Update integrate-devtool-to-android.md
diff --git a/source/guide/integrate-devtool-to-android.md b/source/guide/integrate-devtool-to-android.md
index c81e16c..0ea97a0 100644
--- a/source/guide/integrate-devtool-to-android.md
+++ b/source/guide/integrate-devtool-to-android.md
@@ -12,117 +12,102 @@
 Weex devtools is a custom devtools for weex that implements Chrome Debugging Protocol inspired by Stetho, it is designed to help you quickly inspect your app and debug your JS bundle source in a Chrome web page. To make it work, at first you must integrate devtool to your App. This page will help you integrate devtool to your Android App.
+#### Version compatibility
+| weex sdk | weex inspector | Debugger Server |
+| 0.13+    | 0.12+          | 0.2.39+         |
+| |       | 0.2.39+         |
+| 0.7.0+   |       | 0.2.38          |
+| 0.6.0+   |        | -               |
+| 0.16.0+  | 0.12.1         | -               |
+| 0.17.0+  | 0.13.2         | -               |
+| 0.18.0+  | 0.13.4-multicontext | -               |
+| 0.19.0+  | 0.18.68        | -               |
 ## Integrate to Android
 ### Installing Dependencies
-Weex Devtools depend on `weex_inspector`. I strongly recommend you use the latest version since both Weex SDK and devtools are developed iteratively and rapidly. See the release version list [here](https://github.com/weexteam/weex_devtools_android/releases). All the release version will publish to the [jcenter repo](https://bintray.com/alibabaweex/maven/weex_inspector). There are two choices to install it:
+Weex Devtools depend on `weex_inspector`. I strongly recommend you use the latest version since both Weex SDK and devtools are developed iteratively and rapidly. 
 - From Gradle
-  ```gradle
+ ```
   dependencies {
-    compile 'com.taobao.android:weex_inspector:0.13.2'
+     compile 'com.taobao.android:weex_inspector:0.18.10'
+- From Maven
+  <dependency>
+    <groupId>com.taobao.android</groupId>
+    <artifactId>weex_inspector</artifactId>
+    <version>0.18.10</version>
+    <type>pom</type>
+  </dependency>
+  ```
 - From source code
-  you need to copy the dir of inspector to the same dir of your app and add `include ":inspector"`in your project's `settings.gradle` file just like playground have done, then add dependency in your app's `build.gralde`.
+  you need to copy the dir of [inspector](https://github.com/weexteam/weex_devtools_android/tree/master/inspector) to the same dir of your app and add `include ":inspector"`in your project's `settings.gradle` file just like playground have done, then add dependency in your app's `build.gralde`.
   dependencies {
     compile project(':inspector')
-#### Version compatibility
-| weex sdk | weex inspector | Debugger Server |
-| |       | 0.2.39+         |
-| 0.7.0+   |       | 0.2.38          |
-| 0.6.0+   |        | -               |
-| 0.16.0+  | 0.12.1         | -               |
-| 0.17.0+  | 0.13.2         | -               |
+- need include okhttp 2.3.0
+ ```
+  dependencies {
+     compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.3.0'
+     compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp-ws:2.3.0'
+  }
+ ```
 ### Adding Debug mode switch
-The key to control the opening and closing of the debug mode can be summarized as three rules:
+The easiest way is reuse the code of playground. On the other hand QR code is not necessary, if you review the source code you can draw a conclusion that QR CODE is just a way to set devtools server address. There are two examples of how to open debug modes in the Playground App:
-**No.1: Set the switch and Debugger Server addresses via `sRemoteDebugMode` and ` sRemoteDebugProxyUrl`.**
+ - Demo 1: Set the debug mode via `XXXApplication` <br>
-`WXEnvironment` class has a pair of static variables mark Weex current debug mode:
+``` Java
+public class MyApplication extends Application {
+  public void onCreate() {
+  super.onCreate();
+  initDebugEnvironment(true, "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"/*"DEBUG_SERVER_HOST"*/);
+  //WXSDKEngine.reload();
+  }
-public static boolean sRemoteDebugMode; // default close
-public static String sRemoteDebugProxyUrl; // Debugger Server addresses
-You have to set `WXEnvironment.sRemoteDebugMode` and `WXEnvironment.sRemoteDebugProxyUrl` at the right time, for example:
 private void initDebugEnvironment(boolean enable, String host) {
   WXEnvironment.sRemoteDebugMode = enable;
   WXEnvironment.sRemoteDebugProxyUrl = "ws://" + host + ":8088/debugProxy/native";
-You can find detail and suitable way of initialize inspector in `Playground`.
