blob: dcafeaa73074e5f4bdd61737e2b32dc3d7c4dade [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
""" ASF LDAP Account Manager """
if not __debug__:
raise RuntimeError("This code requires Assertions to be enabled")
import sys
assert sys.version_info >= (3, 2)
import ldap
import ldap.modlist
import ldif
import re
import crypt
import random
import string
LDAP_SANDBOX = "ldaps://"
LDAP_MASTER = "ldaps://"
LDAP_SUFFIX = 'dc=apache,dc=org'
LDAP_PEOPLE_BASE = 'ou=people,dc=apache,dc=org'
LDAP_GROUPS_BASE = 'ou=groups,dc=apache,dc=org'
LDAP_APLDAP_BASE = 'cn=apldap,ou=groups,ou=services,dc=apache,dc=org'
LDAP_CHAIRS_BASE = 'cn=pmc-chairs,ou=groups,ou=services,dc=apache,dc=org'
LDAP_PMCS_BASE = 'ou=project,ou=groups,dc=apache,dc=org'
LDAP_ROLES_BASE = 'ou=role,ou=groups,dc=apache,dc=org'
LDAP_DN = 'uid=%s,ou=people,dc=apache,dc=org'
LDAP_CN = 'cn=%s,%s'
# INFRA-21590 ApacheID cannot have dashes.
LDAP_VALID_UID_RE = re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_]+$")
# New user account UIDs will be larger than this value.
# Conversely: service accounts will be less than this.
# NOTE: this value was chosen to ensure enough lower-value
# UIDs were available for service accounts, until we
# reach the heat death of the universe.
# New service account UIDs will be larger than this value,
# but below that of MINIMUM_UID.
# NOTE: since the GID is chosen to match the UID, we start
# at 5010, to avoid collision with: "nacho" uid=1122 gid=5004
ASSERTION_FAILED = "Common backend assertions failed, LDAP corruption?"
BACKEND_TIMEOUT = "The backend authentication server timed out, please retry later."
def bytify(ldiff):
""" Convert all values in a dict to byte-string """
for k, v in ldiff.items():
if type(v) is list:
n = 0
for xv in v:
if type(v[n]) is str:
v[n] = xv.encode('utf-8')
n += 1
if type(v) is str:
v = [v.encode('utf-8')]
ldiff[k] = v
return ldiff
def stringify(ldiff):
""" Convert all values in a dict to string """
for k, v in ldiff.items():
# Convert single-list to string
if type(v) is list and len(v) == 1:
v = v[0]
if type(v) is list:
n = 0
for xv in v:
if type(v[n]) is bytes:
v[n] = xv.decode('utf-8')
n += 1
if type(v) is bytes:
v = v.decode('utf-8')
ldiff[k] = v
return ldiff
class ConnectionException(Exception):
""" Simple exception with a message and an optional origin exception (WIP) """
def __init__(self, message, origin=None):
self.origin = origin
class ValidatorException(Exception):
""" Simple validator exception with a message and an optional triggering attribute """
def __init__(self, message, attrib=None):
self.attribute = attrib
class committer:
""" Committer class, allows for munging data """
def __init__(self, mgr, res):
self.manager = mgr
self.dn = res[0][0]
self.dn_enc = self.dn.encode('ascii')
self.attributes = stringify(res[0][1])
self.uid = self.attributes['uid']
def add_project(self, project):
""" Add person to project (as committer) """
dn = LDAP_CN % (project, LDAP_PMCS_BASE), [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'member', self.dn_enc)])
def add_pmc(self, project):
""" Add person to project (as PMC member) """
dn = LDAP_CN % (project, LDAP_PMCS_BASE), [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'owner', self.dn_enc)])
def add_basic_group(self, group):
""" Add person to basic posixGroup entry """
dn = LDAP_CN % (group, LDAP_GROUPS_BASE), [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'memberUid', self.uid.encode('ascii'))])
def add_role(self, role):
""" Add person to basic posixGroup entry """
dn = LDAP_CN % (role, LDAP_ROLES_BASE), [(ldap.MOD_ADD, 'member', self.dn_enc)])
def remove_project(self, project):
""" Remove person from project (as committer) """
dn = LDAP_CN % (project, LDAP_PMCS_BASE), [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'member', self.dn_enc)])
def remove_pmc(self, project):
""" Remove person from PMC """
dn = LDAP_CN % (project, LDAP_PMCS_BASE), [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'owner', self.dn_enc)])
def remove_basic_group(self, group):
""" Remove person from basic posixGroup entry """
dn = LDAP_CN % (group, LDAP_GROUPS_BASE), [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'memberUid', self.uid.encode('ascii'))])
def remove_role(self, role):
""" Add person to basic posixGroup entry """
dn = LDAP_CN % (role, LDAP_ROLES_BASE), [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'member', self.dn_enc)])
def rename(self, newuid):
""" Rename an account, fixing in all projects """
xuid = newuid
if type(newuid) is str:
newuid = newuid.encode('ascii')
xuid = newuid.decode('ascii')
# Validate uid
if not LDAP_VALID_UID_RE.match(xuid):
raise ValidatorException("Invalid UID, must match ^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_]+$")
# Test if uid exists
if self.manager.load_account(xuid):
raise ConnectionException("An account with this uid already exists")
# Test for clashing cn's
res =, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'cn=%s' % xuid)
if res:
raise ValidatorException("availid clashes with project name %s!" % res[0][0], 'uid')
