blob: cc6a2ef14ceaec53f33b1cca5b39c3160163f108 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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* under the License.
#pragma once
#include "DFGNodeFlags.h"
namespace JSC { namespace DFG {
// This macro defines a set of information about all known node types, used to populate NodeId, NodeType below.
#define FOR_EACH_DFG_OP(macro) \
/* A constant in the CodeBlock's constant pool. */\
macro(JSConstant, NodeResultJS) \
/* Constants with specific representations. */\
macro(DoubleConstant, NodeResultDouble) \
macro(Int52Constant, NodeResultInt52) \
/* Lazy JSValue constant. We don't know the JSValue bits of it yet. */\
macro(LazyJSConstant, NodeResultJS) \
/* Marker to indicate that an operation was optimized entirely and all that is left */\
/* is to make one node alias another. CSE will later usually eliminate this node, */\
/* though it may choose not to if it would corrupt predictions (very rare). */\
macro(Identity, NodeResultJS) \
/* Nodes for handling functions (both as call and as construct). */\
macro(ToThis, NodeResultJS) \
macro(CreateThis, NodeResultJS) /* Note this is not MustGenerate since we're returning it anyway. */ \
macro(GetCallee, NodeResultJS) \
macro(GetArgumentCountIncludingThis, NodeResultInt32) \
/* Nodes for local variable access. These nodes are linked together using Phi nodes. */\
/* Any two nodes that are part of the same Phi graph will share the same */\
/* VariableAccessData, and thus will share predictions. FIXME: We should come up with */\
/* better names for a lot of these. */\
/* Note that GetLocal is MustGenerate because it's our only way of knowing that some other */\
/* basic block might have read a local variable in bytecode. We only remove GetLocals if it */\
/* is redundant because of an earlier GetLocal or SetLocal in the same block. We could make */\
/* these not MustGenerate and use a more sophisticated analysis to insert PhantomLocals in */\
/* the same way that we insert Phantoms. That's hard and probably not profitable. See */\
/* */\
macro(GetLocal, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(SetLocal, 0) \
macro(PutStack, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(KillStack, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetStack, NodeResultJS) \
macro(MovHint, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ZombieHint, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ExitOK, NodeMustGenerate) /* Indicates that exit state is intact. */ \
macro(Phantom, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(Check, NodeMustGenerate) /* Used if we want just a type check but not liveness. Non-checking uses will be removed. */\
macro(Upsilon, 0) \
macro(Phi, 0) \
macro(Flush, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PhantomLocal, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Hint that this is where bytecode thinks is a good place to OSR. Note that this */\
/* will exist even in inlined loops. This has no execution semantics but it must */\
/* survive all DCE. We treat this as being a can-exit because tier-up to FTL may */\
/* want all state. */\
macro(LoopHint, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Special node for OSR entry into the FTL. Indicates that we're loading a local */\
/* variable from the scratch buffer. */\
macro(ExtractOSREntryLocal, NodeResultJS) \
/* Tier-up checks from the DFG to the FTL. */\
macro(CheckTierUpInLoop, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CheckTierUpAndOSREnter, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CheckTierUpAtReturn, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Get the value of a local variable, without linking into the VariableAccessData */\
/* network. This is only valid for variable accesses whose predictions originated */\
/* as something other than a local access, and thus had their own profiling. */\
macro(GetLocalUnlinked, NodeResultJS) \
/* Marker for an argument being set at the prologue of a function. */\
macro(SetArgument, 0) \
/* Marker of location in the IR where we may possibly perform jump replacement to */\
/* invalidate this code block. */\
macro(InvalidationPoint, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Nodes for bitwise operations. */\
macro(BitAnd, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(BitOr, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(BitXor, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(BitLShift, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(BitRShift, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(BitURShift, NodeResultInt32) \
/* Bitwise operators call ToInt32 on their operands. */\
macro(ValueToInt32, NodeResultInt32) \
/* Used to box the result of URShift nodes (result has range 0..2^32-1). */\
macro(UInt32ToNumber, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Converts booleans to numbers but passes everything else through. */\
macro(BooleanToNumber, NodeResultJS) \
/* Attempt to truncate a double to int32; this will exit if it can't do it. */\
macro(DoubleAsInt32, NodeResultInt32) \
/* Change the representation of a value. */\
macro(DoubleRep, NodeResultDouble) \
macro(Int52Rep, NodeResultInt52) \
macro(ValueRep, NodeResultJS) \
/* Bogus type asserting node. Useful for testing, disappears during Fixup. */\
macro(FiatInt52, NodeResultJS) \
/* Nodes for arithmetic operations. Note that if they do checks other than just type checks, */\
/* then they are MustGenerate. This is probably stricter than it needs to be - for example */\
/* they won't do checks if they are speculated double. Also, we could kill these if we do it */\
/* before AI starts eliminating downstream operations based on proofs, for example in the */\
/* case of "var tmp = a + b; return (tmp | 0) == tmp;". If a, b are speculated integer then */\
/* this is only true if we do the overflow check - hence the need to keep it alive. More */\
/* generally, we need to keep alive any operation whose checks cause filtration in AI. */\
macro(ArithAdd, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithClz32, NodeResultInt32 | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithSub, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithNegate, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithMul, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithIMul, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(ArithDiv, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithMod, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithAbs, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithMin, NodeResultNumber) \
macro(ArithMax, NodeResultNumber) \
macro(ArithFRound, NodeResultDouble | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithPow, NodeResultDouble) \
macro(ArithRandom, NodeResultDouble | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithRound, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithFloor, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithCeil, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithTrunc, NodeResultNumber | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithSqrt, NodeResultDouble | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithSin, NodeResultDouble | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithCos, NodeResultDouble | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithTan, NodeResultDouble | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArithLog, NodeResultDouble | NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Add of values may either be arithmetic, or result in string concatenation. */\
