blob: 2a95fb34f407991e7fd67cb0a0db8b4fcc7f64cd [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef StringView_h
#define StringView_h
#include <limits.h>
#include <unicode/utypes.h>
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/RetainPtr.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
#include <wtf/text/CString.h>
#include <wtf/text/ConversionMode.h>
#include <wtf/text/LChar.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringCommon.h>
// FIXME: Enabling the StringView lifetime checking causes the MSVC build to fail. Figure out why.
#if defined(NDEBUG) || COMPILER(MSVC)
namespace WTF {
using CharacterMatchFunction = bool (*)(UChar);
// StringView is a non-owning reference to a string, similar to the proposed std::string_view.
class StringView {
StringView(const StringView&);
StringView& operator=(StringView&&);
StringView& operator=(const StringView&);
StringView(const AtomicString&);
StringView(const String&);
StringView(const StringImpl&);
StringView(const StringImpl*);
StringView(const LChar*, unsigned length);
StringView(const UChar*, unsigned length);
StringView(const char*);
static StringView empty();
unsigned length() const;
bool isEmpty() const;
explicit operator bool() const;
bool isNull() const;
UChar operator[](unsigned index) const;
class CodeUnits;
CodeUnits codeUnits() const;
class CodePoints;
CodePoints codePoints() const;
class GraphemeClusters;
GraphemeClusters graphemeClusters() const;
bool is8Bit() const;
const LChar* characters8() const;
const UChar* characters16() const;
String toString() const;
String toStringWithoutCopying() const;
AtomicString toAtomicString() const;
#if USE(CF)
// This function converts null strings to empty strings.
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API RetainPtr<CFStringRef> createCFStringWithoutCopying() const;
#ifdef __OBJC__
// These functions convert null strings to empty strings.
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API RetainPtr<NSString> createNSString() const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API RetainPtr<NSString> createNSStringWithoutCopying() const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API CString utf8(ConversionMode = LenientConversion) const;
class UpconvertedCharacters;
UpconvertedCharacters upconvertedCharacters() const;
void getCharactersWithUpconvert(LChar*) const;
void getCharactersWithUpconvert(UChar*) const;
StringView substring(unsigned start, unsigned length = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()) const;
StringView left(unsigned len) const { return substring(0, len); }
StringView right(unsigned len) const { return substring(length() - len, len); }
class SplitResult;
SplitResult split(UChar) const;
size_t find(UChar, unsigned start = 0) const;
size_t find(CharacterMatchFunction, unsigned start = 0) const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t find(StringView, unsigned start) const;
size_t reverseFind(UChar, unsigned index = UINT_MAX) const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase(const StringView&) const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API size_t findIgnoringASCIICase(const StringView&, unsigned startOffset) const;
bool contains(UChar) const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool containsIgnoringASCIICase(const StringView&) const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool containsIgnoringASCIICase(const StringView&, unsigned startOffset) const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWith(const StringView&) const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool startsWithIgnoringASCIICase(const StringView&) const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWith(const StringView&) const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool endsWithIgnoringASCIICase(const StringView&) const;
int toInt() const;
int toInt(bool& isValid) const;
int toIntStrict(bool& isValid) const;
float toFloat(bool& isValid) const;
static void invalidate(const StringImpl&);
struct UnderlyingString;
friend bool equal(StringView, StringView);
void initialize(const LChar*, unsigned length);
void initialize(const UChar*, unsigned length);
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API bool underlyingStringIsValid() const;
