blob: 42d7668969c0fa5c6b1fbe0d48b191c9b2e96470 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#ifndef CheckedArithmetic_h
#define CheckedArithmetic_h
#include <wtf/Assertions.h>
#include <limits>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <type_traits>
/* Checked<T>
* This class provides a mechanism to perform overflow-safe integer arithmetic
* without having to manually ensure that you have all the required bounds checks
* directly in your code.
* There are two modes of operation:
* - The default is Checked<T, CrashOnOverflow>, and crashes at the point
* and overflow has occurred.
* - The alternative is Checked<T, RecordOverflow>, which uses an additional
* byte of storage to track whether an overflow has occurred, subsequent
* unchecked operations will crash if an overflow has occured
* It is possible to provide a custom overflow handler, in which case you need
* to support these functions:
* - void overflowed();
* This function is called when an operation has produced an overflow.
* - bool hasOverflowed();
* This function must return true if overflowed() has been called on an
* instance and false if it has not.
* - void clearOverflow();
* Used to reset overflow tracking when a value is being overwritten with
* a new value.
* Checked<T> works for all integer types, with the following caveats:
* - Mixing signedness of operands is only supported for types narrower than
* 64bits.
* - It does have a performance impact, so tight loops may want to be careful
* when using it.
namespace WTF {
enum class CheckedState {
class CrashOnOverflow {
static NO_RETURN_DUE_TO_CRASH void overflowed()
void clearOverflow() { }
static NO_RETURN_DUE_TO_CRASH void crash()
bool hasOverflowed() const { return false; }
class RecordOverflow {
: m_overflowed(false)
void overflowed()
m_overflowed = true;
void clearOverflow()
m_overflowed = false;
static NO_RETURN_DUE_TO_CRASH void crash()
bool hasOverflowed() const { return m_overflowed; }
unsigned char m_overflowed;
template <typename T, class OverflowHandler = CrashOnOverflow> class Checked;
template <typename T> struct RemoveChecked;
template <typename T> struct RemoveChecked<Checked<T>>;
template <typename Target, typename Source, bool isTargetBigger = sizeof(Target) >= sizeof(Source), bool targetSigned = std::numeric_limits<Target>::is_signed, bool sourceSigned = std::numeric_limits<Source>::is_signed> struct BoundsChecker;
template <typename Target, typename Source> struct BoundsChecker<Target, Source, false, false, false> {
static bool inBounds(Source value)
// Same signedness so implicit type conversion will always increase precision to widest type.
return value <= std::numeric_limits<Target>::max();
template <typename Target, typename Source> struct BoundsChecker<Target, Source, false, true, true> {
static bool inBounds(Source value)
// Same signedness so implicit type conversion will always increase precision to widest type.
return std::numeric_limits<Target>::min() <= value && value <= std::numeric_limits<Target>::max();
template <typename Target, typename Source> struct BoundsChecker<Target, Source, false, false, true> {
static bool inBounds(Source value)
// When converting value to unsigned Source, value will become a big value if value is negative.
// Casted value will become bigger than Target::max as Source is bigger than Target.
return static_cast<typename std::make_unsigned<Source>::type>(value) <= std::numeric_limits<Target>::max();
template <typename Target, typename Source> struct BoundsChecker<Target, Source, false, true, false> {
static bool inBounds(Source value)
// The unsigned Source type has greater precision than the target so max(Target) -> Source will widen.
return value <= static_cast<Source>(std::numeric_limits<Target>::max());
template <typename Target, typename Source> struct BoundsChecker<Target, Source, true, false, false> {
static bool inBounds(Source)
// Same sign, greater or same precision.
return true;
template <typename Target, typename Source> struct BoundsChecker<Target, Source, true, true, true> {
static bool inBounds(Source)
// Same sign, greater or same precision.
return true;
template <typename Target, typename Source> struct BoundsChecker<Target, Source, true, true, false> {
static bool inBounds(Source value)
// Target is signed with greater or same precision. If strictly greater, it is always safe.
if (sizeof(Target) > sizeof(Source))
return true;
return value <= static_cast<Source>(std::numeric_limits<Target>::max());
template <typename Target, typename Source> struct BoundsChecker<Target, Source, true, false, true> {
static bool inBounds(Source value)
// Target is unsigned with greater precision.
