Merge pull request #73 from cottage14/patch-7

diff --git a/pages/clutch/ b/pages/clutch/
index 541531e..8849ea5 100644
--- a/pages/clutch/
+++ b/pages/clutch/
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
 :imagesdir: /images/
-Clutch is a tool which gathers details about the projects (podlings) currently in incubation and re-generates the table below. A clutch analysis page
-is generated for each podling along with several data files. Its aim is to encourage and nurture, to provide an overview of the state of establishment of various resources,
-and to provide quick access to those resources. See link:#definitions[definitions] and link:#notes[notes] below regarding purpose, interpretation, and how to.
+Clutch is a tool which gathers details about the projects (podlings) currently in incubation and generates the table below. Clutch also generates an analysis page
+for each podling, along with several data files. Its aim is to encourage and nurture podlings; and to provide an overview of the state of establishment of various resources,
+and quick access to thems. See link:#definitions[definitions] and link:#notes[notes] below regarding purpose, interpretation, and how-to.
 == Clutch
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
 === Quick Notes
-* The [.care]#orange# items indicate where more care and attention is needed.
-* Anything [.issue]#vermilion# is an issue that should be addressed ASAP. Admittedly nothing can be done about elapsed time.
+* The [.care]#orange# items indicate where the podling needs to take more care and attention.
+* Anything [.issue]#vermilion# is an issue that the podling should address ASAP. Admittedly nothing can be done about elapsed time.
 * The [.cool1]#bluish-green# items indicate success.
 * The [.cool2]#yellow# items are okay.
-* Click on the column header link for link:#definitions[definitions].
-* Click on cells to go to available related resources.
-* Click on the podling name in the first column to go to the podling's clutch analysis page with deeper and more detailed information.
+* Click the column header link for link:#definitions[definitions].
+* Click cells to go to available related resources.
+* Click the podling name in the first column to go to the podling's clutch analysis page, which has deeper and more detailed information.
@@ -99,56 +99,54 @@
 The name of each podling is linked to a link:#podling_analysis_page[podling clutch analysis page].
 If your podling is in incubation, but is missing from the Clutch table, then it still needs to be added to the [.code]#content/podlings.xml# file.
-See the link:/guides/mentor.html#add_to_incubation_summary_file[mentor's guide]. The link:/projects/[Projects page] is also generated from [.code]#content/podlings.xml#.
+See the link:/guides/mentor.html#add_to_incubation_summary_file[mentor's guide]. Clutch also generates the link:/projects/[Projects page] from [.code]#content/podlings.xml#.
 ==== Sponsor
-Usually podlings are sponsored by the Incubator. Ocassionally podlings are sponsored by other Apache projects. The sponsor is chosen on the link:/guides/proposal.html[proposal].
-The value is set within the [.code]#content/podlings.xml# entry for the podling.
+Usually the Incubator sponsors podlings. Occasionally Apache Top Level Projects (TLPs) sponsor podlings. The sponsor is chosen on the link:/guides/proposal.html[proposal].
+Set the value in the [.code]#content/podlings.xml# entry for the podling.
 ==== A: Start Date
 This is the date the podling started. Usually this is the date the podling proposal vote passed on the Incubator mailing list.
-This is set within the [.code]#content/podlings.xml# entry for the podling.
+Set this in the [.code]#content/podlings.xml# entry for the podling.
 ==== B: Elapsed Days
 This is the number of days since the start date. This is color coded according to the normal timeline of a podling.
-[.cool3]#<3#, [.cool2]#<12#, [.cool1]#<18#, [.cool3]#<24#, [.cool4]#>24# months. We may adjust these levels to better fit currently observed cycles.
+[.cool3]#<3#, [.cool2]#<12#, [.cool1]#<18#, [.cool3]#<24#, [.cool4]#>24# months. We may adjust these levels to better fit currently-observed cycles.
 ==== C: Reporting Monthly
-For the first three months podlings report monthly. If the podling misses reports then they are moved to monthly until they report again.
+For the first three months podlings report monthly. If the podling misses a report, it returns to the monthly-reporting requirement until it reports again.
 ==== D: Reporting Group
 Which months the podling reports: 1 = January, April, July, October; 2 = February, May, August, November; 3 = March, June, September, December.
-Note that the report process for a month begins at the end of the prior month. The IPMC chair will send out the reporting schedule on a monthly basis along
-with reminders to each podling's dev list.
+Note that the report process for a month begins at the end of the prior month. The IPMC chair sends out the reporting schedule on a monthly basis, and reminders to each podling's dev list.
 ==== E: Has Status File
-Each podling maintains a status file in [.code]#content/projects/(podling).xml# which is converted to a status page.
-Your mentor will setup the file and then the podling should maintain it. The key part to maintain is the "News" section where New Committers, PPMC Members, and Releases should
-be announced. For greater detail, please see: 
+Each podling maintains a status file in [.code]#content/projects/(podling).xml# which Clutch converts to a status page.
+Your mentor sets up the file and then the podling maintains it. The key part to maintain is the "News" section, where you announce New Committers, PPMC Members, and Releases. For greater detail, please see: 
 * link:/guides/mentor.html#initialize_podling_status_page[Initializing Status]
 * link:/policy/incubation.html#ongoing_activities[Ongoing Activities]
 * link:/guides/website.html#maintaining_status_files[Status Maintenance]
 * link:/guides/ppmc.html#project_status_page[Podling Status Page]
-Click on the link in the cell to view the current status page.
+Click the link in the cell to view the current status page.
 ==== F: Status Update Date
-The date status page was last updated. Keep the Status Page up to date with frequent news about:
+The date the status page was last updated. Keep the Status Page up to date with frequent news about:
 * New Committers
 * New PPMC Members
@@ -159,7 +157,7 @@
 ==== G: Status Age
-Days since the status page was last updated. The text is colored to warn when status is not being kept up to date.
+Days since the status page was last updated. The text color indicates when a podling is not keeping its status up to date.
 [.cool1]#<2#, [.cool2]#<4#, [.cool3]#<9#, [.cool4]#>9# months.
@@ -170,124 +168,125 @@
 ==== I: Number of Committers
-The total number of committers that have been established to date. Taken from Whimsy via
+The number of committers who have been approved to date. Taken from Whimsy via[public project ldap].
 Maintained in Whimsy through[the roster pages].
-Click on the cell to view[the public phone book].
+Click the cell to view[the public phone book].
 ==== J: Number of New Committers
-The number of new committers added since establishment. This count is gathered from the Status page "News" section.
+The number of committers added since establishment. This count comes from the Status page "News" section.
 See guides on voting in link:/guides/ppmc.html#adding_new_committers[new committers] and link:/guides/ppmc.html#voting_in_a_new_ppmc_member[new ppmc members].
 ==== K: Has a Code Repository
-A Gitbox or Subversion code repository has been created. Projects may have multiple Gitbox repositories.
-Click on the podling name in the first column to view all of the podling's repositories. A podling coming to the ASF may need to request a
+Indicates whether the podling has created a Gitbox or Subversion code repository. Projects may have multiple Gitbox repositories.
+Click the podling name in the first column to view all of the podling's repositories. A podling coming to the ASF may need to request a
 link:/guides/mentor.html#git_migrations[migration] or a link:/guides/mentor.html#gitbox_requests[new repository].
-The list of Gitbox repositories is retrieved from[Gitbox json].
+The list of Gitbox repositories comes from[Gitbox json].
 ==== L: Has Issue Tracker
-The podling has an Issue Tracker. If the status file has been updated to have an issue tracker link and the link is valid then there
-will be a link to the tracker in the cell.
+Indicates whether the podling has an Issue Tracker. If the status file has an issue tracker link and the link is valid, there
+is a link to the tracker in the cell.
 ==== M: Has a Dev Mailing List
-The podling has established a dev mail list and archives. This is picked up from the status page and then confirmed for the usual naming pattern.
-If the list is available the cell will link to the[mailbox archive] podling dev list.
+Indicates whether the podling has established a dev email list and archives. This comes from the status page, and Clutch confirms that it matches the usual naming pattern.
+If the list is available, the cell has a link to the[mailbox archive] podling dev list.
 ==== N: Has a Commits Mailing List
-The podling has established a commits mail list and archives. This is picked up from the status page and then confirmed for the usual naming pattern.
-If available he cell will link to the[mailbox archive] podling commits list.
-Sometime a podling will start by directing code repository and issue tracker notification emails to their dev list. This will often obscur meaningful conversation.
+Indicates whether the podling has established a commits email list and archives. This comes from the status page, and Clutch confirms that it matches the usual naming pattern.
+If the list is available, the cell has a link to the[mailbox archive] podling commits list.
+Sometimes a podling will start by directing code repository and issue tracker notification emails to their dev list. This will often obscur meaningful conversation.
 ==== O: Has a Web Site
-Podlings should maintain a website so that their users can find out information about the podling and The Apache Software Foundation.
-Here is the incubator's link:/guides/sites.html[website guide]. If the website is not provided in the status file then the usual naming patterns are tried.
-Assuming that the website exists the cell will provide a link to it. Whimsy provides a periodic scan of podling websites which you can view
+Podlings should maintain a website so the user community can find out information about the podling and The Apache Software Foundation.
+Here is the incubator's link:/guides/sites.html[website guide]. If the website is not provided in the status file, Clutch tries to find it using the usual naming patterns.
+If the website exists, the cell provides a link to it. Whimsy provides a periodic scan of podling websites which you can view[here]. The clutch process uses[json] data to add notes about website issues
 to the podling's clutch analysis page under "Errata".
 ==== P: Has a Distribution Area
-The podling has a directory in the incubator's[release distribution directory].
-If this is present the cell provides a link.
+Indicates whether the podling has a directory in the incubator's[release distribution directory].
+If this exists, the cell provides a link.
 ==== Q: Has Release Signing Keys
-The podling has a PGP "[.code]#Signing KEYS#" file in their distribution area. If this is present then the cell provides a link.
+Indicates whether the podling has a PGP "[.code]#Signing KEYS#" file in its distribution area. If this is present, the cell provides a link.
 There is a facility that performs periodic checks on Apache releases and signatures -["release checker"].
 ==== R: Has a Release in the Distribution Area
-The podling has a release in their distribution area. Podlings are expected to comply with release and release distribution policies as modified by the Incubator.
+Indicates whether the podling has a release in their distribution area. Podlings must comply with Apache release and release distribution policies as modified by the Incubator.
 * link:/guides/releasemanagement.html[Incubator Release Management]
 *[Software Product Releases]
 *[Apache Release Policy (legal)]
 *[Apache Release Distribution Policy (infra)]
-If there is a podling release then the cell will provide a link to the podling's clutch analysis page's release section.
+If there is a podling release, the cell provides a link to the podling's clutch analysis page's release section.
 ==== Graduating
 Once the Board has approved the podling's graduation resolution, update your podling metadata in the [.code]#content/podlings.xml#
-file as you progress through graduation. Do various tasks as listed in the documentation, such as a final tidy of the status page.
-See[Infrastructure steps for graduation].
+file as you progress through graduation. Complete the tasks listed in the documentation, such as a final tidy of the status page.
+See[Infrastructure steps for graduation].
 ==== Retirement
-Once the Incubator PMC has agreed to retirement, update the podling metadata and tidy the status page. If the podling is continuing development
-elsewhere then make sure that the new location is provided. When this occurs chances are someone on the IPMC will handle these duties ad hoc.
+Once the Incubator PMC has agreed to a podling's retirement, update the podling metadata and tidy the status page. If the podling is continuing development
+elsewhere, make sure to provide the new location. When this occurs chances are someone on the IPMC will handle these duties ad hoc.
 == Assist with Incubation Steps
-Essentially Clutch is helping us all to follow the process from the "Acceptance" phase onwards.
-Any committer on a podling can help with these steps. Don't leave it to your mentors, although there are some steps that only they can do.
+Clutch helps us all follow the process from the "Acceptance" phase onwards.
+Any committer to a podling can help with these steps. Don't leave it all to your mentors, although there are some steps that only they can do.
 == Mentors
-This list is gathered from the link:/projects/[Projects in incubation] summary table.
+This list comes from the link:/projects/[Projects in incubation] summary table.
 The link:/incubation/Roles_and_Responsibilities.html#Mentor[Mentors] are ASF members or individuals recognized by the IPMC who have chosen to assist these projects.
-The best way to find mentors for a new project, is during your Discuss and Proposal phases on the general@ mail list.
+The best way to find mentors for a new project is during your Discuss and Proposal phases on the general@ mail list.
 == Notes
-Any Incubator committer can run 'clutch'. In the top-level of the SVN repos [.code]#incubator/public/trunk# SVN, do: '[.code]#./' which will
+Any Incubator committer can run 'clutch'. In the top-level of the SVN repos [.code]#incubator/public/trunk# SVN, do: '[.code]#./' to
 re-generate the link:#data[data files] and Asciidoctor files for the clutch. This is all a part of the normal build in GIT:[Incubator Git].
 See the Readme.
 Clutch reads the source file for the link:/projects/[projects currently in incubation] table (i.e. [.code]#content/podlings.xml#),
-ensures that each new project has an entry, adds some more attributes. Clutch then gathers some data from each project's Status page and
-validates that certain resources are established and steps are achieved.
+ensures that each new project has an entry, and adds some more attributes. Clutch then gathers some data from each project's Status page and
+validates that certain resources are established and steps have been achieved.