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API void setUnderlyingString(const StringImpl*);
WTF_EXPORT_STRING_API void setUnderlyingString(const StringView&);
bool underlyingStringIsValid() const { return true; }
void setUnderlyingString(const StringImpl*) { }
void setUnderlyingString(const StringView&) { }
void clear();
const void* m_characters { nullptr };
unsigned m_length { 0 };
bool m_is8Bit { true };
void adoptUnderlyingString(UnderlyingString*);
UnderlyingString* m_underlyingString { nullptr };
template<typename CharacterType, size_t inlineCapacity> void append(Vector<CharacterType, inlineCapacity>&, StringView);
bool equal(StringView, StringView);
bool equal(StringView, const LChar*);
bool equal(StringView, const char*);
bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(StringView, StringView);
bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(StringView, const char*);
template<unsigned length> bool equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(StringView, const char (&lowercaseLetters)[length]);
inline bool operator==(StringView a, StringView b) { return equal(a, b); }
inline bool operator==(StringView a, const LChar* b) { return equal(a, b); }
inline bool operator==(StringView a, const char* b) { return equal(a, b); }
inline bool operator==(const LChar* a, StringView b) { return equal(b, a); }
inline bool operator==(const char* a, StringView b) { return equal(b, a); }
inline bool operator!=(StringView a, StringView b) { return !equal(a, b); }
inline bool operator!=(StringView a, const LChar* b) { return !equal(a, b); }
inline bool operator!=(StringView a, const char* b) { return !equal(a, b); }
inline bool operator!=(const LChar* a, StringView b) { return !equal(b, a); }
inline bool operator!=(const char* a, StringView b) { return !equal(b, a); }
#include <wtf/text/AtomicString.h>
#include <wtf/text/WTFString.h>
namespace WTF {
inline StringView::StringView()
// FIXME: It's peculiar that null strings are 16-bit and empty strings return 8-bit (according to the is8Bit function).
inline StringView::~StringView()
inline StringView::StringView(StringView&& other)
: m_characters(other.m_characters)
, m_length(other.m_length)
, m_is8Bit(other.m_is8Bit)
inline StringView::StringView(const StringView& other)
: m_characters(other.m_characters)
, m_length(other.m_length)
, m_is8Bit(other.m_is8Bit)
inline StringView& StringView::operator=(StringView&& other)
m_characters = other.m_characters;
m_length = other.m_length;
m_is8Bit = other.m_is8Bit;
return *this;
inline StringView& StringView::operator=(const StringView& other)
m_characters = other.m_characters;
m_length = other.m_length;
m_is8Bit = other.m_is8Bit;
return *this;
inline void StringView::initialize(const LChar* characters, unsigned length)
m_characters = characters;
m_length = length;
m_is8Bit = true;
inline void StringView::initialize(const UChar* characters, unsigned length)
m_characters = characters;
m_length = length;
m_is8Bit = false;
inline StringView::StringView(const LChar* characters, unsigned length)
initialize(characters, length);
inline StringView::StringView(const UChar* characters, unsigned length)
initialize(characters, length);
inline StringView::StringView(const char* characters)
initialize(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(characters), strlen(characters));
inline StringView::StringView(const StringImpl& string)
if (string.is8Bit())
initialize(string.characters8(), string.length());
initialize(string.characters16(), string.length());
inline StringView::StringView(const StringImpl* string)
if (!string)
if (string->is8Bit())
initialize(string->characters8(), string->length());
initialize(string->characters16(), string->length());
inline StringView::StringView(const String& string)
if (!string.impl()) {
if (string.is8Bit()) {
initialize(string.characters8(), string.length());
initialize(string.characters16(), string.length());
inline StringView::StringView(const AtomicString& atomicString)
: StringView(atomicString.string())
inline void StringView::clear()
m_characters = nullptr;
m_length = 0;
m_is8Bit = true;
inline StringView StringView::empty()
return StringView(reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(""), 0);
inline const LChar* StringView::characters8() const
return static_cast<const LChar*>(m_characters);
