blob: e0ed14f5c94ff456731a7e2bfc8c9557c93a89c8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#pragma once
#include "DOMJITHeapRange.h"
#include "VirtualRegister.h"
#include <wtf/HashMap.h>
#include <wtf/PrintStream.h>
namespace JSC { namespace DFG {
// Implements a four-level type hierarchy:
// - World is the supertype of all of the things.
// - Stack with a TOP payload is a direct subtype of World
// - Stack with a non-TOP payload is a direct subtype of Stack with a TOP payload.
// - Heap is a direct subtype of World.
// - SideState is a direct subtype of World.
// - Any other kind with TOP payload is the direct subtype of Heap.
// - Any other kind with non-TOP payload is the direct subtype of the same kind with a TOP payload.
macro(InvalidAbstractHeap) \
macro(World) \
macro(Stack) \
macro(Heap) \
macro(Butterfly_publicLength) \
macro(Butterfly_vectorLength) \
macro(GetterSetter_getter) \
macro(GetterSetter_setter) \
macro(JSCell_cellState) \
macro(JSCell_indexingType) \
macro(JSCell_structureID) \
macro(JSCell_typeInfoFlags) \
macro(JSCell_typeInfoType) \
macro(JSObject_butterfly) \
macro(JSPropertyNameEnumerator_cachedPropertyNames) \
macro(RegExpObject_lastIndex) \
macro(NamedProperties) \
macro(IndexedInt32Properties) \
macro(IndexedDoubleProperties) \
macro(IndexedContiguousProperties) \
macro(IndexedArrayStorageProperties) \
macro(ArrayStorageProperties) \
macro(DirectArgumentsProperties) \
macro(ScopeProperties) \
macro(TypedArrayProperties) \
macro(HeapObjectCount) /* Used to reflect the fact that some allocations reveal object identity */\
macro(RegExpState) \
macro(MathDotRandomState) \
macro(InternalState) \
macro(Absolute) \
/* DOMJIT tells the heap range with the pair of integers. */\
macro(DOMState) \
/* Use this for writes only, to indicate that this may fire watchpoints. Usually this is never directly written but instead we test to see if a node clobbers this; it just so happens that you have to write world to clobber it. */\
macro(Watchpoint_fire) \
/* Use these for reads only, just to indicate that if the world got clobbered, then this operation will not work. */\
macro(MiscFields) \
/* Use this for writes only, just to indicate that hoisting the node is invalid. This works because we don't hoist anything that has any side effects at all. */\
enum AbstractHeapKind {
class AbstractHeap {
class Payload {
: m_isTop(false)
, m_value(0)
Payload(bool isTop, int64_t value)
: m_isTop(isTop)
, m_value(value)
ASSERT(!(isTop && value));
Payload(int64_t value)
: m_isTop(false)
, m_value(value)
Payload(const void* pointer)
: m_isTop(false)
, m_value(bitwise_cast<intptr_t>(pointer))
Payload(VirtualRegister operand)
: m_isTop(false)
, m_value(operand.offset())
static Payload top() { return Payload(true, 0); }
bool isTop() const { return m_isTop; }
int64_t value() const
return valueImpl();
int64_t valueImpl() const
return m_value;
int32_t value32() const
return static_cast<int32_t>(value());
bool operator==(const Payload& other) const
return m_isTop == other.m_isTop
&& m_value == other.m_value;
bool operator!=(const Payload& other) const
return !(*this == other);
bool operator<(const Payload& other) const
if (isTop())
return !other.isTop();
if (other.isTop())
return false;
return value() < other.value();
bool isDisjoint(const Payload& other) const
if (isTop())
return false;
if (other.isTop())
return false;
return m_value != other.m_value;
bool overlaps(const Payload& other) const
return !isDisjoint(other);
void dump(PrintStream&) const;
bool m_isTop;
int64_t m_value;
m_value = encode(InvalidAbstractHeap, Payload());