+ - Demo 2: Set the debug mode by scan QR code <br>
-**No.2: You must call `WXSDKEngine.reload()` method when `sRemoteDebugMode` was changed.**
-You can control a state of debug mode via the `WXEnvironment.sRemoteDebugMode`, but you need reset Weex runtime if you changed a state of debug mode.
-private void initWXBridge(boolean remoteDebug) {
-    if (remoteDebug && WXEnvironment.isApkDebugable()) {
-      WXEnvironment.sDebugServerConnectable = true;
-    }
-    if (mWxDebugProxy != null) {
-      mWxDebugProxy.stop(false);
-    }
-    if (WXEnvironment.sDebugServerConnectable && (WXEnvironment.isApkDebugable() || WXEnvironment.sForceEnableDevTool)) {
-      if (WXEnvironment.getApplication() != null) {
-        try {
-          Class clazz = Class.forName("com.taobao.weex.devtools.debug.DebugServerProxy");
-          if (clazz != null) {
-            Constructor constructor = clazz.getConstructor(Context.class, WXBridgeManager.class);
-            if (constructor != null) {
-              mWxDebugProxy = (IWXDebugProxy) constructor.newInstance(
-                      WXEnvironment.getApplication(), WXBridgeManager.this);
-              if (mWxDebugProxy != null) {
-                mWxDebugProxy.start(new WXJsFunctions());
-              }
-            }
-          }
-        } catch (Throwable e) {
-          //Ignore, It will throw Exception on Release environment
-        }
-        WXServiceManager.execAllCacheJsService();
-      } else {
-        WXLogUtils.e("WXBridgeManager", "WXEnvironment.sApplication is null, skip init Inspector");
-        WXLogUtils.w("WXBridgeManager", new Throwable("WXEnvironment.sApplication is null when init Inspector"));
-      }
-    }
-    if (remoteDebug && mWxDebugProxy != null) {
-      mWXBridge = mWxDebugProxy.getWXBridge();
-    } else {
-      mWXBridge = new WXBridge();
-    }
+``` Java
+if (WXEnvironment.isApkDebugable()) {
+  String devToolUrl = uri.getQueryParameter("_wx_devtool");
+  if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(devToolUrl)) {
+    WXEnvironment.sRemoteDebugProxyUrl = devToolUrl;
+    WXEnvironment.sDebugServerConnectable = true;
+    WXSDKEngine.reload(XXXXX.getApplication(), false);
+  }
-In this way, You can control the debug mode flexibly.
-**No.3: Auto refresh page via `ACTION_DEBUG_INSTANCE_REFRESH` broadcast**
-`ACTION_DEBUG_INSTANCE_REFRESH` can be broadcast messages when the debug mode is switched or Chrome page refresh. You can use this mechanism to inform the current page to refresh in time.
+ - Note:Auto refresh page via `ACTION_DEBUG_INSTANCE_REFRESH` broadcast
+  `ACTION_DEBUG_INSTANCE_REFRESH` can be broadcast messages when the debug mode is switched or Chrome page refresh. You can use this mechanism to inform the current page to refresh in time.
+``` Java
 public class RefreshBroadcastReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver {
     public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
@@ -143,28 +128,6 @@
-### Example
-The easiest way is reuse the code of playground. On the other hand QR code is not necessary, if you review the source code you can draw a conclusion that QR CODE is just a way to set devtools server address. There are two examples of how to open debug modes in the Playground App:
-- Set the debug mode via `XXXApplication`
-  ```java
-  public class MyApplication extends Application {
-    public void onCreate() {
-    super.onCreate();
-    initDebugEnvironment(true, "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"/*"DEBUG_SERVER_HOST"*/);
-    }
-  }
-  ```
-- Set the debug mode by scan QR code
-  You review the source code of playground.
-  - Debug mode switch control: [`WXApplication.java`](https://github.com/weexteam/weex_devtools_android/blob/master/playground/app/src/main/java/com/alibaba/weex/WXApplication.java)
-  - Refresh control [`WXPageActivity.java`](https://github.com/weexteam/weex_devtools_android/blob/master/playground/app/src/main/java/com/alibaba/weex/WXPageActivity.java)
 ## Known Issues