return value >= 0;
template <typename Target, typename Source> static inline bool isInBounds(Source value)
return BoundsChecker<Target, Source>::inBounds(value);
template <typename Target, typename Source> static inline bool convertSafely(Source input, Target& output)
if (!isInBounds<Target>(input))
return false;
output = static_cast<Target>(input);
return true;
template <typename T> struct RemoveChecked {
typedef T CleanType;
static const CleanType DefaultValue = 0;
template <typename T> struct RemoveChecked<Checked<T, CrashOnOverflow>> {
typedef typename RemoveChecked<T>::CleanType CleanType;
static const CleanType DefaultValue = 0;
template <typename T> struct RemoveChecked<Checked<T, RecordOverflow>> {
typedef typename RemoveChecked<T>::CleanType CleanType;
static const CleanType DefaultValue = 0;
// The ResultBase and SignednessSelector are used to workaround typeof not being
// available in MSVC
template <typename U, typename V, bool uIsBigger = (sizeof(U) > sizeof(V)), bool sameSize = (sizeof(U) == sizeof(V))> struct ResultBase;
template <typename U, typename V> struct ResultBase<U, V, true, false> {
typedef U ResultType;
template <typename U, typename V> struct ResultBase<U, V, false, false> {
typedef V ResultType;
template <typename U> struct ResultBase<U, U, false, true> {
typedef U ResultType;
template <typename U, typename V, bool uIsSigned = std::numeric_limits<U>::is_signed, bool vIsSigned = std::numeric_limits<V>::is_signed> struct SignednessSelector;
template <typename U, typename V> struct SignednessSelector<U, V, true, true> {
typedef U ResultType;
template <typename U, typename V> struct SignednessSelector<U, V, false, false> {
typedef U ResultType;
template <typename U, typename V> struct SignednessSelector<U, V, true, false> {
typedef V ResultType;
template <typename U, typename V> struct SignednessSelector<U, V, false, true> {
typedef U ResultType;
template <typename U, typename V> struct ResultBase<U, V, false, true> {
typedef typename SignednessSelector<U, V>::ResultType ResultType;
template <typename U, typename V> struct Result : ResultBase<typename RemoveChecked<U>::CleanType, typename RemoveChecked<V>::CleanType> {
template <typename LHS, typename RHS, typename ResultType = typename Result<LHS, RHS>::ResultType,
bool lhsSigned = std::numeric_limits<LHS>::is_signed, bool rhsSigned = std::numeric_limits<RHS>::is_signed> struct ArithmeticOperations;
template <typename LHS, typename RHS, typename ResultType> struct ArithmeticOperations<LHS, RHS, ResultType, true, true> {
// LHS and RHS are signed types
// Helper function
static inline bool signsMatch(LHS lhs, RHS rhs)
return (lhs ^ rhs) >= 0;
static inline bool add(LHS lhs, RHS rhs, ResultType& result) WARN_UNUSED_RETURN
if (signsMatch(lhs, rhs)) {
if (lhs >= 0) {
if ((std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::max() - rhs) < lhs)
return false;
} else {
ResultType temp = lhs - std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::min();
if (rhs < -temp)
return false;
} // if the signs do not match this operation can't overflow
result = lhs + rhs;
return true;
static inline bool sub(LHS lhs, RHS rhs, ResultType& result) WARN_UNUSED_RETURN
if (!signsMatch(lhs, rhs)) {
if (lhs >= 0) {
if (lhs > std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::max() + rhs)
return false;
} else {
if (rhs > std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::max() + lhs)
return false;
} // if the signs match this operation can't overflow
result = lhs - rhs;
return true;
static inline bool multiply(LHS lhs, RHS rhs, ResultType& result) WARN_UNUSED_RETURN
if (signsMatch(lhs, rhs)) {
if (lhs >= 0) {
if (lhs && (std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::max() / lhs) < rhs)
return false;
} else {
if (static_cast<ResultType>(lhs) == std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::min() || static_cast<ResultType>(rhs) == std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::min())
return false;
if ((std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::max() / -lhs) < -rhs)
return false;
} else {
if (lhs < 0) {
if (rhs && lhs < (std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::min() / rhs))
return false;
} else {
if (lhs && rhs < (std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::min() / lhs))
return false;
result = lhs * rhs;
return true;
static inline bool equals(LHS lhs, RHS rhs) { return lhs == rhs; }
template <typename LHS, typename RHS, typename ResultType> struct ArithmeticOperations<LHS, RHS, ResultType, false, false> {
// LHS and RHS are unsigned types so bounds checks are nice and easy
static inline bool add(LHS lhs, RHS rhs, ResultType& result) WARN_UNUSED_RETURN
ResultType temp = lhs + rhs;
if (temp < lhs)
return false;