AbstractHeap(AbstractHeapKind kind)
ASSERT(kind != InvalidAbstractHeap);
m_value = encode(kind, Payload::top());
AbstractHeap(AbstractHeapKind kind, Payload payload)
ASSERT(kind != InvalidAbstractHeap && kind != World && kind != Heap && kind != SideState);
m_value = encode(kind, payload);
m_value = encode(InvalidAbstractHeap, Payload::top());
bool operator!() const { return kind() == InvalidAbstractHeap && !payloadImpl().isTop(); }
AbstractHeapKind kind() const { return static_cast<AbstractHeapKind>(m_value & ((1 << topShift) - 1)); }
Payload payload() const
ASSERT(kind() != World && kind() != InvalidAbstractHeap);
return payloadImpl();
AbstractHeap supertype() const
ASSERT(kind() != InvalidAbstractHeap);
switch (kind()) {
case World:
return AbstractHeap();
case Heap:
case SideState:
return World;
if (payload().isTop()) {
if (kind() == Stack)
return World;
return Heap;
return AbstractHeap(kind());
bool isStrictSubtypeOf(const AbstractHeap& other) const
AbstractHeap current = *this;
if (current.kind() == DOMState && other.kind() == DOMState) {
Payload currentPayload = current.payload();
Payload otherPayload = other.payload();
if (currentPayload.isTop())
return false;
if (otherPayload.isTop())
return true;
return DOMJIT::HeapRange::fromRaw(currentPayload.value32()).isStrictSubtypeOf(DOMJIT::HeapRange::fromRaw(otherPayload.value32()));
while (current.kind() != World) {
current = current.supertype();
if (current == other)
return true;
return false;
bool isSubtypeOf(const AbstractHeap& other) const
return *this == other || isStrictSubtypeOf(other);
bool overlaps(const AbstractHeap& other) const
return *this == other || isStrictSubtypeOf(other) || other.isStrictSubtypeOf(*this);
bool isDisjoint(const AbstractHeap& other) const
return !overlaps(other);
unsigned hash() const
return WTF::IntHash<int64_t>::hash(m_value);
bool operator==(const AbstractHeap& other) const
return m_value == other.m_value;
bool operator!=(const AbstractHeap& other) const
return !(*this == other);
bool operator<(const AbstractHeap& other) const
if (kind() != other.kind())
return kind() < other.kind();
return payload() < other.payload();
bool isHashTableDeletedValue() const
return kind() == InvalidAbstractHeap && payloadImpl().isTop();
void dump(PrintStream& out) const;
static const unsigned valueShift = 15;
static const unsigned topShift = 14;
Payload payloadImpl() const
return Payload((m_value >> topShift) & 1, m_value >> valueShift);
static int64_t encode(AbstractHeapKind kind, Payload payload)
int64_t kindAsInt = static_cast<int64_t>(kind);
ASSERT(kindAsInt < (1 << topShift));
return kindAsInt | (static_cast<uint64_t>(payload.isTop()) << topShift) | (bitwise_cast<uint64_t>(payload.valueImpl()) << valueShift);
// The layout of the value is:
// Low 14 bits: the Kind
// 15th bit: whether or not the payload is TOP.
// The upper bits: the payload.value().
int64_t m_value;
struct AbstractHeapHash {
static unsigned hash(const AbstractHeap& key) { return key.hash(); }
static bool equal(const AbstractHeap& a, const AbstractHeap& b) { return a == b; }
static const bool safeToCompareToEmptyOrDeleted = true;
} } // namespace JSC::DFG
namespace WTF {
void printInternal(PrintStream&, JSC::DFG::AbstractHeapKind);
template<typename T> struct DefaultHash;
template<> struct DefaultHash<JSC::DFG::AbstractHeap> {
typedef JSC::DFG::AbstractHeapHash Hash;
template<typename T> struct HashTraits;
template<> struct HashTraits<JSC::DFG::AbstractHeap> : SimpleClassHashTraits<JSC::DFG::AbstractHeap> { };
} // namespace WTF
#endif // ENABLE(DFG_JIT)