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| title: 'The Apache News Round-up: week ending 9 June 2017' |
| date: '2017-06-09T00:00:00+00:00' |
| categories: foundation |
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| <p>Another week has passed with the Apache community collaborating in full force:</p>
| <p>Support Apache –help sustain your favorite Apache project for less than $14/day. Every dollar counts. <a href="http://apache.org/foundation/contributing.html">http://apache.org/foundation/contributing.html</a><br /> - new ASF VP Fundraising Kevin McGrail on his goals for the coming year <a href="https://feathercast.apache.org/2017/05/18/kevin-mcgrail-fundraising-and-apachecon-north-america/">https://feathercast.apache.org/2017/05/18/kevin-mcgrail-fundraising-and-apachecon-north-america/</a></p>
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| <p>ASF Board –management and oversight of the business and affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation's bylaws.<br /> - Next Board Meeting: 21 June 2017. Board calendar and minutes <a href="http://apache.org/foundation/board/calendar.html">http://apache.org/foundation/board/calendar.html</a><a href="http://apache.org/foundation/board/calendar.html"></a></p>
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| <p>Success at Apache –monthly blog series that focuses on the processes behind why the ASF "just works".<br /> - Learning to Build a Stronger Community by John Ament <a href="https://s.apache.org/x9Be">https://s.apache.org/x9Be</a></p>
| <p>ApacheCon™ –the official conference of the Apache Software Foundation. Tomorrow's Technology Today.<br /> - Presentations from ApacheCon <a href="https://s.apache.org/Hli7">https://s.apache.org/Hli7</a> and Apache: Big Data <a href="https://s.apache.org/tefE">https://s.apache.org/tefE</a><br /> - Videos of keynotes + presentations <a href="https://s.apache.org/AE3m">https://s.apache.org/AE3m</a> and Audio recordings + soundbites from the conference floor <a href="https://feathercast.apache.org/">https://feathercast.apache.org/</a></p>
| <p>ASF Infrastructure –our distributed team on four continents keeps the ASF's infrastructure running around the clock.<br /> - 7M+ weekly checks yield skipping performance at 99.96% uptime <a href="http://status.apache.org/">http://status.apache.org/</a></p>
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| <p>Apache Directory™ LDAP API –an ongoing effort to provide an enhanced LDAP API, as a replacement for JNDI and the existing LDAP API (jLdap and Mozilla LDAP API).<br /> - Apache Directory LDAP API 1.0.0 released <a href="http://directory.apache.org/api">http://directory.apache.org/api</a></p>
| <p>Apache Groovy™ –a multi-facet programming language for the JVM.<br /> - Apache Groovy-2.5.0-beta-1 released <a href="https://groovy.apache.org/">https://groovy.apache.org/</a></p>
| <p>Apache Hadoop™ –the cornerstone of the Big Data ecosystem, from which dozens of Apache Big Data projects and countless industry solutions originate.<br /> - The Apache Software Foundation Announces Momentum With Apache® Hadoop® v2.8 <a href="https://s.apache.org/h0Tl">https://s.apache.org/h0Tl</a></p>
| <p>Apache HBase™ –an Open Source, distributed, versioned, non-relational database.<br /> - Apache HBase 1.2.6 released <a href="https://hbase.apache.org/">https://hbase.apache.org/</a></p>
| <p>Apache Jackrabbit™ Oak –a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class Web sites and other demanding content applications.<br /> - Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.26 and 1.4.16 released <a href="http://jackrabbit.apache.org/">http://jackrabbit.apache.org/</a></p>
| <p>Apache Lucene™ –a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java.<br /> - Apache Lucene 6.6.0 and Apache Solr 6.6.0 released <a href="http://lucene.apache.org/">http://lucene.apache.org/</a></p>
| <p>Apache Tomcat™ –an Open Source software implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Unified Expression Language, Java WebSocket and JASPIC technologies.<br /> - CVE-2017-5664 Apache Tomcat Security Constraint Bypass <a href="http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/www-announce/201706.mbox/%3C3abc830a-69e1-9ce1-27c8-1eaf9c2d6739%40apache.org%3E">http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/www-announce/201706.mbox/%3C3abc830a-69e1-9ce1-27c8-1eaf9c2d6739%40apache.org%3E</a><br /><br /></p>
| <p><strong>Did You Know?</strong></p>
| <p><strong></strong> - Did you know that if it's not at *.apache.org, it's not from us? <a href="https://s.apache.org/QviH">https://s.apache.org/QviH</a> </p>
| <p> - Did you know that Apache CouchDB was one of the first Apache projects to use git? <a href="https://blog.couchdb.org/2017/06/06/couchdb-developer-profile-joan-touzet/">https://blog.couchdb.org/2017/06/06/couchdb-developer-profile-joan-touzet/</a></p>
