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// WTF::Expected is based on std::expected, as described here:
// The specification expects to throw. This implementation doesn't support exceptions, uses RELEASE_ASSERT instead.
#pragma once
#include <cstdlib>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <wtf/Compiler.h>
#include <wtf/Optional.h>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
namespace WTF {
template <class E>
class UnexpectedType {
UnexpectedType() = delete;
constexpr explicit UnexpectedType(const E& e) : val(e) { }
constexpr explicit UnexpectedType(E&& e) : val(std::forward<E>(e)) { }
constexpr const E& value() const& { return val; }
RELAXED_CONSTEXPR E& value() & { return val; }
RELAXED_CONSTEXPR E&& value() && { return WTFMove(val); }
E val;
template <class E> constexpr bool operator==(const UnexpectedType<E>& lhs, const UnexpectedType<E>& rhs) { return lhs.value() == rhs.value(); }
template <class E> constexpr bool operator!=(const UnexpectedType<E>& lhs, const UnexpectedType<E>& rhs) { return lhs.value() != rhs.value(); }
template <class E> constexpr bool operator<(const UnexpectedType<E>& lhs, const UnexpectedType<E>& rhs) { return lhs.value() < rhs.value(); }
template <class E> constexpr bool operator>(const UnexpectedType<E>& lhs, const UnexpectedType<E>& rhs) { return lhs.value() > rhs.value(); }
template <class E> constexpr bool operator<=(const UnexpectedType<E>& lhs, const UnexpectedType<E>& rhs) { return lhs.value() <= rhs.value(); }
template <class E> constexpr bool operator>=(const UnexpectedType<E>& lhs, const UnexpectedType<E>& rhs) { return lhs.value() >= rhs.value(); }
template <class E> constexpr UnexpectedType<std::decay_t<E>> makeUnexpected(E&& v) { return UnexpectedType<typename std::decay<E>::type>(std::forward<E>(v)); }
struct UnexpectTag {
UnexpectTag() = delete;
constexpr UnexpectTag Unexpect { };
namespace ExpectedDetail {
// Invoked where std::Expected would instead throw.
static constexpr enum class ValueTagType { } ValueTag { };
static constexpr enum class ErrorTagType { } ErrorTag { };
template<class T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value>* = nullptr> void destroy(T&) { }
template<class T, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value && (std::is_class<T>::value || std::is_union<T>::value)>* = nullptr> void destroy(T& t) { t.~T(); }
template <class T, class E>
union ConstexprStorage {
typedef T ValueType;
typedef E ErrorType;
char dummy;
ValueType val;
ErrorType err;
constexpr ConstexprStorage() : dummy() { }
constexpr ConstexprStorage(ValueTagType) : val() { }
constexpr ConstexprStorage(ErrorTagType) : err() { }
constexpr ConstexprStorage(ValueTagType, const ValueType& v) : val(v) { }
constexpr ConstexprStorage(ErrorTagType, const ErrorType& e) : err(e) { }
~ConstexprStorage() = default;
template <class T, class E>
union Storage {
typedef T ValueType;
typedef E ErrorType;
char dummy;
ValueType val;
ErrorType err;
constexpr Storage() : dummy() { }
constexpr Storage(ValueTagType) : val() { }
constexpr Storage(ErrorTagType) : err() { }
constexpr Storage(ValueTagType, const ValueType& val) : val(val) { }
constexpr Storage(ValueTagType, ValueType&& val) : val(std::forward<ValueType>(val)) { }
constexpr Storage(ErrorTagType, const ErrorType& err) : err(err) { }
constexpr Storage(ErrorTagType, ErrorType&& err) : err(std::forward<ErrorType>(err)) { }
~Storage() { }
template <class E>
union ConstexprStorage<void, E> {
typedef void ValueType;
typedef E ErrorType;
char dummy;
