blob: cdd7f552fe33d8e1125f1ee3f4144ed4abf65393 [file] [log] [blame]
export WORKDIR=/tmp/incubator-site
ME=`basename $0`
function fatal() {
echo $* >&2
exit 1
rm -rf $WORKDIR
mkdir -p $WORKDIR
# now bake the site
./ -b . $WORKDIR || fatal "Build failed, exiting"
# push all of the results to asf-site
git checkout asf-site
git clean -f -d
git pull origin asf-site
rm -rf content
mkdir content
cp -a $WORKDIR/* content
cp -a $WORKDIR/.htaccess content
cp -a reserve/*.txt content/.
cp -a reserve/*.json content/.
cp -a reserve/clutch content/.
cp -a reserve/projects content/.
cp -a reserve/ip-clearance content/.
git add content
git commit -m "git-site-role commit from $ME"
git push origin asf-site