Update Grep.java

split the command and its arguments into separate strings, ensuring that the output variable is passed as a single argument to the rm command, regardless of its content. Avoids arbitrary command execution.
diff --git a/wayang-benchmark/code/main/java/org/apache/wayang/apps/grep/Grep.java b/wayang-benchmark/code/main/java/org/apache/wayang/apps/grep/Grep.java
index fe59312..9ece8ab 100644
--- a/wayang-benchmark/code/main/java/org/apache/wayang/apps/grep/Grep.java
+++ b/wayang-benchmark/code/main/java/org/apache/wayang/apps/grep/Grep.java
@@ -104,10 +104,8 @@
     String input = args[2]+"/python/src/pywy/tests/resources/10e"+size+"MB.input";
     String output = args[2]+"/lala.out";
-    String command = "rm -r "+output;
-    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
-    Process process = rt.exec(new String[] {
-                    (command)});
+    String[] command = {"rm", "-r", output};
+    Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
     long pre = System.currentTimeMillis();
     switch (platform){