blob: ad00f12aa7ff475e0549eb8376eae60721cb0c82 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
public class Constants {
public interface Orientation {
int VERTICAL = 1;
public interface Weex {
String REF = "ref";
String INSTANCEID = "instanceid";
String TYPE = "type";
public interface Name {
String DEFAULT_WIDTH = "defaultWidth";
String DEFAULT_HEIGHT = "defaultHeight";
String HREF = "href";
String WIDTH = "width";
String MIN_WIDTH = "minWidth";
String MAX_WIDTH = "maxWidth";
String HEIGHT = "height";
String MIN_HEIGHT = "minHeight";
String MAX_HEIGHT = "maxHeight";
String ALIGN_ITEMS = "alignItems";
String ALIGN_SELF = "alignSelf";
String FLEX = "flex";
String FLEX_DIRECTION = "flexDirection";
String JUSTIFY_CONTENT = "justifyContent";
String FLEX_WRAP = "flexWrap";
String MARGIN = "margin";
String MARGIN_TOP = "marginTop";
String MARGIN_LEFT = "marginLeft";
String MARGIN_RIGHT = "marginRight";
String MARGIN_BOTTOM = "marginBottom";
String PADDING = "padding";
String PADDING_TOP = "paddingTop";
String PADDING_LEFT = "paddingLeft";
String PADDING_RIGHT = "paddingRight";
String PADDING_BOTTOM = "paddingBottom";
String LEFT = "left";
String TOP = "top";
String RIGHT = "right";
String BOTTOM = "bottom";
String BACKGROUND_COLOR = "backgroundColor";
String BACKGROUND_IMAGE = "backgroundImage";
String OPACITY = "opacity";
String BORDER_RADIUS = "borderRadius";
String BORDER_WIDTH = "borderWidth";
String BORDER_COLOR = "borderColor";
String BORDER_STYLE = "borderStyle";
String BORDER_TOP_WIDTH = "borderTopWidth";
String BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH = "borderRightWidth";
String BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH = "borderBottomWidth";
String BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH = "borderLeftWidth";
String BORDER_TOP_COLOR = "borderTopColor";
String BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR = "borderRightColor";
String BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR = "borderBottomColor";
String BORDER_LEFT_COLOR = "borderLeftColor";
String BORDER_TOP_LEFT_RADIUS = "borderTopLeftRadius";
String BORDER_TOP_RIGHT_RADIUS = "borderTopRightRadius";
String BORDER_BOTTOM_RIGHT_RADIUS = "borderBottomRightRadius";
String BORDER_BOTTOM_LEFT_RADIUS = "borderBottomLeftRadius";
String BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE = "borderRightStyle";
String BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE = "borderBottomStyle";
String BORDER_LEFT_STYLE = "borderLeftStyle";
String BORDER_TOP_STYLE = "borderTopStyle";
String BOX_SHADOW = "boxShadow";
String SHADOW_QUALITY = "shadowQuality";
String POSITION = "position";
String KEEP_SCROLL_POSITION = "keepScrollPosition";
String TEXT_DECORATION = "textDecoration";
String TEXT_ALIGN = "textAlign";
String FONT_WEIGHT = "fontWeight";
String FONT_STYLE = "fontStyle";
String FONT_SIZE = "fontSize";
String COLOR = "color";
String LINES = "lines";
String FONT_FAMILY = "fontFamily";
String TEXT_OVERFLOW = "textOverflow";
String ELLIPSIS = "ellipsis";
String LINE_HEIGHT = "lineHeight";
String DISABLED = "disabled";
String VALUE = "value";
String IMAGE_QUALITY = "imageQuality";
String FILTER = "filter";
String QUALITY = "quality";
String SRC = "src";
String SOURCE = "source";
String PLACE_HOLDER = "placeHolder";
String RESIZE_MODE = "resizeMode";
String AUTO_RECYCLE = "autoBitmapRecycle";
String SHOW_INDICATORS = "showIndicators";
String AUTO_PLAY = "autoPlay";
String AUTOPLAY = "autoplay";