result = temp;
return true;
static inline bool sub(LHS lhs, RHS rhs, ResultType& result) WARN_UNUSED_RETURN
ResultType temp = lhs - rhs;
if (temp > lhs)
return false;
result = temp;
return true;
static inline bool multiply(LHS lhs, RHS rhs, ResultType& result) WARN_UNUSED_RETURN
if (!lhs || !rhs) {
result = 0;
return true;
if (std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::max() / lhs < rhs)
return false;
result = lhs * rhs;
return true;
static inline bool equals(LHS lhs, RHS rhs) { return lhs == rhs; }
template <typename ResultType> struct ArithmeticOperations<int, unsigned, ResultType, true, false> {
static inline bool add(int64_t lhs, int64_t rhs, ResultType& result)
int64_t temp = lhs + rhs;
if (temp < std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::min())
return false;
if (temp > std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::max())
return false;
result = static_cast<ResultType>(temp);
return true;
static inline bool sub(int64_t lhs, int64_t rhs, ResultType& result)
int64_t temp = lhs - rhs;
if (temp < std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::min())
return false;
if (temp > std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::max())
return false;
result = static_cast<ResultType>(temp);
return true;
static inline bool multiply(int64_t lhs, int64_t rhs, ResultType& result)
int64_t temp = lhs * rhs;
if (temp < std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::min())
return false;
if (temp > std::numeric_limits<ResultType>::max())
return false;
result = static_cast<ResultType>(temp);
return true;
static inline bool equals(int lhs, unsigned rhs)
return static_cast<int64_t>(lhs) == static_cast<int64_t>(rhs);
template <typename ResultType> struct ArithmeticOperations<unsigned, int, ResultType, false, true> {
static inline bool add(int64_t lhs, int64_t rhs, ResultType& result)
return ArithmeticOperations<int, unsigned, ResultType>::add(rhs, lhs, result);
static inline bool sub(int64_t lhs, int64_t rhs, ResultType& result)
return ArithmeticOperations<int, unsigned, ResultType>::sub(lhs, rhs, result);
static inline bool multiply(int64_t lhs, int64_t rhs, ResultType& result)
return ArithmeticOperations<int, unsigned, ResultType>::multiply(rhs, lhs, result);
static inline bool equals(unsigned lhs, int rhs)
return ArithmeticOperations<int, unsigned, ResultType>::equals(rhs, lhs);
template <typename U, typename V, typename R> static inline bool safeAdd(U lhs, V rhs, R& result)
return ArithmeticOperations<U, V, R>::add(lhs, rhs, result);
template <typename U, typename V, typename R> static inline bool safeSub(U lhs, V rhs, R& result)
return ArithmeticOperations<U, V, R>::sub(lhs, rhs, result);
template <typename U, typename V, typename R> static inline bool safeMultiply(U lhs, V rhs, R& result)
return ArithmeticOperations<U, V, R>::multiply(lhs, rhs, result);
template <typename U, typename V> static inline bool safeEquals(U lhs, V rhs)
return ArithmeticOperations<U, V>::equals(lhs, rhs);
enum ResultOverflowedTag { ResultOverflowed };
template <typename T, class OverflowHandler> class Checked : public OverflowHandler {
template <typename _T, class _OverflowHandler> friend class Checked;
: m_value(0)
: m_value(0)
template <typename U> Checked(U value)
if (!isInBounds<T>(value))
m_value = static_cast<T>(value);
template <typename V> Checked(const Checked<T, V>& rhs)
: m_value(rhs.m_value)
if (rhs.hasOverflowed())
template <typename U> Checked(const Checked<U, OverflowHandler>& rhs)
: OverflowHandler(rhs)
if (!isInBounds<T>(rhs.m_value))
m_value = static_cast<T>(rhs.m_value);
template <typename U, typename V> Checked(const Checked<U, V>& rhs)
if (rhs.hasOverflowed())
if (!isInBounds<T>(rhs.m_value))
m_value = static_cast<T>(rhs.m_value);
const Checked& operator=(Checked rhs)
if (rhs.hasOverflowed())
m_value = static_cast<T>(rhs.m_value);
return *this;
template <typename U> const Checked& operator=(U value)
return *this = Checked(value);
template <typename U, typename V> const Checked& operator=(const Checked<U, V>& rhs)
return *this = Checked(rhs);
// prefix
const Checked& operator++()
if (m_value == std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
return *this;
const Checked& operator--()
if (m_value == std::numeric_limits<T>::min())
return *this;
// postfix operators
const Checked operator++(int)
if (m_value == std::numeric_limits<T>::max())
return Checked(m_value++);
const Checked operator--(int)
if (m_value == std::numeric_limits<T>::min())
return Checked(m_value--);
// Boolean operators
bool operator!() const
if (this->hasOverflowed())
return !m_value;
explicit operator bool() const
if (this->hasOverflowed())
return m_value;
// Value accessors. unsafeGet() will crash if there's been an overflow.
