blob: 02ee5dae413f64b0079b80b088c2531ec9cc9d03 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
#the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"SQLite document-store wrapper for ASF."
import sqlite3
import typing
DEFAULT_ISOLATION_LEVEL = None # When None, enables auto-commit mode in sqlite
class AsfpyDBError(Exception):
class DB:
def __init__(self, fp: str, isolation_level: typing.Optional[str] = DEFAULT_ISOLATION_LEVEL):
self.connector = sqlite3.connect(fp, isolation_level=isolation_level)
self.connector.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
self.cursor = self.connector.cursor()
# Need sqlite 3.25.x or higher for upserts
self.upserts_supported: bool = (sqlite3.sqlite_version >= "3.25.0")
def run(self, cmd: str, *args):
Runs an SQLITE command in a cursor, but does not commit changes to disk
@param cmd: The command to run
@param args: Optional interpolated arguments
self.cursor.execute(cmd, args)
def runc(self, cmd: str, *args):
Runs an SQLITE command and commits the changes to disk
@param cmd: The command to run
@param args: Optional interpolated arguments
self.cursor.execute(cmd, args)
def delete(self, table: str, **target):
Deletes one or more matching entries from a table where a specific document key/value matches.
@param table: The table to remove entries from
@param target: Variable key/value pairs to form the selection match. For instance, user=janedoe
if not target:
raise AsfpyDBError("DELETE must have at least one defined target value for locating where to delete from")
items = target.items() # Use the same ordering for keys/values
search = " AND ".join("`%s` = ?" % uk for uk, uv in items)
values = [uv for uk, uv in items]
statement = f'DELETE FROM {table} WHERE {search}'
self.runc(statement, *values)
def update(self, table: str, document: dict, **target):
Updates one or more rows in a table where the target key/value pair matches
update('accounts', { 'name': 'jane doe', 'password': '1245' }, user_id='janedoe')
would update any rows where user_id is 'janedoe' and set name and password.
@param table: The table to edit
@param document: The document, as a dict, to update (target values)
@param target: The search key/value pair for finding the right document.
if not target:
raise AsfpyDBError("UPDATE must have at one defined target to specify the row to update")
k, v = next(iter(target.items()))
items = document.items() # Use the same ordering for keys/values
columns = ", ".join("%s = ?" % uk for uk, uv in items)
statement = f'UPDATE {table} SET {columns} WHERE {k} = ?;'
values = [uv for uk, uv in items]
values.append(v) # unique constraint
self.runc(statement, *values)
def insert(self, table: str, document: dict):
Inserts a row into a table
@param table: The table to insert the row into
@param document: The row data, as a dict, to insert.
items = document.items() # Use the same ordering for keys/values
columns = ", ".join("`%s`" % uk for uk, uv in items)
questionmarks = ", ".join(['?'] * len(items))
statement = f'INSERT INTO {table} ({columns}) VALUES ({questionmarks});'
values = [uv for uk, uv in items]
self.runc(statement, *values)
def upsert(self, table: str, document: dict, **target):
Performs an upsert in a table with unique constraints. Insert if not present, update otherwise.
@param table: The table to upsert into
@param document: The document to insert/update (depending on whether it exists)
@param target: Target search key/value parameters to look for existing document.
# Always have the target identifier as part of the row
if not target:
raise AsfpyDBError("UPSERTs must have at least one defined target value for locating where to upsert")
k, v = next(iter(target.items()))
document[k] = v
# table: foo
# bar: 1
# baz: 2
# INSERT INTO foo (bar,baz) VALUES (?,?) ON CONFLICT (bar) DO UPDATE SET (bar=?, foo=?) WHERE bar=?,(1,2,1,2,1,)
if self.upserts_supported:
items = document.items() # Use the same ordering for keys/values
variables = ", ".join("`%s`" % uk for uk, uv in items)
questionmarks = ", ".join(['?'] * len(items))
upserts = ", ".join("`%s` = ?" % uk for uk, uv in items)
statement = f'INSERT INTO {table} ({variables}) VALUES ({questionmarks}) ON CONFLICT({k}) DO UPDATE SET {upserts} WHERE {k} = ?;'
# insert values, update values, and the unique constraint value
values = ([uv for uk, uv in items] * 2) + [v]
self.runc(statement, *values)
# Older versions of sqlite do not support 'ON CONFLICT', so we'll have to work around that...
try: # Try to insert
self.insert(table, document)
except sqlite3.IntegrityError: # Conflict, update instead
self.update(table, document, **target)
def fetch(self, table: str, limit: int = 1, **params) -> typing.Iterator[dict]:
Searches a table for matching params, returns up to $limit items that match, as dicts in an iterator.