 Clutch output includes link:#data[data files] 
 === Podling Clutch Analysis Page
-The clutch analysis both fills the data included on this page and creates an analysis for each podling that can be linked to from the podling name in the clutch table.
+The clutch analysis fills the data included on this page and creates an analysis for each podling that can be linked to from the podling name in the clutch table.
 ==== Description
@@ -300,7 +299,7 @@
 ==== News
-* Copies the news from the podling status page
+Copies the news from the podling status page
 ==== Resources
@@ -336,7 +335,7 @@
 ==== Releases
-Information about the podling's release harvested by reviewing the distribution area's svn repository.
+Information about the podling's release, harvested from the distribution area's svn repository.
 ===== Current
@@ -358,10 +357,10 @@
 Issues which may require further work.
-* Errata has a list of potential issues identified for the podling
+* Errata has a list of potential issues identified for the podling.
 * Critical issues are in bold.
-* Links to pages on how to resolve the issue
-* Link to the[whimsy podling site scan]
+* Links to pages on how to resolve the issue.
+* Link to the[whimsy podling site scan]/
 == Data files
@@ -395,14 +394,14 @@
 === Origin
-The nest was becoming full, some podlings were forgotten, rolled into dark corners: a new tool "clutch" was created to assist oversight of all podlings
-(gmane link is now missing). The clutch was started 2008-10-19. (missing gmane link) There was prior list discussion. Also see
+The nest was becoming full. Some podlings were forgotten, rolled into dark corners. We created a new tool, "clutch", to assist with oversight of all podlings
+(gmane link is now missing). The clutch started 2008-10-19. (missing gmane link) There was prior list discussion. Also see[INCUBATOR-78]
 === Colour Scheme
-The colours for the table were specifically chosen to assist with colour-blindness and general accessibility.
-See the email discussion that led to this[Re: Clutch color coding].
+The colours for the table were specifically chosen to take into account colour-blindness and general accessibility.
+See the email discussion that led to this:[Re: Clutch color coding].
 2008-12-04[] and see some testing[notes] and demonstrations.
diff --git a/pages/cookbook/ b/pages/cookbook/
index 0b00c10..734f409 100644
--- a/pages/cookbook/
+++ b/pages/cookbook/
@@ -7,38 +7,36 @@
 :imagesdir: ./images/
-This cookbook, combined with our link:[homepage], is meant to provide all the essential information that you need to incubate a project at the ASF.
+This cookbook, combined with our link:[homepage], provides the information that you need to incubate a project at the ASF.
-It is meant to be *the* central point for all questions related to incubation, providing an overview of the incubation goals and process, and linking to more detailed information.
+It is *the* central point for all questions related to incubation. It provides an overview of the incubation goals and process, and links to more detailed information.
-It is organized in chronological order of the steps that lead from incubating project acceptance to graduation as a top-level project.
+It is organized in chronological order of the steps that lead from incubating project acceptance to graduation as a Top-Level Project (TLP).
-The style that we expect here is short explanations with links to the details as needed, written in a friendly and helpful tone.
-Feedback about this is welcome, either on the link:++[general@incubator.a.o] mailing list
-or in the link:[INCUBATOR-234] ticket.  Pull requests to this repository are also welcome.
+We welcome feedback about the cookbook, either through the link:++[general@incubator.a.o] email list
+or in the link:[INCUBATOR-234] ticket. You can also submit patches to link:[this repository].
 == Does our project fit the Apache Incubator?
 The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) _provides software for the public good_, as explained in our link:[vision statement] from 2018.
-Our projects operate according to The Apache Way, a set of principles and best practices that are described link:[on the Foundation's website]. 
+Our projects operate according to link:[The Apache Way], a set of principles and best practices. 
-We put a strong emphasis on _Community Over Code_, _fierce independence_ from companies and organizations and _openness_ in all aspects of our work.
+We put a strong emphasis on _Community Over Code_, _fierce independence_ from companies and organizations, and _openness_ in all aspects of our work.
-Donating your project to the ASF means giving up control of it, and its trademarks if any. You'll be very welcome to participate in the project but without a special status beyond being part of its Project Management Committee (PMC). The good news is that your project can then take a life of its own, with a potentially much broader reach, due to the ASF's independence and emphasis on project sustainability.
+Donating your project to the ASF means giving up control of it, and its trademarks if any. You'll be very welcome to participate in the project, but without a special status beyond being part of its Project Management Committee (PMC). The good news is that your project can then take a life of its own, with potentially a much broader reach, due to the ASF's independence and emphasis on project sustainability.
-Assuming your project fits this mindset, the acceptance of your project is not linked to what it does, as the ASF on purpose does not have a technical strategy. If it's very similar to link:[one of our existing projects], we will probably ask you to consider joining it. Still, some of our projects exist for similar purposes, and that's not necessarily a problem.
+Assuming your project fits this mindset, we do not link acceptance of your project to what it does, as the ASF on purpose does not have a technical strategy. If it's very similar to link:[one of our existing projects], we will probably ask you to consider joining that project. Still, some of our projects exist for similar purposes, and that's not necessarily a problem.
 To give our "podlings" (incubating projects) the best chances of success, we usually ask them to enter the Incubator with at least the start of a community built around an existing codebase.
-== What are the steps to becoming an Apache Software Foundation Top-Level project?
+== What are the steps to becoming an Apache Software Foundation Top-Level Project?
-The goal of incubation is to become an Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Top-Level project.
+The goal of incubation is to become an Apache Software Foundation (ASF) Top-Level Project (TLP).
 See the link:[How the ASF works] page for what this means and what the various roles (committers, PMC members etc.) mean.
-To achieve this, an incoming project ("podling") goes through the following steps.
+To achieve this, an incoming project ("podling") goes through the following steps:
  * Find a champion and incubation mentors and discuss and prepare an incubation proposal
  * Decide to incubate at the ASF
@@ -46,18 +44,18 @@
  * If needed, refine the list of initial committers and mentors in the proposal
  * if needed, refine the proposal based on Incubator PMC feedback
  * Let the Incubator PMC vote on the proposal
- * Setup the podling's infrastructure
+ * Set up the podling's infrastructure
  * Start building a community around the podling's code
  * Invite new committers and PPMC members
- * Make podling releases and document and refine the release process
- * When ready to graduate, assess the podling's readiness with the incubation mentors 
- * If applicable prepare the transfer of existing trademarks to the ASF
+ * Make podling releases and document and refine both the code and the release process
+ * When you feel ready to graduate, assess the podling's readiness with the incubation mentors 
+ * If applicable, prepare the transfer of existing trademarks to the ASF
  * Discuss graduation with the Incubator PMC
- * Start the graduation vote with the Incubator PMC, leading to an ASF Board resolution to establish the top-level project.
+ * Start the graduation vote with the Incubator PMC, leading to an ASF Board resolution to establish the TLP
-Described above is the "happy case", things might happen in a slightly different order, but it gives an overview of the typical incubation process.
+Described above is the "happy case". Things might happen in a slightly different order, but it gives an overview of the typical incubation process.
-These steps are described in more detail below.
+Here are more details about these steps:
 == Communicating with the Incubator
@@ -73,7 +71,7 @@
 The Champion helps the incoming podling in the process of creating their proposal and acts as a liaison between the podling and the Incubator PMC for the initial steps, at least until the podling's proposal is accepted. They may stay on to act as a mentor after that.
-The Mentors accompany the podling for all phases that lead to graduation as a top-level project.
+The Mentors accompany the podling through all phases that lead to graduation as a top-level project.
 The starting point is usually to find a Champion. For that you might write to the general@incubator.a.o list 
 with a brief description of your project, with relevant links, mentioning that you are looking for a Champion and
@@ -88,9 +86,9 @@
 Prior proposals are kept on the link:[Incubator wiki]. They can be consulted as examples, keeping in mind that the proposal template mentioned above is the current reference for new proposals.
-== Incubation proposal discussion
+== Discussing the Incubation proposal
-Once the proposal is ready, the podling representatives send it to the general@incubator.a.o list for discussions, with a subject line like
+Once the proposal is ready, the podling representatives send it to the general@incubator.a.o list for discussion, with a subject line like
  [DISCUSS] Foo Proposal
@@ -98,7 +96,7 @@
 The discussion often leads to small or large changes to the proposal.
-There's no set duration for this discussion phase, it lasts for a few days until the discussion dies down once all discussion points have been addressed.
+There's no set duration for this discussion phase. It usually lasts for a few days until the discussion dies down and all discussion points have been addressed.
 For recent discussions threads see:
@@ -112,7 +110,7 @@
 Once the discussion phase is finished, the Champion or a podling representative starts a [VOTE] thread on the general@incubator.a.o list.
-The vote happens according to the link:[ASF voting rules]. In short, it's held on the Incubator mailing list, lasts at least 72 hours and is a majority vote by the Incubator PMC members, with others being welcome to cast votes.
+The vote happens according to the link:[ASF voting rules]. In short, it takes place on the Incubator email list, lasts at least 72 hours, and is a majority vote by the Incubator PMC members, with others being welcome to cast votes.
 TODO link to recent votes as examples
@@ -122,20 +120,18 @@
 Usually, the Champion or incubation mentors drive this process. However, it can also be driven by podling community members if they know how to proceed.
-TODO link to detailed instructions, do we have an up-to-date JIRA template for that?
+See link:[Infra and the Incubator] for detailed instructions.
 == Publicity and Announcements
-Publicity is _not_ permitted before the Incubator PMC accepts the podling.
+Project can _not_ issue press releases or other public statements about joining the ASF before the Incubator PMC accepts the podling.
-There are also some restrictions about how podlings can advertise themselves and  especially around press releases related to podlings.
-The link:[Incubator Branding Guide] and[Apache Podling Publicity/Media Guidelines] have more details.
+There are also some restrictions about how podlings can advertise themselves and  especially around press releases related to podlings. The link:[Incubator Branding Guide] and[Apache Podling Publicity/Media Guidelines] have more details.
 == Importing the Initial Code
 A specific process exists do donate code to the ASF, which podlings also
-need to follow, based on link:[Software Grants] and/or link:[CCLAs]
+need to follow, based on link:[Software Grants] and/or link:[CCLAs].
 The link:[Initial Code Import] guide has more details about this.
@@ -143,21 +139,21 @@
 During incubation, the podling is expected to build and expand its community, which includes voting in new committers and PPMC members.
-Discussions of candidates and votes happen on the podling's private PPMC mailing list, that's one of the few uses of that list as generally, all discussions happen in the open.
+Discussions of candidates and votes happen on the podling's private PPMC mailing list. That's one of the few uses of that list as, generally, all discussions happen in the open.
-Expanding and especially renewing project communities is an essential part of the ASF's governance, as it fosters project durability.
+Expanding and especially renewing project communities are essential parts of the ASF's governance, as it fosters project durability.
 == Podling Releases
-A podling is expected to make **several software releases** during incubation, that gradually progress towards being fully conformant to the link:[ASF Release Policy]. Fully conformant releases are a condition for graduation.
+During incubation, we expect a podling to make **several software releases** that gradually progress towards being fully conformant to the link:[ASF Release Policy]. Producing fully-conformant releases is a condition for graduation.
 Podling releases must also include the word "incubating" in any release file names and include a DISCLAIMER or DISCLAIMER-WIP as per the
-[Incubator Releases Guide],
-to prevent any confusion as to the project’s status. As podlings are not yet "real" ASF projects, it is important to set expectations right.
+link:[Incubator Releases Guide],
+to prevent any confusion as to the project’s status. As podlings are not yet "real" ASF projects, it is important to set expectations appropriately.
-Note that Apache Releases consist of source code only. However it is common for our projects to also distribute
-link:[compiled packages] along with their releases. The focus is on the actual
-source code releases and all distributed compiled packages are based on those "official" releases.
+Note that Apache Releases consist of source code only. However, it is common for our projects to also distribute
+link:[compiled packages] along with their releases, as a convenience to users of the application. The focus is on the actual
+source code releases, and all distributed compiled packages are based on those "official" releases.
 == Two-phase vote on Podling Releases
@@ -166,29 +162,29 @@
  * First, the podling votes on the release on their dev mailing list. The main goal of this vote is for the podling community
    to practice and learn voting on releases. The vote is successful if there are at least three +1 votes from PPMC members,
    and more +1 than -1 votes from PPMC members.
- * Then, if that first vote is successful, an Incubator PMC vote is held on the Incubator General mailing list. This is required
+ * Then, if that first vote is successful, the Incubator PMC holds a vote on the Incubator general mailing list. This is required
    to make the vote an Act of the Foundation, as for all ASF releases.
-Votes from the podling dev list should be carried over to the Incubator PMC vote, by explicitly mentioning the podling vote result
-and including a link:[] link to the podling vote tally, in the Incubator PMC [VOTE] message. This
+Report votes from the podling dev list to the Incubator PMC vote in the Incubator PMC [VOTE] message, by explicitly mentioning the podling vote result
+and including a link:[] link to the podling vote tally. This
 allows votes from mentors and other Incubator PMC members to be binding in the Incubator PMC vote, without people having to vote twice.
 Both the podling and Incubator votes follow the standard link:[ASF voting principles]: they
-are majority votes that last at least 72 hours and if people vote several times only their last vote counts.