macro(ValueAdd, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Add of values that always convers its inputs to strings. May have two or three kids. */\
macro(StrCat, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Property access. */\
/* PutByValAlias indicates a 'put' aliases a prior write to the same property. */\
/* Since a put to 'length' may invalidate optimizations here, */\
/* this must be the directly subsequent property put. Note that PutByVal */\
/* opcodes use VarArgs beause they may have up to 4 children. */\
macro(GetByVal, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetByValWithThis, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetMyArgumentByVal, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetMyArgumentByValOutOfBounds, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(LoadVarargs, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ForwardVarargs, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutByValDirect, NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(PutByVal, NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(PutByValAlias, NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(TryGetById, NodeResultJS) \
macro(GetById, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetByIdFlush, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetByIdWithThis, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutById, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutByIdFlush, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutByIdDirect, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutByIdWithThis, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutByValWithThis, NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(PutGetterById, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutSetterById, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutGetterSetterById, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutGetterByVal, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutSetterByVal, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(DefineDataProperty, NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(DefineAccessorProperty, NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(DeleteById, NodeResultBoolean | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(DeleteByVal, NodeResultBoolean | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CheckStructure, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetExecutable, NodeResultJS) \
macro(PutStructure, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(AllocatePropertyStorage, NodeMustGenerate | NodeResultStorage) \
macro(ReallocatePropertyStorage, NodeMustGenerate | NodeResultStorage) \
macro(GetButterfly, NodeResultStorage) \
macro(NukeStructureAndSetButterfly, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CheckArray, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(Arrayify, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArrayifyToStructure, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetIndexedPropertyStorage, NodeResultStorage) \
macro(ConstantStoragePointer, NodeResultStorage) \
macro(GetGetter, NodeResultJS) \
macro(GetSetter, NodeResultJS) \
macro(GetByOffset, NodeResultJS) \
macro(GetGetterSetterByOffset, NodeResultJS) \
macro(MultiGetByOffset, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutByOffset, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(MultiPutByOffset, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetArrayLength, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(GetTypedArrayByteOffset, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(GetScope, NodeResultJS) \
macro(SkipScope, NodeResultJS) \
macro(ResolveScope, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetGlobalObject, NodeResultJS) \
macro(GetClosureVar, NodeResultJS) \
macro(PutClosureVar, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetGlobalVar, NodeResultJS) \
macro(GetGlobalLexicalVariable, NodeResultJS) \
macro(PutGlobalVariable, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetDynamicVar, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutDynamicVar, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(NotifyWrite, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetRegExpObjectLastIndex, NodeResultJS) \
macro(SetRegExpObjectLastIndex, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(RecordRegExpCachedResult, NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(CheckCell, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CheckNotEmpty, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CheckBadCell, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CheckInBounds, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CheckStringIdent, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CheckTypeInfoFlags, NodeMustGenerate) /* Takes an OpInfo with the flags you want to test are set */\
macro(ParseInt, NodeMustGenerate | NodeResultJS) \
/* Optimizations for array mutation. */\
macro(ArrayPush, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArrayPop, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ArraySlice, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
/* Optimizations for regular expression matching. */\
macro(RegExpExec, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(RegExpTest, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(StringReplace, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(StringReplaceRegExp, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Optimizations for string access */ \
macro(StringCharCodeAt, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(StringCharAt, NodeResultJS) \
macro(StringFromCharCode, NodeResultJS) \
/* Nodes for comparison operations. */\
macro(CompareLess, NodeResultBoolean | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CompareLessEq, NodeResultBoolean | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CompareGreater, NodeResultBoolean | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CompareGreaterEq, NodeResultBoolean | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CompareEq, NodeResultBoolean | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CompareStrictEq, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(CompareEqPtr, NodeResultBoolean) \
/* Calls. */\
macro(Call, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(DirectCall, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(Construct, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(DirectConstruct, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(CallVarargs, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CallForwardVarargs, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ConstructVarargs, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ConstructForwardVarargs, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(TailCallInlinedCaller, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(DirectTailCallInlinedCaller, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(TailCallVarargsInlinedCaller, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(TailCallForwardVarargsInlinedCaller, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CallEval, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
