blob: 83234e31661688bc6046ae77861abfeab717147a [file] [log] [blame]
// WXConsoleDomainController.m
// PonyDebugger
// Created by Wen-Hao Lue on 2013-01-30.
// Licensed to Square, Inc. under one or more contributor license agreements.
// See the LICENSE file distributed with this work for the terms under
// which Square, Inc. licenses this file to you.
#import "WXConsoleDomainController.h"
#import "WXRuntimeDomainController.h"
#import "WXDefinitions.h"
#import "WXRuntimeTypes.h"
#import "WXConsoleDomain.h"
#import "WXConsoleTypes.h"
#import "NSObject+WXRuntimePropertyDescriptor.h"
@interface WXConsoleDomainController () <WXConsoleCommandDelegate>
// Keep track of any keys coming in from the logging functions to release later.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableSet *loggedObjectKeys;
@implementation WXConsoleDomainController
@dynamic domain;
#pragma mark - Statics
+ (WXConsoleDomainController *)defaultInstance;
static WXConsoleDomainController *defaultInstance = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
defaultInstance = [[WXConsoleDomainController alloc] init];
return defaultInstance;
+ (Class)domainClass;
return [WXConsoleDomain class];
#pragma mark - WXConsoleCommandDelegate
// Clears console messages collected in the browser.
- (void)domain:(WXConsoleDomain *)domain clearMessagesWithCallback:(void (^)(id error))callback;
// Clearing the console will release all references logged at the current time.
[[WXRuntimeDomainController defaultInstance] clearObjectReferencesByKey:self.loggedObjectKeys.allObjects];
[self.loggedObjectKeys removeAllObjects];
#pragma mark - Public Methods
- (void)logWithArguments:(NSArray *)args severity:(NSString *)severity
// Construct the message by creating the runtime objects for each argument provided.
NSMutableString *text = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *parameters = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (NSObject *object in args) {
WXRuntimeRemoteObject *remoteObject = [NSObject WX_remoteObjectRepresentationForObject:object];
if ([remoteObject.subtype isEqualToString:@"array"]) {
remoteObject.subtype = nil;
[text appendFormat:@"%@ ", object];
[parameters addObject:remoteObject];
if (remoteObject.objectId) {
[self.loggedObjectKeys addObject:remoteObject.objectId];
[text deleteCharactersInRange:NSMakeRange(text.length - 1, 1)];
WXConsoleConsoleMessage *consoleMessage = [[WXConsoleConsoleMessage alloc] init];
NSArray *severityOptions = @[@"debug", @"log", @"warning", @"info", @"error"];
if ([severityOptions containsObject:severity]) {
consoleMessage.level = severity;
} else {
consoleMessage.level = @"log";
consoleMessage.source = @"console-api";
consoleMessage.stackTrace = [[NSArray alloc] init];
consoleMessage.parameters = parameters;
consoleMessage.repeatCount = [NSNumber numberWithInteger:1];
consoleMessage.text = text;
[self.domain messageAddedWithMessage:consoleMessage];
- (void)clear;
[self.domain messagesCleared];
// Clearing the console will release all references logged at the current time.
[[WXRuntimeDomainController defaultInstance] clearObjectReferencesByKey:self.loggedObjectKeys.allObjects];
[self.loggedObjectKeys removeAllObjects];