+are majority votes that last at least 72 hours, and if people vote several times only their last vote counts.
-== Podling, Top-level Project, what are the differences?
+== Podling, Top-level Project: what are the differences?
 Top-level projects (TLPs) are full-blown ASF projects, each governed by their own link:[PMC] and reporting to the ASF's link:[Board of Directors].
-Podling are "TLPs in training", and most of what they do is the same as TLPs, especially as they progress in their incubation journey.
+Podling are "TLPs in training". Most of what they do is the same as TLPs, especially as they progress in their incubation journey.
 The main differences are:
- * As opposed to PMCs, podlings cannot make formal decisions on the ASF's behalf as they are not formally part of the ASF's structure. They are not mentioned in the link:[the ASF's bylaws] for example. This means that the Incubator PMC needs to act as a proxy for the podlings to formalize things like ASF Releases and make them link:[Acts of the Foundation].
+ * As opposed to PMCs, podlings cannot make formal decisions on the ASF's behalf as they are not formally part of the ASF's structure. They are not mentioned in the link:[the ASF's bylaws] for example. This means that the Incubator PMC needs to act as a proxy for the podlings to formalize things like ASF releases and make them link:[Acts of the Foundation].
  * As a consequence, a podling has a PPMC (Podling Project Management Committee) which operates like the PMC of a top-level project but needs to delegate a few things, like final votes on ASF Releases, to the Incubator PMC.
- * The decision to elect people as committers or PPMC members, or both, is similar to TLPs. A podling can decide that candidates are elected to the PPMC directly, or make them committers first and wait a bit to "promote" the as PPMC members. Committers, on the other hand, have no formal decision power, so a two-stage process is often preferred, but it's not a requirement. Read link:[How the ASF works] for more information about this.
- * TLPs report link:[to the ASF Board of Directors], whereas podlings report link:[to the Incubator PMC]. Both report monthly initially, then quarterly.
- * Each TLP has a link:[PMC Chair] who acts as a liaison between the TLP and the Board. PMC Chairs are _not_ project leaders. It's an administrative role even though they get a VP title due to the ASF's organization. Podlings do not have this role, incubation mentors are volunteer community members act as the liaison between the podling and the Incubator PMC.
+ * The decision to elect people as committers or PPMC members, or both, is similar to what TLPs do. A podling can decide that candidates are elected to the PPMC directly, or make them committers first and wait a bit to "promote" them as PPMC members. Committers have no formal decision power, so a two-stage process is often preferred, but it's not a requirement. Read link:[How the ASF works] for more information about this.
+ * TLPs report to the link:[ASF Board of Directors], whereas podlings report to the  link:[Incubator PMC]. Both report monthly initially, then quarterly.
+ * Each TLP has a link:[PMC Chair] who acts as a liaison between the TLP and the Board. PMC Chairs are _not_ project leaders. It's an administrative role even though they get a VP title due to the ASF's organizational structure. Podlings do not have this role: incubation mentors are volunteer community members  who act as the liaison between the podling and the Incubator PMC.
  * Podling releases require a two-phase vote as described elsewhere in this cookbook.
 The ASF strongly encourages projects to grow and renew their roster regularly, to foster project sustainability. Both podlings and TLPs should be actively looking to elect new committers and PMC members by keeping an eye on who's active in their communities.
@@ -201,31 +197,30 @@
 == Graduation discussion
-Once the community and its incubation mentors feel that the podling is ready to graduate, based on their readiness self-assessment, a [DISCUSS] thread is started on the Incubator general mailing list, proposing graduation and asking the Incubator PMC to review the podling.
+Once the community and its incubation mentors feel that the podling is ready to graduate, based on their readiness self-assessment, a mentor or a member of the PPMC starts a [DISCUSS] thread on the Incubator general email list, proposing graduation and asking the Incubator PMC to review the podling.
 It's best to include the graduation resolution in this discussion, to be ready for the vote that follows.
 == Transfering Trademarks to the ASF
-If the people or organizations who donated the podling code to the ASF own trademarks that the podling needs, they must be
-transferred to the ASF before graduation.
+If the people or organizations that donated the podling code to the ASF own trademarks that the podling needs, they must transfer the trademarks to the ASF before the podling can graduate.
 TODO link to details
 == Graduation vote
-Once the discussion dies down on the graduation proposal, a [VOTE] is started on the Incubator general mailing list, in which Incubator PMC Members cast their votes to accept recommending graduation to the ASF's Board of Directors.
+Once the discussion dies down on the graduation proposal, a mentor or a member of the PPMC starts a [VOTE] thread on the Incubator general mailing list, in which Incubator PMC Members cast their votes whether to recommend graduation to the ASF's Board of Directors.
-This vote follows the standard link:[ASF voting principles], it's a majority vote that lasts at least 72 hours and if people
+This vote follows the standard link:[ASF voting principles]. It's a majority vote that lasts at least 72 hours, and if people
 vote several times only their last vote counts.
 == ASF Board Resolution
-Once the Incubator PMC votes to graduate the podling, it sends the Board Resolution that was created for the vote to the ASF's Board of Directors.
+Once the Incubator PMC votes to graduate a podling, the IPMC sends the Board Resolution that was created for the vote to the ASF's Board of Directors.
-The Board currently meets every third Wednesday of the month and votes on such resolutions.
+The Board currently meets every third Wednesday of the month and votes on such resolutions during a regular meeting.
-The Board vote is effective immediately, although the link:[public minutes] of the Board meeting are published later, usually within a month.
+The Board vote is effective immediately, although the link:[public minutes] of the Board meeting appear later, usually within a month.
 == Post-graduation tasks
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 == Publicity throughout the Incubation Process
 There are three stages in a podling's life-cycle that have an impact
-on the types of publicity seeking that are permitted.  We refer to
-"publicity seeking" as issuing press releases or otherwise affirmatively
-seeking publicity (seeding news stories, etc.).
+on the types of "publicity seeking" (issuing press releases, seeding news stories, or otherwise affirmatively
+seeking publicity) they can engage in:
 *Podling is in proposal/or pre-code-drop process*: No publicity
-seeking is permitted.  A podling is not allowed to be called Apache
-_Podling-Name_ name until the podling is officially in
-Incubation, public mailing lists are announced, and code has been
-submitted into our repositories.
+seeking is permitted.  You cannot refer to the podling as `Apache
+_Podling-Name_` until the podling is officially in
+Incubation, public mailing lists are active, and committers or contributors have submitted code into our repositories.
 *Podling has been approved for incubation, podling has launched
 public mailing lists, and podling has dropped code into
-repository*: A podling *MUST* now be called Apache
-_Podling-Name_ (see link:#Naming[Naming] below).
+repository*: You now *MUST* refer to the podling as 'Apache
+_Podling-Name_' (see link:#Naming[Naming] below).
 A podling and affiliated persons can issue press releases that
 reference the podling, but cannot issue press releases with the
-specific intent of announcing the Podling.  Podling can conduct
-informal pr activities, such as media outreach, blog publicity, etc.
+specific intent of announcing the podling. The podling can conduct
+informal PR activities such as media outreach, blog publicity, etc.
 The ASF will not issue any press releases for any podling at this
-stage.  However, the
+stage. The
 link:[Apache Press Team]
 *MUST* review any releases by affiliated
-organizations or groups to ensure they comply with these branding
+organizations or groups to ensure they comply with our branding
 *Podling has graduated from the Incubator*: The Apache Public
 Relations Committee is willing to issue formal press releases for all
-podlings who successfully graduate from the Incubator and are
-interested in issuing a press release.  Or, the ASF may enter into a
+podlings that successfully graduate from the Incubator and are
+interested in issuing a press release. The ASF may also enter into a
 joint press release with any other affiliated organizations or groups.
 == Naming
 After a podling has been approved, the lists are created, and the initial
- code drop has commenced, the podling *MUST* be referred to as Apache
- _Podling-Name_ *AND* mention that the project is
+ code drop has commenced, you *MUST* refer to the podling as `Apache
+ _Podling-Name_` *AND* mention that the project is
  under Incubation.  Suitable mentions include:
-- Inclusion of the URL
-- Apache _Podling-Name_ is currently undergoing Incubation at the Apache Software Foundation.
+- Inclusion of the `` URL
+- `Apache _Podling-Name_ is currently undergoing Incubation at the Apache Software Foundation`.
-Other references may only be used upon prior approval by the Incubator PMC.  These statements only need to be disclosed upon the first reference in a document.
+The Incubator PMC (IPMC) must approve other references before you publish them. You only need to make these statements upon the first reference to the podling in a document.
 == Disclaimers
@@ -100,9 +98,9 @@
 == Publicity activities
 Podlings *MUST* coordinate with the Apache Public Relations Committee on
-all publicity activities by a podling.
+all their publicity activities.
-Media activities in the Open Source space can be difficult to negotiate even for experienced professionals. The ASF’s Marketing & Publicity team understands this space and it is in the best interests of all that they are consulted prior to embarking on formal outreach or related publicity. Please refer to the[Apache Podling Publicity/Media Guidelines] or contact ASF Marketing & Publicity at press(at)apache(dot)org for more information.
+Media activities in the Open Source space can be difficult to negotiate even for experienced professionals. The ASF’s Marketing & Publicity team understands this space and it is in the best interests of all that you consult with them prior to embarking on formal outreach or related publicity. Refer to the[Apache Podling Publicity/Media Guidelines] or contact ASF Marketing & Publicity at press(at)apache(dot)org for more information.
 == Response to Unapproved Statements
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 :imagesdir: ../images/
-== This guide is for the Incubator Chair and PMC
+== This guide is for the Incubator Chair and IPMC
-This page is guidance for the Incubator Chair and PMC. Guidance for podlings is found at link:/guides/ppmc.html[Podling Guide].
+This page is guidance for the Incubator Chair and IPMC. Guidance for podlings is at link:/guides/ppmc.html[Podling Guide].
-== Adding New Incubator PMC Members
+== Adding Incubator PMC Members
 For a new PMC member being voted in, follow the link:[standard procedure].
@@ -38,60 +38,59 @@
 Apache Member *Jane Doe* has requested to join the Incubator PMC.
-After the NOTICE period expires, a welcome message should be sent to the new IPMC member.
+After the NOTICE period expires, send a welcome message to the new IPMC member.
 Welcome to the Apache Incubator Project.
-Here is some information to get you started as a PMC member.
+Here is some information to get you started as an IPMC member.
-please subscribe to the incubator mailing lists:
+Please subscribe to the incubator email lists:
 - general-subscribe at
 - private-subscribe at
 - cvs-subscribe at
 You may find it useful to use to manage your subscriptions.
-- the base incubator SVN URL is
+- the base incubator SVN URL is
-- all the public information, rules and policies about the
+- all public information, rules and policies about the
 Apache Incubator is in,
-and  published on
+and is published on
-lists all PMC members.
+lists all IPMC members.
-- the Incubator website is maintained and published according to the
-instructions at
+- We maintain and publish the Incubator website according to the
+instructions at
-- all committers on all incubating projects have access to
+- All committers on all incubating projects have access to
 the 'incubator/public' repository, so they can
-participate in the general Incubator Project as committers
+participate in the general Incubator Project as committers.
-- please read our work documents; they are
-published under
+- Please read our work documents; we publish them at
 Thanks for helping us!
 == Board Report
-The Incubator link:[reports] monthly to the Apache link:[Board of Directors]. The report itself is the collaborative effort of many Incubator contributors, but the Chair is ultimately responsible for ensuring that it is submitted on time.
+The Incubator PMC link:[reports] monthly to the Apache link:[Board of Directors]. The report itself is the collaborative effort of many Incubator contributors, but the Chair is ultimately responsible for submitting it on time.
-The Board appreciates receiving the IPMC report to be:
+The Board appreciates receiving the IPMC report:
 - on time
 - in a consistent format
-- an accurate summary of the state of the reporting podlings
-- include multiple Mentor signoff on each report
+- as an accurate summary of the state of the reporting podlings
+- with multiple Mentor signoffs on each report
-The "runbook" for managing the preparation of the report is implemented as a script which prints out documentation, instructions, literal commands, due dates, etc. in link:[]
+The "runbook" for managing preparation of the report is a script which prints out documentation, instructions, literal commands, due dates, etc. in link:[].
-Many of the tasks documented in the runbook may be run by either the Chair or a delegate Report Manager. However, it's the Chair who is accountable for overseeing the process.
+Either the Chair or a delegated Report Manager can run many of the tasks documented in the runbook. However, the Chair is accountable for overseeing the process.
-The report draft is worked on the link:[Incubator wiki]. 
+Work on the report draft on the link:[Incubator wiki]. 
-Incubator board reports are organised by year and month. To create a new report, copy the MonthYear template and correctly rename it. Add and link the new temple to the list of reports on the front page.
-Currently, members of the IPMC and Podling PMCs have permission to edit pages in the Reports section of the wiki. The permissions to that section will need to be updated when new podlings are added or retired. 
-When submitting a final report to the board, make sure to mark the report as read-only and mark it as submitted at the top of the page, so that future accidental edits are mot missing from the board report.
+Incubator board reports are organised by year and month. To create a new report, copy the MonthYear template and correctly rename it. Add and link the new report to the list of reports on the front page.
+Currently, members of the IPMC and Podling PMCs have permission to edit pages in the Reports section of the wiki. We need to update the permissions for that section when we add or retire podlings. 
