blob: 082f6e0720d1598ac235066dcaaa6853665c0c60 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#pragma once
#include "AccessCase.h"
#include "CodeOrigin.h"
#include "JITStubRoutine.h"
#include "JSFunctionInlines.h"
#include "MacroAssembler.h"
#include "ObjectPropertyConditionSet.h"
#include "ScratchRegisterAllocator.h"
#include "Structure.h"
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
namespace JSC {
namespace DOMJIT {
class GetterSetter;
class CodeBlock;
class PolymorphicAccess;
class StructureStubInfo;
class WatchpointsOnStructureStubInfo;
class ScratchRegisterAllocator;
class AccessGenerationResult {
enum Kind {
GeneratedFinalCode // Generated so much code that we never want to generate code again.
AccessGenerationResult(Kind kind)
: m_kind(kind)
RELEASE_ASSERT(kind != GeneratedNewCode);
RELEASE_ASSERT(kind != GeneratedFinalCode);
AccessGenerationResult(Kind kind, MacroAssemblerCodePtr code)
: m_kind(kind)
, m_code(code)
RELEASE_ASSERT(kind == GeneratedNewCode || kind == GeneratedFinalCode);
bool operator==(const AccessGenerationResult& other) const
return m_kind == other.m_kind && m_code == other.m_code;
bool operator!=(const AccessGenerationResult& other) const
return !(*this == other);
explicit operator bool() const
return *this != AccessGenerationResult();
Kind kind() const { return m_kind; }
const MacroAssemblerCodePtr& code() const { return m_code; }
bool madeNoChanges() const { return m_kind == MadeNoChanges; }
bool gaveUp() const { return m_kind == GaveUp; }
bool buffered() const { return m_kind == Buffered; }
bool generatedNewCode() const { return m_kind == GeneratedNewCode; }
bool generatedFinalCode() const { return m_kind == GeneratedFinalCode; }
// If we gave up on this attempt to generate code, or if we generated the "final" code, then we
// should give up after this.
bool shouldGiveUpNow() const { return gaveUp() || generatedFinalCode(); }
bool generatedSomeCode() const { return generatedNewCode() || generatedFinalCode(); }
void dump(PrintStream&) const;
Kind m_kind;
MacroAssemblerCodePtr m_code;
class PolymorphicAccess {
// When this fails (returns GaveUp), this will leave the old stub intact but you should not try
// to call this method again for that PolymorphicAccess instance.
AccessGenerationResult addCases(
VM&, CodeBlock*, StructureStubInfo&, const Identifier&, Vector<std::unique_ptr<AccessCase>, 2>);
AccessGenerationResult addCase(
VM&, CodeBlock*, StructureStubInfo&, const Identifier&, std::unique_ptr<AccessCase>);
AccessGenerationResult regenerate(VM&, CodeBlock*, StructureStubInfo&, const Identifier&);
bool isEmpty() const { return m_list.isEmpty(); }
unsigned size() const { return m_list.size(); }
const AccessCase& at(unsigned i) const { return *m_list[i]; }
const AccessCase& operator[](unsigned i) const { return *m_list[i]; }
// If this returns false then we are requesting a reset of the owning StructureStubInfo.
bool visitWeak(VM&) const;
// This returns true if it has marked everything it will ever marked. This can be used as an
// optimization to then avoid calling this method again during the fixpoint.
