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= Incubation Policy
Apache Incubator PMC
:jbake-type: policy
:jbake-status: published
:imagesdir: ../images/
In October 2002 the Board of Directors of the Apache Software Foundation passed
a resolution to establish the Apache Incubator PMC. Quoting the
link:[October 16th, 2002 Board Minutes]:
[quote, ASF Board Meeting, October 16th 2002]
...establish a Project Management Committee charged with
accepting **new products** into the Foundation, providing **guidance
and support** to help each new product engender their own
collaborative community, **educating new developers in the
philosophy and guidelines** for collaborative development as
defined by the members of the Foundation, and proposing to the
board **the promotion of such products to independent PMC
status** once their community has reached maturity.
See the October 2002 link: [Board report] for the resolution.
The Incubator has the following responsibilities:
- Welcoming new Podlings to become part of the Apache Software Foundation.
- Guiding Podlings to grow their communities according to the ASF's philosophy and guidelines for collaborative development (called the *Apache Way*).
- Reporting monthly to the board on the progress of Podlings.
- Graduating Podlings to top level Apache Software Foundation projects.
- Retiring Podlings when needed.
- Accepting IP donations.
== About this Document
This document is the reference for the policies and procedures put in place by the Incubator PMC for the incubation process.
The document makes use of the terms MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHALL, SHALL NOT, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY and OPTIONAL. Where capitalized, these terms are used as defined in link:[RFC 2119].
Like many policy documents this is not the most fun thing to read. Our link:/cookbook[Cookbook]
provides more concrete information on the incubation process.
== Scope
This document contains the minimum requirements and processes that MUST be met by Podlings undergoing incubation.
This document does not apply outside the process of incubation.
== Relationship to Other Documents
This document is the set of requirements for incubation. Where other documents say something different, this document is correct.
== Changing this Document
The Incubator PMC approves the content of this document. Any changes MUST be authorized by the Incubator PMC.
== Podling Reporting
Each Podling in Incubation MUST report to the Incubator PMC. Podlings SHALL report monthly for their first three months, after that quarterly. The Incubator PMC MAY, at their discretion, ask a Podlings to report more frequently. The PPMC with the mentor(s) help, MUST produce a report for the Incubator PMC detailing the overall progress toward graduation and any issues encountered.
== Podling Constraints
While in Incubation, Podlings are constrained in the actions they can undertake.
=== Website
There are restrictions on where Podlings sites are hosted and branding on web sites.
Please consult the link:/guides/sites.html[Podling Websites Guide] for the current policies on Podling websites.
=== Branding
There are restrictions about how Podlings can use their own and other ASF brands and names.
Please consult the link:/guides/branding.html[Podling Branding Guide] for details.
=== Publicity
There are some restrictions about how Podlings can advertise themselves, especially around press releases related to Podlings.
Please consult the link:/guides/publicity.html[Podling Publicity Guide] for details.
=== Disclaimers
Podling web sites MUST include a clear disclaimer on their
website and in all documentation, releases and release announcements
stating that they are in incubation. Podlings SHOULD use the following
text for all disclaimers (replace the underlined phrases as appropriate):
Apache [.underline]#Podling-Name# is an effort
undergoing incubation at The Apache Software Foundation (ASF),
sponsored by the [.underline]#name of Apache TLP sponsor#. Incubation is required of all
newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the
infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have
stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects.
While incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the
completeness or stability of the code, it does indicate that the
project has yet to be fully endorsed by the ASF.
Podlings wishing to use a different disclaimer message MUST have the
disclaimer approved by the Incubator PMC before use.
For releases, the text SHOULD be included in a separate DISCLAIMER file
stored alongside the NOTICE and LICENSE files.
=== Releases
See the guidelines for link:/guides/releasemanagement.html[Podling releases] for good practices on making releases.
Podlings are not fully accepted as official projects within the Apache Software Foundation. Podlings MUST NOT perform any releases of software without the approval of the Incubator PMC. When a Podling decides it wants to make an release, the Podling MUST hold a vote on their public dev list. At least three +1 votes are required (see the[Apache Voting Process] page) and more +1 votes than -1 votes. If the vote passes the Podling MUST send a summary of that vote to the Incubator's link:/howtoparticipate.html#Mailing+lists[general] list and request that the Incubator PMC approve the release. Three +1 Incubator PMC votes are required to approve a release. Below is an example showing how an incubating project managed this process:
- link:++[Post to the Podling dev list calling the vote.]
- link:++[Post to the Incubator's general list requesting approval from the Incubator PMC.]
Should the Incubator PMC vote to approve a release, the Podling MAY make that release available to the public, only if:
- The release archive(s) MUST include the word "incubating" in the filename.
- The release archive(s) MUST contain a disclaimer (see above), which SHOULD be placed in a DISCLAIMER file.
Releases for the *Podling* MUST be distributed through *++* Also the Podling MAY choose to distribute approved releases through other channels like the central Maven repository.
== Termination
The Incubator PMC SHOULD notify a podling of any policy violations. It MAY consider the termination of a Podling if violations are not corrected.