+When submitting a final report to the board, make sure to mark the report as read-only and mark it as submitted at the top of the page, so that future accidental edits do not change the submitted report.
 The draft reports may vary a little from the final Board report. The published Incubator Board reports can be found here.
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 The link:/policy/incubation.html#Committers[Roles and Responsibilities] document describes the general role of a committer on an incubating project. This page provides links to more information to help new committers get started.
 == Mailing Lists
-Everything inside the Apache world needs to occur asynchronously and be archived. Email is currently the best platform for this. As some people say, 'If it isn't on the mailing list, it didn't happen.' Decisions only get made on public Apache mail lists, not anywhere offlist, such as IRC, IM, or private emails. If decisions are being made elsewhere, they need to be brought back to the mailing list.
+Everything inside the Apache world needs to occur asynchronously and be archived. Email is currently the best platform for this. As some people say, 'If it isn't on the mailing list, it didn't happen.' Decisions only get made on public Apache email lists, not anywhere offlist such as IRC, IM, or private emails. If a PMC or Apache committee makes decisions elsewhere, they need to bring the decision back to the appropriate email list.
-Each project has a set of lists, which are typically called dev@*project*, user@*project* (or users@*project*), issues@*project* and commits@*project*. A few link:[Apache-wide lists] cross all boundaries, including:
+Each project has a set of public lists, which are typically called dev@*project*, user@*project* (or users@*project*), issues@*project* and commits@*project*. A few link:[Apache-wide lists] cross all boundaries, including:
-- *community*: where all Apache committers can discuss things that are about Apache;
-- *infrastructure*: where the infrastructure team discuss and work on the Apache infrastructure needs;
-- *legal-discuss*: where Apache committers can ask questions that have a legal aspect;
-- *builds*: discussions about the Apache continuous integration infrastructure;
+- *community*: where all Apache committers can discuss things that are about Apache
+- *infrastructure*: where the Infrastructure team (Infra) discuss and work on the Apache infrastructure needs
+- *legal-discuss*: where Apache committers can ask questions that have a legal aspect
+- *builds*: discussions about the Apache continuous integration infrastructure
-Mailing lists are also archived and searchable at server places, including link:[Apache Pony Mail].
+Email lists are archived and searchable at server places, including link:[Apache Pony Mail].
 === Action items for committers include:
-- Become familiar with Apache developer link:[Tips for email contributors].
+- Become familiar with Apache developer link:[tips for email contributors].
 - Subscribe to the user, dev, issues and commits lists for your project.
 - Become aware of what else is going on in the Incubator by subscribing to the Incubator's general list.
 - Become aware of what else is going on at the ASF by subscribing to the link:[community], link:[infrastructure], and link:[legal-discuss] Apache-wide lists.
-Apache also has private lists. For example, your project will probably have a private mail list named private@*project*, which your Podling PMC will use for sensitive discussions. Never
-mix public and private mail lists in the same post -- see the section titled link:[Balancing confidentiality and public discussion] in link:[How it Works]. For example, never include both your dev and private lists in the same post. Posting to the dev list is sufficient because each member of your Podling PMC will also be on that list.
+Apache also has private lists. For example, your project will probably have a private email list named private@*project*, which your Podling PMC will use for sensitive discussions. Never
+mix public and private email lists in the same post -- see the section entitled link:[Balancing confidentiality and public discussion] in link:[How it Works]. For example, never include both your dev and private lists in the same post. Posting to the dev list is sufficient because each member of your Podling PMC will also be on that list.
 == Project Web Site
-The Incubator link:sites.html[Podling Websites]  documents how to get your project web site going.
+The Incubator link:sites.html[Podling Websites] documents how to get your project web site going.
 == Committer Resources
-- The link:[Guide for New Committers] is a great place to start and points to additional committer-only resources.
+- The link:[Guide for New Committers] is a great place to start and points to additional committer-only resources.
 - Browse the pages at link:[] often.
-- Subscribe to the link:[infrastructure] list, then raise awareness on your project on what goes on behind the scenes.
+- Subscribe to the link:[infrastructure] list, then raise awareness on your project about what goes on behind the scenes.
-Be proactive about responding to infrastructure issues on your project mailing lists. Does the webserver seem to be down? Is Jira or Git down? Check the link:[ASF status page] and explain the reason to your project list (as you can see, no need to alert the ASF infrastructure people).
+Be proactive about responding to infrastructure issues on your project email lists. Does the webserver seem to be down? Is Jira or Git down? Check the link:[ASF status page] and explain the reason to your project list (as you can see, no need to alert the ASF infrastructure people).
 == Podling PMC (PPMC)
 If you are a member of your PPMC, become familiar with the link:/policy/incubation.html[Incubation Policy] and see the link:ppmc.html[Podling PMC Guide].
-== Orientating New Committers: Understanding Apache
+== Orienting New Committers: Understanding Apache
-When a committer is elected by a top level project, the nominator and other PMC members educate the new committer about Apache. In the Incubator, this is performed by the Mentors. This process is one of the most important for the long term health of a project.
+When a committer is elected by a Top Level Project (TLP), the nominator and other PMC members educate the new committer about Apache. In the Incubator, Mentors provide this education. This process is one of the most important for the long-term health of a project.
-Apache works on the principle that discussions should happen on the most open forum available. Unless the matter involves a sensitive matter (such as security or personal issues), it should be raised on an open mailing list. Typically this will be the podling dev list or the incubator general list. Use of the private incubator list should be reserved for sensitive topics only.
+Apache works on the principle that discussions should happen on the most open forum available. Unless the matter is sensitive (such as security or personal issues), it should be raised on an open email list. Typically this will be the podling dev list or the incubator general list. Reserve the private incubator list for sensitive topics only.
-Mentors need to take care. During the initial bootstrapping a habit may develop of emailing private list. It is important to break this habit as soon as the mailing lists are available.
+Mentors need to take care. During the initial bootstrapping a habit may develop of emailing the private@ list. It is important to break this habit as soon as the public email lists are available.
-Netiquette about the correct use of *cc*'s may also be difficult to impart effectively. During the bootstrap process, there are a number of occasions where *cc*'s are required. The typical usage is to copy in a private listing to indicate that the action has the lazy permission of the committee. *cc*'s are very commonly used to create inefficient ad-hoc mailing lists in the commercial world. Except for a small number of defined processes, *cc*'s are frowned upon at Apache. Mentors need to encourage questions to be asked first on the public lists of the project then raised (if necessary) to the general incubator list.
+Netiquette about the correct use of sending copies of emails may also be difficult to impart effectively. During the bootstrap process, there are a number of occasions when *cc*s are required. The typical usage is to copy in a private listing to indicate that the action has the lazy permission of the committee. The commercial world often use *cc*s to create inefficient ad-hoc email lists. Except for a small number of defined processes, we frown on *cc*s at Apache. Mentors need to encourage people to ask questions first  on the public lists of the project, then raise them (if necessary) to the general incubator list.
 == Questions?
-If you have any questions, please ask on the Incubator's general mail list. Don't forget to check the information at:
+If you have any questions, ask on the Incubator's general email list. Don't forget to check the information at:
 - link:[]
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 == Abstract
-This document intends to help podlings understand the importance of building an open and diverse community for their project. It gives guidelines on how to accept new committers and PPMC members, and how to enable more community involvement, taking off the burden of answering every question yourself.
+This document is to help each podling understand the importance of building an open and diverse community for its project. It gives guidelines on how to accept new committers and PPMC members and how to enable more community involvement.
 == What is an open and diverse community?
-A major criterion for graduation is to have developed an open and diverse link:[meritocratic] community. Time has demonstrated that these kinds of communities are more robust and productive than more closed ones.
+A major criterion for podling graduation to Top Level Project (TLP) status is to have developed an open and diverse link:[meritocratic] community. These kinds of communities are more robust and productive than more closed ones are.
 === People
-As a project grows, it needs to renew itself by accepting new committers. A project needs to learn how it can recruit new developers and committers into the community. Accepting new committers usually increases the diversity of the project. So, this process is very beneficial. link:#notes-community[Community building] requires energy which could have been spent on code development, but this cost is an essential investment for the future of the project.
+As a project grows, it needs to renew itself by accepting new committers. A project needs to learn how it can recruit new developers and committers into the community. Accepting new committers usually increases the diversity and strength of the project. link:#notes-community[Community building] requires energy which could have been spent on code development, but this cost is an essential investment for the future of the project.
-The openness of the community is not only measured by the number of contributors. Open and respectful discussions on the mailing lists are vital. Ways to resolve technical conflict without destroying personal relationships must be learned.
+The openness of the community is not only measured by the number of contributors. Open and respectful discussions on the mailing lists are vital. Community members must learn ways to resolve technical conflicts without destroying personal relationships.
 === Communication
-Mailing lists are the lifeblood of Apache communities. They are the primary mode of discourse and constitute a public and historical record of the project. Other forms of communication (P2P, F2F, personal emails, instant messaging platform, and so on) are secondary. There are well-founded fears about the use of other forms of project communication. Though some projects successfully blend other forms of communications, care needs to be taken since out-of-band communications have led to difficulties in the past. The reason is that conversations on other than the public mail list exclude parts of the community. Public instant message communication can be exclusionary due to time zone constraints or conflicting time commitments by community members who would want to participate.
+Email lists are the lifeblood of Apache communities. They are the primary mode of discourse and constitute a public and historical record of the project. Other forms of communication (P2P, F2F, personal emails, instant messaging platform posts, and so on) are secondary. There are well-founded fears about the use of other forms of project communication. Though some projects successfully blend other forms of communications, projects need to take care since out-of-band communications have led to difficulties in the past. The reason is that conversations on other than the public email list exclude parts of the community. Public instant message communication can be exclusionary due to time zone constraints or conflicting time commitments by community members who would want to participate.
-Apache project mailing lists are public, archived and searchable. This allows anyone to monitor (both in real-time and by browsing the archives) what's happening. Opinions expressed are in the open and poor behavior risks a poster's reputation.
+Apache project email lists are public, archived and searchable. This allows anyone to monitor (both in real-time and by browsing the archives) what's happening. Opinions expressed are in the open and poor behavior risks a poster's reputation.
-Private communications tend to be more candid but also more likely to be ill-judged. Backchannel communication tends to be divisive, excluding some members of the group. This tends to have a corrosive effect on the collective spirit of the community. Mistrust builds when opinions backed by blocks of developers appear form nowhere fully formed on the mailing list.
+Private communications tend to be more candid but also more likely to be ill-judged. Backchannel communication tends to be divisive, excluding some members of the group. This tends to have a corrosive effect on the collective spirit of the community. Trust erodes when opinions backed by blocks of developers appear from nowhere, fully formed, on the email list.
-Communication through other channels also reduces the chance of link:[serendipity]. As with most social networks, most subscribers to a mailing list never post and most posts come from a tiny minority of subscribers. Some passive subscribers are just interested in where the project is going. But, others understand related fields and have a limited intersection of interest. This second group will often post when this topic arises on list. Using public mailing lists to develop designs allows the chance encounter of ideas which often results in innovation.
+Communication through other channels also reduces the chance of link:[serendipity]. As with most social networks, most subscribers to a email list never post and most posts come from a tiny minority of subscribers. Some passive subscribers are just interested in where the project is going. But others understand related fields and have a limited intersection of interest. This second group will often post when a topic in which they are interested arises on a list. Using public email lists to develop designs allows the chance encounter of ideas which often results in innovation.
-If a project uses alternative forms of communication, it is essential to try to minimize the chances of problems arising. All matters of substance need to be moved back to the mailing lists. Public records should be kept and posted back to the list. Regular reminders should be posted to remind people that other secondary forms of communication exist.
+If a project uses alternative forms of communication, it is essential to try to minimize the chances of problems arising. All matters of substance need to move back to the email lists. Projects need to preserve, and post back to the lists, significatn conversation threads in other channels. Project should post regular reminders that other secondary forms of communication exist.
-There are a limited number of topics such as security issues and discussions about people which are best handled in private. As much business of the project as possible should take place on public lists, but the private list is available for those matters of a sensitive nature. Good netiquette requires that permission from the poster should be sought before making public, posts made to a private list. Try to avoid cross-posting between public and private forums. Take care not to post a reply to a private post to a public forum without permission.
+There is a limited number of topics, such as security issues and discussions about people, which it is best to handl in private. As much business of the project as possible should take place on public lists, but the private list is available for matters of a sensitive nature. Good netiquette requires that you seek permission from the poster before making public posts made to a private list. Try to avoid cross-posting between public and private forums. Take care not to post a reply to a private post to a public forum without permission.
-Learning to use mailing lists effectively is very important. If this can be achieved, then you have shown to be a lively, active and thriving community. The future looks bright.
+Learning to use email lists effectively is very important. If your project community can achieve this, it has a good chance to be lively, active and thriving. The future looks bright.
 === Community Building
-Before a podling graduates, it must create a diverse and self-sustaining community. Community building is tough: it takes time, effort and more than a little magic. There is no secret recipe, just hard work. In order to overcome this obstacle, committers may need to devote more time to community building and less to development.
+Before a podling graduates, it must create a diverse and self-sustaining community. Community-building is tough: it takes time, effort and more than a little magic. There is no secret recipe, just hard work. To address this challenge, committers may need to devote more time to community-building and less to development.