String CONTROLS = "controls";
String ZORDERTOP = "zOrderTop";
String SCROLL_DIRECTION = "scrollDirection";
String SCOPE = "scope";
String RECYCLE = "recycle";
String LOADMORERETRY = "loadmoreretry";
String LOADMOREOFFSET = "loadmoreoffset";
String RECYCLE_IMAGE = "recycleImage";
String LAYOUT = "layout";
String SPAN_OFFSETS = "spanOffsets";
String COLUMN_WIDTH = "columnWidth";
String COLUMN_COUNT = "columnCount";
String COLUMN_GAP = "columnGap";
String SHOW_SCROLLBAR = "showScrollbar";
String LEFT_GAP= "leftGap";
String RIGHT_GAP= "rightGap";
String OVERFLOW = "overflow";
String TYPE = "type";
String PLACEHOLDER = "placeholder";
String PLACEHOLDER_COLOR = "placeholderColor";
String AUTOFOCUS = "autofocus";
String SINGLELINE = "singleline";
String MAX_LENGTH = "maxLength";
String MAXLENGTH = "maxlength";
String ROWS = "rows";
String CHECKED = "checked";
String ANIMATING = "animating";
String VISIBILITY = "visibility";
String ITEM_COLOR = "itemColor";
String ITEM_SELECTED_COLOR = "itemSelectedColor";
String ITEM_SIZE = "itemSize";
String DISPLAY = "display";
String SHOW_LOADING = "show-loading";
String SUFFIX = "suffix";
String RESIZE = "resize";
String IMAGE_SHARPEN = "imageSharpen";
String SHARPEN = "sharpen";
String PREFIX = "prefix";
String INDEX = "index";
String INTERVAL = "interval";
String PLAY_STATUS = "playStatus";
String FONT_FACE = "fontFace";
String MAX = "max";
String MIN = "min";
String NAV_BAR_VISIBILITY = "hidden";
String OFFSET_X_ACCURACY = "offsetXAccuracy";
String OFFSET_X_RATIO = "offsetXRatio";
String ELEVATION = "elevation";
String PERSPECTIVE = "perspective";
String SCROLLABLE = "scrollable";
String DRAGGABLE = "draggable";
String DISTANCE_Y = "dy";
String PULLING_DISTANCE = "pullingDistance";
String VIEW_HEIGHT = "viewHeight";
String PREVENT_MOVE_EVENT = "preventMoveEvent";
String SELECTION_START = "selectionStart";
String SELECTION_END = "selectionEnd";
String OFFSET_ACCURACY = "offsetAccuracy";
String CONTENT_SIZE = "contentSize";
String CONTENT_OFFSET = "contentOffset";
String ISDRAGGING = "isDragging";
String X = "x";
String Y = "y";
String RETURN_KEY_TYPE = "returnKeyType";
String OFFSET = "offset";
String ANIMATED = "animated";
String STABLE = "stable";
String TRANSFORM = "transform";
String TRANSFORM_ORIGIN = "transformOrigin";
String KEEP_INDEX = "keepIndex";
String KEEP_SELECTION_INDEX = "keepSelectionIndex";
String INSERT_CELL_ANIMATION = "insertAnimation";
String DELETE_CELL_ANIMATION = "deleteAnimation";
String AUTO = "auto";
String NORMAL = "normal";
String ARIA_LABEL = "ariaLabel";
String ARIA_HIDDEN = "ariaHidden";
String ROLE = "role";
String LAYERLIMIT = "layerLimit";
String LAYER_LIMIT = "layer-limit";
String DIRECTION = "direction";
String RTL = "rtl";
String STICKY_OFFSET = "stickyOffset";
String HAS_FIXED_SIZE = "hasFixedSize";
String KEEP_POSITION_LAYOUT_DELAY = "keepPositionLayoutDelay";
String OVERFLOW_HIDDEN_HEIGHT = "overflowHiddenHeight";
String OVERFLOW_HIDDEN_WIDTH = "overflowHiddenWidth";
String PRIORITY = "priority";
String STRATEGY = "strategy";
String ALLOW_COPY_PASTE = "allowCopyPaste";
String INCLUDE_FONT_PADDING = "includeFontPadding";
String ENABLE_COPY = "enableCopy";
String PAGE_ENABLED = "pagingEnabled";
String PAGE_SIZE = "pageSize";
interface Recycler{
String LIST_DATA = "listData";
String LIST_DATA_ITEM ="alias";
String LIST_DATA_ITEM_INDEX = "index";
String SLOT_TEMPLATE_CASE = "case";
String SLOT_TEMPLATE_DEFAULT = "default";
String CELL_INDEX = "cellIndex";