If no limit is specified, returns all matches.
@param table: Table to fetch rows from
@param limit: The maximum number of rows to fetch. Can be None, for all rows
@param params: Search parameters as key/value pairs
@return: An iterator with all the found rows as dicts
if params:
items = params.items() # Use the same ordering for keys/values
search = " AND ".join("`%s` = ?" % uk for uk, uv in items)
values = [uv for uk, uv in items]
search = "1"
values = []
statement = f'SELECT * FROM {table} WHERE {search}'
if limit:
statement += f' LIMIT {limit}'
rows_left = limit
self.cursor.execute(statement, values)
while True:
rowset = self.cursor.fetchmany()
if not rowset:
return # break iteration
for row in rowset:
yield dict(row)
if limit:
rows_left -= len(rowset)
assert rows_left >= 0
if rows_left == 0:
return # break iteration
def fetchone(self, table_name: str, **params) -> typing.Optional[dict]:
Fetches a single row from a table, or None if no match was found.
@param table_name: The table to search in
@param params: Search parameters as key/value pairs
@return: If a match was found, returns the matching row as a dict, else None
return next(self.fetch(table_name, **params))
except StopIteration: # No more entries!
return None
def table_exists(self, table: str) -> bool:
Checks if a table exists in the database
@param table: The table to look for
@return: Boolean True or False, depending on whether the table exists.
return self.fetchone('sqlite_master', type='table', name=table) and True or False
def test(dbname=':memory:'):
testdb = db(dbname)
cstatement = '''CREATE TABLE test (
foo varchar unique,
bar varchar,
baz real
# Create if not already here
except sqlite3.OperationalError as e: # Table exists
assert str(e) == "table test already exists"
# Insert (may fail if already tested)
testdb.insert('test', {'foo': 'foo1234', 'bar': 'blorgh', 'baz': 5})
except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e:
assert str(e) == "UNIQUE constraint failed:"
# This must fail
testdb.insert('test', {'foo': 'foo1234', 'bar': 'blorgh', 'baz': 2})
except sqlite3.IntegrityError as e:
assert str(e) == "UNIQUE constraint failed:"
# This must pass
testdb.upsert('test', {'foo': 'foo1234', 'bar': 'blorgssh', 'baz': 8}, foo='foo1234')
# This should fail with no target specified
testdb.upsert('test', {'foo': 'foo1234', 'bar': 'blorgssh', 'baz': 8})
except AsfpyDBError as e:
assert str(e) == "UPSERTs must have at least one defined target value for locating where to upsert"
# This should all pass
testdb.update('test', {'foo': 'foo4321'}, foo='foo1234')
obj = testdb.fetchone('test', foo='foo4321')
assert type(obj) is dict and obj.get('foo') == 'foo4321'
obj = testdb.fetch('test', limit=5, foo = 'foo4321')
assert str(type(obj)) == "<class 'generator'>"
assert next(obj).get('foo') == 'foo4321'
obj = testdb.fetchone('test', foo='foo9999')
assert obj is None
testdb.delete('test', foo='foo4321')
assert testdb.table_exists('test')
assert not testdb.table_exists('test2')
# Let's insert 1000 rows, and perform a repeated fetch.
for i in range(1000):
testdb.insert('test', {'foo': str(i), 'bar': str(i), 'baz': i})
count = 0
for row in testdb.fetch('test', limit=None):
assert int(row['foo']) == count
count += 1
assert count == 1000
# Change the arraysize, and run it again.
testdb.cursor.arraysize = 97 # ensure last fetch is short
count = 0
for row in testdb.fetch('test', limit=None):
assert int(row['foo']) == count
count += 1
assert count == 1000
# One more run, with a limit. Leave the arraysize.
count = 0
for row in testdb.fetch('test', limit=30):
assert int(row['foo']) == count
count += 1
assert count == 30
# Backwards compatibility
db = DB
if __name__ == '__main__':