ErrorType err;
constexpr ConstexprStorage() : dummy() { }
constexpr ConstexprStorage(ValueTagType) : dummy() { }
constexpr ConstexprStorage(ErrorTagType) : err() { }
constexpr ConstexprStorage(ErrorTagType, const ErrorType& e) : err(e) { }
~ConstexprStorage() = default;
template <class E>
union Storage<void, E> {
typedef void ValueType;
typedef E ErrorType;
char dummy;
ErrorType err;
constexpr Storage() : dummy() { }
constexpr Storage(ValueTagType) : dummy() { }
constexpr Storage(ErrorTagType) : err() { }
constexpr Storage(ErrorTagType, const ErrorType& err) : err(err) { }
constexpr Storage(ErrorTagType, ErrorType&& err) : err(std::forward<ErrorType>(err)) { }
~Storage() { }
template <class T, class E>
struct ConstexprBase {
typedef T ValueType;
typedef E ErrorType;
ConstexprStorage<ValueType, ErrorType> s;
bool has;
constexpr ConstexprBase() : s(), has(true) { }
constexpr ConstexprBase(ValueTagType tag) : s(tag), has(true) { }
constexpr ConstexprBase(ErrorTagType tag) : s(tag), has(false) { }
constexpr ConstexprBase(ValueTagType tag, const ValueType& val) : s(tag, val), has(true) { }
constexpr ConstexprBase(ErrorTagType tag, const ErrorType& err) : s(tag, err), has(false) { }
~ConstexprBase() = default;
template <class T, class E>
struct Base {
typedef T ValueType;
typedef E ErrorType;
Storage<ValueType, ErrorType> s;
bool has;
constexpr Base() : s(), has(true) { }
constexpr Base(ValueTagType tag) : s(tag), has(true) { }
constexpr Base(ErrorTagType tag) : s(tag), has(false) { }
constexpr Base(ValueTagType tag, const ValueType& val) : s(tag, val), has(true) { }
constexpr Base(ValueTagType tag, ValueType&& val) : s(tag, std::forward<ValueType>(val)), has(true) { }
constexpr Base(ErrorTagType tag, const ErrorType& err) : s(tag, err), has(false) { }
constexpr Base(ErrorTagType tag, ErrorType&& err) : s(tag, std::forward<ErrorType>(err)), has(false) { }
Base(const Base& o)
: has(o.has)
if (has)
::new (&s.val) ValueType(o.s.val);
::new (&s.err) ErrorType(o.s.err);
Base(Base&& o)
: has(o.has)
if (has)
::new (&s.val) ValueType(WTFMove(o.s.val));
::new (&s.err) ErrorType(WTFMove(o.s.err));
if (has)
template <class E>
struct ConstexprBase<void, E> {
typedef void ValueType;
typedef E ErrorType;
ConstexprStorage<ValueType, ErrorType> s;
bool has;
constexpr ConstexprBase() : s(), has(true) { }
constexpr ConstexprBase(ValueTagType tag) : s(tag), has(true) { }
constexpr ConstexprBase(ErrorTagType tag) : s(tag), has(false) { }
constexpr ConstexprBase(ErrorTagType tag, const ErrorType& err) : s(tag, err), has(false) { }
constexpr ConstexprBase(ErrorTagType tag, ErrorType&& err) : s(tag, std::forward<ErrorType>(err)), has(false) { }
~ConstexprBase() = default;
template <class E>
struct Base<void, E> {
typedef void ValueType;
typedef E ErrorType;
Storage<ValueType, ErrorType> s;
bool has;
constexpr Base() : s(), has(true) { }
constexpr Base(ValueTagType tag) : s(tag), has(true) { }
constexpr Base(ErrorTagType tag) : s(tag), has(false) { }
constexpr Base(ErrorTagType tag, const ErrorType& err) : s(tag, err), has(false) { }
constexpr Base(ErrorTagType tag, ErrorType&& err) : s(tag, std::forward<ErrorType>(err)), has(false) { }
Base(const Base& o)
: has(o.has)
if (!has)
::new (&s.err) ErrorType(o.s.err);
Base(Base&& o)
: has(o.has)
if (!has)
::new (&s.err) ErrorType(WTFMove(o.s.err));
if (!has)
template <class T, class E>
using BaseSelect = typename std::conditional<
((std::is_void<T>::value || std::is_trivially_destructible<T>::value)
&& std::is_trivially_destructible<E>::value),
