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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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#ifndef WTF_Seconds_h
#define WTF_Seconds_h
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
namespace WTF {
class MonotonicTime;
class PrintStream;
class TimeWithDynamicClockType;
class WallTime;
class Seconds {
Seconds() { }
explicit constexpr Seconds(double value)
: m_value(value)
double value() const { return m_value; }
double minutes() const { return m_value / 60; }
double seconds() const { return m_value; }
double milliseconds() const { return seconds() * 1000; }
double microseconds() const { return milliseconds() * 1000; }
double nanoseconds() const { return microseconds() * 1000; }
// Keep in mind that Seconds is held in double. If the value is not in range of 53bit integer, the result may not be precise.
template<typename T> T minutesAs() const { static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, ""); return clampToAccepting64<T>(minutes()); }
template<typename T> T secondsAs() const { static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, ""); return clampToAccepting64<T>(seconds()); }
template<typename T> T millisecondsAs() const { static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, ""); return clampToAccepting64<T>(milliseconds()); }
template<typename T> T microsecondsAs() const { static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, ""); return clampToAccepting64<T>(microseconds()); }
template<typename T> T nanosecondsAs() const { static_assert(std::is_integral<T>::value, ""); return clampToAccepting64<T>(nanoseconds()); }
static constexpr Seconds fromMinutes(double minutes)
return Seconds(minutes * 60);
static constexpr Seconds fromHours(double hours)
return Seconds(hours * 3600);
static constexpr Seconds fromMilliseconds(double milliseconds)
return Seconds(milliseconds / 1000);
static constexpr Seconds fromMicroseconds(double microseconds)
return fromMilliseconds(microseconds / 1000);
static constexpr Seconds fromNanoseconds(double nanoseconds)
return fromMicroseconds(nanoseconds / 1000);
static constexpr Seconds infinity()
return Seconds(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
explicit operator bool() const { return !!m_value; }
Seconds operator+(Seconds other) const
return Seconds(value() + other.value());
Seconds operator-(Seconds other) const
return Seconds(value() - other.value());
Seconds operator-() const
return Seconds(-value());
// It makes sense to consider scaling a duration, like, "I want to wait 5 times as long as
// last time!".
Seconds operator*(double scalar) const
return Seconds(value() * scalar);
Seconds operator/(double scalar) const
return Seconds(value() / scalar);
// It's reasonable to think about ratios between Seconds.
double operator/(Seconds other) const
return value() / other.value();
Seconds operator%(double scalar) const
return Seconds(fmod(value(), scalar));
// This solves for r, where:
// floor(this / other) + r / other = this / other
// Therefore, if this is Seconds then r is Seconds.
Seconds operator%(Seconds other) const
return Seconds(fmod(value(), other.value()));
Seconds& operator+=(Seconds other)
return *this = *this + other;
Seconds& operator-=(Seconds other)
return *this = *this - other;
Seconds& operator*=(double scalar)
return *this = *this * scalar;
Seconds& operator/=(double scalar)
return *this = *this / scalar;
Seconds& operator%=(double scalar)
return *this = *this % scalar;
Seconds& operator%=(Seconds other)
return *this = *this % other;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE WallTime operator+(WallTime) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE MonotonicTime operator+(MonotonicTime) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE TimeWithDynamicClockType operator+(const TimeWithDynamicClockType&) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE WallTime operator-(WallTime) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE MonotonicTime operator-(MonotonicTime) const;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE TimeWithDynamicClockType operator-(const TimeWithDynamicClockType&) const;
bool operator==(Seconds other) const
return m_value == other.m_value;
bool operator!=(Seconds other) const
return m_value != other.m_value;
bool operator<(Seconds other) const
return m_value < other.m_value;
bool operator>(Seconds other) const
return m_value > other.m_value;
bool operator<=(Seconds other) const
return m_value <= other.m_value;
bool operator>=(Seconds other) const
return m_value >= other.m_value;
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void dump(PrintStream&) const;
double m_value { 0 };
inline namespace seconds_literals {
constexpr Seconds operator"" _min(long double minutes)
return Seconds::fromMinutes(minutes);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _h(long double hours)
return Seconds::fromHours(hours);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _s(long double seconds)
return Seconds(seconds);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _ms(long double milliseconds)
return Seconds::fromMilliseconds(milliseconds);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _us(long double microseconds)
return Seconds::fromMicroseconds(microseconds);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _ns(long double nanoseconds)
return Seconds::fromNanoseconds(nanoseconds);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _min(unsigned long long minutes)
return Seconds::fromMinutes(minutes);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _h(unsigned long long hours)
return Seconds::fromHours(hours);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _s(unsigned long long seconds)
return Seconds(seconds);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _ms(unsigned long long milliseconds)
return Seconds::fromMilliseconds(milliseconds);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _us(unsigned long long microseconds)
return Seconds::fromMicroseconds(microseconds);
constexpr Seconds operator"" _ns(unsigned long long nanoseconds)
return Seconds::fromNanoseconds(nanoseconds);
} // inline seconds_literals
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void sleep(Seconds);
} // namespace WTF
namespace std {
inline bool isnan(WTF::Seconds seconds)
return std::isnan(seconds.value());
inline bool isinf(WTF::Seconds seconds)
return std::isinf(seconds.value());
inline bool isfinite(WTF::Seconds seconds)
return std::isfinite(seconds.value());
} // namespace std
using namespace WTF::seconds_literals;
using WTF::Seconds;
#endif // WTF_Seconds_h