inline const UChar* StringView::characters16() const
return static_cast<const UChar*>(m_characters);
class StringView::UpconvertedCharacters {
explicit UpconvertedCharacters(const StringView&);
operator const UChar*() const { return m_characters; }
const UChar* get() const { return m_characters; }
Vector<UChar, 32> m_upconvertedCharacters;
const UChar* m_characters;
inline StringView::UpconvertedCharacters StringView::upconvertedCharacters() const
return UpconvertedCharacters(*this);
inline bool StringView::isNull() const
return !m_characters;
inline bool StringView::isEmpty() const
return !length();
inline unsigned StringView::length() const
return m_length;
inline StringView::operator bool() const
return !isNull();
inline bool StringView::is8Bit() const
return m_is8Bit;
inline StringView StringView::substring(unsigned start, unsigned length) const
if (start >= this->length())
return empty();
unsigned maxLength = this->length() - start;
if (length >= maxLength) {
if (!start)
return *this;
length = maxLength;
if (is8Bit()) {
StringView result(characters8() + start, length);
return result;
StringView result(characters16() + start, length);
return result;
inline UChar StringView::operator[](unsigned index) const
ASSERT(index < length());
if (is8Bit())
return characters8()[index];
return characters16()[index];
inline bool StringView::contains(UChar character) const
return find(character) != notFound;
inline void StringView::getCharactersWithUpconvert(LChar* destination) const
auto characters8 = this->characters8();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_length; ++i)
destination[i] = characters8[i];
inline void StringView::getCharactersWithUpconvert(UChar* destination) const
if (is8Bit()) {
auto characters8 = this->characters8();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_length; ++i)
destination[i] = characters8[i];
auto characters16 = this->characters16();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < m_length; ++i)
destination[i] = characters16[i];
inline StringView::UpconvertedCharacters::UpconvertedCharacters(const StringView& string)
if (!string.is8Bit()) {
m_characters = string.characters16();
const LChar* characters8 = string.characters8();
unsigned length = string.m_length;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)
m_characters =;
inline String StringView::toString() const
if (is8Bit())
return String(characters8(), m_length);
return String(characters16(), m_length);
inline AtomicString StringView::toAtomicString() const
if (is8Bit())
return AtomicString(characters8(), m_length);
return AtomicString(characters16(), m_length);
inline float StringView::toFloat(bool& isValid) const
if (is8Bit())
return charactersToFloat(characters8(), m_length, &isValid);
return charactersToFloat(characters16(), m_length, &isValid);
inline int StringView::toInt() const
bool isValid;
return toInt(isValid);
inline int StringView::toInt(bool& isValid) const
if (is8Bit())
return charactersToInt(characters8(), m_length, &isValid);
return charactersToInt(characters16(), m_length, &isValid);
inline int StringView::toIntStrict(bool& isValid) const
if (is8Bit())
return charactersToIntStrict(characters8(), m_length, &isValid);
return charactersToIntStrict(characters16(), m_length, &isValid);
inline String StringView::toStringWithoutCopying() const
if (is8Bit())
return StringImpl::createWithoutCopying(characters8(), m_length);
return StringImpl::createWithoutCopying(characters16(), m_length);
inline size_t StringView::find(UChar character, unsigned start) const
if (is8Bit())
return WTF::find(characters8(), m_length, character, start);
return WTF::find(characters16(), m_length, character, start);
inline size_t StringView::find(CharacterMatchFunction matchFunction, unsigned start) const
if (is8Bit())
return WTF::find(characters8(), m_length, matchFunction, start);
return WTF::find(characters16(), m_length, matchFunction, start);
inline size_t StringView::reverseFind(UChar character, unsigned index) const
if (is8Bit())
return WTF::reverseFind(characters8(), m_length, character, index);
return WTF::reverseFind(characters16(), m_length, character, index);
inline void StringView::invalidate(const StringImpl&)
template<typename StringType> class StringTypeAdapter;
template<> class StringTypeAdapter<StringView> {