bool propagateTransitions(SlotVisitor&) const;
void aboutToDie();
void dump(PrintStream& out) const;
bool containsPC(void* pc) const
if (!m_stubRoutine)
return false;
uintptr_t pcAsInt = bitwise_cast<uintptr_t>(pc);
return m_stubRoutine->startAddress() <= pcAsInt && pcAsInt <= m_stubRoutine->endAddress();
friend class AccessCase;
friend class CodeBlock;
friend struct AccessGenerationState;
typedef Vector<std::unique_ptr<AccessCase>, 2> ListType;
void commit(
VM&, std::unique_ptr<WatchpointsOnStructureStubInfo>&, CodeBlock*, StructureStubInfo&,
const Identifier&, AccessCase&);
MacroAssemblerCodePtr regenerate(
VM&, CodeBlock*, StructureStubInfo&, const Identifier&, ListType& cases);
ListType m_list;
RefPtr<JITStubRoutine> m_stubRoutine;
std::unique_ptr<WatchpointsOnStructureStubInfo> m_watchpoints;
std::unique_ptr<Vector<WriteBarrier<JSCell>>> m_weakReferences;
struct AccessGenerationState {
: m_calculatedRegistersForCallAndExceptionHandling(false)
, m_needsToRestoreRegistersIfException(false)
, m_calculatedCallSiteIndex(false)
CCallHelpers* jit { nullptr };
ScratchRegisterAllocator* allocator;
ScratchRegisterAllocator::PreservedState preservedReusedRegisterState;
PolymorphicAccess* access { nullptr };
StructureStubInfo* stubInfo { nullptr };
MacroAssembler::JumpList success;
MacroAssembler::JumpList failAndRepatch;
MacroAssembler::JumpList failAndIgnore;
GPRReg baseGPR { InvalidGPRReg };
GPRReg thisGPR { InvalidGPRReg };
JSValueRegs valueRegs;
GPRReg scratchGPR { InvalidGPRReg };
const Identifier* ident;
std::unique_ptr<WatchpointsOnStructureStubInfo> watchpoints;
Vector<WriteBarrier<JSCell>> weakReferences;
Watchpoint* addWatchpoint(const ObjectPropertyCondition& = ObjectPropertyCondition());
void restoreScratch();
void succeed();
struct SpillState {
SpillState() = default;
SpillState(RegisterSet&& regs, unsigned usedStackBytes)
: spilledRegisters(WTFMove(regs))
, numberOfStackBytesUsedForRegisterPreservation(usedStackBytes)
RegisterSet spilledRegisters { };
unsigned numberOfStackBytesUsedForRegisterPreservation { std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() };
bool isEmpty() const { return numberOfStackBytesUsedForRegisterPreservation == std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(); }
const RegisterSet& calculateLiveRegistersForCallAndExceptionHandling();
SpillState preserveLiveRegistersToStackForCall(const RegisterSet& extra = RegisterSet());
void restoreLiveRegistersFromStackForCallWithThrownException(const SpillState&);
void restoreLiveRegistersFromStackForCall(const SpillState&, const RegisterSet& dontRestore = RegisterSet());
const RegisterSet& liveRegistersForCall();
CallSiteIndex callSiteIndexForExceptionHandlingOrOriginal();
CallSiteIndex callSiteIndexForExceptionHandling()
return m_callSiteIndex;
const HandlerInfo& originalExceptionHandler();
bool needsToRestoreRegistersIfException() const { return m_needsToRestoreRegistersIfException; }
CallSiteIndex originalCallSiteIndex() const;
void emitExplicitExceptionHandler();
void setSpillStateForJSGetterSetter(SpillState& spillState)
if (!m_spillStateForJSGetterSetter.isEmpty()) {
ASSERT(m_spillStateForJSGetterSetter.numberOfStackBytesUsedForRegisterPreservation == spillState.numberOfStackBytesUsedForRegisterPreservation);
ASSERT(m_spillStateForJSGetterSetter.spilledRegisters == spillState.spilledRegisters);
m_spillStateForJSGetterSetter = spillState;
SpillState spillStateForJSGetterSetter() const { return m_spillStateForJSGetterSetter; }
const RegisterSet& liveRegistersToPreserveAtExceptionHandlingCallSite();
RegisterSet m_liveRegistersToPreserveAtExceptionHandlingCallSite;
RegisterSet m_liveRegistersForCall;
CallSiteIndex m_callSiteIndex { CallSiteIndex(std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max()) };
SpillState m_spillStateForJSGetterSetter;
bool m_calculatedRegistersForCallAndExceptionHandling : 1;
bool m_needsToRestoreRegistersIfException : 1;
bool m_calculatedCallSiteIndex : 1;
} // namespace JSC
namespace WTF {
void printInternal(PrintStream&, JSC::AccessGenerationResult::Kind);
void printInternal(PrintStream&, JSC::AccessCase::AccessType);
void printInternal(PrintStream&, JSC::AccessCase::State);
} // namespace WTF
#endif // ENABLE(JIT)