String TYPE_INDEX = "typeIndex";
String VIF_FALSE = "ifFalse";
String UNDEFINED = "undefined";
String FLAT = "flat";
String RIPPLE_ENABLED = "rippleEnabled";
String SHOULD_STOP_PROPAGATION_INIT_RESULT = "shouldStopPropagationInitResult";
String SHOULD_STOP_PROPAGATION_INTERVAL = "shouldStopPropagationInterval";
String NEST_SCROLLING_ENABLED = "nestedScrollingEnabled";
String ORIENTATION = "orientation";
public interface Value {
int DENSITY = 3;
int NAV_BAR_SHOWN = 0;
int AUTO = -1;
String MULTI_COLUMN = "multi-column";
String GRID = "grid";
String STICKY = "sticky";
String FIXED = "fixed";
String LEFT = "left";
String RIGHT = "right";
String CENTER = "center";
String BOLD = "bold";
String ITALIC = "italic";
String ORIGINAL = "original";
String LOW = "low";
String NORMAL = "normal";
String HIGH = "high";
String VISIBLE = "visible";
String HIDDEN = "hidden";
String TEXT = "text";
String PASSWORD = "password";
String TEL = "tel";
String EMAIL = "email";
String URL = "url";
String DATE = "date";
String TIME = "time";
String DATETIME = "datetime";
String PLAY = "play";
String PAUSE = "pause";
String STOP = "stop";
String DIRECTION_LEFT = "left";
String DIRECTION_RIGHT = "right";
String DIRECTION_UP = "up";
String DIRECTION_DOWN = "down";
String NUMBER = "number";
String NONE = "none";
String DEFAULT = "default";
String HORIZONTAL = "horizontal";
public interface Event {
String CLICK = "click";
String APPEAR = "appear";
String DISAPPEAR = "disappear";
String LOADMORE = "loadmore";
String FOCUS = "focus";
String BLUR = "blur";
String INPUT = "input";
String VIEWAPPEAR = "viewappear";
String VIEWDISAPPEAR = "viewdisappear";
String START = "start";
String PAUSE = "pause";
String FINISH = "finish";
String FAIL = "fail";
String ERROR = "error";
String RECEIVEDTITLE = "receivedtitle";
String PAGEFINISH = "pagefinish";
String PAGESTART = "pagestart";
String ONREFRESH = "refresh";
String ONLOADING = "loading";
String ONLOAD = "load";
String CHANGE = "change";
String ONPULLING_DOWN = "pullingdown";
String ONPULLING_UP = "pullingup";
String SCROLL = "scroll";
String SCROLL_START = "scrollstart";
String SCROLL_END = "scrollend";
String CLICKBACKITEM = "clickbackitem";
String RESUME_EVENT = "WXApplicationDidBecomeActiveEvent";
String PAUSE_EVENT = "WXApplicationWillResignActiveEvent";
String RETURN = "return";
String KEYBOARD = "keyboard";
String UNSTICKY = "unsticky";
String STICKY = "sticky";
String ON_TRANSITION_END = "transitionEnd";
String LAYEROVERFLOW = "layeroverflow";
interface SLOT_LIFECYCLE {
String CREATE = "create";
String ATTACH = "attach";
String DETACH = "detach";
String DESTORY = "destroy";
String STOP_PROPAGATION = "stopPropagation";
String STOP_PROPAGATION_RAX = "stoppropagation";
String ONMESSAGE = "message";
String NATIVE_BACK = "nativeback";
public interface PSEUDO {
String ACTIVE = ":active";
String ENABLED = ":enabled";
String DISABLED = ":disabled";
String FOCUS = ":focus";
public interface Scheme {
String FILE = "file";
String HTTPS = "https";
String HTTP = "http";
String LOCAL = "local";
String DATA = "data";
public interface CodeCache {
String URL = "bundleUrl";
String DIGEST = "bundleDigest";
String PATH = "codeCachePath";
String BANNER_DIGEST = "digest";
String SAVE_PATH = "v8";
public interface TimeFunction {
String LINEAR = "linear";
String EASE_IN_OUT = "ease-in-out";
String EASE_IN = "ease-in";
String EASE_OUT = "ease-out";
String EASE = "ease";
String CUBIC_BEZIER = "cubic-bezier";