-The[community mailing list] is open to all Apache committers. This list is the right list for questions about the community and on community building. Subscriptions should be from an Apache email address.
+The[community email list] is open to all Apache committers. This is the right list for questions about the Apache community and on community-building. Subscribe using your Apache email address.
 ==== Raising The Profile
-Sometimes, a podling is just not well-enough known. There are  not enough users to allow new developers to be recruited. Overcoming this means finding ways to raise the profile of the podling. Some ideas:
+Sometimes a podling is just not well-enough known. There are  not enough users to recruit new developers from. Overcoming this means finding ways to raise the profile of the podling. Some ideas:
 - Improve the website
-- Improve the information provided within each release 
+- Improve the information you provide within each release 
 - Release more often
-- Simplify the build
-- Improve the documentation
-- Provide getting started examples and documentation
+- Simplify the build process
+- Improve project documentation
+- Provide getting-started examples and tutorials
 - Use grassroots media
 - Encourage downstream distributions to include a packaged version
 - Submit talks to conferences
@@ -72,14 +72,14 @@
 ==== Building a community by stepping back a little
-If the podling has lots of users but very few new developers, then this means that more work is required to encourage users to become developers. A common cause of this is that committers are too quick to create code to solve user problems. It's good to respond quickly to requests by users. However, once a project gains momentum, it may be more productive for the long term health of a project to encourage users to become more involved.
+If the podling's software has lots of users but very few new developers, the community needs to do more work to encourage users to become developers. A common cause of this is that committers are too quick to create code to solve user problems. It's good to respond quickly to requests by users. However, once a project gains momentum, it may be more productive for the long-term health of a project to encourage users to propose solutions to non-critical problems and, thus, become more involved.
 Try to encourage expert users to answer questions. This may mean intentionally allowing a time gap before answering user questions. Encourage users to post by taking the time to deal politely and positively with misunderstandings and by replying to threads which have been answered well by a user to confirm that they are right. Avoid engaging in flame wars on user lists. Ignore trolls.
-Try to encourage users to become developers. When they give a good answer that isn't covered in the documentation, ask them to submit a patch. When users suggest a good design or extension, ask for volunteers to help implement rather than just coding it up.
+Try to encourage users to become developers. When they give a good answer that the documentation doesn't cover, ask them to submit a patch. When users suggest a good design or extension, ask for volunteers to help implement it rather than just coding it up.
 ==== Helping Developers Become Committers
-If a podling has no trouble attracting developers but difficulty retaining them long enough for them to become committers, then this highlights an issue with the recruitment process. To become an Apache committer, a developer needs to hang around long enough to accumulate a track record of contributions. This often requires encouragement and help from existing committers. It may also be that the committer bar has been set too high.
+If a podling has no trouble attracting developers but difficulty retaining them long enough for them to become committers, this highlights an issue with the recruitment process. To become an Apache committer, a developer needs to hang around long enough to accumulate a track record of contributions. This often requires encouragement and help from existing committers. It may also be that the committer bar is set too high.
-Promptly reviewing patches or pull requests is essential. The way that patches are applied is also important. Provide credit in the commit message and when closing the issue. It's also good to encourage developers by suggesting new related work they may like to volunteer to work on.
\ No newline at end of file
+Promptly reviewing patches or pull requests is essential. The way the project applies patches is also important. Provide credit in the commit message and when closing the issue. It's also good to encourage developers by suggesting new related work they may like to volunteer to work on.
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index 88f2de0..2bc2756 100644
--- a/pages/guides/
+++ b/pages/guides/
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 === Background
-Existing codebases need to be imported through the standard IP clearance
-process. This means that a Software Grant Agreement
+Podlings need to import existing codebases through the standard IP clearance
+process. This means that all copyright owners need to submit a Software Grant Agreement
 or Contributor License Agreement
-needs to be submitted
-for all copyright owners. This process may take a while so it is best to
-start as soon as the podling is accepted.
+(link:[CLA]). This process may take a while so it is best to
+start as soon as the Incubator accepts the podling.
-The acceptance of the initial codebases is approved by the
-IPMC as part of the acceptance motion. So, no vote is required by the
+The IPMC (Incubator Product Management Committee) approves the initial codebase as part of the acceptance motion. So, no vote is required by the
 PPMC. Otherwise, follow the standard IP clearance process for podlings.
 === Establishing Provenance
-Paperwork needs to be submitted to Apache that grants a legal license on the code
+The podling needs to submit paperwork to Apache that grants a legal license on the code
 to the Apache Software Foundation.
-As a rule of thumb, if all the material contributors to the code
+Generally, if all the material contributors to the code
 are joining the podling as initial contributors, then CLAs (individual or corporate)
 are all you need. The individuals must submit the 'individual' CLA (ICLA).
 If there are employers involved who might claim
-rights in the code, then corporate CLAs (CCLAs) are needed for those employers.
+rights in the code, they need to provide corporate CLAs (CCLAs).
 If, on the other hand, there are material contributors who are *not*
 joining the podling as initial contributors, or if there
 are additional corporate entities who can claim rights in the code,
-then SGAs are required from those individuals or corporations.
+the podling must obtain SGAs from those individuals or corporations.
-The foregoing is only a rule of thumb. Generally, the mentors of a new project
+The foregoing is only a summary. The mentors of a new project
 will need to consult with or the Apache legal team
-about the particular circumstances.
+about the circumstances of a specific podling.
 It may take some time to track down all contributors. It is not necessary to
-have paperwork on file for all contributions before the code is imported.
-It may be necessary to reverse some patches and rewrite areas of code if
-contributors cannot be found or at not happy about given Apache written
+have paperwork on file for all contributions before importing the code.
+It may be necessary to reverse some patches and rewrite areas of code if you cannot find copyright owners, or they are not happy about giving Apache written
 permission to use their code.
-No releases are possible until the provenance of all the code to be release
-has been clearly established and the relevant paperwork filed with Apache. It is
+No releases are possible until the podling has clearly established the provenance of all the code to be released and the relevant paperwork ahs been filed with Apache. It is
 therefore important to keep the status updated.
-Receipts of ICLAs, CCLAs, and SGAs are recorded by the secretary in
+The ASF Secretary records receipt of ICLAs, CCLAs, and SGAs in
 the private foundation repository. Reading is restricted to members and officers
-of the foundation. If there is no officer or member available then ask on the
+of the foundation. If there is no officer or member available to check whether the secretary has received all relevant documents, ask for help on the
 general list.
 === IPMC Responsibility around IP Clearance
@@ -74,21 +69,20 @@
 The board has charged the Incubator project with management of IP clearance for Apache.
 Instructions are link:[here].
-These equally apply to podlings. The Incubator project is responsible for all podlings
+These instructions also apply to podlings. The Incubator project is responsible for all podlings
 and so is the receiving PMC. So, when a podling requests IP clearance, the
 IPMC wears link:[two hats].
 This may be a little confusing at first.
 The Incubator PMC must approve the clearance. This indicates that the project is
-happy to receive the code donated. When a new podling is created, this is done
-by the identification of existing codebases in the proposal. Otherwise, the
+happy to receive the code donated. When a new podling is created, the IPMC approves the clearance of existing codebases identified in the proposal. Otherwise, the
 IPMC delegates this decision to the PPMC.
-As usual, three binding votes are required. So, Mentors need to be involved in
-IP clearance for podlings. If too few binding VOTEs are posted on list,
+As usual, three binding votes are required. Mentors need to be involved in
+IP clearance for podlings. If too few binding VOTEs are posted on the list,
 the VOTE will need to be posted to the general list for ratification.
 The second hat is technical IP clearance. Here, the IPMC needs to check that the
-paperwork is in order. Once the acceptance vote has been approved, an officer
+paperwork is in order. Once the IPMC approves the acceptance vote, an officer
 or member need to complete the process. For a podling, this will typically
 involve a Mentor.
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index 114f6f5..6feb0c9 100644
--- a/pages/guides/
+++ b/pages/guides/
@@ -23,42 +23,42 @@
 *do not* use it as a substitute. 
 Its aims are education and information *only*. 
-This process filters out unsuitable names early, 
+This process filters out unsuitable names for Apache podlings early, 
 reducing the legal resources required and
 limiting the potential disruption to a community of a forced name change 
 later. A smooth path, but not the only one. If there are reasons
 why this road isn't right for your podling, 
 consult link:[incubator general].
-=== Meet The Apache Branding Team
+=== Meet the Apache Branding Team
-Names link:[fall] within the responsibilities of the 
+Names fall within link:[the responsibilities] of the 
 link:[V.P., Brand Management] (and 
 link:[team]). Please start by reading:
-- the link:[Apache Trademark Policy] (which introduces trademarks and outlines our policy);
-- the link:[Apache Trademark FAQs] (which answers questions asked by downstream consumers); and
-- the link:[Apache Project Branding Requirements] (which guides PMCs).
-- the link:[Suitable Name Search] (which guides Podlings and PMCs).
+- the link:[Apache Trademark Policy] (which introduces trademarks and outlines our policy)
+- the link:[Apache Trademark FAQs] (which answers questions asked by downstream consumers)
+- the link:[Apache Project Branding Requirements] (which guides PMCs)
+- the link:[Suitable Name Search] (which guides podlings and PMCs)
-For podlings in the Incubator, naming issues are managed co-operatively by the Brand and Incubator communities.
+For podlings in the Incubator, the Brand and Incubator communities manage naming issues cooperatively.
 Rules for podlings include all branding requirements for PMCs, plus a few extras. 
 === Trademarks
 Trademark law is a complex subject. 
 Distinctive differences from other intellectual property laws (such as patent or copyright) mean that 
-intuition or knowledge gained from other areas may not be applicable. 
+intuition or knowledge you have gained from other areas may not be applicable to trademark issues. 
 The link:[Apache Software Foundation] is 
 a link:[US corporation]. 
 Developing some understanding of the basic principles of US trademark law is therefore important.
 Please read: 
-- link:[Description of key trademark principles] for Apache projects;
-- link:[Description of how to search for existing trademarks.]
+- link:[Description of key trademark principles] for Apache projects
+- link:[Description of how to search for existing trademarks]
-==== Trademarks And The Apache License
+==== Trademarks and the Apache License
 Like link:[many] 
 link:[open source] licenses, the
@@ -76,61 +76,61 @@
 - link:[Apache License, Version 2.0]
-All Apache projects share the Apache License. This issues standard *copy* 
+All Apache projects share the Apache License. The license issues standard *copy* 
 and *patent* rights to 
 downstream consumers. *Trademark* rights for Apache products are issued and managed independently, 
 beyond the Apache License. This allows Apache communities to use trademark law to protect their reputation and that of the 
 link:[Foundation], within the broader
 framework provided by the Brand team.
-=== What Makes A Name Good
+=== What Makes a Name Good
 Good names for commercial products or _UNIX_ utilities have tended to work less well here at Apache.
 Many successful Apache project names are memorable, unusual and a little 
 These qualities also happen to be useful when it comes to securing trademark protection.
 Have fun. Be creative.
-=== Podling Suitable Name Search
+=== Podling-Suitable Name Search
-The initial link:[proposal] 
+The initial link:[podling proposal] 
 establishes a working name for the new podling.
 Often some discussion and filtering of suitable names happens during the election
-process but this proposed name is *not* final, only _provisional_. 
+process, but this proposed name is *not* final, only _provisional_. 
 The community may choose to change it. Or the community may discover that the name is unsuitable:
-in which case a suitable new name must be found. 
+in which case the community must find a suitable new name. 
 A podling needs to discover whether a name is suitable.
 The Incubator community calls this process the _suitable name search_. 
 This avoids any potential confusion with phrases like
-_trademark search_ with technical meanings in the trademark community. 
+_trademark search_, which has technical meanings in the trademark community. 
 Please be careful with language. In particular:
-- avoid using loaded technical legal terms;
-- use plain, simple English to describe what you did and what you found;
-- avoid speculation; and
-- don't offer _advice_ or _opinions_.
+- Avoid using loaded technical or legal terms
+- Use plain, simple English to describe what you did and what you found
+- Avoid speculation
+- Don't offer _advice_ or _opinions_
-A suitable name search must be successfully completed before a podling can graduate.
-This isn't the only way one might be done, just a smooth path.
+The podling must complete a suitable name search successfully before it can graduate to Top Level Project (TLP) status.
+This isn't the only way to do such a search, just a smooth path.
 Names are an essential part of building a brand and community. 
 Switching names wastes the efforts put into establishing the original name.
 Therefore complete this task as soon as possible.
-== Conducting A Suitable Name Search
+== Conducting a Suitable Name Search
-The aim - to find a name that is acceptable to the community and is not unsuitable.
+The aim: to find a name that is acceptable to the community and is not unsuitable.
 See the instructions at link:[Suitable Name Search]
-about how to perform the name search and interact with the VP, Brand and their committee. Approval comes from them.
+about how to perform the name search and interact with the VP, Brand and their committee. Approval of the podling name comes from them.
-The following are notes about the suitable name search developed over time.
+The following are notes about the suitable name search, based on the experience of many podlings.
 A suitable name search has public and private elements. 
 The link:[tracker] provides the public record.
-Incubator best practice evolves over time, documentation lags.
+Incubator best practice evolves over time, and documentation lags.
 The public records of past searches are a primary source of guidance. 
-Review now the records of previous searches, beginning with the most recent then working back.