# We'll need to assign a new uidNumber as well..
uidnumber = self.manager.next_user_uid()
# Switch email and home dir
changeset = []
o_email = self.attributes['asf-committer-email'].encode('ascii')
n_email = b'' % newuid
o_homedir = self.attributes['homeDirectory'].encode('ascii')
n_homedir = b'/home/%s' % newuid
changeset.append((ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'asf-committer-email', o_email))
changeset.append((ldap.MOD_ADD, 'asf-committer-email', n_email))
changeset.append((ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'homeDirectory', o_homedir))
changeset.append((ldap.MOD_ADD, 'homeDirectory', n_homedir))
# Change UID Number - has to be done all in one atomic go.
ouidn = self.attributes['uidNumber'].encode('ascii')
nuidn = b'%u' % uidnumber
print("Changing uidNumber/gidNumber to %s..." % uidnumber)
changeset.append((ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'gidNumber', ouidn))
changeset.append((ldap.MOD_ADD, 'gidNumber', nuidn))
changeset.append((ldap.MOD_DELETE, 'uidNumber', ouidn))
changeset.append((ldap.MOD_ADD, 'uidNumber', nuidn)), changeset)
# Change DN
odn = self.dn_enc.decode('ascii')
newdn = LDAP_DN % xuid
newdn_enc = newdn.encode('ascii')
print("Changing %s to %s" % (odn, newdn)), 'uid=%s' % xuid)
# Search and rename
# Replace long refs: member + owner
for role in ['member', 'owner']:
res =, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '%s=%s' % (role, self.dn_enc.decode('ascii')))
for entry in res:
cn = entry[0]
myhash = entry[1]
if self.dn_enc in myhash[role]:
print("Modifying (long) %s attribute in %s ..." % (role, cn)), [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, role, self.dn_enc)]), [(ldap.MOD_ADD, role, newdn_enc)])
# Replace short refs: memberUid
ouid = self.uid.encode('ascii')
for role in ['memberUid']:
res =, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(%s=%s))' % (role, self.uid))
for entry in res:
cn = entry[0]
myhash = entry[1]
if ouid in myhash[role]:
print("Modifying (short) %s attribute in %s ..." % (role, cn)), [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, role, ouid)]), [(ldap.MOD_ADD, role, newuid)])
# Change in-object
self.uid = xuid
self.dn_enc = newdn_enc
class manager:
""" Top LDAP Manager class for whomever is using the script """
def __init__(self, user, password, host=LDAP_SANDBOX):
# Verify correct user ID syntax, construct DN
if not re.match(r"^[-_a-z0-9]+$", user):
raise ConnectionException("Invalid characters in User ID. Must be alphanumerical or dashes only.")
# Init LDAP connection
lc = ldap.initialize(host)
lc.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
lc.set_option(ldap.OPT_TIMEOUT, 5)
# Attempt to bind with user and pass provided
lc.simple_bind_s(LDAP_DN % user, password)
raise ConnectionException("Invalid username or password supplied!")
except ldap.TIMEOUT:
raise ConnectionException(BACKEND_TIMEOUT)
# So far so good, set uid
self.uid = user
self.dn = LDAP_DN % user = lc
# Get full name etc
res = lc.search_s(LDAP_DN % user, ldap.SCOPE_BASE)
assert(len(res) == 1)
assert(len(res[0]) == 2)
fn = res[0][1].get('cn')
assert(type(fn) is list and len(fn) == 1)
self.fullname = str(fn[0], 'utf-8') = '' % user
except ldap.TIMEOUT:
raise ConnectionException(BACKEND_TIMEOUT)
except AssertionError:
raise ConnectionException(ASSERTION_FAILED)
# Get apldap status
res = lc.search_s(LDAP_APLDAP_BASE, ldap.SCOPE_BASE)
assert(len(res) == 1)
assert(len(res[0]) == 2)
members = res[0][1].get('member')
assert(type(members) is list and len(members) > 0)
self.isAdmin = bytes(LDAP_DN % user, 'utf-8') in members
except ldap.TIMEOUT:
raise ConnectionException(BACKEND_TIMEOUT)
except AssertionError:
raise ConnectionException(ASSERTION_FAILED)
def load_account(self, uid):
if type(uid) is bytes:
uid = uid.decode('ascii')