ConstexprBase<typename std::remove_const<T>::type, typename std::remove_const<E>::type>,
Base<typename std::remove_const<T>::type, typename std::remove_const<E>::type>
} // namespace ExpectedDetail
template <class T, class E>
class Expected : private ExpectedDetail::BaseSelect<T, E> {
typedef ExpectedDetail::BaseSelect<T, E> base;
typedef typename base::ValueType ValueType;
typedef typename base::ErrorType ErrorType;
typedef Expected<ValueType, ErrorType> type;
// template <class U> struct rebind { using type = Expected<U, ErrorType>; };
constexpr Expected() : base(ExpectedDetail::ValueTag) { }
Expected(const Expected&) = default;
Expected(Expected&&) = default;
constexpr Expected(const ValueType& e) : base(ExpectedDetail::ValueTag, e) { }
constexpr Expected(ValueType&& e) : base(ExpectedDetail::ValueTag, std::forward<ValueType>(e)) { }
// template <class... Args> constexpr explicit Expected(in_place_t, Args&&...);
// template <class U, class... Args> constexpr explicit Expected(in_place_t, std::initializer_list<U>, Args&&...);
constexpr Expected(UnexpectedType<ErrorType> const& u) : base(ExpectedDetail::ErrorTag, u.value()) { }
constexpr Expected(UnexpectedType<ErrorType>&& u) : base(ExpectedDetail::ErrorTag, std::forward<UnexpectedType<E>>(u).value()) { }
template <class Err> constexpr Expected(UnexpectedType<Err> const& u) : base(ExpectedDetail::ErrorTag, u.value()) { }
// template <class... Args> constexpr explicit Expected(UnexpectTag, Args&&...);
// template <class U, class... Args> constexpr explicit Expected(UnexpectTag, std::initializer_list<U>, Args&&...);
~Expected() = default;
Expected& operator=(const Expected& e) { type(e).swap(*this); return *this; }
Expected& operator=(Expected&& e) { type(WTFMove(e)).swap(*this); return *this; }
template <class U> Expected& operator=(U&& u) { type(WTFMove(u)).swap(*this); return *this; }
Expected& operator=(const UnexpectedType<ErrorType>& u) { type(u).swap(*this); return *this; }
Expected& operator=(UnexpectedType<ErrorType>&& u) { type(WTFMove(u)).swap(*this); return *this; }
// template <class... Args> void emplace(Args&&...);
// template <class U, class... Args> void emplace(std::initializer_list<U>, Args&&...);
void swap(Expected& o)
using std::swap;
if (base::has && o.has)
swap(base::s.val, o.s.val);
else if (base::has && !o.has) {
ErrorType e(WTFMove(o.s.err));
::new (&o.s.val) ValueType(WTFMove(base::s.val));
::new (&base::s.err) ErrorType(WTFMove(e));
swap(base::has, o.has);
} else if (!base::has && o.has) {
ValueType v(WTFMove(o.s.val));
::new (&o.s.err) ErrorType(WTFMove(base::s.err));
::new (&base::s.val) ValueType(WTFMove(v));
swap(base::has, o.has);
} else
swap(base::s.err, o.s.err);
constexpr const ValueType* operator->() const { return &base::s.val; }
ValueType* operator->() { return &base::s.val; }
constexpr const ValueType& operator*() const & { return base::s.val; }
ValueType& operator*() & { return base::s.val; }
constexpr const ValueType&& operator*() const && { return WTFMove(base::s.val); }
RELAXED_CONSTEXPR ValueType&& operator*() && { return WTFMove(base::s.val); }
constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return base::has; }
constexpr bool hasValue() const { return base::has; }
constexpr const ValueType& value() const & { return base::has ? base::s.val : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.val); }
RELAXED_CONSTEXPR ValueType& value() & { return base::has ? base::s.val : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.val); }
