database.dbs.session, id=session_id
+            )
+            last_update = session_doc["_source"]["updated"]
+            session.cookie = session_id
+            # Check that this cookie ain't too old. If it is, delete it and return bare-bones session object
+            if (now - last_update) > MAX_SESSION_AGE:
+                session.database.delete(
+                    index=session.database.dbs.session, id=session_id
+                )
+                return session
+            # Get CID and fecth the account data
+            cid = session_doc["_source"]["cid"]
+            if cid:
+                account_doc = await session.database.get(
+                    session.database.dbs.account, id=cid
+                )
+                creds = account_doc["_source"]["credentials"]
+                internal = account_doc["_source"]["internal"]
+                # Set session data
+                session.cid = cid
+                session.last_accessed = last_update
+                creds["authoritative"] = (
+                    internal.get("oauth_provider")
+                    in server.config.oauth.authoritative_domains
+                )
+                creds["oauth_provider"] = internal.get("oauth_provider", "generic")
+                creds["oauth_data"] = internal.get("oauth_data", {})
+                session.credentials = SessionCredentials(creds)
+                # Save in memory storage
+      [session_id] = session
+        except plugins.database.DBError:
+            pass
+    return session
+async def set_session(server: plugins.basetypes.Server, cid, **credentials):
+    """Create a new user session in the database"""
+    session_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
+    cookie: http.cookies.SimpleCookie = http.cookies.SimpleCookie()
+    cookie["boxer"] = session_id
+    session = SessionObject(
+        server, last_accessed=time.time(), cookie=session_id, cid=cid
+    )
+    session.credentials = SessionCredentials(credentials)
+[session_id] = session
+    # Grab temporary DB handle since session objects at init do not have this
+    # We just need this to be able to save the session in ES.
+    session.database = await server.dbpool.get()
+    # Save session and account data
+    await save_session(session)
+    await save_credentials(session)
+    # Put DB handle back into the pool
+    server.dbpool.put_nowait(session.database)
+    return cookie["boxer"].OutputString()
+async def save_session(session: SessionObject):
+    """Save a session object in the database"""
+    assert session.database, "Database not connected!"
+    await session.database.index(
+        index=session.database.dbs.session,
+        id=session.cookie,
+        body={
+            "cookie": session.cookie,
+            "cid": session.cid,
+            "updated": session.last_accessed,
+        },
+    )
+async def remove_session(session: SessionObject):
+    """Remove a session object in the ES database"""
+    assert session.database, "Database not connected!"
+    await session.database.delete(index=session.database.dbs.session, id=session.cookie)
+async def save_credentials(session: SessionObject):
+    """Save a user account object in the ES database"""
+    assert session.database, "Database not connected!"
+    assert session.credentials, "Session object without credentials, cannot save!"
+    await session.database.index(
+        index=session.database.dbs.account,
+        id=session.cid,
+        body={
+            "cid": session.cid,
+            "credentials": {
+                "email":,
+                "name":,
+                "uid": session.credentials.uid,
+            },
+            "internal": {
+                "oauth_provider": session.credentials.oauth_provider,
+                "oauth_data": session.credentials.oauth_data,
+            },
+        },
+    )