blob: bc872ed5d84b3eed686f429b334417a668719271 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
export const en = {
title: 'Weex Debug Tool',
navbar: {
help: 'Help',
environmentSetting: 'Environment',
bundlesToggle: 'Pages'
home: {
languageTitle: '切换语言',
welcomMessage: 'Welcome to weex debugging tool',
tabs: {
debugName: 'Debug',
pageName: 'Pages'
tips: {
quickStartTitle: 'Quick start',
quickStartDesc: 'Quickly learn how to use the weex debugging tool',
quickStartUrl: '',
guideTitle: 'Tutorial',
guideDesc: 'Detailed instructions for using each function',
guideUrl: '',
integerTitle: 'Integrate Weex Devtool',
integerDesc: 'Learn how to integrate the Weex Devtool SDK into your app',
integerUrl: '',
helpTitle: 'Help & Feedback',
helpDesc: 'Submit a Github issue to help Weex Devtool be better',
helpUrl: '',
noJsBundle: 'There is no preview page yet, you can compile the page with the following command'
toastTips: {
copySuccess: 'Copy success',
openPage: 'Open page'
version: 'Version'
defaultPage: {
title: 'Performance',
pageDescription: 'The page is under development...'
weexDebugPage: {
title: 'Weex Debug',
appInfo: 'APP Info',
sdkVersion: 'SDK Version',
jsDebug: 'JS Debug',
network: 'Network',
logLevel: 'LogLevel',
elementMode: 'ElementMode',
clearHistory: 'Clean',
workerJsDesc: 'WorkerJS is a debugging intermediate file, the file starts with \`[Runtime]-\`',
jsServiceDesc: 'JSService is using <a href="" target="_blank">JSService API</a>register in the run, multiple files separated by commas',
dependenceJsDesc: 'DependenceJS is the JS file injected by Weex in the JS environment before creating the instance',
jsFrameworkDesc: 'JSFramework is the JS that provides the initial environment for weex to run',
environmentSettingOkDesc: 'Change Setting',
environmentSettingCancelDesc: 'Reset',
reloadDesc: 'Refresh',
restoreDesc: 'Restore',
mockTips: 'Mock file',
generatorFile: 'Generate File',
environmentSetting: 'Environment Setting',
generatingFile: 'New Files',
generateFile: 'New File',
reloadSuccess: 'Reload Success',
reloading: 'Reloading',
ensureDeleteHistory: 'Delete History?',
changeEnvSetting: 'Change Environment',
changeSettingSuccess: 'Change Success',
noEmptyUrl: 'Url should not be empty',
loadingTip: 'Loading',
loadingSuccess: 'Load Success',
noPages: 'No pages'
sideBar: {
weex: {
title: 'WEEX DEBUG'
analyze: {
tour: {
step_1: 'Click here to control the <strong>JS Debug</strong> switch, and start JS debugging after opening!',
step_2: 'Click here to select Log log level',
step_3: 'Click here to refresh the Weex page after entering the debug page',
step_4: 'Enter the JSBundle file you want to access locally, press Enter to jump',
step_5: 'Click here to configure for the Weex runtime environment',
step_6: 'Click here to Mock replace the file',
step_7: 'Click here to make the environment configuration take effect',
step_8: 'Click here to reset the environment',
nextText: 'Next',
prevText: 'Prev',
finishText: 'Finish',
skip: 'Skip'