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#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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Purpose: Utilities for Voter & friends.
Status: Alpha
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os.path
import collections
import datetime
Issue = collections.namedtuple('Issue', ('kind', 'message'))
class __UTC(datetime.tzinfo):
A datetime.tzinfo object representing Universal Coordinated Time
and providing a set of parsing and formatting utilities.
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return 0;
def dst(self, dt):
return timedelta(0)
def tzname(self,dt):
return 'UTC'
def adjust(self, dateobject):
if dateobject.tzinfo:
dateobject = dateobject.astimezone(self)
return dateobject
def timestring(self, dateobject):
if dateobject is not None:
return self.adjust(dateobject).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
return None
def timedate(self, dateobject):
if dateobject is not None:
return self.adjust(dateobject).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
return None
def timeparse(self, datestring):
if datestring is not None:
return datetime.datetime.strptime(datestring, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
return None
UTC = __UTC()
class SiteStructure(object):
This class describes the structure of the Incubator site and tells
other modules where to find information and/or store results.
INCUVOTER_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
CONTENT_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(INCUVOTER_DIR), 'content')
PROJECTS_DIR = os.path.join(CONTENT_DIR, 'projects')
def incuvoter_path(cls, *relpath):
return os.path.join(cls.INCUVOTER_DIR, *relpath)
def content_path(cls, *relpath):
return os.path.join(cls.CONTENT_DIR, *relpath)
def project_path(cls, *relpath):
return os.path.join(cls.PROJECTS_DIR, *relpath)
def votes_database(cls):
return cls.incuvoter_path('votes.sqlite')
def standalone_status_page(cls):
return cls.incuvoter_path('votes.html')
def status_page_template(cls):
return cls.incuvoter_path('embedded-votes.html')
def podlings(cls):
return cls.content_path('podlings.xml')