blob: 1dc23e30dfc29a1685858703c58c905f741f8a77 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#pragma once
#include "DFGGraph.h"
namespace JSC { namespace DFG {
template<typename AbstractStateType>
class SafeToExecuteEdge {
SafeToExecuteEdge(AbstractStateType& state)
: m_state(state)
, m_result(true)
void operator()(Node*, Edge edge)
switch (edge.useKind()) {
case UntypedUse:
case Int32Use:
case DoubleRepUse:
case DoubleRepRealUse:
case Int52RepUse:
case NumberUse:
case RealNumberUse:
case BooleanUse:
case CellUse:
case CellOrOtherUse:
case ObjectUse:
case ArrayUse:
case FunctionUse:
case FinalObjectUse:
case RegExpObjectUse:
case ProxyObjectUse:
case DerivedArrayUse:
case MapObjectUse:
case SetObjectUse:
case ObjectOrOtherUse:
case StringIdentUse:
case StringUse:
case StringOrOtherUse:
case SymbolUse:
case StringObjectUse:
case StringOrStringObjectUse:
case NotStringVarUse:
case NotCellUse:
case OtherUse:
case MiscUse:
case AnyIntUse:
case DoubleRepAnyIntUse:
case KnownInt32Use:
if (m_state.forNode(edge).m_type & ~SpecInt32Only)
m_result = false;
case KnownBooleanUse:
if (m_state.forNode(edge).m_type & ~SpecBoolean)
m_result = false;
case KnownCellUse:
if (m_state.forNode(edge).m_type & ~SpecCell)
m_result = false;
case KnownStringUse:
if (m_state.forNode(edge).m_type & ~SpecString)
m_result = false;
case KnownPrimitiveUse:
if (m_state.forNode(edge).m_type & ~(SpecHeapTop & ~SpecObject))
m_result = false;
case LastUseKind:
bool result() const { return m_result; }
AbstractStateType& m_state;
bool m_result;
// Determines if it's safe to execute a node within the given abstract state. This may
// return false conservatively. If it returns true, then you can hoist the given node
// up to the given point and expect that it will not crash. It also guarantees that the
// node will not produce a malformed JSValue or object pointer when executed in the
// given state. But this doesn't guarantee that the node will produce the result you
// wanted. For example, you may have a GetByOffset from a prototype that only makes
// semantic sense if you've also checked that some nearer prototype doesn't also have
// a property of the same name. This could still return true even if that check hadn't
// been performed in the given abstract state. That's fine though: the load can still
// safely execute before that check, so long as that check continues to guard any
// user-observable things done to the loaded value.
template<typename AbstractStateType>
bool safeToExecute(AbstractStateType& state, Graph& graph, Node* node)
SafeToExecuteEdge<AbstractStateType> safeToExecuteEdge(state);
DFG_NODE_DO_TO_CHILDREN(graph, node, safeToExecuteEdge);
if (!safeToExecuteEdge.result())
return false;
// NOTE: This tends to lie when it comes to effectful nodes, because it knows that they aren't going to
// get hoisted anyway.
