blob: da390136ef1bc0fd732edc881a45da5a28a97826 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved. <p/> This source code is licensed under
* the BSD-style license found in the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An
* additional grant of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
import java.util.Arrays;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
* The CSS style definition for a {@link CSSNode}.
public class CSSStyle {
public CSSDirection direction;
public CSSFlexDirection flexDirection;
public CSSJustify justifyContent;
public CSSAlign alignContent;
public CSSAlign alignItems;
public CSSAlign alignSelf;
public CSSPositionType positionType;
public CSSWrap flexWrap;
public float flex;
public Spacing margin = new Spacing();
public Spacing padding = new Spacing();
public Spacing border = new Spacing();
public float[] position = new float[4];
public float[] dimensions = new float[2];
public float minWidth = CSSConstants.UNDEFINED;
public float minHeight = CSSConstants.UNDEFINED;
public float maxWidth = CSSConstants.UNDEFINED;
public float maxHeight = CSSConstants.UNDEFINED;
CSSStyle() {
void reset() {
direction = CSSDirection.INHERIT;
flexDirection = CSSFlexDirection.COLUMN;
justifyContent = CSSJustify.FLEX_START;
alignContent = CSSAlign.FLEX_START;
alignItems = CSSAlign.STRETCH;
alignSelf = CSSAlign.AUTO;
positionType = CSSPositionType.RELATIVE;
flexWrap = CSSWrap.NOWRAP;
flex = 0f;
Arrays.fill(position, CSSConstants.UNDEFINED);
Arrays.fill(dimensions, CSSConstants.UNDEFINED);
minWidth = CSSConstants.UNDEFINED;
minHeight = CSSConstants.UNDEFINED;
maxWidth = CSSConstants.UNDEFINED;
maxHeight = CSSConstants.UNDEFINED;
public void copy(CSSStyle cssStyle) {
direction = cssStyle.direction;
flexDirection = cssStyle.flexDirection;
justifyContent = cssStyle.justifyContent;
alignContent = cssStyle.alignContent;
alignItems = cssStyle.alignItems;
alignSelf = cssStyle.alignSelf;
positionType = cssStyle.positionType;
flexWrap = cssStyle.flexWrap;
flex = cssStyle.flex;
margin = cssStyle.margin;
padding = cssStyle.padding;
border = cssStyle.border;
position[POSITION_TOP] = cssStyle.position[POSITION_TOP];
position[POSITION_BOTTOM] = cssStyle.position[POSITION_BOTTOM];
position[POSITION_LEFT] = cssStyle.position[POSITION_LEFT];
position[POSITION_RIGHT] = cssStyle.position[POSITION_RIGHT];
dimensions[DIMENSION_WIDTH] = cssStyle.dimensions[DIMENSION_WIDTH];
dimensions[DIMENSION_HEIGHT] = cssStyle.dimensions[DIMENSION_HEIGHT];
minWidth = cssStyle.minWidth;
minHeight = cssStyle.minHeight;
maxWidth = cssStyle.maxWidth;
maxHeight = cssStyle.maxHeight;
public String toString() {
return "direction =" + direction + "\n"
+ "flexDirection =" + flexDirection + "\n"
+ "justifyContent=" + justifyContent + "\n"
+ "alignContent =" + alignContent + "\n"
+ "alignItems =" + alignItems + "\n"
+ "alignSelf =" + alignSelf + "\n"
+ "positionType =" + positionType + "\n"
+ "flexWrap =" + flexWrap + "\n"
+ "flex =" + flex + "\n"
+ "margin =" + margin + "\n"
+ "padding =" + padding + "\n"
+ "border =" + border + "\n"
+ "position[POSITION_TOP] =" + position[POSITION_TOP] + "\n"
+ "position[POSITION_BOTTOM] =" + position[POSITION_BOTTOM] + "\n"
+ "position[POSITION_LEFT] =" + position[POSITION_LEFT] + "\n"
+ "position[POSITION_RIGHT] =" + position[POSITION_RIGHT] + "\n"
+ "position[DIMENSION_WIDTH] =" + position[DIMENSION_WIDTH] + "\n"
+ "position[DIMENSION_HEIGHT] =" + position[DIMENSION_HEIGHT] + "\n"
+ "minWidth =" + minWidth + "\n"
+ "minHeight =" + minHeight + "\n"
+ "maxWidth =" + maxWidth + "\n"
+ "maxHeight =" + maxHeight + "\n";