blob: c5643cd2c003df92bb98e3e45399b70f74aac431 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef PrintStream_h
#define PrintStream_h
#include <memory>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <wtf/FastMalloc.h>
#include <wtf/Noncopyable.h>
#include <wtf/Optional.h>
#include <wtf/RawPointer.h>
#include <wtf/RefPtr.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
namespace WTF {
class AtomicStringImpl;
class CString;
class String;
class StringImpl;
class StringView;
class UniquedStringImpl;
class PrintStream {
virtual ~PrintStream();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printf(const char* format, ...) WTF_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 3);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printfVariableFormat(const char* format, ...);
virtual void vprintf(const char* format, va_list) WTF_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2, 0) = 0;
// Typically a no-op for many subclasses of PrintStream, this is a hint that
// the implementation should flush its buffers if it had not done so already.
virtual void flush();
template<typename Func>
void atomically(const Func& func)
template<typename... Types>
void print(const Types&... values)
[&] (PrintStream& out) {
template<typename... Types>
void println(const Types&... values)
print(values..., "\n");
void printImpl() { }
template<typename T, typename... Types>
void printImpl(const T& value, const Types&... remainingValues)
printInternal(*this, value);
virtual PrintStream& begin();
virtual void end();
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, const char*);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, const StringView&);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, const CString&);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, const String&);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, const StringImpl*);
inline void printInternal(PrintStream& out, const AtomicStringImpl* value) { printInternal(out, bitwise_cast<const StringImpl*>(value)); }
inline void printInternal(PrintStream& out, const UniquedStringImpl* value) { printInternal(out, bitwise_cast<const StringImpl*>(value)); }
inline void printInternal(PrintStream& out, const UniquedStringImpl& value) { printInternal(out, &value); }
inline void printInternal(PrintStream& out, char* value) { printInternal(out, static_cast<const char*>(value)); }
inline void printInternal(PrintStream& out, CString& value) { printInternal(out, static_cast<const CString&>(value)); }
inline void printInternal(PrintStream& out, String& value) { printInternal(out, static_cast<const String&>(value)); }
inline void printInternal(PrintStream& out, StringImpl* value) { printInternal(out, static_cast<const StringImpl*>(value)); }
inline void printInternal(PrintStream& out, AtomicStringImpl* value) { printInternal(out, static_cast<const AtomicStringImpl*>(value)); }
inline void printInternal(PrintStream& out, UniquedStringImpl* value) { printInternal(out, static_cast<const UniquedStringImpl*>(value)); }
inline void printInternal(PrintStream& out, UniquedStringImpl& value) { printInternal(out, &value); }
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, bool);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, signed char); // NOTE: this prints as a number, not as a character; use CharacterDump if you want the character
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, unsigned char); // NOTE: see above.
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, short);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, unsigned short);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, int);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, unsigned);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, long);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, unsigned long);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, long long);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, unsigned long long);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, float);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, double);
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void printInternal(PrintStream&, RawPointer);
template<typename T>
void printInternal(PrintStream& out, const T& value)
#define MAKE_PRINT_ADAPTOR(Name, Type, function) \
class Name { \
public: \
Name(const Type& value) \
: m_value(value) \
{ \
} \
void dump(PrintStream& out) const \
{ \
function(out, m_value); \
} \
private: \
Type m_value; \
#define MAKE_PRINT_METHOD_ADAPTOR(Name, Type, method) \
class Name { \
public: \
Name(const Type& value) \
: m_value(value) \
{ \
} \
void dump(PrintStream& out) const \
{ \
m_value.method(out); \
} \
private: \
const Type& m_value; \
#define MAKE_PRINT_METHOD(Type, dumpMethod, method) \
MAKE_PRINT_METHOD_ADAPTOR(DumperFor_##method, Type, dumpMethod); \
DumperFor_##method method() const { return DumperFor_##method(*this); }
// Use an adaptor-based dumper for characters to avoid situations where
// you've "compressed" an integer to a character and it ends up printing
// as ASCII when you wanted it to print as a number.
WTF_EXPORT_PRIVATE void dumpCharacter(PrintStream&, char);
MAKE_PRINT_ADAPTOR(CharacterDump, char, dumpCharacter);
template<typename T>
class PointerDump {
PointerDump(const T* ptr)
: m_ptr(ptr)
void dump(PrintStream& out) const
if (m_ptr)
printInternal(out, *m_ptr);
const T* m_ptr;
template<typename T>
PointerDump<T> pointerDump(const T* ptr) { return PointerDump<T>(ptr); }
template<typename T>
void printInternal(PrintStream& out, const std::unique_ptr<T>& value)
template<typename T>
void printInternal(PrintStream& out, const RefPtr<T>& value)
template<typename T, typename U>
class ValueInContext {
ValueInContext(const T& value, U* context)
: m_value(&value)
, m_context(context)
void dump(PrintStream& out) const
m_value->dumpInContext(out, m_context);
const T* m_value;
U* m_context;
template<typename T, typename U>
ValueInContext<T, U> inContext(const T& value, U* context)
return ValueInContext<T, U>(value, context);
template<typename T, typename U>
class PointerDumpInContext {
PointerDumpInContext(const T* ptr, U* context)
: m_ptr(ptr)
, m_context(context)
void dump(PrintStream& out) const
if (m_ptr)
m_ptr->dumpInContext(out, m_context);
const T* m_ptr;
U* m_context;
template<typename T, typename U>
PointerDumpInContext<T, U> pointerDumpInContext(const T* ptr, U* context)
return PointerDumpInContext<T, U>(ptr, context);
template<typename T, typename U>
class ValueIgnoringContext {
ValueIgnoringContext(const U& value)
: m_value(&value)
void dump(PrintStream& out) const
T context;
m_value->dumpInContext(out, &context);
const U* m_value;
template<typename T, typename U>
ValueIgnoringContext<T, U> ignoringContext(const U& value)
return ValueIgnoringContext<T, U>(value);
template<unsigned index, typename... Types>
struct FormatImplUnpacker {
template<typename... Args>
static void unpack(PrintStream& out, const std::tuple<Types...>& tuple, const Args&... values);
template<typename... Types>
struct FormatImplUnpacker<0, Types...> {
template<typename... Args>
static void unpack(PrintStream& out, const std::tuple<Types...>& tuple, const Args&... values)
out.printfVariableFormat(std::get<0>(tuple), values...);
template<unsigned index, typename... Types>
template<typename... Args>
void FormatImplUnpacker<index, Types...>::unpack(PrintStream& out, const std::tuple<Types...>& tuple, const Args&... values)
FormatImplUnpacker<index - 1, Types...>::unpack(out, tuple, std::get<index>(tuple), values...);
template<typename... Types>
class FormatImpl {
FormatImpl(Types... values)
: m_values(values...)
void dump(PrintStream& out) const
FormatImplUnpacker<sizeof...(Types) - 1, Types...>::unpack(out, m_values);
std::tuple<Types...> m_values;
template<typename... Types>
FormatImpl<Types...> format(Types... values)
return FormatImpl<Types...>(values...);
template<typename T>
void printInternal(PrintStream& out, const std::optional<T>& value)
if (value)
} // namespace WTF
using WTF::CharacterDump;
using WTF::PointerDump;
using WTF::PrintStream;
using WTF::format;
using WTF::ignoringContext;
using WTF::inContext;
using WTF::pointerDump;
using WTF::pointerDumpInContext;
#endif // PrintStream_h