switch (node->op()) {
case JSConstant:
case DoubleConstant:
case Int52Constant:
case LazyJSConstant:
case Identity:
case ToThis:
case CreateThis:
case GetCallee:
case GetArgumentCountIncludingThis:
case GetRestLength:
case GetLocal:
case SetLocal:
case PutStack:
case KillStack:
case GetStack:
case MovHint:
case ZombieHint:
case ExitOK:
case Phantom:
case Upsilon:
case Phi:
case Flush:
case PhantomLocal:
case GetLocalUnlinked:
case SetArgument:
case BitAnd:
case BitOr:
case BitXor:
case BitLShift:
case BitRShift:
case BitURShift:
case ValueToInt32:
case UInt32ToNumber:
case DoubleAsInt32:
case ArithAdd:
case ArithClz32:
case ArithSub:
case ArithNegate:
case ArithMul:
case ArithIMul:
case ArithDiv:
case ArithMod:
case ArithAbs:
case ArithMin:
case ArithMax:
case ArithPow:
case ArithRandom:
case ArithSqrt:
case ArithFRound:
case ArithRound:
case ArithFloor:
case ArithCeil:
case ArithTrunc:
case ArithSin:
case ArithCos:
case ArithTan:
case ArithLog:
case ValueAdd:
case TryGetById:
case DeleteById:
case DeleteByVal:
case GetById:
case GetByIdWithThis:
case GetByValWithThis:
case GetByIdFlush:
case PutById:
case PutByIdFlush:
case PutByIdWithThis:
case PutByValWithThis:
case PutByIdDirect:
case PutGetterById:
case PutSetterById:
case PutGetterSetterById:
case PutGetterByVal:
case PutSetterByVal:
case DefineDataProperty:
case DefineAccessorProperty:
case CheckStructure:
case GetExecutable:
case GetButterfly:
case CallDOMGetter:
case CallDOM:
case CheckDOM:
case CheckArray:
case Arrayify:
case ArrayifyToStructure:
case GetScope:
case SkipScope:
case GetGlobalObject:
case GetClosureVar:
case PutClosureVar:
case GetGlobalVar:
case GetGlobalLexicalVariable:
case PutGlobalVariable:
case CheckCell:
case CheckBadCell:
case CheckNotEmpty:
case CheckStringIdent:
case RegExpExec:
case RegExpTest:
case CompareLess:
case CompareLessEq:
case CompareGreater:
case CompareGreaterEq:
case CompareEq:
case CompareStrictEq:
case CompareEqPtr:
case Call:
case DirectCall:
case TailCallInlinedCaller:
case DirectTailCallInlinedCaller:
case Construct:
case DirectConstruct:
case CallVarargs:
case CallEval:
case TailCallVarargsInlinedCaller:
case TailCallForwardVarargsInlinedCaller:
case ConstructVarargs:
case LoadVarargs:
case CallForwardVarargs:
case ConstructForwardVarargs:
case NewObject:
case NewArray:
case NewArrayWithSize:
case NewArrayBuffer:
case NewArrayWithSpread:
case Spread:
case NewRegexp:
case ProfileType:
case ProfileControlFlow:
case CheckTypeInfoFlags:
case ParseInt:
case OverridesHasInstance:
case InstanceOf:
case InstanceOfCustom:
case IsEmpty:
case IsUndefined:
case IsBoolean:
case IsNumber:
case IsObject:
case IsObjectOrNull:
case IsFunction:
case IsCellWithType:
case IsTypedArrayView:
case TypeOf:
case LogicalNot:
case CallObjectConstructor:
case ToPrimitive:
case ToString:
case ToNumber:
case SetFunctionName:
case StrCat:
case CallStringConstructor:
case NewStringObject:
case MakeRope:
case In:
case HasOwnProperty:
case CreateActivation:
case CreateDirectArguments:
case CreateScopedArguments:
case CreateClonedArguments:
case GetFromArguments:
case GetArgument:
case PutToArguments:
case NewFunction:
case NewGeneratorFunction:
case NewAsyncFunction:
case Jump:
case Branch:
case Switch:
case Return:
case TailCall:
case DirectTailCall:
case TailCallVarargs:
case TailCallForwardVarargs:
case Throw:
case ThrowStaticError:
case CountExecution:
case ForceOSRExit:
case CheckTraps:
case LogShadowChickenPrologue:
case LogShadowChickenTail:
case StringFromCharCode:
case NewTypedArray:
case Unreachable:
case ExtractOSREntryLocal:
case CheckTierUpInLoop:
case CheckTierUpAtReturn:
case CheckTierUpAndOSREnter:
case LoopHint:
case InvalidationPoint:
case NotifyWrite:
case CheckInBounds:
case ConstantStoragePointer:
case Check:
case MultiPutByOffset:
case ValueRep:
case DoubleRep:
case Int52Rep:
case BooleanToNumber:
case FiatInt52:
case GetGetter:
case GetSetter:
case GetEnumerableLength:
case HasGenericProperty:
case HasStructureProperty:
case HasIndexedProperty:
case GetDirectPname:
case GetPropertyEnumerator:
case GetEnumeratorStructurePname:
case GetEnumeratorGenericPname:
case ToIndexString:
case PhantomNewObject:
case PhantomNewFunction:
case PhantomNewGeneratorFunction:
case PhantomNewAsyncFunction:
case PhantomCreateActivation:
case PutHint:
case CheckStructureImmediate:
case MaterializeNewObject:
case MaterializeCreateActivation:
case PhantomDirectArguments:
case PhantomCreateRest:
case PhantomSpread:
case PhantomNewArrayWithSpread:
case PhantomClonedArguments:
case GetMyArgumentByVal:
case GetMyArgumentByValOutOfBounds:
case ForwardVarargs:
case CreateRest:
case StringReplace:
case StringReplaceRegExp:
case GetRegExpObjectLastIndex:
case SetRegExpObjectLastIndex:
case RecordRegExpCachedResult:
case GetDynamicVar:
case PutDynamicVar:
case ResolveScope:
case MapHash:
case ToLowerCase:
case GetMapBucket:
case LoadFromJSMapBucket:
case IsNonEmptyMapBucket:
return true;
case ArraySlice: {
// You could plausibly move this code around as long as you proved the
// incoming array base structure is an original array at the hoisted location.