StringTypeAdapter<StringView>(StringView string)
: m_string(string)
unsigned length() { return m_string.length(); }
bool is8Bit() { return m_string.is8Bit(); }
void writeTo(LChar* destination) { m_string.getCharactersWithUpconvert(destination); }
void writeTo(UChar* destination) { m_string.getCharactersWithUpconvert(destination); }
String toString() const { return m_string.toString(); }
StringView m_string;
template<typename CharacterType, size_t inlineCapacity> void append(Vector<CharacterType, inlineCapacity>& buffer, StringView string)
unsigned oldSize = buffer.size();
buffer.grow(oldSize + string.length());
string.getCharactersWithUpconvert( + oldSize);
inline bool equal(StringView a, StringView b)
if (a.m_characters == b.m_characters) {
ASSERT(a.is8Bit() == b.is8Bit());
return a.length() == b.length();
return equalCommon(a, b);
inline bool equal(StringView a, const LChar* b)
if (!b)
return !a.isEmpty();
if (a.isEmpty())
return !b;
unsigned aLength = a.length();
if (a.is8Bit())
return equal(a.characters8(), b, aLength);
return equal(a.characters16(), b, aLength);
inline bool equal(StringView a, const char* b)
return equal(a, reinterpret_cast<const LChar*>(b));
inline bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(StringView a, StringView b)
return equalIgnoringASCIICaseCommon(a, b);
inline bool equalIgnoringASCIICase(StringView a, const char* b)
return equalIgnoringASCIICaseCommon(a, b);
class StringView::SplitResult {
explicit SplitResult(StringView, UChar separator);
class Iterator;
Iterator begin() const;
Iterator end() const;
StringView m_string;
UChar m_separator;
class StringView::GraphemeClusters {
explicit GraphemeClusters(const StringView&);
class Iterator;
Iterator begin() const;
Iterator end() const;
StringView m_stringView;
class StringView::CodePoints {
explicit CodePoints(const StringView&);
class Iterator;
Iterator begin() const;
Iterator end() const;
StringView m_stringView;
class StringView::CodeUnits {
explicit CodeUnits(const StringView&);
class Iterator;
Iterator begin() const;
Iterator end() const;
StringView m_stringView;
class StringView::SplitResult::Iterator {
StringView operator*() const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Iterator& operator++();
bool operator==(const Iterator&) const;
bool operator!=(const Iterator&) const;
enum PositionTag { AtEnd };
Iterator(const SplitResult&);
Iterator(const SplitResult&, PositionTag);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void findNextSubstring();
friend SplitResult;
const SplitResult& m_result;
unsigned m_position { 0 };
unsigned m_length;
class StringView::GraphemeClusters::Iterator {
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Iterator() = delete;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Iterator(const StringView&, unsigned index);
Iterator(const Iterator&) = delete;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Iterator(Iterator&&);
Iterator& operator=(const Iterator&) = delete;
Iterator& operator=(Iterator&&) = delete;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE StringView operator*() const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE Iterator& operator++();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool operator==(const Iterator&) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE bool operator!=(const Iterator&) const;
class Impl;
std::unique_ptr<Impl> m_impl;
class StringView::CodePoints::Iterator {
Iterator(const StringView&, unsigned index);
UChar32 operator*() const;
Iterator& operator++();
bool operator==(const Iterator&) const;
bool operator!=(const Iterator&) const;
Iterator& operator=(const Iterator&);
std::reference_wrapper<const StringView> m_stringView;
std::optional<unsigned> m_nextCodePointOffset;
UChar32 m_codePoint;
class StringView::CodeUnits::Iterator {
Iterator(const StringView&, unsigned index);
UChar operator*() const;
Iterator& operator++();
bool operator==(const Iterator&) const;
bool operator!=(const Iterator&) const;
const StringView& m_stringView;
unsigned m_index;
inline auto StringView::graphemeClusters() const -> GraphemeClusters
return GraphemeClusters(*this);
inline auto StringView::codePoints() const -> CodePoints
return CodePoints(*this);
inline auto StringView::codeUnits() const -> CodeUnits
return CodeUnits(*this);
