blob: ee63b87f24c16a179987223051397b0afe5a3395 [file] [log] [blame]
layout: post
title: Controlling your SpamAssassin threshold
date: '2011-01-27T00:00:00+00:00'
categories: infra
The Infrastructure Team has just enabled a new feature to control your SpamAssassin Threshold for your account. The default score for user delivery has always remained at 10, but with this new feature you can lower that score to anything you want. Many people with older accounts will probably prefer a lower score, like 5, which is the default for all apache mailing lists.</p>
<p>To lower your score login to <a href=""></a> and change your 'SpamAssassin Threshold (asf-sascore)' attribute to your desired level. Don't forget to supply the form with your LDAP password.</p>