blob: 3b87c958ac743f1f713814894a9b537725214609 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# OPENAPI-URI: /api/bans
# delete:
# requestBody:
# content:
# application/json:
# schema:
# $ref: '#/components/schemas/IPAddress'
# description: Removes a banlist entry
# required: true
# responses:
# '200':
# content:
# application/json:
# schema:
# $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActionCompleted'
# description: Removal successful
# default:
# content:
# application/json:
# schema:
# $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
# description: unexpected error
# security:
# - cookieAuth: []
# summary: Remove a whitelist entry
# get:
# responses:
# '200':
# content:
# application/json:
# schema:
# $ref: '#/components/schemas/Empty'
# description: 200 response
# default:
# content:
# application/json:
# schema:
# $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
# description: unexpected error
# security:
# - cookieAuth: []
# summary: Displays the current banlistr entries
# put:
# requestBody:
# content:
# application/json:
# schema:
# $ref: '#/components/schemas/IPAddress'
# description: IP address or block to ban
# required: true
# responses:
# '200':
# content:
# application/json:
# schema:
# $ref: '#/components/schemas/ActionCompleted'
# description: Ban entry added
# default:
# content:
# application/json:
# schema:
# $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
# description: unexpected error
# summary: Add a banmlist entry
This is the banlist handler for Blocky/2
import json
import re
import time
import bcrypt
import hashlib
import plugins.worker
# Cached vars
BAN_TS = 0
def find_rule(DB, doctype, ip):
""" Find a rule, either v1 or v2 style """
bid = plugins.worker.make_sha1(str(ip))
# Blocky/2 ban doc
if DB.ES.exists(index=DB.dbname, doc_type = doctype, id = bid):
return DB.ES.get(index=DB.dbname, doc_type = doctype, id = bid)
# Blocky/1 ban doc
oid = str(ip).replace('/', '_').replace('_32', '').replace('_128', '')
if DB.ES.exists(index=DB.dbname, doc_type = doctype, id = oid):
return DB.ES.get(index=DB.dbname, doc_type = doctype, id = oid)
def to_whitelist_temp(DB, hit):
""" Temporarily turn a banlist entry into a whitelist entry """
doc = hit['_source']
ipaddress = doc.get('ip')
if not ipaddress:
ipaddress = hit['_id'].replace('_', '/') # Blocky/1 syntax, bah
if ipaddress:
ipaddress = ipaddress.strip() # blocky/1 bug
block = plugins.worker.to_block(ipaddress)
ip = str(block)
entry = {
'ip': ip,
'reason': "Temporary system whitelist due to unban",
'target': "*",
'epoch': int(time.time()),
'timeout': int(time.time() + 3600)
bid = plugins.worker.make_sha1(ip)
DB.ES.index(index=DB.dbname, doc_type = 'whitelist', id = bid, body = entry)
plugins.worker.addnote(DB, 'system', "Whitelisting %s temporarily to flush blocks" % (ipaddress))
def remove_whitelist(session, white):
""" Remove a white, either v1 or v2 style """
plugins.worker.addnote(session.DB, 'system',"Removing whitelist entry for %s due to forced banlisting" % white)
bid = plugins.worker.make_sha1(str(white))
# Blocky/2 ban doc
if session.DB.ES.exists(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type = 'whitelist', id = bid):
session.DB.ES.delete(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type = 'whitelist', id = bid, refresh = 'wait_for')
# Blocky/1 ban doc
oid = str(white).replace('/', '_').replace('_32', '')
if session.DB.ES.exists(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type = 'whitelist', id = oid):
session.DB.ES.delete(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type = 'whitelist', id = oid, refresh = 'wait_for')
def run(API, environ, indata, session):
method = environ['REQUEST_METHOD']
# Adding a new entry?
if method == "PUT":
ip = indata['source']
reason = indata['reason']
target = indata.get('target', '*')
force = indata.get('force', False)
submitter = environ.get('HTTP_PROXY_USER', 'Admin')
reason = "Banned by %s: %s" % (submitter, reason)
# Check if ban already exists
if find_rule(session.DB, 'ban', ip):
raise API.exception(400, "A ban already exists for this IP!")
# Check if this IP is within a whitelisted space
block = plugins.worker.to_block(ip)
whitelist = plugins.worker.get_whitelist(session.DB)
for white in whitelist:
if block in white:
if force:
remove_whitelist(session, white)
raise API.exception(403, "IP Address is whitelisted as %s, cannot ban!" % white)
if white in block:
if force:
remove_whitelist(session, white)
raise API.exception(403, "This ban would cancel whitelist entry for %s, cannot mix" % white)
# all good? Okay, add the entry then
entry = {
'ip': ip,
'reason': reason,
'target': target,
'epoch': int(time.time())
bid = plugins.worker.make_sha1(str(block))
session.DB.ES.index(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type = 'ban', id = bid, body = entry)
plugins.worker.addnote(session.DB, 'manual', "Manual ban for %s added by %s: %s" % (ip, submitter, reason))
yield json.dumps({"message": "Entry added!"})
# Delete an entry
if method == "DELETE":
submitter = environ.get('HTTP_PROXY_USER', 'Admin')
rid = indata.get('rule')
doc = None
if re.match(r"^[a-f0-9]+$", rid):
if session.DB.ES.exists(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type='ban', id = rid):
hit = session.DB.ES.get(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type='ban', id = rid)
plugins.worker.addnote(session.DB, 'manual', "Ban for %s removed by %s" % (hit['_source'].get('ip', rid), submitter))
to_whitelist_temp(session.DB, hit)
session.DB.ES.delete(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type='ban', id = rid, refresh = 'wait_for')
yield json.dumps({"message": "Entry removed"})
elif re.match(r"^[a-f0-9.:_]+$", rid):
if session.DB.ES.exists(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type='ban', id = rid):
hit = session.DB.ES.get(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type='ban', id = rid, refresh = 'wait_for')
plugins.worker.addnote(session.DB, 'manual', "Ban for %s removed by %s" % (hit['_source'].get('ip', rid), submitter))
to_whitelist_temp(session.DB, hit)
session.DB.ES.delete(index=session.DB.dbname, doc_type='ban', id = rid)
yield json.dumps({"message": "Entry removed"})
raise API.exception(400, "Invalid rule ID specified!")
# Display the current banlist entries
if method == "GET":
# Only re-fetch banlist every 30 secs, save processing power!
if BAN_TS < (time.time() - BAN_CACHE_TIME) or 'Mozilla' in environ.get('HTTP_USER_AGENT', 'python'):
res =
size = 10000,
body = {
'query': {
'match_all': {}
for hit in res['hits']['hits']:
doc = hit['_source']
ip = doc.get('ip')
if not ip:
ip = hit['_id'].replace('_', '/') # backwards compat
if ip:
doc['ip'] = ip.strip()
doc['rid'] = hit['_id']
BAN_TS = time.time()
'bans': BANLIST
yield json.dumps(JSON_OUT)
# Finally, if we hit a method we don't know, balk!
yield API.exception(400, "I don't know this request method!!")