blob: f67c0b86bd9bf7084109b0cc7b2b61035919a027 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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# limitations under the License.
This is the ES library for Blocky.
It stores the elasticsearch handler and config options.
# Main imports
import cgi
import re
import urllib3
import elasticsearch
class BlockyESWrapper(object):
Class for rewriting old-style queries to the new ones,
where doc_type is an integral part of the DB name
def __init__(self, ES):
self.ES = ES
def get(self, index, doc_type, id):
return self.ES.get(index = index+'_'+doc_type, doc_type = '_doc', id = id)
def exists(self, index, doc_type, id):
return self.ES.exists(index = index+'_'+doc_type, doc_type = '_doc', id = id)
def exists_doctype(self, index, doc_type):
return self.ES.indices.exists(index = index+'_'+doc_type)
def create(self, index, doc_type):
return self.ES.indices.create(index = index+'_'+doc_type)
def delete(self, index, doc_type, id):
return self.ES.delete(index = index+'_'+doc_type, doc_type = '_doc', id = id)
def index(self, index, doc_type, id, body, refresh = False):
return self.ES.index(index = index+'_'+doc_type, doc_type = '_doc', id = id, refresh = refresh, body = body)
def update(self, index, doc_type, id, body):
return self.ES.update(index = index+'_'+doc_type, doc_type = '_doc', id = id, body = body)
def search(self, index, doc_type, size = 100, _source_include = None, body = None):
index = index+'_'+doc_type,
doc_type = '_doc',
size = size,
_source_include = _source_include,
body = body
def count(self, index, doc_type, body = None):
return self.ES.count(
index = index+'_'+doc_type,
doc_type = '_doc',
body = body
class BlockyDatabase(object):
def __init__(self, config):
self.config = config
self.dbname = config['elasticsearch']['dbname']
self.ES = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch([{
'host': config['elasticsearch']['host'],
'port': int(config['elasticsearch']['port']),
'use_ssl': config['elasticsearch']['ssl'],
'verify_certs': False,
'url_prefix': config['elasticsearch']['uri'] if 'uri' in config['elasticsearch'] else '',
'http_auth': config['elasticsearch']['auth'] if 'auth' in config['elasticsearch'] else None
# IMPORTANT BIT: Figure out if this is ES 6.x or newer.
# If so, we're using the new ES DB mappings, and need to adjust ALL
# ES calls to match this.
es6 = True if int(['version']['number'].split('.')[0]) >= 6 else False
if es6:
self.ES = BlockyESWrapper(self.ES)