blob: 0b97704a2d704eb7b938ffba7d1608492b657d19 [file] [log] [blame]
<wxc-navpage data-role="none" height={{navBarHeight}} background-color="#ff5898" title={{title}} title-color="white" left-item-title="More" left-item-color="white" right-item-src="">
<wxc-panel title="push a new page">
<wxc-button type="primary" size="small" value="push" onclick="push"></wxc-button>
<wxc-panel title="pop to the last page">
<wxc-button type="success" size="small" value="pop" onclick="pop"></wxc-button>
var navigator = require('@weex-module/navigator');
var modal = require('@weex-module/modal');
module.exports = {
data: {
navBarHeight: 88,
title: 'Navigator',
dir: 'examples',
baseURL: '',
created: function() {
this.$getConfig(function (config) {
var env = config.env;
if(env.platform == 'iOS'){
var scale = env.scale;
var deviceWidth = env.deviceWidth / scale;
this.navBarHeight = 64.0 * 750.0 / deviceWidth;
duration = 2;
'message': '',
'duration': duration
duration = 2;
'message': '',
'duration': duration
var bundleUrl = this.$getConfig().bundleUrl;
bundleUrl = new String(bundleUrl);
console.log('hit', bundleUrl);
var nativeBase;
var isAndroidAssets = bundleUrl.indexOf('file://assets/') >= 0;
var isiOSAssets = bundleUrl.indexOf('file:///') >= 0 && bundleUrl.indexOf('') > 0;
if (isAndroidAssets) {
nativeBase = 'file://assets/';
else if (isiOSAssets) {
// file:///var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/{id}/
// file:///Users/{user}/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/{id}/data/Containers/Bundle/Application/{id}/
nativeBase = bundleUrl.substring(0, bundleUrl.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
else {
var host = 'localhost:12580';
var matches = /\/\/([^\/]+?)\//.exec(this.$getConfig().bundleUrl);
if (matches && matches.length >= 2) {
host = matches[1];
nativeBase = 'http://' + host + '/' + this.dir + '/build/';
var h5Base = bundleUrl;
// in Native
var base = nativeBase;
if (typeof window == 'object') {
// in Browser or WebView
base = h5Base;
this.baseURL = base;
methods: {
push: function() {
var vm = this;
if (typeof window !== 'object') {
this.baseURL = this.baseURL + 'component/navigator-demo.js?test=1';
var params = {
'url': this.baseURL,
'animated' : 'true',
pop: function() {
var vm = this;
var params = {
'animated' : 'true',
navigator.pop(params,function () {