blob: 229a4753ea58831467d2e9b8e00fb85e2a7f2995 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class WXPerformance {
public static final String DEFAULT = "default";
* Business unit, mandatory. If no business unit can be provided, set the field as default
public String bizType = "weex";
* URL used for rendering view, optional
public String templateUrl;
* Time spent for reading, time unit is ms.
public double localReadTime;
* Name of the page
public String pageName = DEFAULT;
* Size of JavaScript framework, the unit is KB
public double JSLibSize;
* Time of initial JavaScript library
public long JSLibInitTime;
* Size of JavaScript template
public double JSTemplateSize;
public long templateLoadTime;
* Time used for
* {@link, String, Map, String)}
public long communicateTime;
* Time spent when rendering first screen
public long screenRenderTime;
* Call native Time spent when rendering first screen
public long callNativeTime;
* Create Instance Time spent when rendering first screen
public long firstScreenJSFExecuteTime;
* Call native Time spent when rendering first screen
public long batchTime;
* Call native Time spent when rendering first screen
public long parseJsonTime;
* UpdateDomObj Time spent when rendering first screen
public long updateDomObjTime;
* ApplyUpdate Time spent when rendering first screen
public long applyUpdateTime;
* CssLayout Time spent when rendering first screen
public long cssLayoutTime;
* Time spent, the unit is micro second
public double totalTime;
* load bundle js time, unite ms
public long networkTime;
* pure network time;
public long pureNetworkTime;
public long actualNetworkTime;
public long packageSpendTime;
public long syncTaskTime;
* view hierarchy
public int maxDeepViewLayer;
* 1:true
* 0:false
public int useScroller=0;
* component Count
public long componentCount;
* Version of JavaScript libraray
public String JSLibVersion = WXEnvironment.JS_LIB_SDK_VERSION;
* Version of Weex SDK
public String WXSDKVersion = WXEnvironment.WXSDK_VERSION;
* The detail message of render failure
public String renderFailedDetail;
* Error code
public String errCode;
* Error message
public String errMsg;
private StringBuilder mErrMsgBuilder;
public String args="";
public String connectionType;
public String requestType;
public WXPerformance(){
mErrMsgBuilder=new StringBuilder();
public Map<String,Double> getMeasureMap(){
Map<String,Double> quotas = new HashMap<>();
quotas.put("JSTemplateSize", JSTemplateSize);
quotas.put("JSLibSize", JSLibSize);
quotas.put("communicateTime", (double)communicateTime);
quotas.put("screenRenderTime", (double)screenRenderTime);
quotas.put("totalTime", totalTime);
quotas.put("localReadTime", localReadTime);
quotas.put("JSLibInitTime", (double)JSLibInitTime);
quotas.put("networkTime", (double)networkTime);
quotas.put("templateLoadTime", (double)templateLoadTime);
quotas.put("firstScreenJSFExecuteTime",(double) firstScreenJSFExecuteTime);
quotas.put("maxDeepViewLayer", (double) maxDeepViewLayer);
quotas.put("useScroller", (double) useScroller);
return quotas;
public Map<String,String> getDimensionMap(){
Map<String,String> quotas = new HashMap<>();
quotas.put("bizType", bizType);
quotas.put("templateUrl", templateUrl);
quotas.put("pageName", pageName);
quotas.put("JSLibVersion", JSLibVersion);
quotas.put("WXSDKVersion", WXSDKVersion);
return quotas;
public static String[] getDimensions(){
return new String[]{"bizType","templateUrl","pageName","JSLibVersion","WXSDKVersion","connectionType","requestType"};
public static String[] getMeasures(){
return new String[]{"JSTemplateSize",
public String toString() {
if (WXEnvironment.isApkDebugable()) {
return "bizType:" + bizType + ",pageName:" + pageName + ",templateLoadTime" + templateLoadTime
+ ",localReadTime:" + localReadTime + ",JSLibInitTime:" + JSLibInitTime
+ ",JSLibSize:" + JSLibSize + ",templateUrl" + templateUrl
+ ",JSTemplateSize:" + JSTemplateSize + ",communicateTime:" + communicateTime
+ ",screenRenderTime:" + screenRenderTime
+ ",firstScreenJSFExecuteTime:" + firstScreenJSFExecuteTime
+ ",componentCount:" + componentCount
+ ",syncTaskTime:" + syncTaskTime
+ ",pureNetworkTime:" + pureNetworkTime
+ ",networkTime:" + networkTime
+ ",actualNetworkTime:" + actualNetworkTime
+ ",packageSpendTime:" + packageSpendTime
+ ",connectionType:" + connectionType
+ ",requestType:" + requestType
+ ",initInvokeTime:"+WXEnvironment.sSDKInitInvokeTime+",initExecuteTime:"+WXEnvironment.sSDKInitExecuteTime
+ ",SDKInitTime:"+ WXEnvironment.sSDKInitTime
+ ",totalTime:" + totalTime + ",JSLibVersion:" + JSLibVersion + ",WXSDKVersion:" + WXSDKVersion
+ ",errCode:" + errCode + ",renderFailedDetail:" + renderFailedDetail
+ ",arg:" + args
+ ",errMsg:" + getErrMsg();
return super.toString();
public String getPerfData(){
return "networkTime:" + networkTime
+ " actualNetworkTime:" + actualNetworkTime
+ " connectionType:" + connectionType
+ " requestType:" + requestType
+ " firstScreenRenderTime:" + screenRenderTime
+ " firstScreenJSFExecuteTime:" + firstScreenJSFExecuteTime
+ " componentCount:" + componentCount
+ " JSTemplateSize:" + JSTemplateSize
+ " SDKInitTime:" + WXEnvironment.sSDKInitTime
+ " totalTime:" + totalTime
+ " JSLibVersion:" + JSLibVersion
+ " WXSDKVersion:" + WXSDKVersion
+ " pageName:" + pageName
+ " useScroller:" + useScroller;
public String getErrMsg() {
return mErrMsgBuilder.toString();
public void appendErrMsg(CharSequence msg) {