| <p> - Did you know that nearly half of businesses' security breaches are due to the Internet Of Things? Apache Spot (incubating) can help! <a href="http://spot.incubator.apache.org/">http://spot.incubator.apache.org/</a><br /><br /></p>
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| <p><strong>Apache Community Notices:</strong></p>
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| <p> - "Success at Apache" focuses on the processes behind why the ASF "just works". 1) Project Independence <a href="https://s.apache.org/CE0V">https://s.apache.org/CE0V</a> 2) All Carrot and No Stick <a href="https://s.apache.org/ykoG">https://s.apache.org/ykoG</a> 3) Asynchronous Decision Making <a href="https://s.apache.org/PMvk">https://s.apache.org/PMvk</a> 4) Rule of the Makers <a href="https://s.apache.org/yFgQ">https://s.apache.org/yFgQ</a> 5) JFDI --the unconditional love of contributors <a href="https://s.apache.org/4pjM">https://s.apache.org/4pjM</a> 6) Meritocracy and Me <a href="https://s.apache.org/tQQh">https://s.apache.org/tQQh</a> 7) Learning to Build a Stronger Community <a href="https://s.apache.org/x9Be">https://s.apache.org/x9Be</a></p>
| <p> - The latest Apache Community Newsletter <a href="https://blogs.apache.org/comdev/entry/community-development-news-april-2017">https://blogs.apache.org/comdev/entry/community-development-news-april-2017</a></p>
| <p> - Do friend and follow us on the Apache Community Facebook page <a href="https://www.facebook.com/ApacheSoftwareFoundation/">https://www.facebook.com/ApacheSoftwareFoundation/</a> and Twitter account <a href="https://twitter.com/ApacheCommunity">https://twitter.com/ApacheCommunity</a></p>
| <p> - Apache ActiveMQ Call For Logo <a href="https://blogs.apache.org/activemq/entry/apache-activemq-call-for-logo">https://blogs.apache.org/activemq/entry/apache-activemq-call-for-logo</a> </p>
| <p> - Join members of the Apache Apex, Beam, Flink, Hadoop, Kafka, Lucene, Solr, and Spark communities at Berlin Buzzwords 11-13 June in Berlin <a href="https://berlinbuzzwords.de/17/">https://berlinbuzzwords.de/17/</a></p>
| <p> - The Apache Phoenix community will be holding PhoenixCon on 13 June in San Francisco <a href="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/phoenixcon-2017-tickets-32872245772">https://www.eventbrite.com/e/phoenixcon-2017-tickets-32872245772</a> </p>
| <p> - Will we be seeing you at HBaseCon 12 June/Mountain View <a href="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hbasecon-west-2017-tickets-33101238696">https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hbasecon-west-2017-tickets-33101238696</a> and PhoenixCon 13 June/San Francisco <a href="https://www.eventbrite.com/e/phoenixcon-2017-tickets-32872245772">https://www.eventbrite.com/e/phoenixcon-2017-tickets-32872245772</a> ?</p>
| <p> - Meet members of Apache's Cloud community at Cloud Foundry Summit Silicon Valley 13-15 June in Santa Clara; enjoy 20% off registration rates using discount code CFSV17ASF20 <a href="https://goo.gl/Uq3g0t">https://goo.gl/Uq3g0t</a></p>
| <p> - Catch the Apache Ignite and Spark communities at the In-Memory Computing Summit 20-21 June in Amsterdam and 24-25 October in San Francisco <a href="https://imcsummit.org/">https://imcsummit.org/</a></p>
| <p> - ASF Operations Summary - Q3 FY2017 <a href="https://s.apache.org/NKFz">https://s.apache.org/NKFz</a></p>
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| <p> - The list of Apache project-related MeetUps can be found at <a href="http://apache.org/events/meetups.html">http://apache.org/events/meetups.html</a></p>
| <p> - Find out how you can participate with Apache community/projects/activities --opportunities open with Apache HTTP Server, Avro, ComDev (community development), Directory, Incubator, OODT, POI, Polygene, Syncope, Tika, Trafodion, and more! <a href="https://helpwanted.apache.org/">https://helpwanted.apache.org/</a></p>
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| <p> - Are your software solutions Powered by Apache? Download & use our "Powered By" logos <a href="http://www.apache.org/foundation/press/kit/#poweredby">http://www.apache.org/foundation/press/kit/#poweredby</a></p>
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| <div>For real-time updates, sign up for <a href="http://apache.org/foundation/mailinglists.html#foundation-announce">Apache-related news</a> by sending mail to announce-subscribe@apache.org and follow <a href="https://twitter.com/TheASF">@TheASF on Twitter</a>. For a broader spectrum from the Apache community, <a href="http://s.apache.org/landsend">https://twitter.com/PlanetApache</a> provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers.</div>
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