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= The Apache Incubator
Apache Incubator PMC
:jbake-type: homepage
:jbake-status: published
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The Apache Incubator provides services to projects which want to enter
the Apache Software Foundation (ASF).
It helps those incoming projects (called "podlings") adopt the Apache
link:[style of governance and operation]
and guides them to the ASF services available to our projects so they
can become top-level ASF projets ("TLPs").
The Incubator delegates a few mentors for each podling, as "on the
ground" agents to act as liaisons with the various ASF teams:
link:[Incubator PMC],
link:[Infrastructure team], etc.,
and facilitates the podling's growth and operations.
Our link:[cookbook] helps
potential podlings decide whether the ASF is a good fit for them
and guides them through the steps required to become an
ASF podling.
See a keynote[The Apaeh Way], by Rich Bowen at MesosCon Europe in 2017
for a good background of how the ASF operates what it's values are.
For guidance on releases see[How to get your release through the incubator]
presented at ApacheCon North America 2017.
A more general talk on[Effective open source management] by Shane Curcuru
from ApacheCon North America 2017.
For how to get out of teh incubator and belcome a sucessfulk TLP see John D. Ament talk [Navigating the Incubator Trenches] from ApacheCon North America 2017.[Apache Incubator: the gateway into the Apache Way] by Roman Shaposhnik
and Suresh Marru at ApacheCon North America 2014.
See also the[Life In The Apache Incubator video],
where former Incubator PMC chair Jukka Zitting presents the Incubator,
at ApacheCon EU 2012.
== About The Apache Software Foundation
The Apache Software Foundation provides organizational, legal, and financial support
for a broad range of open source software projects.
The Foundation provides an established framework for intellectual property and
financial contributions that simultaneously limits the potential legal exposure
for the contributors.
Through a collaborative and meritocratic development process known as
"link:[the Apache Way]" , Apache projects
deliver enterprise-grade, freely available software products that attract
large communities of users.
The pragmatic and business-friendly
link:[Apache License] makes it easy
for all users, commercial and individual, to deploy Apache products.
link:[Learn more about the ASF] as a whole,
or engage with the link:[Apache Community Development]
project with your general questions about the ASF.