/* Shadow Chicken */\
macro(LogShadowChickenPrologue, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(LogShadowChickenTail, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Allocations. */\
macro(NewObject, NodeResultJS) \
macro(NewArray, NodeResultJS | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(NewArrayWithSpread, NodeResultJS | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(NewArrayWithSize, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(NewArrayBuffer, NodeResultJS) \
macro(NewTypedArray, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(NewRegexp, NodeResultJS) \
/* Rest Parameter */\
macro(GetRestLength, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(CreateRest, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(Spread, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Support for allocation sinking. */\
macro(PhantomNewObject, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PutHint, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CheckStructureImmediate, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(MaterializeNewObject, NodeResultJS | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(PhantomNewFunction, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PhantomNewGeneratorFunction, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PhantomNewAsyncFunction, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PhantomCreateActivation, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(MaterializeCreateActivation, NodeResultJS | NodeHasVarArgs) \
/* Nodes for misc operations. */\
macro(OverridesHasInstance, NodeMustGenerate | NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(InstanceOf, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(InstanceOfCustom, NodeMustGenerate | NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(IsCellWithType, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(IsEmpty, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(IsUndefined, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(IsBoolean, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(IsNumber, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(IsObject, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(IsObjectOrNull, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(IsFunction, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(IsTypedArrayView, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(TypeOf, NodeResultJS) \
macro(LogicalNot, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(ToPrimitive, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ToString, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ToNumber, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CallObjectConstructor, NodeResultJS) \
macro(CallStringConstructor, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(NewStringObject, NodeResultJS) \
macro(MakeRope, NodeResultJS) \
macro(In, NodeResultBoolean | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ProfileType, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ProfileControlFlow, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(SetFunctionName, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(HasOwnProperty, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(CreateActivation, NodeResultJS) \
macro(CreateDirectArguments, NodeResultJS) \
macro(PhantomDirectArguments, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PhantomCreateRest, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PhantomSpread, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(PhantomNewArrayWithSpread, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(CreateScopedArguments, NodeResultJS) \
macro(CreateClonedArguments, NodeResultJS) \
macro(PhantomClonedArguments, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetFromArguments, NodeResultJS) \
macro(PutToArguments, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(GetArgument, NodeResultJS) \
macro(NewFunction, NodeResultJS) \
macro(NewGeneratorFunction, NodeResultJS) \
macro(NewAsyncFunction, NodeResultJS) \
/* These aren't terminals but always exit */ \
macro(Throw, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(ThrowStaticError, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Block terminals. */\
macro(Jump, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(Branch, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(Switch, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(Return, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(TailCall, NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(DirectTailCall, NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs) \
macro(TailCallVarargs, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(TailCallForwardVarargs, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(Unreachable, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Count execution. */\
macro(CountExecution, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* This is a pseudo-terminal. It means that execution should fall out of DFG at */\
/* this point, but execution does continue in the basic block - just in a */\
/* different compiler. */\
macro(ForceOSRExit, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Vends a bottom JS value. It is invalid to ever execute this. Useful for cases */\
/* where we know that we would have exited but we'd like to still track the control */\
/* flow. */\
macro(BottomValue, NodeResultJS) \
/* Checks for VM traps. If there is a trap, we'll jettison or call operation operationHandleTraps. */ \
macro(CheckTraps, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* Write barriers */\
macro(StoreBarrier, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(FencedStoreBarrier, NodeMustGenerate) \
/* For-in enumeration opcodes */\
macro(GetEnumerableLength, NodeMustGenerate | NodeResultJS) \
macro(HasIndexedProperty, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(HasStructureProperty, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(HasGenericProperty, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(GetDirectPname, NodeMustGenerate | NodeHasVarArgs | NodeResultJS) \
macro(GetPropertyEnumerator, NodeMustGenerate | NodeResultJS) \
macro(GetEnumeratorStructurePname, NodeMustGenerate | NodeResultJS) \
macro(GetEnumeratorGenericPname, NodeMustGenerate | NodeResultJS) \
macro(ToIndexString, NodeResultJS) \
/* Nodes for JSMap and JSSet */ \
macro(MapHash, NodeResultInt32) \
macro(GetMapBucket, NodeResultJS) \
macro(LoadFromJSMapBucket, NodeResultJS) \
macro(IsNonEmptyMapBucket, NodeResultBoolean) \
macro(ToLowerCase, NodeResultJS) \
/* Nodes for DOM JIT */\
macro(CheckDOM, NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CallDOMGetter, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
macro(CallDOM, NodeResultJS | NodeMustGenerate) \
// This enum generates a monotonically increasing id for all Node types,
// and is used by the subsequent enum to fill out the id (as accessed via the NodeIdMask).
enum NodeType {
#define DFG_OP_ENUM(opcode, flags) opcode,
#undef DFG_OP_ENUM
// Specifies the default flags for each node.
inline NodeFlags defaultFlags(NodeType op)
switch (op) {
#define DFG_OP_ENUM(opcode, flags) case opcode: return flags;
#undef DFG_OP_ENUM
return 0;
} } // namespace JSC::DFG
#endif // ENABLE(DFG_JIT)