# Check if account exists!
res =, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'uid=%s' % uid)
if res:
return committer(self, res)
return None
def _find_gaps(self, l):
return [item for item in range(l[0], l[-1]+1) if item not in l]
def next_user_uid(self):
""" Find lowest available user account uid with a matching available gid """
r =, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'uid=*', ['uidNumber', 'gidNumber'])
un_avail_uids = sorted([int(item[1]["uidNumber"][0].decode('utf8')) for item in r])
un_avail_gids = sorted([int(item[1]["gidNumber"][0].decode('utf8')) for item in r])
avail_uids = self._find_gaps(un_avail_uids)
avail_gids = self._find_gaps(un_avail_gids)
# In case there are no gaps, increment the last returned UID
# If the new UID is not unavailable append it to the list of
# available_uids.
n_uid = int(un_avail_uids[-1]+1)
while n_uid in un_avail_gids:
# Ensure you got something
assert(type(avail_uids) is list and len(avail_uids) > 0 and type(avail_gids) is list and len(avail_gids) > 0)
for uid in avail_uids:
if uid >= MINIMUM_USER_UID and uid in avail_gids:
except ldap.TIMEOUT:
raise ConnectionException(BACKEND_TIMEOUT)
except AssertionError:
raise ConnectionException(ASSERTION_FAILED)
def create_account(
""" Attempts to create a committer account in LDAP """
if not self.isAdmin:
raise ConnectionException("You do not have sufficient access to create accounts")
# Validate uid
if not LDAP_VALID_UID_RE.match(uid):
raise ValidatorException("Invalid UID, must match ^[a-z0-9][a-z0-9_]+$")
# Test if uid exists
if self.load_account(uid):
raise ConnectionException("An account with this uid already exists")
# Test for clashing cn's
res =, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'cn=%s' % uid)
if res:
raise ValidatorException("availid clashes with project name %s!" % res[0][0], 'uid')
uidnumber = self.next_user_uid()
# Get surname and given name, validate against spurious whitespace
names = fullname.split(' ')
if len(names) < 2 and requireTwo:
raise ValidatorException("Full name needs at least two parts!", 'fullname')
givenName = names[0]
surName = names[-1]
for n in names:
if not n.strip():
raise ValidatorException("Found part of name with too much spacing!", 'fullname')
# Validate email
if not re.match(r"^\S+@\S+?\.\S+$", email):
raise ValidatorException("Invalid email address supplied!", 'email')
# Set password, b64-encoded crypt of random string
password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(16))
if forcePass:
password = forcePass
password_crypted = crypt.crypt(password, crypt.mksalt(method=crypt.METHOD_MD5))
ldiff = {
'objectClass': ['person', 'top', 'posixAccount', 'organizationalPerson', 'inetOrgPerson', 'asf-committer', 'hostObject', 'ldapPublicKey'],
'loginShell': '/bin/bash',
'asf-sascore': '10',
'givenName': givenName,
'sn': surName,
'mail': email,
'gidNumber': '9000',
'uidNumber': str(uidnumber),
'asf-committer-email': '' % uid,
'cn': fullname,
'homeDirectory': '/home/%s' % uid,
'userPassword': '{CRYPT}' + password_crypted,
'host': '',
# Convert everything to bytestrings because ldap demands it...
# Run LDIF on server
dn = LDAP_DN % uid
am = ldap.modlist.addModlist(ldiff), am)
return self.load_account(uid)
class LDIFWriter_Sane(ldif.LDIFWriter):
LDIFWriter with b64 detection overridden to allow for use of utf-8 rather than bytes
Also disables b64 encoding for the 'dn' attribute
def _needs_base64_encoding(self, attr_type, attr_value):
returns False if attr_type is 'dn'
returns True if attr_value has to be base-64 encoded because
of special chars or because attr_type is in self._base64_attrs
if attr_type.lower() == 'dn':
# We must always exclude DN
# as our own library makes this a str (utf-8)
return False
if type(attr_value) is bytes:
return super()._needs_base64_encoding(attr_type, attr_value)
# short-cut to avoid encoding unless necessary
if attr_type.lower() in self._base64_attrs:
return True
return super()._needs_base64_encoding(attr_type, attr_value.encode('utf-8'))
except UnicodeEncodeError:
return False