T unsafeGet() const
if (this->hasOverflowed())
return m_value;
inline CheckedState safeGet(T& value) const WARN_UNUSED_RETURN
value = m_value;
if (this->hasOverflowed())
return CheckedState::DidOverflow;
return CheckedState::DidNotOverflow;
// Mutating assignment
template <typename U> const Checked operator+=(U rhs)
if (!safeAdd(m_value, rhs, m_value))
return *this;
template <typename U> const Checked operator-=(U rhs)
if (!safeSub(m_value, rhs, m_value))
return *this;
template <typename U> const Checked operator*=(U rhs)
if (!safeMultiply(m_value, rhs, m_value))
return *this;
const Checked operator*=(double rhs)
double result = rhs * m_value;
// Handle +/- infinity and NaN
if (!(std::numeric_limits<T>::min() <= result && std::numeric_limits<T>::max() >= result))
m_value = (T)result;
return *this;
const Checked operator*=(float rhs)
return *this *= (double)rhs;
template <typename U, typename V> const Checked operator+=(Checked<U, V> rhs)
if (rhs.hasOverflowed())
return *this += rhs.m_value;
template <typename U, typename V> const Checked operator-=(Checked<U, V> rhs)
if (rhs.hasOverflowed())
return *this -= rhs.m_value;
template <typename U, typename V> const Checked operator*=(Checked<U, V> rhs)
if (rhs.hasOverflowed())
return *this *= rhs.m_value;
// Equality comparisons
template <typename V> bool operator==(Checked<T, V> rhs)
return unsafeGet() == rhs.unsafeGet();
template <typename U> bool operator==(U rhs)
if (this->hasOverflowed())
return safeEquals(m_value, rhs);
template <typename U, typename V> const Checked operator==(Checked<U, V> rhs)
return unsafeGet() == Checked(rhs.unsafeGet());
template <typename U> bool operator!=(U rhs)
return !(*this == rhs);
// Other comparisons
template <typename V> bool operator<(Checked<T, V> rhs) const
return unsafeGet() < rhs.unsafeGet();
bool operator<(T rhs) const
return unsafeGet() < rhs;
template <typename V> bool operator<=(Checked<T, V> rhs) const
return unsafeGet() <= rhs.unsafeGet();
bool operator<=(T rhs) const
return unsafeGet() <= rhs;
template <typename V> bool operator>(Checked<T, V> rhs) const
return unsafeGet() > rhs.unsafeGet();
bool operator>(T rhs) const
return unsafeGet() > rhs;
template <typename V> bool operator>=(Checked<T, V> rhs) const
return unsafeGet() >= rhs.unsafeGet();
bool operator>=(T rhs) const
return unsafeGet() >= rhs;
// Disallow implicit conversion of floating point to integer types
void operator=(float);
void operator=(double);
void operator+=(float);
void operator+=(double);
void operator-=(float);
void operator-=(double);
T m_value;
template <typename U, typename V, typename OverflowHandler> static inline Checked<typename Result<U, V>::ResultType, OverflowHandler> operator+(Checked<U, OverflowHandler> lhs, Checked<V, OverflowHandler> rhs)
U x = 0;
V y = 0;
bool overflowed = lhs.safeGet(x) == CheckedState::DidOverflow || rhs.safeGet(y) == CheckedState::DidOverflow;
typename Result<U, V>::ResultType result = 0;
overflowed |= !safeAdd(x, y, result);
if (overflowed)
return ResultOverflowed;
return result;
template <typename U, typename V, typename OverflowHandler> static inline Checked<typename Result<U, V>::ResultType, OverflowHandler> operator-(Checked<U, OverflowHandler> lhs, Checked<V, OverflowHandler> rhs)
U x = 0;
V y = 0;
bool overflowed = lhs.safeGet(x) == CheckedState::DidOverflow || rhs.safeGet(y) == CheckedState::DidOverflow;
typename Result<U, V>::ResultType result = 0;
overflowed |= !safeSub(x, y, result);
if (overflowed)
return ResultOverflowed;
return result;
template <typename U, typename V, typename OverflowHandler> static inline Checked<typename Result<U, V>::ResultType, OverflowHandler> operator*(Checked<U, OverflowHandler> lhs, Checked<V, OverflowHandler> rhs)
U x = 0;
V y = 0;
bool overflowed = lhs.safeGet(x) == CheckedState::DidOverflow || rhs.safeGet(y) == CheckedState::DidOverflow;
