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layout: post
title: Welcome to GSoC Students!
date: '2013-04-10T00:00:00+00:00'
categories: OOo
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<p><a href="" title="Coeds with Hoes by OSU Special Collections &amp; Archives : Commons, on Flickr"><img width="500" height="408" src="" alt="Coeds with Hoes" /></a></p><a href="" title="Coeds with Hoes by OSU Special Collections &amp; Archives : Commons, on Flickr">
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<p align="left">Once again the Apache Software Foundation is a &quot;<a href="">mentoring organization</a>&quot; in Google Summer of Code, and the Apache OpenOffice project looks forward to this year's program.&nbsp; </p>
<p align="left">We invite students looking to get their hands dirty with real-world code to consider submitting an GSoC application related to OpenOffice.&nbsp;</p>
<p align="left"> Why OpenOffice?</p>
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<li>We're one of the most famous open source projects around.&nbsp; Our latest release has had over 45 million downloads.&nbsp; The work you do with OpenOffice could be seen by millions of users.</li>
<li>We're a fun, international and diverse group of volunteers.&nbsp; Working with OpenOffice this summer will be fun.</li>
<li>The core code for OpenOffice is C++, but extensions can be written in Java, Python and Basic as well.&nbsp; We probably speak your language.</li>
<li>OpenOffice software is central to the daily work of its users, with text documents, spreadsheets and presentations.&nbsp; There are good opportunities to explore applications that connect OpenOffice to cutting-edge disciplines such as text analytics, natural language processing, social network analysis, the semantic web, etc.<br /></li>
<p align="left">We've posted some <a href="">initial ideas</a>, suggested by our mentors.&nbsp; But don't feel limited to these ideas.&nbsp; If you want to work on a variation of one of these ideas, or an entirely different idea, let us know.&nbsp; If it is a good fit, and a mentor is able to work with you, then let us know.&nbsp; If you're passionate about something we want to hear about it.</p>
<p align="left">For more information, please take a look at the <a href="">Apache-wide GSoC page</a> where many of your questions may be already answered.</p>
<p align="left">Finally, we highly encourage prospective applicants to engage early with the OpenOffice community on our <a href="">development mailing list</a>.<br /></p>
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