+Review now the records of previous searches, beginning with the most recent and working back.
 The public record consists of _actions_ (how you searched) and _facts_ (what your search found). In particular,
 in *all* public forums (mailing lists, issue trackers and so on):
@@ -138,38 +138,36 @@
 -*Do not* speculate.
 -*Do not* use loaded technical legal language. 
 -*Do not* offer 
- -opinions,
- -advice,
- -interpretation, or
- -analysis.
+ -opinions
+ -advice
+ -interpretation
+ -analysis
-Use the public lists in the Incubator to ask questions about _how_ the search should be conducted. 
-Once the information is collected and collated, then ask the trademark team to help interpret and analyse these results
-on the private lists, copying in the PPMC. Finally discuss the results of your investigation on the private PPMC list. 
-Whether a name is suitable or unsuitable (or somewhere in between) should be recorded when the issue is closed.
+Use the public lists in the Incubator to ask questions about _how_ to conduct the search. 
+Once you have collected and collated sufficient information, ask the trademark team on the private lists, copying in the PPMC, to help interpret and analyse the results. Finally, discuss the results of your investigation on the private PPMC list. 
+Record whether a candidate name is suitable or unsuitable (or somewhere in between) when you close the issue.
 === Eliminate Unsuitable Names
 To be suitable, a name needs to be
-- judged _appropriate_ by the wider community; and
+- judged _appropriate_ by the wider community
 - _unique enough_ to avoid confusion
 Facts and activities performed are link:[recorded] for the public.
-Interpretation and analysis of these facts happens on private mailing lists, the PPMC private in the first instance. 
-Whether the name proved suitable or unsuitable should be entered into the public record 
-but take care to use our language (_ethically unsuitable_ or 
+Interpretation and analysis of these facts happens on private mailing lists; the PPMC private@ in the first instance. 
+Record whether the name proved suitable or unsuitable into the public record, but take care to use our categories (_ethically unsuitable_ or 
 _not unique enough_) and to avoid loaded legal terms.
 ==== The Main Sequence
-Every podling is unique, but using a link:[cosmic]
+Every podling is unique, but, using a link:[cosmic]
 metaphor, most fit into a main sequence. For podlings on the main sequence,
 most of the bugs should have been squashed and rough edges documented away, so expect a smooth journey. 
-Away from the main sequence, process may need to be grown, documentation is likely be sparse
+Away from the main sequence, you may need to grow process, documentation is likely be sparse
 and progress less smooth. 
-The main sequence is described here. This well known path is
+We describe the main sequence here. This well-known path is
 appropriate for almost all podlings.
 If there are good reasons to think that your podling is a special case, discuss this with the
 link:[Incubator community]
@@ -190,82 +188,82 @@
 -- link:[US Code 15:1052]
-Proposals with inappropriate names are unlikely to pass the initial hustings but spend a few moments considering 
-whether anything has been missed. Check for alternative meanings, perhaps in foreign languages.
+Proposals with inappropriate names are unlikely to pass the initial review, but spend a few moments considering 
+whether you have missed anything. Check for alternative meanings, perhaps in foreign languages or among distinct communities (such as people on the autism spectrum).
-==== Unique Enough Names
+==== Unique-Enough Names
 The name needs be unique enough to avoid confusion with software that already exists. 
 For the community to be able to protect its reputation for quality and openness,
 its name needs to unique enough to have potential as a trademark.
 But this isn't only about being able to register trademark protection.
-Ethics also plays a role. Even where a name may offer enough protection, existing adoption 
-of the name by an active community may mean that the choice needs to be eliminated on ethical grounds. 
-There is some judgment involved in this decision. So, involve the wider Incubator community if a name is already
+Ethics also plays a role. Even when a name may offer enough protection, existing adoption 
+of the name by an active community may mean that you need to eliminate the choice on ethical grounds. 
+There is some judgment involved in this decision. So, involve the wider Incubator community if a name, or something like it, is already in
+use elsewhere.
-==== How To Collect Evidence Of Uniqueness
+==== How to Collect Evidence of Uniqueness
-To decide whether a potential name is _unique enough_ to be suitable
+To decide whether a potential name is _unique enough_ to be suitable:
 - Collect evidence about current name usage.
 - link:[Record] the facts.
-- Analyse and interpret these facts; in private with help from the brand team.
+- Analyse and interpret these facts in private, with help from the brand team.
 - Reach consensus about whether the name is unique enough.
 - link:[Record] whether the name is suitable.
-- If unsuitable then the community should pick a more unique name and repeat this process.
+- If the candidate name is unsuitable, the community should pick a more unique name and repeat this process.
-==== Evidence Of Open Source Adoption
+==== Evidence of Open Source Adoption
-Existing adoption amongst another active open source community may give ethical 
+Existing adoption in another active open source community may give ethical 
 reasons for eliminating a name. This is an example of a condition with a fractal 
-boundary. Not every name which has been used before need be eliminated as unsuitable
-but this is an issue which needs to be discussed more widely and
-a consensus reached with the broad 
+boundary. You do not need to eliminate as unsuitable every name which has been used before,
+but this is an issue which you need to discuss more widely so you can reach
+a consensus with the broad 
 link:[Incubator community]. 
-Look for evidence of existing adoption amongst open source communities by searching well known
+Look for evidence of existing adoption amongst open source communities by searching well-known
 foundries (for example link:[GitHub] and 
-and the web (use several search engines for example link:[Bing],
+and the web (use several search engines, for example link:[Bing],
 link:[Google] and link:[Yahoo]).
 Review recent link:[records]
-for contemporary details about where to search.
+for ideas about where to search.
 link:[Record] each search and describe the results.  
-If the name been used by the same community before it arrived at Apache, that's fine but should be noted in the 
+If the community has used the name before it arrived at Apache, that's fine; but note that in the 
-=== Evidence Of Registration
+=== Evidence of Registration
-A number of online resources exist which may help to discover evidence of 
+A number of online resources may help you discover evidence of 
 competing registered trademarks.
-Not every trademark is registered. Not every registered trademark is listed in these resources.
-Even if evidence is found of existing registrations, 
+Not every trademark is registered. These resources do not list every registered trademark.
+Even if you find evidence of existing registrations, 
 this does not necessary eliminate the proposed name. Just 
 link:[record] the facts.
 Leave analysis and interpretation to private lists. 
 When a search returns a large number of hits, focus on live registrations related to software.
-The foremost online resource is TESS run by USPTO. Before using
-TESS, please browse the documentation links from 
+The foremost online resource is TESS, run by the US Patent and Trademarks Office (USPTO). Before using
+TESS, browse the documentation links from the 
 link:[USPTO trademark home].
-Other resources which allow cheap searches of their databases exist but are often
+Other resources which allow cheap searches of their databases exist, but are often
 ephemeral. Review the link:[records]
 for the state of this art.
-==== Evidence Of Use On The World Wide Web
+==== Evidence of Use on the World Wide Web
-Registration of trademark is not required. Rights may also be obtained by use of a mark in commerce.
+Registration of trademark is not required. An organization may also obtain rights by use of a mark in commerce.
 Use a variety of web search engines (for example, link:[bing], link:[google]
-and link:[yahoo]) to survey usage on the world wide web.
+and link:[yahoo]) to survey use of your proposed name on the world wide web.
 Search for:
-- The name itself (e.g., `Cassandra`).  The results returned by a search for the name itself may provide evidence of well known usages of the term.
+- The name itself (e.g., `Cassandra`).  The results returned by a search for the name itself may provide evidence of well-known usages of the term.
 - The name, plus `software`. The results returned by searching for `Cassandra software` may provide evidence of existing use in trade.
 - The name, plus key functionality the software provides: e.g., `Cassandra "big data"`.
 - The name, plus `open source`: e.g., `Cassandra open source`.
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index 2db8c5b..1177a7b 100644
--- a/pages/guides/
+++ b/pages/guides/
@@ -18,59 +18,59 @@
 :imagesdir: ../images/
-This document aims to help those who are new to the Incubator to learn its ways and netiquette.
+This document helps those who are new to the Incubator learn its ways and netiquette.
 == General Netiquette
-The usual advice applies. If you are not familiar with the way mailing lists work at Apache, read link:[this].
+The usual advice applies. If you are not familiar with the way email lists work at Apache, read link:[this].
-Please ensure that your mail client is correctly configured. In particular, post only plain text emails without attachments to these lists. Apache spam filters may reject HTML emails.
+Please ensure that you have configured your email client correctly. In particular, post only plain-text emails without attachments to these lists. Apache spam filters may reject HTML emails.
-The Incubator is a public meeting place with a diverse and ever-changing community. Creating social bonds and establishing a reputation is essential. Please be polite, courteous and diplomatic.
+The Incubator is a public meeting place with a diverse and ever-changing community. Creating social bonds and establishing a reputation are essential. Please be polite, courteous and diplomatic.
-When in doubt - ask on[].
+When in doubt, ask for guidance on[].
-== Ways To Participate
-=== On The General Mailing List
+== Ways to Participate
+=== On the General Email List
-The ** is a public list with an open subscription. All are encouraged to subscribe, read and post their opinions in the usual way.
+The ** email list is public, with an open subscription. We encourage all Incubator participants to subscribe, read and post their opinions in the usual way.
-Anyone can, by their words, influence the decision-making process by being involved in discussions and may vote on link:[VOTE threads]. However (as is usual) only the votes of those on the link:/incubation/Roles_and_Responsibilities.html#Incubator+Project+Management+Committee+%28PMC%29[Incubator PMC] are binding.
+Anyone can, by their words, influence the decision-making process by being involved in discussions, and may vote on link:[VOTE threads]. However (as is usual) only the votes of those on the link:/incubation/Roles_and_Responsibilities.html#Incubator+Project+Management+Committee+%28PMC%29[Incubator PMC] are binding.
-=== As A User
+=== As a User
-A link:[user] is anyone who uses our software. Most Apache projects have active user communities who are willing to provide help. This may not be always the case with incubator podlings.
+A link:[user] is anyone who uses our software. Most Apache projects have active user communities that are willing to provide help. This may not be always the case with incubator podlings.
 To gain the maximum benefit from any immature project (as many podlings are), adopt an active attitude. Read link:[On Contributing] and link:[Understanding Open Source]. Become a link:#developer[developer] (in the Apache meaning of the term).
-=== As A Developer
+=== As a Developer
-At Apache, a link:[developer] (aka contributor) is anyone who actively helps to develop our software. These people include more than just coders and documenters. For example, anyone who joins in discussions on the mailing lists or answers questions from users is also a contributor.
+At Apache, a link:[developer] (or contributor) is anyone who actively helps develop our software. These people include more than just coders and documenters. For example, anyone who joins in discussions on the email lists or answers questions from users is also a contributor.
 Apache is a link:[_DO_-ocracy]. The first step along the road leading to link:#committer[committership] is to become a developer. For more information, start with link:[How Apache Works] and the link:[developer documentation].
-=== As A Committer
+=== As a Committer
 A link:/incubation/Roles_and_Responsibilities.html#Committers[committer] is anyone with write access to the source repository. Election of committers in the Incubator works a little differently from the process that is usual elsewhere at Apache.
-Once a podling has been bootstrapped, link:#developer[developers] are nominated and election to committer happens in the link:ppmc.html#Voting+in+a+new+committer[usual way].
+Once a podling has been bootstrapped, proposing and adding link:#developer[developers] as committers happens in the link:ppmc.html#Voting+in+a+new+committer[usual way].
 When a proposal is just a link:/incubation/Roles_and_Responsibilities.html#Candidate[candidate], there are two possible approaches (for those interested in being a committer).
-The proposal typically link:proposal.html#template-initial-committers[contains] a list of initial committers. When a podling is bootstrapped, this list is used by the mentors to set up initial accounts. Thus one way to become a committer is to be listed on a podlings proposal as an initial committer.
+The proposal typically link:proposal.html#template-initial-committers[contains] a list of initial committers. When a podling is bootstrapped, the mentors use this list to set up initial accounts. Thus one way to become a committer is appear on a podling proposal as an initial committer.
 The right way to express interest is by a post to the list with a brief introduction. Adding your name as an initial committer is impolite.
-A podling needs to learn how to recruit new committers from its developers. So, another way is to show up on the list and start helping with the development. This will help the podling more than adding your name to the list of initial committers.
+A podling needs to learn how to recruit committers from among its developers. So another way is to show up on the list and start helping with development. This will help the podling more than adding your name to the list of initial committers.
-=== As A Mentor
+=== As a Mentor
-Anyone with knowledge of open source or Apache can participate as an informal mentor for a podling. Development is open, and anyone with interest is encouraged to subscribe and participate.
+Anyone with knowledge of open source or Apache can participate as an informal mentor for a podling. Development is open, and we encourage anyone with interest to subscribe and participate.
 To act as a formal link:/incubation/Roles_and_Responsibilities.html#Mentor[Mentor] is link:/incubation/Incubation_Policy#Mentor[limited] to IPMC members and ASF members. The best way for an eligible individual to become a Mentor is to post a note introducing themselves and volunteering their services to ** during the development of the link:proposal.html[proposal].
-=== On The Incubator PMC
+=== On the Incubator PMC
-Apache Members are encouraged to join the link:/incubation/Roles_and_Responsibilities.html#Incubator+Project+Management+Committee+%28PMC%29[Incubator PMC]. Post a note to the Incubator PMC private list.