typename Result<U, V>::ResultType result = 0;
overflowed |= !safeMultiply(x, y, result);
if (overflowed)
return ResultOverflowed;
return result;
template <typename U, typename V, typename OverflowHandler> static inline Checked<typename Result<U, V>::ResultType, OverflowHandler> operator+(Checked<U, OverflowHandler> lhs, V rhs)
return lhs + Checked<V, OverflowHandler>(rhs);
template <typename U, typename V, typename OverflowHandler> static inline Checked<typename Result<U, V>::ResultType, OverflowHandler> operator-(Checked<U, OverflowHandler> lhs, V rhs)
return lhs - Checked<V, OverflowHandler>(rhs);
template <typename U, typename V, typename OverflowHandler> static inline Checked<typename Result<U, V>::ResultType, OverflowHandler> operator*(Checked<U, OverflowHandler> lhs, V rhs)
return lhs * Checked<V, OverflowHandler>(rhs);
template <typename U, typename V, typename OverflowHandler> static inline Checked<typename Result<U, V>::ResultType, OverflowHandler> operator+(U lhs, Checked<V, OverflowHandler> rhs)
return Checked<U, OverflowHandler>(lhs) + rhs;
template <typename U, typename V, typename OverflowHandler> static inline Checked<typename Result<U, V>::ResultType, OverflowHandler> operator-(U lhs, Checked<V, OverflowHandler> rhs)
return Checked<U, OverflowHandler>(lhs) - rhs;
template <typename U, typename V, typename OverflowHandler> static inline Checked<typename Result<U, V>::ResultType, OverflowHandler> operator*(U lhs, Checked<V, OverflowHandler> rhs)
return Checked<U, OverflowHandler>(lhs) * rhs;
// Convenience typedefs.
typedef Checked<int8_t, RecordOverflow> CheckedInt8;
typedef Checked<uint8_t, RecordOverflow> CheckedUint8;
typedef Checked<int16_t, RecordOverflow> CheckedInt16;
typedef Checked<uint16_t, RecordOverflow> CheckedUint16;
typedef Checked<int32_t, RecordOverflow> CheckedInt32;
typedef Checked<uint32_t, RecordOverflow> CheckedUint32;
typedef Checked<int64_t, RecordOverflow> CheckedInt64;
typedef Checked<uint64_t, RecordOverflow> CheckedUint64;
typedef Checked<size_t, RecordOverflow> CheckedSize;
template<typename T, typename U>
Checked<T, RecordOverflow> checkedSum(U value)
return Checked<T, RecordOverflow>(value);
template<typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
Checked<T, RecordOverflow> checkedSum(U value, Args... args)
return Checked<T, RecordOverflow>(value) + checkedSum<T>(args...);
// Sometimes, you just want to check if some math would overflow - the code to do the math is
// already in place, and you want to guard it.
template<typename T, typename... Args> bool sumOverflows(Args... args)
return checkedSum<T>(args...).hasOverflowed();
template<typename T, typename U> bool differenceOverflows(U left, U right)
return (Checked<T, RecordOverflow>(left) - Checked<T, RecordOverflow>(right)).hasOverflowed();
template<typename T, typename U>
Checked<T, RecordOverflow> checkedProduct(U value)
return Checked<T, RecordOverflow>(value);
template<typename T, typename U, typename... Args>
Checked<T, RecordOverflow> checkedProduct(U value, Args... args)
return Checked<T, RecordOverflow>(value) * checkedProduct<T>(args...);
// Sometimes, you just want to check if some math would overflow - the code to do the math is
// already in place, and you want to guard it.
template<typename T, typename... Args> bool productOverflows(Args... args)
return checkedProduct<T>(args...).hasOverflowed();
using WTF::Checked;
using WTF::CheckedState;
using WTF::RecordOverflow;
using WTF::CheckedInt8;
using WTF::CheckedUint8;
using WTF::CheckedInt16;
using WTF::CheckedUint16;
using WTF::CheckedInt32;
using WTF::CheckedUint32;
using WTF::CheckedInt64;
using WTF::CheckedUint64;
using WTF::CheckedSize;
using WTF::checkedSum;
using WTF::differenceOverflows;
using WTF::productOverflows;
using WTF::sumOverflows;