blob: 4497db158a0839fe08854b6ad83421ec4e7547a2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* under the License.
#ifndef Atomics_h
#define Atomics_h
#include <atomic>
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
extern "C" void _ReadWriteBarrier(void);
#pragma intrinsic(_ReadWriteBarrier)
#include <windows.h>
#include <intrin.h>
namespace WTF {
ALWAYS_INLINE bool hasFence(std::memory_order order)
return order != std::memory_order_relaxed;
enum class TransactionAbortLikelihood {
// Atomic wraps around std::atomic with the sole purpose of making the compare_exchange
// operations not alter the expected value. This is more in line with how we typically
// use CAS in our code.
// Atomic is a struct without explicitly defined constructors so that it can be
// initialized at compile time.
template<typename T>
struct Atomic {
// Don't pass a non-default value for the order parameter unless you really know
// what you are doing and have thought about it very hard. The cost of seq_cst
// is usually not high enough to justify the risk.
ALWAYS_INLINE T load(std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) const { return value.load(order); }
ALWAYS_INLINE T loadRelaxed() const { return load(std::memory_order_relaxed); }
ALWAYS_INLINE void store(T desired, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) {, order); }
ALWAYS_INLINE bool compareExchangeWeak(T expected, T desired, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
T expectedOrActual = expected;
return value.compare_exchange_weak(expectedOrActual, desired, order);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool compareExchangeWeakRelaxed(T expected, T desired)
return compareExchangeWeak(expected, desired, std::memory_order_relaxed);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool compareExchangeWeak(T expected, T desired, std::memory_order order_success, std::memory_order order_failure)
T expectedOrActual = expected;
return value.compare_exchange_weak(expectedOrActual, desired, order_success, order_failure);
ALWAYS_INLINE T compareExchangeStrong(T expected, T desired, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
T expectedOrActual = expected;
value.compare_exchange_strong(expectedOrActual, desired, order);
return expectedOrActual;
ALWAYS_INLINE T compareExchangeStrong(T expected, T desired, std::memory_order order_success, std::memory_order order_failure)
T expectedOrActual = expected;
value.compare_exchange_strong(expectedOrActual, desired, order_success, order_failure);
return expectedOrActual;
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE T exchangeAdd(U operand, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) { return value.fetch_add(operand, order); }
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE T exchangeAnd(U operand, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) { return value.fetch_and(operand, order); }
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE T exchangeOr(U operand, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) { return value.fetch_or(operand, order); }
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE T exchangeSub(U operand, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) { return value.fetch_sub(operand, order); }
template<typename U>
ALWAYS_INLINE T exchangeXor(U operand, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) { return value.fetch_xor(operand, order); }
ALWAYS_INLINE T exchange(T newValue, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst) { return, order); }
ALWAYS_INLINE T loadLink(std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst);
ALWAYS_INLINE bool storeCond(T value, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst);
#endif // HAVE(LL_SC)
ALWAYS_INLINE T prepare(std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return loadLink(order);
return load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
static const bool prepareIsFast = false;
static const bool prepareIsFast = true;
ALWAYS_INLINE bool attempt(T oldValue, T newValue, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return storeCond(newValue, order);
return compareExchangeWeak(oldValue, newValue, order);
template<typename Func>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool transaction(const Func& func, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst, TransactionAbortLikelihood abortLikelihood = TransactionAbortLikelihood::Likely)
// If preparing is not fast then we want to skip the loop when func would fail.
if (!prepareIsFast && abortLikelihood == TransactionAbortLikelihood::Likely) {
T oldValue = load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
// Note: many funcs will constant-fold to true, which will kill all of this code.