+We encourage Apache Members to join the link:/incubation/Roles_and_Responsibilities.html#Incubator+Project+Management+Committee+%28PMC%29[Incubator PMC]. Post a note to the Incubator PMC private list.
-Those who aren't members may be elected in the usual Apache way. These elections are held on the private list.
+The IPMC can elect those who aren't members in the usual Apache way. These elections take place on the IPMC private list.
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 == Apache Incubator Graphics
-This page contains various graphical assets that are intended to be used by Apache Incubator podlings and their communities.
-The Apache Software Foundation owns all Apache-related trademarks, service marks, and graphic logos. You can read our link:[formal Trademark Policy] that addresses allowable uses and how to contact us for permissions.
+This page contains various graphical assets that Apache Incubator podlings and their communities can use.
+The Apache Software Foundation owns all Apache-related trademarks, service marks, and graphic logos. Our link:[formal Trademark Policy] addresses allowable uses and how to contact us for permissions.
 The Apache Incubator provides two main types of graphic:
 - Incubator Graphics - the official Apache Incubator logo
 - “Powered By” Apache Incubator Logos - to be used by Apache Incubator podlings
-Please note that each Apache podling provides and maintains their own official project logo on their homepage. The best place to ask for a copy of a project logo is on their dev@ mailing list.
+Please note that each Apache podling provides and maintains their own official project logo on their home page. The best place to ask for a copy of a project logo is on the podling's dev@ mailing list.
 == Downloadable Graphics
 This section contains downloadable graphics of the Apache Incubator logo.
-REMINDER: all graphics/images/logos are trademarks of the ASF, and must not be used without appropriate attribution and permission from the ASF. Please see our formal Trademark Policy for more details. In particular, as a vendor-neutral public charity that provides independent governance to all Apache projects, you must use care when displaying the feather, and ensure it's clear that it's referring to the ASF as an independent organization.
+REMINDER: all graphics/images/logos are trademarks of the ASF. You must not use them without appropriate attribution and permission from the ASF. See our formal Trademark Policy for more details. We are a vendor-neutral public charity that provides independent governance to all Apache projects, so you must use care when displaying the feather, and ensure it's clear that it's referring to the ASF as an independent organization.
 === Official Incubator Logo
-This is the latest version of the Apache Incubator logo, as launched in March 2017. This logo is to be used on ALL podling pages during the incubation process.
+This is the latest version of the Apache Incubator logo, as launched in March 2017. Use this logo on ALL podling website pages during the incubation process.
@@ -69,22 +70,24 @@
 == "Powered By" Apache Incubator Podling Logos
-Inspired by the ASF’s “Powered by Apache” logo [LINK], the “Apache Incubator Podling” logo was created to maintain the unique identity of each Apache podling whilst undergoing development in the Apache Incubator. All Apache podlings and their communities are encouraged to proudly display “Apache Incubator Podling” assets on their Websites, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
+Inspired by the ASF’s “Powered by Apache” logo [LINK], the “Apache Incubator Podling” logo helps maintain the unique identity of each Apache podling while it undergoes development in the Apache Incubator. We encourage all Apache podlings and their communities to proudly display “Apache Incubator Podling” assets on their websites, documentation, marketing materials, etc.
 Guidelines for the appropriate use of the “Powered By Apache” logos include:
-- The standalone “Powered By” Apache Incubator and “Apache Incubator Podling” circular banded logos may be used standalone with just the Apache Incubator logomark (denoting general use of an Apache Incubator podling) or in combination with an official Apache podling logo;
-- The official podling logo may not be altered in any way other than removing/separating the name(s) where applicable as approved by the associated Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC);
-- The appropriate trademark symbol(s), such as ® or ™, associated with the podling's logo --if applicable-- must be included in the logo;
-- The “Powered By” logo's circular band format, font, and color must not be altered in any way;
-- The logo and/or its contents must not be rotated, animated, distorted, or otherwise altered, nor should it be used as a graphic element, background, or pattern;
-- The logo and/or its contents must not be translated or localized, nor should it have versioning numbers or other unauthorized words added to it;
-- The preferred background color for the logo is white, however, the logo may appear on colored, black, or image/photographic backgrounds providing the logo's legibility is not compromised;
-- The logo may be sized and produced in multiple file formats as required by the Podling Project Management Committee, with a preferred minimum size of 80 pixels high in Web/online applications (where possible) to ensure legibility;
-- The logo may not, under any circumstances, be incorporated with a third party's company name, product name, or logo(s), or adopt marks and/or logos that are confusingly similar to or imply improper association with The Apache Software Foundation;
-- Third parties and programs are not allowed to use official Apache project or podling logos and/or create alternate logos or identifying marks relating to any Apache project without written permission from the associated Podling Project Management Committee and/or ASF Brand Management.
-- We have a link:[trademark use policy for the "Powered By" phrase]
+- You may use the standalone “Powered By” Apache Incubator and “Apache Incubator Podling” circular banded logos standalone, with just the Apache Incubator logomark (denoting general use of an Apache Incubator podling), or in combination with an official Apache podling logo.
+- You may not alter the official podling logo in any way other than removing/separating the name(s) where applicable, as approved by the associated Podling Project Management Committee (PPMC).
+- You must associate the appropriate trademark symbol(s), such as ® or ™, with the podling's logo, if applicable.
+- You must not alter the “Powered By” logo's circular band format, font, or color in any way.
+- You must not rotate, animate, distorte, or otherwise alter the logo and/or its contents, nor use it as a graphic element, background, or pattern.
+- You must not translate or localize the logo and/or its contents, nor add versioning numbers or other unauthorized words to it.
+- The preferred background color for the logo is white; however, the logo may appear on colored, black, or image/photographic backgrounds providing this does not compromise the logo's legibility.
+- You may resizeb the logo and produced it in multiple file formats as required by the Podling Project Management Committee, with a preferred minimum size of 80 pixels high in web/online applications (where possible) to ensure legibility.
+- You may not under any circumstances, incorporate the logo with a third party's company name, product name, or logo(s), or adopt marks and/or logos that are confusingly similar to or imply improper association with The Apache Software Foundation.
+- Third parties and programs may not use official Apache project or podling logos and/or create alternate logos or identifying marks relating to any Apache project, without written permission from the associated Podling Project Management Committee and/or ASF Brand Management.
-In addition, official Apache Project pages and documentation on must utilize the appropriate trademark symbols on the respective Project logo, along with the following footnote: "Apache, Apache [PODLING NAME], and the Apache [PODLING NAME] logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation in the U.S. and/or other countries."
+We have a link:[trademark use policy for the "Powered By" phrase].
+In addition, official Apache Project pages and documentation on must use the appropriate trademark symbols on the respective Project logo, along with the following footnote: "Apache, Apache [PODLING NAME], and the Apache [PODLING NAME] logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation in the U.S. and/or other countries."
 === Template and Usage
@@ -93,13 +96,13 @@
 ==== Per-Project Powered By Logos
-Logos for individual podlings, such as the ones below, are available in jpg, psd, and eps format. They can be retrieved by requesting:
+Logos for individual podlings, such as the ones below, are available in jpg, psd, and eps format. You can retrieve them by requesting:
-For example, creating the “Apache Incubator Podling” logo for Apache Airflow can be accomplished by retrieving the Airflow logo from link:[]
-If you are unable to find the logo you are looking for, please contact the podling’s mailing list.
+For example, you can create the “Apache Incubator Podling” logo for Apache Airflow by retrieving the Airflow logo from link:[].
+If you are unable to find the logo you are looking for, contact the podling’s mailing list.
 ==== Template For the Creation of Powered By Logos
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 :imagesdir: ../images/
-Required guidelines for all podlings relating to publicity in general.
+Requirements for all podlings relating to publicity in general.
 == 1) Prior to Entering the Apache Incubator
-Under no circumstances are any individuals or organizations permitted to seek publicity during this process. Per the Incubator Branding Guidelines, a podling is not allowed to be referred to as  "Apache _Podling Name_" until the project has officially been accepted into the Apache Incubator, with public mailing lists announced, and code submitted into Apache repositories. 
+Under no circumstances may any individuals or organizations seek publicity related to the proposed podling during this process. Per the Incubator Branding Guidelines, you may not refer to a podling as "Apache _Podling Name_" until the Apache Incubator has officially accepted, its mailing lists are active, and podling participants have submtited code related to the podling into Apache repositories. 
-No announcements or statements can be made by any party announcing 1) their intention to submit a named project to the Apache Incubator, or 2) that a specific project has been submitted to the Apache Incubator.
+No party can make announcements or statements 1) about their intention to submit a named project to the Apache Incubator or 2) that a specific project has been submitted to the Apache Incubator.
-No formal press releases or announcements of any kind are allowed to be disseminated on any newswire service during the entire Incubation process. 
+You may not disseminate formal press releases or announcements of any kind on any newswire service during the entire Incubation process. 
 == 2) During the Incubation Process
-Apache podlings and their communities are encouraged to actively build awareness of their project through emails, blog posts, tweets, and other means of outreach. Educational opportunities include MeetUps, videos, podcasts, articles, conferences, and related community events.
+We encourage Apache podlings and their communities to actively build awareness of their project through emails, blog posts, tweets, and other means of outreach. Educational opportunities include online meetings, videos, podcasts, articles, and interactions at conferences and related community events.
-Whilst speaking with members of the media and analyst community, podlings must be referred to as "Apache _Podling Name_" as per the Branding Guidelines, along with explaining the requisite podling disclaimer(s). Be prepared to answer "who uses you?": as a podling’s known user base grows, PMCs (Project Management Committees) are welcome to promote their users in a "Powered By" page such as[Apache Hadoop's Powered By page]. Create and promote podling users to[utilize the "Powered By" logo]. Also, ensure that the podling maintains[*vendor neutrality*], particularly when referring to project users.
+When speaking with members of the media and analyst community, you must refer to the podling as "Apache _Podling Name_" as per the Branding Guidelines, along with explaining the requisite podling disclaimer(s). Be prepared to answer "who uses you?". As a podling’s known user base grows, PMCs (Project Management Committees) are welcome to promote their users in a "Powered By" page such as[Apache Hadoop's Powered By page]. Create and promote podling users to[display the "Powered By" logo]. Also, ensure that the podling maintains[*vendor neutrality*], particularly when referring to project users.
-Podlings are advised to prepare news announcements and hone their messaging _privately_ within their PMCs (keeping the content confidential to the PMC, and not on dev@, user@ or any other public list or forum) to ensure that the public or press don’t scoop your story before it’s out or publish inaccurate information. At times messaging changes, features are unable to be delivered as intended, testimonials need adjusting, and so on, and it’s best to minimize the chances of your story to get out with incorrect information, or for nobody to recognize your news story because it was covered earlier and is therefore no longer considered newsworthy.
+Podlings should prepare news announcements and hone their messaging _privately_ within their PMCs (keeping the content confidential to the PMC, and not on dev@, user@ or any other public list or forum) to ensure that the public or press don’t scoop your story before it’s out or publish inaccurate information. Messaging may change, features may not be available as soon as intended, testimonials may need adjusting, and so on, and it’s best to minimize the chances of your story getting out with incorrect information, or for nobody to cover your news story because it was covered earlier and is therefore no longer considered newsworthy.
-We strenuously recommend that podlings refrain from issuing announcements under embargo. Pre-announcing project features or release dates to members of the media is risky, as not all journalists or outlets honor confidentiality requests in general, or adhere to embargo dates/requirements. Furthermore, many journalists are unable or unwilling to fulfill requests for retractions or corrections. Be aware, be careful.
+We strenuously recommend that podlings refrain from issuing announcements under embargo. Pre-announcing project features or release dates to members of the media is risky, as not all journalists or outlets honor confidentiality requests or adhere to embargo dates/requirements. Furthermore, many journalists are unable or unwilling to fulfill requests for retractions or corrections. Be aware, be careful.
 As all Apache PMCs (and Incubator PPMCs) are responsible for the "care and feeding" of a project’s code, community, and communications on a day-to-day basis, we recommend that Podlings:
-- Ensure your [project listing and DOAP (Description Of A Project) file]( accurately reflect what the podling is about --be succinct, particularly with the short description (note that the project may fall under one category): this helps those unfamiliar with your project be able to find you. The longer project description should be used as the official project boilerplate ("About Apache _Project Name_") and, for consistency, be included in official news announcements, media briefings, and other applications (the ASF Boilerplate is for Foundation-originating press releases and is **not** to be used in any project announcements);
-- Upload a high-resolution version of your project’s logo at [](;
-- Contact ASF Infrastructure to establish a project blog directory (and admin/publishing credentials);
-- Request a project interview on [Feathercast, the voice of the ASF](;
-- Gain additional exposure by posting newsworthy podling updates and milestones to [announce(at)apache(dot)org](; these will be added to the Apache Weekly News Round-Ups which is also sent to members of the media and analyst community;
-- Establish a Twitter (and/or other social media) account(s) with a handle that includes "Apache" or "ASF" with the project name and description (example at []( ) --share information often, and point to your podling Website and mailing list archives where possible; 
-- Participate in Media & Analyst Training (held during ApacheCon; complimentary for Apache Committers and Members); and
-- Comply with guidelines for "founding" individuals, organizations, and communities of Apache podlings as applicable (detailed below).