// Instead of doing that extra work, we just conservatively return false.
return false;
case BottomValue:
// If in doubt, assume that this isn't safe to execute, just because we have no way of
// compiling this node.
return false;
case StoreBarrier:
case FencedStoreBarrier:
case PutStructure:
case NukeStructureAndSetButterfly:
// We conservatively assume that these cannot be put anywhere, which forces the compiler to
// keep them exactly where they were. This is sort of overkill since the clobberize effects
// already force these things to be ordered precisely. I'm just not confident enough in my
// effect based memory model to rely solely on that right now.
return false;
case GetByVal:
case GetIndexedPropertyStorage:
case GetArrayLength:
case ArrayPush:
case ArrayPop:
case StringCharAt:
case StringCharCodeAt:
return node->arrayMode().alreadyChecked(graph, node, state.forNode(node->child1()));
case GetTypedArrayByteOffset:
return !(state.forNode(node->child1()).m_type & ~(SpecTypedArrayView));
case PutByValDirect:
case PutByVal:
case PutByValAlias:
return node->arrayMode().modeForPut().alreadyChecked(
graph, node, state.forNode(graph.varArgChild(node, 0)));
case AllocatePropertyStorage:
case ReallocatePropertyStorage:
return state.forNode(node->child1()).m_structure.isSubsetOf(
case GetByOffset:
case GetGetterSetterByOffset:
case PutByOffset: {
PropertyOffset offset = node->storageAccessData().offset;
if (state.structureClobberState() == StructuresAreWatched) {
if (JSObject* knownBase = node->child1()->dynamicCastConstant<JSObject*>(graph.m_vm)) {
if (graph.isSafeToLoad(knownBase, offset))
return true;
StructureAbstractValue& value = state.forNode(node->child1()).m_structure;
if (value.isInfinite())
return false;
for (unsigned i = value.size(); i--;) {
if (!value[i]->isValidOffset(offset))
return false;
return true;
case MultiGetByOffset: {
// We can't always guarantee that the MultiGetByOffset is safe to execute if it
// contains loads from prototypes. If the load requires a check in IR, which is rare, then
// we currently claim that we don't know if it's safe to execute because finding that
// check in the abstract state would be hard. If the load requires watchpoints, we just
// check if we're not in a clobbered state (i.e. in between a side effect and an
// invalidation point).
for (const MultiGetByOffsetCase& getCase : node->multiGetByOffsetData().cases) {
GetByOffsetMethod method = getCase.method();
switch (method.kind()) {
case GetByOffsetMethod::Invalid:
case GetByOffsetMethod::Constant: // OK because constants are always safe to execute.
case GetByOffsetMethod::Load: // OK because the MultiGetByOffset has its own checks for loading from self.
case GetByOffsetMethod::LoadFromPrototype:
// Only OK if the state isn't clobbered. That's almost always the case.
if (state.structureClobberState() != StructuresAreWatched)
return false;
if (!graph.isSafeToLoad(method.prototype()->cast<JSObject*>(), method.offset()))
return false;
return true;
case LastNodeType:
return false;
return false;
} } // namespace JSC::DFG
#endif // ENABLE(DFG_JIT)