inline StringView::GraphemeClusters::GraphemeClusters(const StringView& stringView)
: m_stringView(stringView)
inline auto StringView::GraphemeClusters::begin() const -> Iterator
return Iterator(m_stringView, 0);
inline auto StringView::GraphemeClusters::end() const -> Iterator
return Iterator(m_stringView, m_stringView.length());
inline StringView::CodePoints::CodePoints(const StringView& stringView)
: m_stringView(stringView)
inline StringView::CodePoints::Iterator::Iterator(const StringView& stringView, unsigned index)
: m_stringView(stringView)
, m_nextCodePointOffset(index)
inline auto StringView::CodePoints::Iterator::operator++() -> Iterator&
if (m_nextCodePointOffset.value() == m_stringView.get().length()) {
m_nextCodePointOffset = std::nullopt;
return *this;
if (m_stringView.get().is8Bit())
m_codePoint = m_stringView.get().characters8()[m_nextCodePointOffset.value()++];
U16_NEXT(m_stringView.get().characters16(), m_nextCodePointOffset.value(), m_stringView.get().length(), m_codePoint);
ASSERT(m_nextCodePointOffset.value() <= m_stringView.get().length());
return *this;
inline auto StringView::CodePoints::Iterator::operator=(const Iterator& other) -> Iterator&
m_stringView = other.m_stringView;
m_nextCodePointOffset = other.m_nextCodePointOffset;
m_codePoint = other.m_codePoint;
return *this;
inline UChar32 StringView::CodePoints::Iterator::operator*() const
return m_codePoint;
inline bool StringView::CodePoints::Iterator::operator==(const Iterator& other) const
ASSERT(&m_stringView.get() == &other.m_stringView.get());
return m_nextCodePointOffset == other.m_nextCodePointOffset;
inline bool StringView::CodePoints::Iterator::operator!=(const Iterator& other) const
return !(*this == other);
inline auto StringView::CodePoints::begin() const -> Iterator
return Iterator(m_stringView, 0);
inline auto StringView::CodePoints::end() const -> Iterator
return Iterator(m_stringView, m_stringView.length());
inline StringView::CodeUnits::CodeUnits(const StringView& stringView)
: m_stringView(stringView)
inline StringView::CodeUnits::Iterator::Iterator(const StringView& stringView, unsigned index)
: m_stringView(stringView)
, m_index(index)
inline auto StringView::CodeUnits::Iterator::operator++() -> Iterator&
return *this;
inline UChar StringView::CodeUnits::Iterator::operator*() const
return m_stringView[m_index];
inline bool StringView::CodeUnits::Iterator::operator==(const Iterator& other) const
ASSERT(&m_stringView == &other.m_stringView);
return m_index == other.m_index;
inline bool StringView::CodeUnits::Iterator::operator!=(const Iterator& other) const
return !(*this == other);
inline auto StringView::CodeUnits::begin() const -> Iterator
return Iterator(m_stringView, 0);
inline auto StringView::CodeUnits::end() const -> Iterator
return Iterator(m_stringView, m_stringView.length());
inline auto StringView::split(UChar separator) const -> SplitResult
return SplitResult { *this, separator };
inline StringView::SplitResult::SplitResult(StringView stringView, UChar separator)
: m_string { stringView }
, m_separator { separator }
inline auto StringView::SplitResult::begin() const -> Iterator
return Iterator { *this };
inline auto StringView::SplitResult::end() const -> Iterator
return Iterator { *this, Iterator::AtEnd };
inline StringView::SplitResult::Iterator::Iterator(const SplitResult& result)
: m_result { result }
inline StringView::SplitResult::Iterator::Iterator(const SplitResult& result, PositionTag)
: m_result { result }
, m_position { result.m_string.length() }
inline StringView StringView::SplitResult::Iterator::operator*() const
ASSERT(m_position < m_result.m_string.length());
return m_result.m_string.substring(m_position, m_length);
inline bool StringView::SplitResult::Iterator::operator==(const Iterator& other) const
ASSERT(&m_result == &other.m_result);
return m_position == other.m_position;
inline bool StringView::SplitResult::Iterator::operator!=(const Iterator& other) const
return !(*this == other);
template<unsigned length> inline bool equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase(StringView string, const char (&lowercaseLetters)[length])
return equalLettersIgnoringASCIICaseCommon(string, lowercaseLetters);
} // namespace WTF
using WTF::append;
using WTF::equal;
using WTF::StringView;
#endif // StringView_h