constexpr const ValueType&& value() const && { return base::has ? base::s.val : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.val); }
RELAXED_CONSTEXPR ValueType&& value() && { return WTFMove(base::has ? base::s.val : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.val)); }
constexpr const ErrorType& error() const & { return !base::has ? base::s.err : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.err); }
ErrorType& error() & { return !base::has ? base::s.err : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.err); }
RELAXED_CONSTEXPR ErrorType&& error() && { return !base::has ? base::s.err : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.err); }
constexpr const ErrorType&& error() const && { return !base::has ? base::s.err : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.err); }
constexpr UnexpectedType<ErrorType> getUnexpected() const { return UnexpectedType<ErrorType>(base::s.err); }
template <class U> constexpr ValueType valueOr(U&& u) const & { return base::has ? **this : static_cast<ValueType>(std::forward<U>(u)); }
template <class U> ValueType valueOr(U&& u) && { return base::has ? WTFMove(**this) : static_cast<ValueType>(std::forward<U>(u)); }
template <class E>
class Expected<void, E> : private ExpectedDetail::BaseSelect<void, E> {
typedef ExpectedDetail::BaseSelect<void, E> base;
typedef typename base::ValueType ValueType;
typedef typename base::ErrorType ErrorType;
typedef Expected<ValueType, ErrorType> type;
// template <class U> struct rebind { typedef Expected<U, ErrorType> type; };
constexpr Expected() : base(ExpectedDetail::ValueTag) { }
Expected(const Expected&) = default;
Expected(Expected&&) = default;
// constexpr explicit Expected(in_place_t);
constexpr Expected(UnexpectedType<E> const& u) : base(ExpectedDetail::ErrorTag, u.value()) { }
constexpr Expected(UnexpectedType<E>&& u) : base(ExpectedDetail::ErrorTag, std::forward<UnexpectedType<E>>(u).value()) { }
template <class Err> constexpr Expected(UnexpectedType<Err> const& u) : base(ExpectedDetail::ErrorTag, u.value()) { }
~Expected() = default;
Expected& operator=(const Expected& e) { type(e).swap(*this); return *this; }
Expected& operator=(Expected&& e) { type(WTFMove(e)).swap(*this); return *this; }
Expected& operator=(const UnexpectedType<E>& u) { type(u).swap(*this); return *this; } // Not in the current paper.
Expected& operator=(UnexpectedType<E>&& u) { type(WTFMove(u)).swap(*this); return *this; } // Not in the current paper.
// void emplace();
void swap(Expected& o)
using std::swap;
if (base::has && o.has) {
// Do nothing.
} else if (base::has && !o.has) {
ErrorType e(WTFMove(o.s.err));
::new (&base::s.err) ErrorType(e);
swap(base::has, o.has);
} else if (!base::has && o.has) {
::new (&o.s.err) ErrorType(WTFMove(base::s.err));
swap(base::has, o.has);
} else
swap(base::s.err, o.s.err);
constexpr explicit operator bool() const { return base::has; }
constexpr bool hasValue() const { return base::has; }
void value() const { !base::has ? ExpectedDetail::Throw() : void(); }
constexpr const E& error() const & { return !base::has ? base::s.err : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.err); }
E& error() & { return !base::has ? base::s.err : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.err); } // Not in the current paper.
RELAXED_CONSTEXPR E&& error() && { return !base::has ? base::s.err : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.err); }
constexpr const E&& error() const && { return !base::has ? base::s.err : (ExpectedDetail::Throw(), base::s.err); } // Not in the current paper.
