blob: e10bf0fbcb3464eb16087e19ba8cd36d7be05100 [file] [log] [blame]
<% include "header.gsp" %>
<% include "menu.gsp" %>
<div class="incubator-page-header">
<p>These tables are generated from the <span class="code">podlings.xml</span> file.
Please keep your project metadata up-to-date
(see <a href="">here</a> and
<a href="">here</a>).
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-3 text-center"><a href="#current">List of Current Podlings</a></div>
<div class="col-lg-3 text-center"><a href="#graduated">Graduated Projects</a></div>
<div class="col-lg-3 text-center"><a href="#retired">Retired Podlings</a></div>
<div class="col-lg-3 text-center"><a href="/clutch/">Current Clutch Analysis</a></div>
def source = new"")
def podlings = new groovy.util.XmlSlurper(false, false, true).parseText(source.text).children()
def sortedName = { it.@name.text().toLowerCase() }
<h3 id="current"><img src="/images/redarrow.gif">Current Podlings</h3>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<table class="colortable">
<th>Sponsor (Champion)</th>
<% podlings.toSorted(sortedName).each { podling ->
if (podling.@status == 'current') {
<tr id="${podling.@resource}">
<td><a href="/projects/${podling.@resource}.html">${podling.@name}</a></td>
<% if ( podling.champion != "" ) { %>
<% } %>
def sep=""
podling.mentors.children().each { mentor ->
sep=", "
} %>
<td>${podling.@resourceAliases.replaceAll(",",", ")}</td>
} %>
<h3 id="graduated"><img src="/images/redarrow.gif">Graduated Projects</h3>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<table class="colortable">
<th>Apache Sponsor</th>
<% podlings.toSorted(sortedName).each { podling ->
if (podling.@status == 'graduated') {
<tr id="${podling.@resource}">
<td><a href=/projects/${podling.@resource}.html>${podling.@name}</a>
<% if ( podling.resolution.@tlp == "true" ) { %>
<img src="/images/redarrow.gif"><a href="https://${podling.@resource}">${podling.@name}</a>
<% } else if ( podling.resolution.@url != "" ) { %>
<img src="/images/redarrow.gif"><a href="${podling.resolution.@url}"><%
if ( podling.resolution.@link != "" ) {
%>${podling.resolution.@link}</a><% } else { %>${podling.@name} <% }
} %>
<% if ( podling.resolution != "" ) { %>
<% } %>
<% if ( podling.champion != "" ) { %>
<% } %>
podling.mentors.children().each { mentor ->
sep=", "
} %>
<td>${podling.@resourceAliases.replaceAll(",",", ")}</td>
} %>
<h3 id="retired"><img src="/images/redarrow.gif">Retired Podlings</h3>
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<table class="colortable">
<th>Apache Sponsor</th>
<% podlings.toSorted(sortedName).each { podling ->
if (podling.@status == 'retired') {
<tr id="${podling.@resource}">
<td><a href=/projects/${podling.@resource}.html>${podling.@name}</a>
<% if ( podling.resolution.@url != "" ) { %>
<img src="/images/redarrow.gif"><a href="${podling.resolution.@url}"><%
if ( podling.resolution.@link != "" ) {
%>${podling.resolution.@link}</a><% } else { %>${podling.@name} <% }
} %>
<% if ( podling.resolution != "" ) { %>
<% } %>
<% if ( podling.champion != "" ) { %>
<% } %>
podling.mentors.children().each { mentor ->
sep=", "
} %>
<td>${podling.@resourceAliases.replaceAll(",",", ")}</td>
} %>
<% include "footer.gsp" %>