if (!func(oldValue))
return false;
for (;;) {
T oldValue = prepare(order);
T newValue = oldValue;
if (!func(newValue))
return false;
if (attempt(oldValue, newValue, order))
return true;
template<typename Func>
ALWAYS_INLINE bool transactionRelaxed(const Func& func, TransactionAbortLikelihood abortLikelihood = TransactionAbortLikelihood::Likely)
return transaction(func, std::memory_order_relaxed, abortLikelihood);
std::atomic<T> value;
#if CPU(ARM64) && HAVE(LL_SC)
#define DEFINE_LL_SC(width, modifier, suffix) \
template<> \
ALWAYS_INLINE uint ## width ## _t Atomic<uint ## width ##_t>::loadLink(std::memory_order order) \
{ \
int ## width ## _t result; \
if (hasFence(order)) { \
asm volatile ( \
"ldaxr" suffix " %" modifier "0, [%1]" \
: "=r"(result) \
: "r"(this) \
: "memory"); \
} else { \
asm ( \
"ldxr" suffix " %" modifier "0, [%1]" \
: "=r"(result) \
: "r"(this) \
: "memory"); \
} \
return result; \
} \
template<> \
ALWAYS_INLINE bool Atomic<uint ## width ## _t>::storeCond(uint ## width ## _t value, std::memory_order order) \
{ \
bool result; \
if (hasFence(order)) { \
asm volatile ( \
"stlxr" suffix " %w0, %" modifier "1, [%2]" \
: "=&r"(result) \
: "r"(value), "r"(this) \
: "memory"); \
} else { \
asm ( \
"stxr" suffix " %w0, %" modifier "1, [%2]" \
: "=&r"(result) \
: "r"(value), "r"(this) \
: "memory"); \
} \
return !result; \
} \
template<> \
ALWAYS_INLINE int ## width ## _t Atomic<int ## width ## _t>::loadLink(std::memory_order order) \
{ \
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<uint ## width ## _t>*>(this)->loadLink(order); \
} \
template<> \
ALWAYS_INLINE bool Atomic<int ## width ## _t>::storeCond(int ## width ## _t value, std::memory_order order) \
{ \
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<uint ## width ## _t>*>(this)->storeCond(value, order); \
DEFINE_LL_SC(8, "w", "b")
DEFINE_LL_SC(16, "w", "h")
DEFINE_LL_SC(32, "w", "")
DEFINE_LL_SC(64, "", "")
DEFINE_LL_SC(ptr, "", "")
#endif // CPU(ARM64) && HAVE(LL_SC)
template<typename T>
inline T atomicLoad(T* location, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->load(order);
template<typename T>
inline void atomicStore(T* location, T newValue, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->store(newValue, order);
template<typename T>
inline bool atomicCompareExchangeWeak(T* location, T expected, T newValue, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->compareExchangeWeak(expected, newValue, order);
template<typename T>
inline bool atomicCompareExchangeWeakRelaxed(T* location, T expected, T newValue)
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->compareExchangeWeakRelaxed(expected, newValue);
template<typename T>
inline T atomicCompareExchangeStrong(T* location, T expected, T newValue, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->compareExchangeStrong(expected, newValue, order);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline T atomicExchangeAdd(T* location, U operand, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->exchangeAdd(operand, order);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline T atomicExchangeAnd(T* location, U operand, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->exchangeAnd(operand, order);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline T atomicExchangeOr(T* location, U operand, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->exchangeOr(operand, order);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline T atomicExchangeSub(T* location, U operand, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->exchangeSub(operand, order);
template<typename T, typename U>
inline T atomicExchangeXor(T* location, U operand, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->exchangeXor(operand, order);
template<typename T>
inline T atomicExchange(T* location, T newValue, std::memory_order order = std::memory_order_seq_cst)
return bitwise_cast<Atomic<T>*>(location)->exchange(newValue, order);
// Just a compiler fence. Has no effect on the hardware, but tells the compiler
// not to move things around this call. Should not affect the compiler's ability
// to do things like register allocation and code motion over pure operations.
inline void compilerFence()
asm volatile("" ::: "memory");
// Full memory fence. No accesses will float above this, and no accesses will sink
// below it.
inline void arm_dmb()
asm volatile("dmb ish" ::: "memory");
// Like the above, but only affects stores.
inline void arm_dmb_st()
asm volatile("dmb ishst" ::: "memory");
inline void arm_isb()
asm volatile("isb" ::: "memory");
inline void loadLoadFence() { arm_dmb(); }
inline void loadStoreFence() { arm_dmb(); }
inline void storeLoadFence() { arm_dmb(); }
inline void storeStoreFence() { arm_dmb_st(); }
inline void memoryBarrierAfterLock() { arm_dmb(); }
inline void memoryBarrierBeforeUnlock() { arm_dmb(); }
inline void crossModifyingCodeFence() { arm_isb(); }
#elif CPU(X86) || CPU(X86_64)
inline void x86_ortop()
#elif CPU(X86_64)
// This has acqrel semantics and is much cheaper than mfence. For exampe, in the JSC GC, using
// mfence as a store-load fence was a 9% slow-down on Octane/splay while using this was neutral.
asm volatile("lock; orl $0, (%%rsp)" ::: "memory");
asm volatile("lock; orl $0, (%%esp)" ::: "memory");
inline void x86_cpuid()
int info[4];
__cpuid(info, 0);
#elif CPU(X86)
// GCC 4.9 on x86 in PIC mode can't use %ebx, so we have to save and restore it manually.