// constexpr E& error() &;
constexpr UnexpectedType<E> getUnexpected() const { return UnexpectedType<E>(base::s.err); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator==(const Expected<T, E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return bool(x) == bool(y) && (x ? x.value() == y.value() : x.error() == y.error()); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator!=(const Expected<T, E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return !(x == y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator<(const Expected<T, E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return (!bool(x) && bool(y)) ? false : ((bool(x) && !bool(y)) ? true : ((bool(x) && bool(y)) ? x.value() < y.value() : x.error() < y.error())); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator>(const Expected<T, E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return !(x == y) && !(x < y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator<=(const Expected<T, E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return (x == y) || (x < y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator>=(const Expected<T, E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return (x == y) || (x > y); }
template <class E> constexpr bool operator==(const Expected<void, E>& x, const Expected<void, E>& y) { return bool(x) == bool(y) && (x ? true : x.error() == y.error()); } // Not in the current paper.
template <class E> constexpr bool operator<(const Expected<void, E>& x, const Expected<void, E>& y) { return (!bool(x) && bool(y)) ? false : ((bool(x) && !bool(y)) ? true : ((bool(x) && bool(y)) ? false : x.error() < y.error())); } // Not in the current paper.
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator==(const Expected<T, E>& x, const T& y) { return x == Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator==(const T& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) == y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator!=(const Expected<T, E>& x, const T& y) { return x != Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator!=(const T& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) != y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator<(const Expected<T, E>& x, const T& y) { return x < Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator<(const T& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) < y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator<=(const Expected<T, E>& x, const T& y) { return x <= Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator<=(const T& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) <= y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator>(const Expected<T, E>& x, const T& y) { return x > Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator>(const T& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) > y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator>=(const Expected<T, E>& x, const T& y) { return x >= Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator>=(const T& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) >= y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator==(const Expected<T, E>& x, const UnexpectedType<E>& y) { return x == Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator==(const UnexpectedType<E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) == y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator!=(const Expected<T, E>& x, const UnexpectedType<E>& y) { return x != Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator!=(const UnexpectedType<E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) != y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator<(const Expected<T, E>& x, const UnexpectedType<E>& y) { return x < Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator<(const UnexpectedType<E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) < y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator<=(const Expected<T, E>& x, const UnexpectedType<E>& y) { return x <= Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator<=(const UnexpectedType<E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) <= y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator>(const Expected<T, E>& x, const UnexpectedType<E>& y) { return x > Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator>(const UnexpectedType<E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) > y; }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator>=(const Expected<T, E>& x, const UnexpectedType<E>& y) { return x >= Expected<T, E>(y); }
template <class T, class E> constexpr bool operator>=(const UnexpectedType<E>& x, const Expected<T, E>& y) { return Expected<T, E>(x) >= y; }
template <typename T, typename E> void swap(Expected<T, E>& x, Expected<T, E>& y) { x.swap(y); }
template <class T, class E = std::nullopt_t> constexpr Expected<std::decay_t<T>, E> makeExpected(T&& v)
return Expected<typename std::decay<T>::type, E>(std::forward<T>(v));
template <class T, class E> constexpr Expected<T, std::decay_t<E>> makeExpectedFromError(E&& e) { return Expected<T, std::decay_t<E>>(makeUnexpected(e)); }
template <class T, class E, class U> constexpr Expected<T, E> makeExpectedFromError(U&& u) { return Expected<T, E>(makeUnexpected(E { std::forward<U>(u) } )); }
// template <class F, class E = std::nullopt_t> constexpr Expected<typename std::result_of<F>::type, E> makeExpected_from_call(F f);
inline Expected<void, std::nullopt_t> makeExpected() { return Expected<void, std::nullopt_t>(); }
} // namespace WTF
namespace std {
template <class T, class E> struct hash<WTF::Expected<T, E>> {
typedef WTF::Expected<T, E> argument_type;
typedef std::size_t result_type;
result_type operator()(argument_type const& e) const { return e ? hash<typename argument_type::ValueType> { } (e.value()) : hash<typename argument_type::ErrorType> { } (e.error()); }
template <class E> struct hash<WTF::Expected<void, E>> {
typedef WTF::Expected<void, E> argument_type;
typedef std::size_t result_type;
result_type operator()(argument_type const& e) const { return e ? 0 : hash<typename argument_type::ErrorType> { } (e.error()); }
using WTF::UnexpectedType;
using WTF::makeUnexpected;
using WTF::Unexpect;
using WTF::Expected;
using WTF::makeExpected;
using WTF::makeExpectedFromError;