blob: 6e2fb29b27ffed199156014f9825076492b2df8a [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
#pragma once
#include "ObjectPropertyCondition.h"
#include <wtf/FastMalloc.h>
#include <wtf/RefCounted.h>
#include <wtf/Vector.h>
namespace JSC {
// An object property condition set is used to represent the set of additional conditions
// that need to be met for some heap access to be valid. The set can have the following
// interesting states:
// Empty: There are no special conditions that need to be met.
// Invalid: The heap access is never valid.
// Non-empty: The heap access is valid if all the ObjectPropertyConditions in the set are valid.
class ObjectPropertyConditionSet {
ObjectPropertyConditionSet() { }
static ObjectPropertyConditionSet invalid()
ObjectPropertyConditionSet result;
result.m_data = adoptRef(new Data());
return result;
static ObjectPropertyConditionSet create(const Vector<ObjectPropertyCondition>& vector)
if (vector.isEmpty())
return ObjectPropertyConditionSet();
ObjectPropertyConditionSet result;
result.m_data = adoptRef(new Data());
result.m_data->vector = vector;
return result;
bool isValid() const
return !m_data || !m_data->vector.isEmpty();
bool isValidAndWatchable() const;
bool isEmpty() const
return !m_data;
typedef const ObjectPropertyCondition* iterator;
iterator begin() const
if (!m_data)
return nullptr;
return m_data->vector.begin();
iterator end() const
if (!m_data)
return nullptr;
return m_data->vector.end();
ObjectPropertyCondition forObject(JSObject*) const;
ObjectPropertyCondition forConditionKind(PropertyCondition::Kind) const;
unsigned numberOfConditionsWithKind(PropertyCondition::Kind) const;
bool hasOneSlotBaseCondition() const;
// If this is a condition set for a prototype hit, then this is guaranteed to return the
// condition on the prototype itself. This allows you to get the object, offset, and
// attributes for the prototype. This will RELEASE_ASSERT that there is exactly one Presence
// in the set, and it will return that presence.
ObjectPropertyCondition slotBaseCondition() const;
// Attempt to create a new condition set by merging this one with the other one. This will
// fail if any of the conditions are incompatible with each other. When if fails, it returns
// invalid().
ObjectPropertyConditionSet mergedWith(const ObjectPropertyConditionSet& other) const;
bool structuresEnsureValidity() const;
bool structuresEnsureValidityAssumingImpurePropertyWatchpoint() const;
bool needImpurePropertyWatchpoint() const;
bool areStillLive() const;
void dumpInContext(PrintStream&, DumpContext*) const;
void dump(PrintStream&) const;
// Helpers for using this in a union.
void* releaseRawPointer()
return static_cast<void*>(m_data.leakRef());
static ObjectPropertyConditionSet adoptRawPointer(void* rawPointer)
ObjectPropertyConditionSet result;
result.m_data = adoptRef(static_cast<Data*>(rawPointer));
return result;
static ObjectPropertyConditionSet fromRawPointer(void* rawPointer)
ObjectPropertyConditionSet result;
result.m_data = static_cast<Data*>(rawPointer);
return result;
// FIXME: Everything below here should be private, but cannot be because of a bug in VS.
// Internally, this represents Invalid using a pointer to a Data that has an empty vector.
// FIXME: This could be made more compact by having it internally use a vector that just has
// the non-uid portion of ObjectPropertyCondition, and then requiring that the callers of all
// of the APIs supply the uid.
class Data : public ThreadSafeRefCounted<Data> {
Data() { }
Vector<ObjectPropertyCondition> vector;
RefPtr<Data> m_data;
ObjectPropertyCondition generateConditionForSelfEquivalence(
VM&, JSCell* owner, JSObject* object, UniquedStringImpl* uid);
ObjectPropertyConditionSet generateConditionsForPropertyMiss(
VM&, JSCell* owner, ExecState*, Structure* headStructure, UniquedStringImpl* uid);
ObjectPropertyConditionSet generateConditionsForPropertySetterMiss(
VM&, JSCell* owner, ExecState*, Structure* headStructure, UniquedStringImpl* uid);
ObjectPropertyConditionSet generateConditionsForPrototypePropertyHit(
VM&, JSCell* owner, ExecState*, Structure* headStructure, JSObject* prototype,
UniquedStringImpl* uid);
ObjectPropertyConditionSet generateConditionsForPrototypePropertyHitCustom(
VM&, JSCell* owner, ExecState*, Structure* headStructure, JSObject* prototype,
UniquedStringImpl* uid);
ObjectPropertyConditionSet generateConditionsForPrototypeEquivalenceConcurrently(
VM&, JSGlobalObject*, Structure* headStructure, JSObject* prototype,
UniquedStringImpl* uid);
ObjectPropertyConditionSet generateConditionsForPropertyMissConcurrently(
VM&, JSGlobalObject*, Structure* headStructure, UniquedStringImpl* uid);
ObjectPropertyConditionSet generateConditionsForPropertySetterMissConcurrently(
VM&, JSGlobalObject*, Structure* headStructure, UniquedStringImpl* uid);
} // namespace JSC