// But since we don't care about what cpuid returns (we use it as a serializing instruction),
// we can simply throw away what cpuid put in %ebx.
intptr_t a = 0, c, d;
asm volatile(
"pushl %%ebx\n\t"
"popl %%ebx\n\t"
: "+a"(a), "=c"(c), "=d"(d)
: "memory");
intptr_t a = 0, b, c, d;
asm volatile(
: "+a"(a), "=b"(b), "=c"(c), "=d"(d)
: "memory");
inline void loadLoadFence() { compilerFence(); }
inline void loadStoreFence() { compilerFence(); }
inline void storeLoadFence() { x86_ortop(); }
inline void storeStoreFence() { compilerFence(); }
inline void memoryBarrierAfterLock() { compilerFence(); }
inline void memoryBarrierBeforeUnlock() { compilerFence(); }
inline void crossModifyingCodeFence() { x86_cpuid(); }
inline void loadLoadFence() { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst); }
inline void loadStoreFence() { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst); }
inline void storeLoadFence() { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst); }
inline void storeStoreFence() { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst); }
inline void memoryBarrierAfterLock() { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst); }
inline void memoryBarrierBeforeUnlock() { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst); }
inline void crossModifyingCodeFence() { std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_seq_cst); } // Probably not strong enough.
typedef unsigned Dependency;
ALWAYS_INLINE Dependency nullDependency()
return 0;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 8>::type* = nullptr>
ALWAYS_INLINE Dependency dependency(T value)
unsigned dependency;
uint64_t copy = bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(value);
#if CPU(ARM64)
// Create a magical zero value through inline assembly, whose computation
// isn't visible to the optimizer. This zero is then usable as an offset in
// further address computations: adding zero does nothing, but the compiler
// doesn't know it. It's magical because it creates an address dependency
// from the load of `location` to the uses of the dependency, which triggers
// the ARM ISA's address dependency rule, a.k.a. the mythical C++ consume
// ordering. This forces weak memory order CPUs to observe `location` and
// dependent loads in their store order without the reader using a barrier
// or an acquire load.
asm("eor %w[dependency], %w[in], %w[in]"
: [dependency] "=r"(dependency)
: [in] "r"(copy));
#elif CPU(ARM)
asm("eor %[dependency], %[in], %[in]"
: [dependency] "=r"(dependency)
: [in] "r"(copy));
// No dependency is needed for this architecture.
dependency = 0;
return dependency;
// FIXME: This code is almost identical to the other dependency() overload.
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 4>::type* = nullptr>
ALWAYS_INLINE Dependency dependency(T value)
unsigned dependency;
uint32_t copy = bitwise_cast<uint32_t>(value);
#if CPU(ARM64)
asm("eor %w[dependency], %w[in], %w[in]"
: [dependency] "=r"(dependency)
: [in] "r"(copy));
#elif CPU(ARM)
asm("eor %[dependency], %[in], %[in]"
: [dependency] "=r"(dependency)
: [in] "r"(copy));
dependency = 0;
return dependency;
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 2>::type* = nullptr>
ALWAYS_INLINE Dependency dependency(T value)
return dependency(static_cast<uint32_t>(value));
template <typename T, typename std::enable_if<sizeof(T) == 1>::type* = nullptr>
ALWAYS_INLINE Dependency dependency(T value)
return dependency(static_cast<uint32_t>(value));
template<typename T>
struct DependencyWith {
: dependency(nullDependency())
, value()
DependencyWith(Dependency dependency, const T& value)
: dependency(dependency)
, value(value)
Dependency dependency;
T value;
template<typename T>
inline DependencyWith<T> dependencyWith(Dependency dependency, const T& value)
return DependencyWith<T>(dependency, value);
template<typename T>
inline T* consume(T* pointer, Dependency dependency)
#if CPU(ARM64) || CPU(ARM)
return bitwise_cast<T*>(bitwise_cast<char*>(pointer) + dependency);
return pointer;
} // namespace WTF
using WTF::Atomic;
using WTF::Dependency;
using WTF::DependencyWith;
using WTF::TransactionAbortLikelihood;
using WTF::consume;
using WTF::dependency;
using WTF::dependencyWith;
using WTF::nullDependency;
#endif // Atomics_h