+- Ensure your [project listing and DOAP (Description Of A Project) file]( accurately reflect what the podling is about. Be succinct, particularly with the short description (note that the project may fall under one category): this helps those unfamiliar with your project find you. Use the longer project description as the official project boilerplate ("About Apache _Project Name_") and, for consistency, include it in official news announcements, media briefings, and other publications (the ASF Boilerplate is for Foundation-originating press releases and is **not** to be used in any project announcements).
+- Upload a high-resolution version of your project’s logo at [](
+- Contact ASF Infrastructure to establish a project blog directory (and admin/publishing credentials).
+- Request a project interview on [Feathercast, the voice of the ASF](
+- Gain additional exposure by posting newsworthy podling updates and milestones to [announce(at)apache(dot)org]( The Apache team adds these to the Apache Weekly News Round-Ups, which it also sends to members of the media and analyst community.
+- Establish a Twitter (and/or other social media) account(s) with a handle that includes "Apache" or "ASF" with the project name and description (example at []( ). Share information often, and point to your podling Website and email list archives where possible. 
+- Participate in Media & Analyst Training (held during ApacheCon; complimentary for Apache Committers and Members).
+- Comply with guidelines for "founding" individuals, organizations, and communities of Apache podlings as applicable (details below).
-No formal press releases or announcements of any kind are allowed to be disseminated on any newswire service during the Incubation process. Furthermore, no announcement can be made by a third party on behalf of a podling undergoing development in the Apache Incubator, however, interested parties may issue supporting announcements with pointers to official podling-originating news providing that a link to the corresponding mailing list(s) and/or blog post is included.
+Podling cannot disseminate formal press releases or announcements of any kind on any newswire service during the Incubation process. Furthermore, cannot encourage, allow, or particiapte in any announcement by a third party on behalf of a podling undergoing development in the Apache Incubator. However, interested parties may issue supporting announcements with pointers to official podling-originating news, providing the announcement includes a link to the corresponding mailing list(s) and/or blog post.
 == 3) Preparing to Graduate
-Those podlings wishing to issue a press release announcing their graduation as an Apache Top-Level Project (TLP) must contact ASF Marketing & Publicity at least two weeks before submitting the graduation resolution to the ASF Board in order to provide sufficient preparation time.
+Podlings wishing to issue a press release announcing their graduation as an Apache Top-Level Project (TLP) must contact ASF Marketing & Publicity at least two weeks before submitting the graduation resolution to the ASF Board in order to provide sufficient preparation time.
-Podling Project Management Committees (PPMCs) will work together with ASF Marketing & Publicity to issue a formal ASF press release, which is also a great opportunity to solicit quotes/testimonials from the Podling’s community to demonstrate the project's robustness and breadth of deployment.
+Podling Project Management Committees (PPMCs) work together with ASF Marketing & Publicity to issue a formal ASF press release, which is also a great opportunity to solicit quotes/testimonials from the Podling’s community to demonstrate the project's robustness and breadth of deployment.
 TLP announcements have ranged from having single quotes (VP of the project/PMC chair) to several perspectives from the PMC to multiple endorsements from the community. A great example press release is:[The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache® Trafodion™ as a Top-Level Project].
-Organizations supporting/using the Podling are welcome to issue their own, standalone "hurrah, Apache _Podling Name_!" press release (or blog post) to support the podling's graduation. All third parties need to coordinate messaging and timing with both the Podling PMC as well as ASF Marketing & Publicity. Third party releases must not use Apache boilerplate.
+Organizations supporting/using the Podling are welcome to issue their own, standalone "hurrah, Apache _Podling Name_!" press release (or blog post) to support the podling's graduation. All third parties need to coordinate messaging and timing with both the Podling PMC and ASF Marketing & Publicity. Third party releases must not use Apache boilerplate.
 === PPMC Responsibilities For Announcements
-- determine the primary point-of-contact during the drafting/editing process;
+- Determine the primary point-of-contact during the drafting/editing process.
-- help draft the announcement (primarily "what is Podling Name"/features+functionality);
+- Help draft the announcement (primarily "what is Podling Name"/features+functionality).
-- determine whether to include supporting testimonials from the community (and solicit them); and
+- Determine whether to include supporting testimonials from the community (and solicit them).
-- work with ASF Marketing & Publicity to ensure the announcement timing is in synch (preferable to roll out announcements within a 24-48 hour timeframe, rather than announce the project's graduation on the project’s dev@/user@ lists or on, followed by a press release several weeks later).
+- Work with ASF Marketing & Publicity to ensure the announcement timing is in sync (preferable to roll out announcements within a 24-48 hour timeframe, rather than announce the project's graduation on the project’s dev@/user@ lists or on, followed by a press release several weeks later).
-Note that some organizations require legal clearance in order to participate in any media activities, and may require several weeks in order to obtain sign off on proposed participation in the form of testimonials or being listed as a corporate user.
+Note that some organizations require legal clearance to participate in any media activities, and may require several weeks to obtain sign-off on proposed participation in the form of testimonials or being listed as a corporate user.
-Before anything is announced across media/analyst/news channels, ensure that references to "incubating/incubation" on and related properties are removed to ensure that pointers are active and accurate.
+Before announcing anything across media/analyst/news channels, ensure to remove references to "incubating/incubation" on and related properties to ensure that pointers are active and accurate.
 Podlings should contact ASF Marketing & Publicity at press(at)apache(dot)org for assistance.
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-For corporate contributions, the SGA or CCLA MUST be completed, submitted
-and received before the code is imported.
+For corporate contributions, you MUST complete and submit the SGA or CCLA, and Apache must receive it, before you import code.
 For contributions composed of patches from individual contributors,
 it is safe to import the code once the major contributors (by volume)
 have completed ICLAs or SGAs.
-In either case, the code to be imported should be attached to a JIRA
-and then imported. It is recommended that the previous version
-control system is tagged so that the imported version is precisely known.
+In either case, attach the code to be imported to a JIRA ticket and then import it. We recommend that you tag the previous version
+control system so we know the precise version you are importing.
-A public record MUST be made of the code imported. If the import is not
-attached to JIRA then it MUST be committed to version control.
+You MUST make a public record of the code you import. If you do not attach the import to a JIRA ticket, you MUST committed it to version control.
 == Importing History
-The incoming code can either be committed as a snapshot or as a complete version
-control export including history (provided that the import is available in a format
-readable by subversion).
-Importing with history allows existing open source projects who want to maintain
-older versions at Apache to easily perform source diffs and so on. Import just the
+You can commit the incoming code as a snapshot or as a complete version
+control export, including history (provided that the import is available in a format
+readable by Github or Subversion, depending on where the new repository is).
+Importing with history allows existing open source projects that want to maintain
+older versions at Apache to easily perform source diffs and so on. Importing just the
 latest code allows a clean break to be made with the past. The choice is left to
 the community of the incoming project.
-The infrastructure team will perform the import including
-mapping IDs but it is an operation that requires skill, time and care. In this case,
-please ask the infrastructure team politely.
-If you are importing from a github repository, you'll need to add one of our infra staff members as an admin to perform a move.
 == Audit Cryptography
-Before the code base is committed into an Apache repository, the contribution
+Before you commit the code base into an Apache repository, the contribution
 link:[MUST] be checked
 and any restricted cryptography reported appropriately. Read and follow
 link:[this guide].
 == Initial Clean Up
-Once a JIRA has been created, the source should be cleaned up.
+Once you have created a JIRA ticket, it is time to clean up the source code.
-- Ensure source files use the standard Apache boilerplates. This may mean replacing existing license headers. The tools in link:[private/committers/tools] and link:[private/committers/relicense] may be useful.
+- Ensure source files use the standard Apache boilerplate headers. This may mean replacing existing license headers. The tools in link:[private/committers/tools] and link:[private/committers/relicense] may be useful.
 - Ensure that NOTICE and LICENSE documents are present and correct.  Mentors should assist with this.
-- Add any required notices. Consider moving copyright attributions from source documents to the NOTICE. Read link:[Apache policy on headers].
-- Audit the source for any potential licensing issues. Any which are found should either resolved immediately (when required) or noted in the status document for later.
+- Add any required notices. Consider moving copyright attributions from source documents to the NOTICE file. Read the link:[Apache policy on headers].
+- Audit the source for any potential licensing issues. Resolve any issues you find immediately or note them in the status document for later attention.
-It is recommended that the initial clean up be is started
-before the code is committed. It MUST be completed before any
-releases are cut.
+We recommend that you start the initial cleanup before you commit the code. You MUST complete it before creating any
 == Clean Up Best Practice
-It is recommended that version control is used to create a
-public record of the process. This will assist anyone
-auditing the code provenance (now or in the future) to
-easily perform due diligence without contacting the people
-who performed the clean up. The clean up process should
+We recommend that you use version control to create a
+public record of the cleanup process. This will assist anyone
+auditing code provenance (now or in the future) to
+easily perform due diligence without having to contact the people
+who performed the cleanup. The cleanup process should
 therefore clearly document (using version control) the
 evolution of the IP licensing.
-Particular care needs to be taken with commit messages
-during clean up. The intended audience needs to include
+Take particular care with commit messages
+during cleanup. The intended audience needs to include
 lawyers and code auditors. Members of the public need to be
 able to follow and understand the process from these
 messages alone.
-It is therefore recommended that the initial source is
-(after being expanded from the archive) checked in as is
-into a special directory (*${project}/trunk/import* is suggested). The original packaging, copyright statements
-and license notices should be preserved. A standard Apache
-LICENSE and appropriate NOTICE should be added at the top
+We therefore recommend that, after you expand the initial source from the archive) you check it into a special directory (we suggest *${project}/trunk/import*) as is. This will preserve the original packaging, copyright statements
+and license notices. Add the standard Apache
+LICENSE and an appropriate NOTICE at the top
 for the copyright for the collective work (see link:[policy]). Take particular care with this commit message. As with
 any patch that contains code which is not the original work
-of the committer, the JIRA url (for the artifact imported)
-needs to be included together with notes about the original
-copyright owner and any associated paperwork. The fact that
-this is a exact import including original headers should be
-noted to stop any queries about these foreign headers.
+of the committer, you need to include the url of the Jira ticket (for the artifact imported), together with notes about the original
+copyright owner and any associated paperwork. Note that this is an exact import including original headers, to stop any queries about these foreign headers.
 The cleanup should then proceed in a number of commits. If
-the source provenance is complex, break the process up into
-a number of logical steps committing each in turn with a
+the source provenance is complex, break the process into
+a number of logical steps, committing each in turn with a
 good message.
 In particular, take care when relocating copyright
@@ -108,17 +93,16 @@
 directory: consider moving each copyright owner individually
 so that it is easier to audit. (See link:[policy].)
-Once a section of code has been cleaned up
-(and link:#repackaging[repackaged], if necessary) normal development can begin.
+Once you have cleaned up (and link:#repackaging[repackaged], if necessary) a section of code, normal development on it can begin.
 == On Repackaging
-It is recommended - but not mandated - that source is repackaged
+We recommend - but do not require - that you repackage source code
 under the Apache namespace. There is no need to use the incubator
-namespace. For example, Java source might be repackaged to
+namespace. For example, you might repackage Java source code to
 ** or a DTD to **.
-Existing open source projects moving to Apache may well need to consider
+Existing open source projects moving to Apache may need to consider
 carefully how they will approach this transition.
 == Update Documents
@@ -126,15 +110,14 @@
 Check the documentation for references to the old home of the project and update them
 with references to Apache.
-link:[Branding Guide].
-Ensure that appropriate disclaimers are added to the appropriate documentation.
+Read the Apache link:[Branding Guide].
+Add appropriate disclaimers to the appropriate documentation.
 Consider adding a *DISCLAIMER* text document.
 === Update Build
-If the project uses link:[Apache Maven], the pom will
-need to be updated to reflect that the project is now at Apache. In particular:
+If the project uses link:[Apache Maven], you need to update the pom to reflect that the project is now at Apache. In particular:
 - Update *mailingLists*
 - Update *organization*
 - Update *url*
@@ -142,20 +125,18 @@
 - Check *licenses*
 - Update *scm*
 - Update *groupId*
-- Update *manifestEntries*. It is recommended that the
-standard Apache settings are used
+- Update *manifestEntries*. We recommend that you use the standard Apache settings
 - Update *developers* to use apache IDs (when known)
 - Update *distributionManagement*
 - Consider specifying a link:[relocation]
 If the project uses link:[Apache Ant], the build script
 will probably need to be updated. In particular:
-- Ensure any MANIFESTs generated refer to Apache. It is recommended that the standard Apache settings are used.
+- Ensure any MANIFESTs generated refer to Apache. We recommend that you use the standard Apache settings.
 - Check that *LICENSE*, *NOTICE* and - if appropriate - *DISCLAIMER* documents are copied into binary artifacts
 == Issue Tracking Transition
-Issues for Apache projects should be tracked on Apache hardware. Some projects arrive
-with existing issues tracking. So, in the end these need to be replaced (for new development
-at least) by the Apache issues tracker. Options need to be discussed publicly on list
-and a consensus reached about the best transition strategy.
+We track issues for Apache projects on Apache hardware. Some projects arrive
+with existing issue tracking systems. The project needs to move, for new development
+at least, to an Apache issue tracker. Discuss options and reach a consensus on the public dev@ email list about the best transition strategy.