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#pragma once
#include "MacroAssembler.h"
namespace JSC {
// What is MacroAssembler::print()?
// ===============================
// The MacroAsssembler::print() makes it easy to add print logging
// from JIT compiled code, and can be used to print all types of values
// at runtime e.g. CPU register values being operated on by the compiled
// code.
// print() is built on top of MacroAsssembler::probe(), and hence
// inserting logging in JIT compiled code will not perturb register values.
// The only register value that is perturbed is the PC (program counter)
// since there is now more compiled code to do the printing.
// How to use the MacroAssembler print()?
// =====================================
// 1. #include "MacroAssemblerPrinter.h" in the JIT file where you want to use print().
// 2. Add print() calls like these in your JIT code:
// jit.print("Hello world\n"); // Emits code to print the string.
// CodeBlock* cb = ...;
// jit.print(cb, "\n"); // Emits code to print the pointer value.
// RegisterID regID = ...;
// jit.print(regID, "\n"); // Emits code to print the register value (not the id).
// // Emits code to print all registers. Unlike other items, this prints
// // multiple lines as follows:
// // cpu {
// // eax: 0x123456789
// // ebx: 0x000000abc
// // ...
// // }
// jit.print(AllRegisters());
// jit.print(MemWord<uint8_t>(regID), "\n"); // Emits code to print a byte pointed to by the register.
// jit.print(MemWord<uint32_t>(regID), "\n"); // Emits code to print a 32-bit word pointed to by the register.
// jit.print(MemWord<uint8_t>(Address(regID, 23), "\n"); // Emits code to print a byte at the address.
// jit.print(MemWord<intptr_t>(AbsoluteAddress(&cb), "\n"); // Emits code to print an intptr_t sized word at the address.
// jit.print(Memory(reg, 100), "\n"); // Emits code to print a 100 bytes at the address pointed by the register.
// jit.print(Memory(Address(reg, 4), 100), "\n"); // Emits code to print a 100 bytes at the address.
// // Print multiple things at once. This incurs the probe overhead only once
// // to print all the items.
// jit.print("cb:", cb, " regID:", regID, " cpu:\n", AllRegisters());
// The type of values that can be printed is encapsulated in the PrintArg struct below.
// Note: print() does not automatically insert a '\n' at the end of the line.
// If you want a '\n', you'll have to add it explicitly (as in the examples above).
// This is a marker type only used with MacroAssemblerPrinter::print().
// See MacroAssemblerPrinter::print() below for details.
struct AllRegisters { };
struct PCRegister { };
struct Memory {
using Address = MacroAssembler::Address;
using AbsoluteAddress = MacroAssembler::AbsoluteAddress;
using RegisterID = MacroAssembler::RegisterID;
enum class AddressType {
enum DumpStyle {
Memory(RegisterID& reg, size_t bytes, DumpStyle style = GenericDump)
: addressType(AddressType::Address)
, dumpStyle(style)
, numBytes(bytes)
u.address = Address(reg, 0);
Memory(const Address& address, size_t bytes, DumpStyle style = GenericDump)
: addressType(AddressType::Address)
, dumpStyle(style)
, numBytes(bytes)
u.address = address;
Memory(const AbsoluteAddress& address, size_t bytes, DumpStyle style = GenericDump)
: addressType(AddressType::AbsoluteAddress)
, dumpStyle(style)
, numBytes(bytes)
u.absoluteAddress = address;
AddressType addressType;
DumpStyle dumpStyle;
size_t numBytes;
union UnionedAddress {
UnionedAddress() { }
Address address;
AbsoluteAddress absoluteAddress;
} u;
template <typename IntType>
struct MemWord : public Memory {
MemWord(RegisterID& reg)
: Memory(reg, sizeof(IntType), Memory::SingleWordDump)
{ }
MemWord(const Address& address)
: Memory(address, sizeof(IntType), Memory::SingleWordDump)
{ }
MemWord(const AbsoluteAddress& address)
: Memory(address, sizeof(IntType), Memory::SingleWordDump)
{ }
class MacroAssemblerPrinter {
using CPUState = MacroAssembler::CPUState;
using ProbeContext = MacroAssembler::ProbeContext;
using RegisterID = MacroAssembler::RegisterID;
using FPRegisterID = MacroAssembler::FPRegisterID;
template<typename... Arguments>
static void print(MacroAssembler* masm, Arguments... args)
auto argsList = std::make_unique<PrintArgsList>();
appendPrintArg(argsList.get(), args...);
masm->probe(printCallback, argsList.release(), 0);
struct PrintArg {
enum class Type {
: type(Type::AllRegisters)
: type(Type::PCRegister)
PrintArg(RegisterID regID)
: type(Type::RegisterID)
u.gpRegisterID = regID;
PrintArg(FPRegisterID regID)
: type(Type::FPRegisterID)
u.fpRegisterID = regID;
PrintArg(const Memory& memory)
: type(Type::Memory)
u.memory = memory;
PrintArg(const char* ptr)
: type(Type::ConstCharPtr)
u.constCharPtr = ptr;
PrintArg(const void* ptr)
: type(Type::ConstVoidPtr)
u.constVoidPtr = ptr;
PrintArg(int value)
: type(Type::IntptrValue)
u.intptrValue = value;
PrintArg(unsigned value)
: type(Type::UintptrValue)
u.intptrValue = value;
PrintArg(intptr_t value)
: type(Type::IntptrValue)
u.intptrValue = value;
PrintArg(uintptr_t value)
: type(Type::UintptrValue)
u.uintptrValue = value;
Type type;
union Value {
Value() { }
RegisterID gpRegisterID;
FPRegisterID fpRegisterID;
Memory memory;
const char* constCharPtr;
const void* constVoidPtr;
intptr_t intptrValue;
uintptr_t uintptrValue;
} u;
typedef Vector<PrintArg> PrintArgsList;
template<typename FirstArg, typename... Arguments>
static void appendPrintArg(PrintArgsList* argsList, FirstArg& firstArg, Arguments... otherArgs)
appendPrintArg(argsList, otherArgs...);
static void appendPrintArg(PrintArgsList*) { }
static void printCallback(ProbeContext*);
template<typename... Arguments>
void MacroAssembler::print(Arguments... args)
MacroAssemblerPrinter::print(this, args...);
// These printers will print a block of information. That block may be
// indented with the specified indentation.
void printCPU(MacroAssembler::CPUState&, int indentation = 0);
void printCPURegisters(MacroAssembler::CPUState&, int indentation = 0);
// These printers will print the specified information in line in the
// print stream. Hence, no indentation will be applied.
void printRegister(MacroAssembler::CPUState&, MacroAssembler::RegisterID);
void printRegister(MacroAssembler::CPUState&, MacroAssembler::FPRegisterID);
void printMemory(MacroAssembler::CPUState&, const Memory&);
} // namespace JSC