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#pragma once
#include "JSFunctionInlines.h"
#include "ObjectPropertyConditionSet.h"
namespace JSC {
struct AccessGenerationState;
// An AccessCase describes one of the cases of a PolymorphicAccess. A PolymorphicAccess represents a
// planned (to generate in future) or generated stub for some inline cache. That stub contains fast
// path code for some finite number of fast cases, each described by an AccessCase object.
// An AccessCase object has a lifecycle that proceeds through several states. Note that the states
// of AccessCase have a lot to do with the global effect epoch (we'll say epoch for short). This is
// a simple way of reasoning about the state of the system outside this AccessCase. Any observable
// effect - like storing to a property, changing an object's structure, etc. - increments the epoch.
// The states are:
// Primordial: This is an AccessCase that was just allocated. It does not correspond to any actual
// code and it is not owned by any PolymorphicAccess. In this state, the AccessCase
// assumes that it is in the same epoch as when it was created. This is important
// because it may make claims about itself ("I represent a valid case so long as you
// register a watchpoint on this set") that could be contradicted by some outside
// effects (like firing and deleting the watchpoint set in question). This is also the
// state that an AccessCase is in when it is cloned (AccessCase::clone()).
// Committed: This happens as soon as some PolymorphicAccess takes ownership of this AccessCase.
// In this state, the AccessCase no longer assumes anything about the epoch. To
// accomplish this, PolymorphicAccess calls AccessCase::commit(). This must be done
// during the same epoch when the AccessCase was created, either by the client or by
// clone(). When created by the client, committing during the same epoch works because
// we can be sure that whatever watchpoint sets they spoke of are still valid. When
// created by clone(), we can be sure that the set is still valid because the original
// of the clone still has watchpoints on it.
// Generated: This is the state when the PolymorphicAccess generates code for this case by
// calling AccessCase::generate() or AccessCase::generateWithGuard(). At this point
// the case object will have some extra stuff in it, like possibly the CallLinkInfo
// object associated with the inline cache.
// FIXME: Moving into the Generated state should not mutate the AccessCase object or
// put more stuff into it. If we fix this, then we can get rid of AccessCase::clone().
// An AccessCase may be destroyed while in any of these states.
// We will sometimes buffer committed AccessCases in the PolymorphicAccess object before generating
// code. This allows us to only regenerate once we've accumulated (hopefully) more than one new
// AccessCase.
class AccessCase {
enum AccessType : uint8_t {
enum State : uint8_t {
template<typename T>
T& as() { return *static_cast<T*>(this); }
template<typename T>
const T& as() const { return *static_cast<const T*>(this); }
template<typename AccessCaseType, typename... Arguments>
static std::unique_ptr<AccessCaseType> create(Arguments... arguments)
return std::unique_ptr<AccessCaseType>(new AccessCaseType(arguments...));
static std::unique_ptr<AccessCase> create(VM&, JSCell* owner, AccessType, PropertyOffset = invalidOffset,
Structure* = nullptr, const ObjectPropertyConditionSet& = ObjectPropertyConditionSet());
// This create method should be used for transitions.
static std::unique_ptr<AccessCase> create(VM&, JSCell* owner, PropertyOffset, Structure* oldStructure,
Structure* newStructure, const ObjectPropertyConditionSet& = ObjectPropertyConditionSet());
static std::unique_ptr<AccessCase> fromStructureStubInfo(VM&, JSCell* owner, StructureStubInfo&);
AccessType type() const { return m_type; }
State state() const { return m_state; }
PropertyOffset offset() const { return m_offset; }
Structure* structure() const
if (m_type == Transition)
return m_structure->previousID();
return m_structure.get();
bool guardedByStructureCheck() const;
Structure* newStructure() const
ASSERT(m_type == Transition);
return m_structure.get();
ObjectPropertyConditionSet conditionSet() const { return m_conditionSet; }
virtual JSObject* alternateBase() const { return conditionSet().slotBaseCondition().object(); }
virtual WatchpointSet* additionalSet() const { return nullptr; }
virtual bool viaProxy() const { return false; }
// If you supply the optional vector, this will append the set of cells that this will need to keep alive
// past the call.
bool doesCalls(Vector<JSCell*>* cellsToMark = nullptr) const;
bool isGetter() const
switch (type()) {
case Getter:
case CustomValueGetter:
case CustomAccessorGetter:
return true;
return false;
bool isAccessor() const { return isGetter() || type() == Setter; }
// Is it still possible for this case to ever be taken? Must call this as a prerequisite for
// calling generate() and friends. If this returns true, then you can call generate(). If
// this returns false, then generate() will crash. You must call generate() in the same epoch
// as when you called couldStillSucceed().
bool couldStillSucceed() const;
// If this method returns true, then it's a good idea to remove 'other' from the access once 'this'
// is added. This method assumes that in case of contradictions, 'this' represents a newer, and so
// more useful, truth. This method can be conservative; it will return false when it doubt.
bool canReplace(const AccessCase& other) const;
void dump(PrintStream& out) const;
virtual void dumpImpl(PrintStream&, CommaPrinter&) const { }
virtual ~AccessCase();
AccessCase(VM&, JSCell* owner, AccessType, PropertyOffset, Structure*, const ObjectPropertyConditionSet&);
AccessCase(const AccessCase&) = default;
AccessCase& operator=(const AccessCase&) = delete;
void resetState() { m_state = Primordial; }
friend class CodeBlock;
friend class PolymorphicAccess;
bool visitWeak(VM&) const;
bool propagateTransitions(SlotVisitor&) const;
// FIXME: This only exists because of how AccessCase puts post-generation things into itself.
virtual std::unique_ptr<AccessCase> clone() const;
// Perform any action that must be performed before the end of the epoch in which the case
// was created. Returns a set of watchpoint sets that will need to be watched.
Vector<WatchpointSet*, 2> commit(VM&, const Identifier&);
// Fall through on success. Two kinds of failures are supported: fall-through, which means that we
// should try a different case; and failure, which means that this was the right case but it needs
// help from the slow path.
void generateWithGuard(AccessGenerationState&, MacroAssembler::JumpList& fallThrough);
// Fall through on success, add a jump to the failure list on failure.
void generate(AccessGenerationState&);
void generateImpl(AccessGenerationState&);
AccessType m_type;
State m_state { Primordial };
PropertyOffset m_offset;
// Usually this is the structure that we expect the base object to have. But, this is the *new*
// structure for a transition and we rely on the fact that it has a strong reference to the old
// structure. For proxies, this is the structure of the object behind the proxy.
WriteBarrier<Structure> m_structure;
ObjectPropertyConditionSet m_conditionSet;
} // namespace JSC